ASTM D6278-98
(Test Method)Standard Test Method for Shear Stability of Polymer Containing Fluids Using a European Diesel Injector Apparatus
Standard Test Method for Shear Stability of Polymer Containing Fluids Using a European Diesel Injector Apparatus
1.1 This test method covers the evaluation of the shear stability of polymer-containing fluids. The test method measures the percent viscosity loss at 100ºC of polymer-containing fluids when evaluated by a diesel injector apparatus procedure that uses European diesel injector test equipment. The viscosity loss reflects polymer degradation due to shear at the nozzle.
Note 1-Test Method D 2603 has been used for similar evaluation of shear stability; limitations are as indicated in the significance statement. No detailed attempt has been undertaken to correlate the results of this test method with those of the sonic shear test method.
Note 2-This test method uses test apparatus as defined in CEC L-14-A-93. This test method differs from CEC-L-14-A-93 in the period of time required for calibration.
Note 3-Test Method D5275 also shears oils in a diesel injector apparatus but may give different results.
Note 4-This test method has different calibration and operational requirements than Test Method D 3945.
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific precautionary statements are given in Section 8.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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Designation: D 6278 – 98 An American National Standard
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
Standard Test Method for
Shear Stability of Polymer Containing Fluids Using a
European Diesel Injector Apparatus
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6278; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope bility of Lubricating Oils Containing Polymers
1.1 This test method covers the evaluation of the shear
3. Terminology
stability of polymer-containing fluids. The test method mea-
3.1 Definitions:
sures the percent viscosity loss at 100°C of polymer-containing
3.1.1 kinematic viscosity, n—a measure of the resistance to
fluids when evaluated by a diesel injector apparatus procedure
flow of a fluid under gravity.
that uses European diesel injector test equipment. The viscosity
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
loss reflects polymer degradation due to shear at the nozzle.
3.2.1 calibration pressure, n—the recorded gage pressure
NOTE 1—Test Method D 2603 has been used for similar evaluation of
when calibration fluid RL 34 undergoes a viscosity loss of 2.75
shear stability; limitations are as indicated in the significance statement.
to 2.85 mm /s when the recorded gage pressure is within the
No detailed attempt has been undertaken to correlate the results of this test
range of 13.0 to 18.0 MPa.
method with those of the sonic shear test method.
3.2.2 viscosity loss, n—the loss in viscosity determined
NOTE 2—This test method uses test apparatus as defined in CEC
from the difference in kinematic viscosity at 100°C of pre-
L-14-A-93. This test method differs from CEC-L-14-A-93 in the period of
time required for calibration.
sheared and post-sheared fluid.
NOTE 3—Test Method D 5275 also shears oils in a diesel injector
3.2.3 percent viscosity loss, n—viscosity loss, as defined in
apparatus but may give different results.
3.2.2, divided by the pre-sheared viscosity, and reported as a
NOTE 4—This test method has different calibration and operational
requirements than Test Method D 3945.
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the 4. Summary of Test Method
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
4.1 A polymer-containing fluid is passed through a diesel
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
injector nozzle at a shear rate that causes polymer molecules to
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
degrade. The resultant degradation reduces the kinematic
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific precau-
viscosity of the fluid under test. The percent viscosity loss is a
tionary statements are given in Section 8.
measure of the mechanical shear stability of the polymer-
containing fluid.
2. Referenced Documents
5. Significance and Use
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D 445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent
5.1 This test method evaluates the percent viscosity loss for
and Opaque Liquids (and the Calculation of Dynamic
polymer-containing fluids resulting from polymer degradation
in the high shear nozzle device. Thermal or oxidative effects
D 2603 Test Method for Sonic Shear Stability of Polymer-
are minimized.
Containing Oils
5.2 This test method is used for quality control purposes by
D 3945 Test Method for Shear Stability of Polymer-
manufacturers of polymeric lubricant additives and their cus-
Containing Fluids Using a Diesel Injector Nozzle
D 5275 Test Method for Fuel Injector Shear Stability Test
5.3 This test method is not intended to predict viscosity loss
(FISST) for Polymer Containing Fluids
in field service in different field equipment under widely
2.2 Coordination European Council (CEC) Standard:
varying operating conditions, which may cause lubricant vis-
CEC L-14-A-93 Evaluation of the Mechanical Shear Sta-
cosity to change due to thermal and oxidative changes as well
as by the mechanical shearing of polymer. However, when the
field service conditions, primarily or exclusively, result in the
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-2 on
Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
degradation of polymer by mechanical shearing, there may be
D02.07 on Flow Properties.
Current edition approved June 10, 1998. Published September 1998.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01.
3 5 th
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.02. Available from CEC Secretariat, Madou Plaza, 25 floor, Place Madou 1,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.03. B-1210 Brussels, Belgium.
D 6278
signify filter blockage. When this occurs, the filter cartridge shall be
a correlation between the results from this test method and
results from the field.
6.1.5 A pressure sensing device (18), such as a glycerol-
6. Apparatus
filled pressure gage or electronic, digital display pressure
6.1 The apparatus consists of a fluid reservoir, a double-
indicator, shall be installed and separated from the line by a
plunger pump with an electric motor drive, an atomization
pressure snubber or needle valve to suitably dampen pressure
chamber with a diesel injector spray nozzle, and a fluid cooling
surges. The pressure device shall be occasionally pressure
vessel, installed in an area with an ambient temperature of 20
tested to ensure accuracy.
to 25°C (68 to 77°F). Figure A1.1 shows the schematic
6.1.6 Fluid Cooling Vessel, ((5) in Fig. A1.1), used to
representation of equipment.
maintain the specified temperature of the test fluid, as indicated
6.1.1 Fluid Reservoir, In Fig. A1.1, (7) is open on the top,
at the outlet of the fluid reservoir. This vessel is a glass
has approximately a 250 mL capacity, has a 45-mm (1.772-in.)
container with exterior cooling jacket constructed so that the
inner diameter, and is calibrated in units of volume. It is fitted
heat transfer surface of the jacket is spherical. The exterior
with an internal fluid distributor as detailed in Fig. A1.2. A
jacket diameter, d , is approximately 50 mm (1.969 in.). The
40-mm (1.575-in.) diameter watch glass with serrated edges is
interior heat transfer surface, d , is approximately 25 mm
an acceptable distributor plate. The distributor reduces the
(0.984 in.) in diameter. The overall length, L, is approximately
tendency of fluid channeling. Temperature is measured by a
180 mm (7.087 in.). A distributor plate, similar in design to the
thermometer suspended in the center of the fluid reservoir. The
distributor plate in the fluid reservoir, is positioned in the upper
bottom of the thermometer bulb shall be 10 to 15 mm above the
portion of the fluid cooling vessel to ensure contact between
entrance to the drain tube opening. Other temperature-
the fluid and the cooling surface. The discharge from the fluid
measuring equipment positioned at the same location may also
cooling vessel is through a three-way stopcock of the same
be used. The outlet is equipped with a three-way stopcock (8).
design used on the discharge of the fluid reservoir. The exterior
The three-way stopcock is of a cone type with a nonexchange-
cooling jacket shall be supplied with an adjustable volume of
able solid plug with an 8-mm (0.315-in.) nominal bore size.
cold water.
Transparent, plastic tubing, (10) in Fig. A1.1, is used to connect
7. Materials
the three-way stopcock to the pump inlet.
6.1.2 Double-Plunger Injection Pump, In Fig. A1.1 (11) is
7.1 Diesel Fuel (No. 2), initially required to adjust the diesel
defined as Bosch PE 2 A 90D 300/3 S2266. This pump is
injector nozzle valve opening pressure.
equipped with a stroke counter, (15), venting screw, (14), and
7.2 Calibration Fluid RL 34, used to ensure that when the
flow rate adjusting screw, (12).
apparatus is adjusted within a prescribed pressure range, the
6.1.3 Injection Pump, driven by a three-phase electric mo-
correct viscosity loss is obtained.
tor, (13) in Fig. A1.1., rated at a speed of 925 6 25 rpm.
8. Hazards This motor runs at 925 rpm on the 50 Hz current
prevalent in Europe; it will run at approximately 1100 rpm on
8.1 Warning—Use a safety shield between the high-
60 Hz current. The 1100 rpm speed is not acceptable in this pressure components and the operator during use of equipment.
procedure. A suitable means shall be taken to ensure the
8.2 Precaution—During operation, the line between the
prescribed 925 6 25 rpm speed to the injection pump. One pump and nozzle, ((16) in Fig. A1.1), is under a pressure of at
acceptable method is to usea6to5 speed reducer.
least 13.0 MPa (130 bar, or 1,885 psi). Pressures above the
6.1.4 Outlet of Injection Pump, connected to the atomization upper limit of 18.0 MPa (180 bar or 2611 psi) are possible if
chamber using high pressure steel tubing. The atomization
filter plugging occurs. Shut off the pump prior to tightening any
chamber, (2) in Fig. A1.1, is defined in more detail in Fig. A1.3.
fitting that is not properly sealed.
To minimize foam generation, the spray chamber is designed
9. Sampling
so that the fluid under test exits from the nozzle into a chamber
filled with the test fluid . A drain tube (17) fitted with a 9.1 Approximately 600 mL of fluid is needed per test.
two-way stopcock is included to minimize contamination from 9.2 The test fluid shall be at room temperature, uniform in
the previous test during the system cleaning steps. The diesel appearance, and free of any visible insoluble material prior to
injector nozzle is a Bosch DN 8 S 2-type pintle nozzle injector, placing in the test equipment.
number 0434 200 012, installed in a Bosch KD 43 SA 53/15 9.3 Water and insolubles shall be removed before testing, or
nozzle holder. The nozzle holder includes a filter cartridge. filter blocking and nozzle wear may occur. Filter blocking can
be detected by a sudden change in gage pressure. The transport
NOTE 5—Take great care to avoid damage to the precision parts of the
of insolubles to the shear zone will shorten nozzle life.
fuel injection equipment (the plunger and barrel in the pump and the
nozzle valve assembly). Service work on the equipment should be
10. Calibration and Standardization
performed by a diesel fuel injector pump specialist or with reference to the
manufacturer’s service manual. 10.1 Nozzle Adjustments—If the nozzle to be used is new or
NOTE 6—An unusual rapid rise in gage pressure during testing may
has not been pre-calibrated, adjust the diesel injector nozzle
holder with the nozzle in place. Adjust the nozzle using diesel
fuel and a nozzle tester so that the valve opening pressure is
The number in parentheses refers to the legend in Fig. A1.1.
13.0 MPa (1885 psi) under static conditions. If the nozzle has
Repair Instructions for Diesel Injection Pumps Size A, B, K and Z, Bulletin
WJP 101/1 B EP, Robert Bosch GmbH, 2800 South 25th Ave., Broadview, IL 60153. been pre-calibrated with RL34 calibration oil, adjust the valve
D 6278
apparatus prior to calibration and testing. For these steps, the stopcock
opening pressure to the calibration pressure prescribed, which
below the atomization chamber and cooling jackets are set so that oil will
must be between 13.0 MPa and 18.0 MPa (2611 psi).
flow into waste containers.
10.1.1 Install the nozzle and the nozzle holder in the test
apparatus. The pintle/spray nozzle shall be tightly fitted in the 10.3.3 Free the apparatus of air in the line by use of the
chamber to avoid leakage of oil around the external surface of venting screw, (14), and by manual compression of the
the spray nozzle. transparent flexible tube that connects the pump to the fluid
10.2 Measurement of Residual Undrained Volume, V : reservoir.
10.3.4 Set the stroke counter so that the pump will run a
10.2.1 The residual undrained oil volume of the system is
the volume of the system between the three-way stopcock sufficient length of time to evacuate the fluid out of the fluid
below the fluid reservoir, (8) in Fig. A1.1, and the injector
nozzle orifice, (1). V does not include the atomization 10.3.5 Start the pump. Observe the fluid level in the
reservoir and stop the pump when all the fluid is out of the base
chamber volume. When the residual undrained volume is
known, go to 10.3. of the reservoir but is still fully-retained in line (10).
10.3.6 Add a minimum of 50 mL of RL34 fluid to the fluid
10.2.2 To determine residual undrained volume, first re-
move as much fluid as possible by briefly running the pump. reservoir a second time and operate the pump until the fluid
reservoir is empty but line (10) is still filled with fluid.
10.2.3 Remove the high-pressure lines, (16) in Fig. A1.1,
and drain. Remove the plug at the end of the pump gallery to 10.3.7 After all oil has drained, close the stopcock on the
atomization chamber drain line (17), position stopcock (6) so
drain the remaining oil in the pump. Drain atomization
chamber (2). that fluid will flow from the cooling jacket into the fluid
10.2.4 Reassemble the system and close all drains. The reservoir.
upper three-way stopcock (6) shall be open to the lower 10.3.8 Remove the thermometer or temperature probe from
reservoir (7) and the lower three-way cock (8) shall be open to the fluid reservoir.
the pump suction (10).
NOTE 9—The thermometer and assembly can interfere with the obtain-
10.2.5 Add 170 mL of RL34 calibration oil to the lower
ment of accurate volume measurements in the fluid reservoir, hence its
reservoir (7) and observe the level. Start the pump and run for
removal is called for when the accurate determination of fluid volume is
several minutes until the oil is transparent and free of sus-
needed. A thermocouple or thermistor probe is a suitable alternative to a
pended air.
10.2.6 Stop the pump. Drain the fluid in the atomization
10.3.9 Add a minimum amount of fluid equal to the sum of
chamber into a beaker and then pour the fluid back into the
30 mL plus V , determined in 10.2.8, to the fluid reservoir.
lower reservoir; draining to waste will result in an error in the
10.3.10 Close the stopcock below the atomization chamber
measurement of V . Allow the system to drain for 20 min and
res drain line (17) and position stopcock (6) so that the fluid will
free air trapped in the transparent connecting tube between the
drain from the cooling jacket into the fluid reservoir.
lower reservoir and pump.
NOTE 10—The atomization chamber drain line is always closed for the
10.2.7 Obs
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