Specification for Rigid Urethane Foam (Withdrawn 1988)

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ASTM D2341-81 - Specification for Rigid Urethane Foam (Withdrawn 1988)
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I.C . . . -.
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IND-STD ASTM D234L-Bl NOTICE L 5b 9 7777778 0002784 7
I 2 October 1989 for
ArJ'rH D 2341 -81
June 26, 1981
AS'TPI D 2341-81 was adopted on 2 October 1989 and is approved far use by the
Department of üefense (Doll). ASI'PI has. furnished the clearance required by
existing regulations.
Copies of this document are stocked by DOU 'Jingle
Stock Point, Naval Publications and Forms Center, 5801 Tabor Avenue,
VhlladelPhla, PA
. . . . 19120, for issue to DoD activities only.
All other
requestoks must obtain documents from:
AS'r H
19'1 6. Race Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Title OF Document:
for Rigid Urethane Foam
Standard Specification
Date of Specific Issue Adopted:
June 26, 1981
Releasing Mon-Government Standards Body: ASTN
Plilitary Coordinating Activity:
Amy - ME
Navy - YD
- YU
Air Force - 99
(Project 5640-0474)
Heview Activities:
Army - Ct
Navy - SH
Air Force - 84
I. .
User Activities:
- CG, NC
FSC 5640
Approved for public releasé; distribution is
un1 imi ted.

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ASTM D2341 81 E 0757510 0025385 7 rn
~~ ~~
N - u-17
~ [[rk Designation: D 2341 - 81
1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM
If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.
Standard Specification for
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D2341; the number immediately following the designationindicates the
onginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
year of
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (E) indicates an editonalchange since the last revision or reapproval.
1. scope D 149 Test for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage
and Dielectric Strength of Electrical Insu-
î.1 This specification covers a class of rigid
lating Materials at Commercial Power
cellular materials known as urethane foam or
rigid cellular materials made from urethane
D257 Tests for D-C Resistance or Conduct-
raw materials where other types of repeated
ance of Insulating Materials6
structural units are present such as polycarbo-
D 790 Test for Flexural Properties of Plastics
diimide or polyisocyanurate. Urethane foam
and Electrical insulating Material5
may be generally defined as an expanded cel-
D 1621 Test for Compressive Properties of
lular product produced by a catalyzed reaction
Rigid Cellular Plastics'
of polyisocyanates with polyhydroxy com-
D 1622 Test for Apparent Density of Rigid
pounds. The detail requirements of this speci-
Cellular Plastics'
fication apply to the core material of the
D 1623 Test for Tensile and Tensile Adhe-
sprayed, laminated, molded, or foamed part. In
sion Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics'
the event that the product does not lend itself
D 1673 Test for Dielectric Constant and Dis-
to testing of the core, specific test samples shall
sipation Factor of Expanded Cellular Plas-
be agreed upon by the seller and the purchaser.
tics Used for Electrical Insulation'
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be
D 1898 RecommendedPractice for Sampling
regarded as the standard.
of Piastics'
NOTE I-For specific applications refer to ASTM
D2126 Test for Response of Rigid Cellular
Committee D-10 on Packaging, C-16 on Thermal
and Cryogenic Insulating Materials, (in particular Plastics to Thermal and Humid Aging'
ASTM SpecXicafion C591 for Rigid Preformed Cel-
D2842 Test for Water Absorption of Rigid
lular Urethane Insulation), and F-7 on Aerospace
Cellular Plastics'
Industry Methods.
D 2856 Test for Open Cell Content of Rigid
Cellular Plastics by the Air Pycnometer'
2. Applicable Documents
D2863 Measuring the Minimum Oxygen
2.1 ASTM Standards:
Concentration to Support Candle-Like
C 177 Test for Thermal Conductivity of Ma-
Combustion of Plastics (Oxygen Index)5
terials by Means of the Guarded Hot
D 3892 Practice for Packaging/Packing of
C 203 Test for Breaking Load and Calculated
Flexural Strength of Preformed Block-
Type Thermal Insulation3
' This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM
C273 Shear Test in Flatwise Plane of Flat
Committee D-20 on Plastics and is the direct responsibility
Sandwich Constructions or Sandwich
D 20.22 on Cellular Plastics.
of Subfommittee
Current edition approved June 26, 1981. Published De-
cember 1981. Originally published as D2341- 65 T. Last
C 355 Test for Water Vapor Transmission of
previous edition D 2341 - 78.
Thick Materials3
Annual Book of ASTM Standarh, Parts 18,35, and 44.
AnnuaIBook of ASTM Standards, Part 18.
C 518 Test for Steady-State Thermal Trans-
:Annual Book of ASTM Stand

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