ASTM E2058-00
(Test Method)Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Synthetic Polymer Material Flammability Using a Fire Propagation Apparatus (FPA)
Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Synthetic Polymer Material Flammability Using a Fire Propagation Apparatus (FPA)
1.1 This fire-test-response standard determines and quantifies synthetic polymer material flammability characteristics, related to the propensity of materials to support fire propagation, by means of a fire propagation apparatus (FPA). Material flammability characteristics that are quantified include time to ignition (tign), chemical ( Qchem), and convective ( Qc) heat release rates, mass loss rate ( m) and effective heat of combustion (EHC).
1.2 The following test methods, capable of being performed separately and independently, are included herein:
1.2.1 Ignition Test, to determine tign for a horizontal specimen;
1.2.2 Combustion Test, to determine Qchem, Qc'm, and EHC from burning of a horizontal specimen; and,
1.2.3 Fire Propagation Test to determine Qchem from burning of a vertical specimen.
1.3 Distinguishing features of the FPA include tungsten-quartz external, isolated heaters to provide a radiant flux of up to 65 kW/m 2 to the test specimen, which remains constant whether the surface regresses or expands; provision for combustion or upward fire propagation in prescribed flows of normal air, air enriched with up to 40 % oxygen, air oxygen vitiated, pure nitrogen or mixtures of gaseous suppression agents with the preceding air mixtures; and, the capability of measuring heat release rates and exhaust product flows generated during upward fire propagation on a vertical test specimen 0.305 m high.
1.4 The FPA is used to evaluate the flammability of synthetic polymer materials and products. It is also designed to obtain the transient response of such materials and products to prescribed heat fluxes in specified inert or oxidizing environments and to obtain laboratory measurements of generation rates of fire products (CO2, CO, and, if desired, gaseous hydrocarbons) for use in fire safety engineering.
1.5 Ignition of the specimen is by means of a pilot flame at a prescribed location with respect to the specimen surface.
1.6 The Fire Propagation test of vertical specimens is not suitable for materials that, on heating, melt sufficiently to form a liquid pool.
1.7 Values stated are in SI units. Values in parentheses are for information only.
1.8 This standard is used to measure and describe the response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and flame under controlled conditions, but does not by itself incorporate all factors required for fire hazard or fire risk assessment of the materials, products or assemblies under actual fire conditions.
1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazard statements, see Section 7.
General Information
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Designation: E 2058 – 00
Standard Test Methods for
Measurement of Synthetic Polymer Material Flammability
Using a Fire Propagation Apparatus (FPA)
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2058; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope suitable for materials that, on heating, melt sufficiently to form
a liquid pool.
1.1 This fire-test-response standard determines and quanti-
1.7 Values stated are in SI units. Values in parentheses are
fies synthetic polymer material flammability characteristics,
for information only.
related to the propensity of materials to support fire propaga-
1.8 This standard is used to measure and describe the
tion, by means of a fire propagation apparatus (FPA). Material
response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and flame
flammability characteristics that are quantified include time to
under controlled conditions, but does not by itself incorporate
˙ ˙
ignition (t ), chemical ( Q ), and convective ( Q ) heat
ign chem c
all factors required for fire hazard or fire risk assessment of the
release rates, mass loss rate ( m˙ ) and effective heat of
materials, products or assemblies under actual fire conditions.
combustion (EHC).
1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the
1.2 The following test methods, capable of being performed
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
separately and independently, are included herein:
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
1.2.1 Ignition Test, to determine t for a horizontal speci-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazard
˙ ˙
1.2.2 Combustion Test, to determine Q , Q , m˙ , and EHC
chem c
statements, see Section 7.
from burning of a horizontal specimen; and,
1.2.3 Fire Propagation Test, to determine Q from burn-
2. Referenced Documents
ing of a vertical specimen.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
1.3 Distinguishing features of the FPA include tungsten-
E 176 Terminology of Fire Standards
quartz external, isolated heaters to provide a radiant flux of up
E 906 Test Method for Heat and Visible Smoke Release
to 65 kW/m to the test specimen, which remains constant
Rates for Materials and Products
whether the surface regresses or expands; provision for com-
E 1321 Test Method for Determining Material Ignition and
bustion or upward fire propagation in prescribed flows of
Flame Spread Properties
normal air, air enriched with up to 40 % oxygen, air oxygen
E 1354 Test Method for Heat and Visible Smoke Release
vitiated, pure nitrogen or mixtures of gaseous suppression
Rates for Materials and Products Using an Oxygen Con-
agents with the preceding air mixtures; and, the capability of
sumption Calorimeter
measuring heat release rates and exhaust product flows gener-
E 1623 Test Method for Determination of Fire and Thermal
ated during upward fire propagation on a vertical test specimen
Parameters of Materials, Products, and Systems Using an
0.305 m high.
Intermediate Scale Calorimeter (ICAL)
1.4 The FPA is used to evaluate the flammability of syn-
thetic polymer materials and products. It is also designed to
3. Terminology
obtain the transient response of such materials and products to
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in these test
prescribed heat fluxes in specified inert or oxidizing environ-
methods, refer to Terminology E 176.
ments and to obtain laboratory measurements of generation
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
rates of fire products (CO , CO, and, if desired, gaseous
3.2.1 effective heat of combustion, EHC, (kJ/kg), n—the
hydrocarbons) for use in fire safety engineering.
energy generated by chemical reactions per unit mass of fuel
1.5 Ignition of the specimen is by means of a pilot flame at
a prescribed location with respect to the specimen surface.
3.3 Symbols:
1.6 The Fire Propagation test of vertical specimens is not
A = cross sectional area of test section duct (m )
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-05 on Fire
Standards and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E05.22 on Surface
Current edition approved Jan. 10, 2000. Published April 2000.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 2058
4.3 The Combustion test method is used to determine the
c = specific heat of air at constant pressure (kJ/kg K)
chemical and convective heat release rates when the horizontal
G = mass flow rate of CO in test section duct (kg/s)
test specimen is exposed to an external radiant heat flux.
G = mass flow rate of CO in test section duct (kg/s)
co 2
DH = effective heat of combustion (kJ/kg) 4.4 The Fire Propagation test method is used to determine
K = flow coefficient of averaging Pitot tube [duct gas
the chemical heat release rate of a burning, vertical specimen
velocity/(2Dp /r) ] (-)
during upward fire propagation and burning initiated by a heat
M = ultimate change in specimen mass resulting from
flux near the base of the specimen. Chemical heat release rate
combustion (kg)
is derived from the release rates of carbon dioxide and carbon
m˙ = mass loss rate of test specimen (kg/s)
monoxide. Observations also are made of the flame height on
m˙ = mass flow rate of gaseous mixture in test section
the vertical specimen during fire propagation.
duct (kg/s)
P = atmospheric pressure (Pa)
5. Significance and Use
Dp = pressure differential across averaging Pitot tube in
5.1 These test methods are an integral part of existing test
test section duct (Pa)
standards for cable fire propagation and clean room material
Q = cumulative heat released during Combustion Test
flammability, as well as, in an approval standard for conveyor
belting (1-3). Refs (1-3) use these test methods because
Q = chemical heat release rate (kW)
fire-test-response results obtained from the test methods cor-
Q = convective heat release rate (kW)
relate with fire behavior during real-scale fire propagation tests,
T = gas temperature in test section duct before igni-
as discussed in X1.4
tion (K)
5.2 The Ignition, Combustion, or Fire Propagation test
T = gas temperature in test section duct (K)
method, or a combination thereof, have been performed with
t = time (s)
materials and products containing a wide range of polymer
t = ignition time (s)
compositions and structures, as described in X1.7.
Dt = time between data scans (s)
X = measured carbon dioxide analyzer reading or
5.3 The Fire Propagation test method is different from the
mole fraction of carbon dioxide (-) test methods in the ASTM standards listed in 2.1 by virtue of
X = measured carbon monoxide analyzer reading or
producing laboratory measurements of the chemical heat
mole fraction of CO (-)
release rate during upward fire propagation and burning on a
3.4 Superscripts:
vertical test specimen in normal air, oxygen-enriched air, or in
oxygen-vitiated air. Test methods from other standards, for
example, Test Method E 1321, which yields measurements
• –1
= per unit time (s )
during lateral/horizontal or downward flame spread on mate-
= before ignition of the specimen
rials and Test Methods E 906, E 1354, and E 1623, which yield
3.5 Subscripts:
measurements of the rate of heat release from materials fully
involved in flaming combustion, generally use an external
radiant flux, rather than the flames from the burning material
= test section duct
= fire product itself, to characterize fire behavior.
5.4 These test methods are not intended to be routine quality
4. Summary of Test Method
control tests. They are intended for evaluation of specific
4.1 Three separate test methods are composed herein, and
flammability characteristics of materials. Materials to be ana-
are used independently in conjunction with a Fire Propagation
lyzed consist of specimens from an end-use product or the
Apparatus. The Ignition and Combustion test methods involve
various components used in the end-use product. Results from
the use of horizontal specimens subjected to a controlled,
the laboratory procedures provide input to fire propagation and
external radiant heat flux, which can be set from 0 up to 65
fire growth models, risk analysis studies, building and product
kW/m . The Fire Propagation test method involves the use of
designs, and materials research and development.
vertical specimens subjected to ignition near the base of the
specimen from an external radiant heat flux and a pilot flame. 6. Apparatus
Both the Combustion and Fire Propagation test methods can be
6.1 General:
performed using an inlet air supply that is either normal air or
6.1.1 Where dimensions are stated in the text or in figures,
other gaseous mixtures, such as air with added nitrogen or air
they shall be considered mandatory and shall be followed
enriched with up to 40 % oxygen.
within a nominal tolerance of 6 0.5 %. An exception is the
4.2 The Ignition test method is used to determine the time
case of components meant to fit together, where the joint
required for ignition, t , of horizontal specimens by a pilot
tolerance shall be appropriate for a sliding fit.
flame as a function of the magnitude of a constant, externally
6.1.2 The apparatus (see overview in Fig. 1 and exploded
applied radiant heat flux. Measurements also are made of time
views in Figs. 2 and 3) shall consist of the following compo-
required until initial fuel vaporization. The surface of these
nents: an infrared heating system, a load cell system, an
specimens is coated with a thin layer of black paint to ensure
complete absorption of the radiant heat flux from the infrared
heating system (note that the coating does not itself undergo
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
sustained flaming). this standard.
E 2058
FIG. 1 Main View
E 2058
FIG. 2 Exploded View of Specimen Mounting
E 2058
NOTE 1—All dimensions are in mm unless noted.
FIG. 3 Exploded Main View
E 2058
ignition pilot flame and timer, a product gas analysis system, a 6.6.1 Gas Sampling—The gas sampling arrangement is
combustion air distribution system, a water-cooled shield, an shown in Fig. 4. This arrangement consists of a sampling probe
exhaust system, test section instruments, calibration instru- in the test section duct, a plastic filter (5-micron pore size) to
ments, and a digital data acquisition system. prevent entry of soot, a condenser operating at temperatures in
6.2 Infrared (IR) Heating System—The IR Heating System the range –5°C to 0°C to remove liquids, a tube containing an
shall consist of four 241-mm long heaters (see different views indicating desiccant (10–20 mesh) to remove most of the
in Figs. 1-3) and a power controller. remaining moisture, a filter to prevent soot from entering the
6.2.1 IR Heaters—Each of four IR heaters shall contain six analyzers, if not already removed, a sampling pump that
tungsten filament tubular quartz lamps in a compact reflector transports the flow through the sampling line, a system flow
body that produces up to 510 kW/m of radiant flux in front of meter, and manifolds to direct the flow to individual analyzers
the quartz window that covers the lamps. The reflector body is (CO, CO ,O , and hydrocarbon gas). The sampling probe,
2 2
water cooled and the lamp chamber, between the quartz made of 6.35-mm (0.25-in.) O.D. stainless steel tubing inserted
window and reflector, is air cooled for prolonged life. The through a test section port, shall be positioned such that the
emitter of each lamp is a 127-mm long tungsten filament in an open end of the tube is at the center of the test section. The
argon atmosphere enclosed in a 9.5-mm outer diameter clear sampling probe is connected to a tee fitting that allows either
quartz tube. The emitter operates at approximately 2205°C sample or calibration gas to flow to the analyzer, and the excess
(4000°F) at rated voltage, with a spectral energy peak at 1.15 to waste.
micron. Wavelengths greater than about 2-microns are ab-
6.6.2 Carbon Dioxide/Carbon Monoxide Analyzers—The
sorbed by the quartz bulb envelope and heater front window,
carbon dioxide analyzer shall permit measurements from 0 to
which are air cooled.
15 000 ppm and the carbon monoxide analyzer shall permit
6.2.2 Power Controller—The controller shall maintain the
measurements from 0 to 500 ppm concentration levels. Drift
output voltage required by the heater array despite variations in
shall be not more than 6 1 % of full scale over a 24-h period.
load impedance through the use of phase angle power control
Precision shall be 1 % of full-scale and the 10 to 90 % of
to match the hot/cold resistance characteristics of the tungsten/
full-scale response time shall be1sor less.
quartz lamps. The controller also shall incorporate average
6.6.3 Inlet-Air Oxygen Analyzer—This analyzer shall have a
voltage feedback to linearize the relationship between the
10 to 90 % of full-scale response time of1sor less, an
voltage set by the operator and the output voltage to the lamps.
accuracy of 1 % of full-scale, a drift of not more than 6 50
6.3 Load Cell System—The load cell system, shown in Figs.
ppm O over ⁄2 handa0to50% range.
1-3, shall consist of a load cell, which shall have an accuracy
6.6.4 Optional Product Analyzers for the Combustion
of 0.1 g, and a measuring range of 0–1000 g; a 6.35-mm
Test—An additional oxygen analyzer can be used to measure
diameter stainless steel shaft, at least 330 mm long, resting on
the depletion of oxygen in the combustion products. This
the load cell support point; a 100-mm diameter, 1.5-mm thick
analyzer should have the same specifications as the inlet-air
aluminum load platform connected to the upper end of the
analyzer but should have a concentration range of 19 to 21 %.
stainless steel shaft by a collar; and two low friction, ball-
A hydrocarbon gas analyzer employing the flame ionization
bushing bearings that guide the shaft as it passes through the
method of detection can be used to determine the total gaseous
top and bottom, respectively, of the air distribution chamber.
hydrocarbon concentration. This analyzer should have a 10 to
The stainless steel shaft shall incor
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