ASTM F654-03
(Specification)Standard Specification for Residential Chain Link Fence Gates
Standard Specification for Residential Chain Link Fence Gates
1.1 This specification covers detail requirements for residential chain link fence gates, gate posts, and accessories.
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Designation: F 654 – 03
Standard Specification for
Residential Chain Link Fence Gates
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 654; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 5. Gate Frames, Fabric, Attachment, and Finish
1.1 This specification covers detail requirements for resi- 5.1 Gate Frames shall be of aluminum or steel tubing,
dential chain link fence gates, gate posts, and accessories. round or square, and assembled by means of corner fittings or
welded, or formed by bending.The bend should be smooth and
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards: 5.1.1 Corner Fitted and Welded Gates shall have vertical
A 780 Practice for Repair of Damaged and UncoatedAreas
and horizontal interior members spaced so that no horizontal
of Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings dimension between outside members shall be greater than 5 ft
F 1043 Specification for Strength and Protective Coatings
[1.524 m], and no vertical dimension between members shall
on Metal Industrial Chain Link Framework be greater than 5 ft [1.524 m].
F 626 Specification for Fence Fittings
5.2 Fabric shall match that of the line fabric adjacent to the
gate opening or as required by specifications or drawings, or
3. Classification
both. However, fabric having a breaking strength equivalent to
3.1 Residential chain link fence gates are classified as
or greater than the fabric used in the line of fence may be used.
5.3 AttachmentofFabrictoGateFrame—Stretch the fabric
3.1.1 Type I—Single Swing
so it is taut and fastened to frames by one of the following
3.1.2 Type II—Double Swing
3.2 No gate leaf over 6 ft [1.829 m] in height or over 6 ft
5.3.1 Place a round rod or flat bar through the fabric and
[1.829 m] in width shall be classified as residential, regardless
of use or location.
the vertical frame members. Clips or bands shall conform to
4. Manufacture
the profile of the frame members.
4.1 Zinc-coated steel frames shall be zinc-coated in accor-
5.3.2 Place a round rod or flat bar through the fabric and
dance with the zinc coating specified for the fence framework.
fasten with a J-bolt through the holes in the frame.
Welded joints shall have suitable rust preventive coating
5.3.3 Fasten all fabric to horizontal frame members and to
applied to the welds.
any interior frame members by means of clips, tie wires, or
4.2 Aluminum gate frame shall be the same base material
bands suitable to retain the fabric to the frame members.
and alloy as specified for the fence framework.Aluminum gate
Spacing should be at a maximum of 18 in. [450 mm] apart.
frames may be assembled with corner fittings.
6. Dimensions and Weights (of Gate Frames and Gate
4.3 Polymer-coated steel or aluminum frame shall be poly-
mer coated as specified for framework. Polymer-coated steel
frames may be assembled with corner fittings. Welded joints
6.1 Dimension (Height):
shall have suitable preventive coating applied to the welds.
6.1.1 The vertical dimension (height) of the gate should be
2 in. [60 mm] less than the specified height of the adjacent
NOTE 1—The word polymer is used to describe all types of heat set
organic exterior coatings and is not applicable to metallic coatings, such
6.1.2 Where interior members are required, they shall be
as zinc or aluminum.
evenly spaced between outside members.
6.2 Dimension (Width)—Gate opening sizes are figured on
This specification is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee F14 on Fences
the inside dimensions between gate posts. The actual width of
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F14.40 on Chain Link Fence and
Wire Accessories. the gate panel shall be equal to the opening minus the space
Current edition approved January 10, 2003. Published March 2003. Originally
required for free operation of hinges and latches.
approved in 1980. Last previous edition approved in 1998 as F 654 - 98.
6.3 Diameter and Weight of Frames—See Table 1.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Vol 01.06.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
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F 654–03
TABLE 1 Fence Frames (Minimum Requirements)
Outside Dimension Pipe, Wall Thickness, Nominal Weight,
in. [mm] in. [mm] lb/ft [kg/m]
Round tube 1.315 [33.4] 0.065 [1.65] 0.8681 [1.29]
Square tube 1.25 by 1.25 [31.75 by 31.75] 0.065 [1.65] 1.05 [1.56]
TABLE 2 Gate Posts (for Gate Leaf Width of 48 in. [1.219 m]
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