ASTM E1827-96(2002)
(Test Method)Standard Test Methods for Determining Airtightness of Buildings Using an Orifice Blower Door
Standard Test Methods for Determining Airtightness of Buildings Using an Orifice Blower Door
1.1 These test methods describe two techniques for measuring air leakage rates through a building envelope in buildings that may be configured to a single zone. Both techniques use an orifice blower door to induce pressure differences across the building envelope and to measure those pressure differences and the resulting airflows. The measurements of pressure differences and airflows are used to determine airtightness and other leakage characteristics of the envelope.
1.2 These test methods allow testing under depressurization and pressurization.
1.3 These test methods are applicable to small indoor-outdoor temperature differentials and low wind pressure conditions; the uncertainty in the measured results increases with increasing wind speeds and temperature differentials.
1.4 These test methods do not measure air change rate under normal conditions of weather and building operation. To measure air change rate directly, use Test Methods E 741.
1.5 The text of these methods reference notes and footnotes that provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes, excluding those in tables and figures, shall not be considered as requirements of the standard.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazard statements see Section 7.
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Designation: E 1827 – 96 (Reapproved 2002)
Standard Test Methods for
Determining Airtightness of Buildings Using an Orifice
Blower Door
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1827; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope E 779 Test Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate by
Fan Pressurization
1.1 These test methods describe two techniques for measur-
E 1186 Practice for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building
ing air leakage rates through a building envelope in buildings
E 1258 Test Method forAirflow Calibration of Fan Pressur-
orifice blower door to induce pressure differences across the
ization Devices
building envelope and to measure those pressure differences
2.2 ISO International Standard:
and the resulting airflows. The measurements of pressure
ISO 9972 Thermal Insulation—Determination of Building
differences and airflows are used to determine airtightness and
Airtightness—Fan Pressurization Method
other leakage characteristics of the envelope.
2.3 Other Standard:
1.2 These test methods allow testing under depressurization
ANSI/ASME PTC 19.1—Part 1, Measurement Uncertainty,
and pressurization.
Instruments, and Apparatus
1.3 These test methods are applicable to small indoor-
outdoor temperature differentials and low wind pressure con-
3. Terminology
ditions; the uncertainty in the measured results increases with
3.1 Definitions—Refer toTerminology E 456 for definitions
increasing wind speeds and temperature differentials.
of accuracy, bias, precision, and uncertainty.
1.4 Thesetestmethodsdonotmeasureairchangerateunder
3.1.1 ACH , n—the ratio of the air leakage rate at 50 Pa
normal conditions of weather and building operation. To
(0.2 in. H O), corrected for a standard air density, to the
measure air change rate directly, use Test Methods E 741.
volume of the test zone (1/h).
1.5 The text of these test methods reference notes and
3.1.2 air leakage rate, Q , n—the total volume of air
footnotes that provide explanatory material. These notes and
passing through the test zone envelope per unit of time (m /s,
footnotes, excluding those in tables and figures, shall not be
ft /min).
considered as requirements of the standard.
3.1.3 airtightness, n—the degree to which a test zone
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
envelope resists the flow of air.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
NOTE 1—ACH , air leakage rate, and effective leakage area are
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- examples of measures of building airtightness.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazard
3.1.4 blower door, n—a fan pressurization device incorpo-
statements see Section 7.
rating a controllable fan and instruments for airflow measure-
ment and building pressure difference measurement that
2. Referenced Documents
mounts securely in a door or other opening.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.1.5 building pressure difference, P, n—the pressure differ-
E 456 Terminology Relating to Quality and Statistics
ence across the test zone envelope (Pa, in. H O).
E 631 Terminology of Building Constructions
3.1.6 fan airflow rate, Q , n—the volume of airflow
E 741 TestMethodsforDeterminingAirChangeinaSingle 3 3
through the blower door per unit of time (m /s, ft /min).
Zone by Means of Tracer Gas Dilution
3.1.7 nominal airflow rate, Q , n—the flow rate indicated
by the blower door using the manufacturer’s calibration
3 3
coefficients (m /s, ft /min).
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 on
Performance of Buildings and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.41
on Air Leakage and Ventilation.
Current edition approved Sept. 10, 1996. Published January 1997.
2 4
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02. Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13th
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.11. Floor, New York, NY 10036.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 1827 – 96 (2002)
3.1.8 orifice blower door, n—a blower door in which ¯
Q = average air leakage rate, Q , at the primary
env1 env
3 3
airflow rate is determined by means of the pressure drop across
pressure station, m /s (ft /min),
an orifice or nozzle. ¯
Q = average air leakage rate, Q , at the second-
env2 env
3 3
3.1.9 precision index of the average, n—the sample stan-
ary pressure station, m /s (ft /min),
dard deviation divided by the square root of the number of
Q = fan airflow rate (see 3.1.6),
Q = nominal airflow rate (see 3.1.7),
T = temperature,° C (°F),
3.1.10 pressure station, n—a specified induced change in
t = value from a two-tailed student t table for
the building pressure difference from the initial zero-flow
the 95 % confidence level,
building pressure difference (Pa, in. H O).
dn = measurement uncertainty of the envelope
3.1.11 single zone, n—a space in which the pressure differ-
flow exponent (dimensionless),
ences between any two places, as indicated on a manometer,
3 3
V = volume of the test zone, m (ft ),
differ by no more than 2.5 Pa (0.01 in. H O) during fan
dQ = measurement uncertainty of the average air
3 3
leakage rate, m /s (ft /min),
H O)andbynomorethan5 %ofthehighestbuilding pressure
2 3
dQ = the measurement uncertainty of Q ,m /s
50 50
difference achieved.
(ft /min),
3 3
NOTE 2—A multiroom space that is interconnected within itself with
dQ = estimated bias of the flow rate, m /s (ft /
3 3 3
criterion if the fan airflow rate is less than 3 m /s (6 3 10 ft /min) and the
dQ = estimated bias of the flow rate at the primary
test zone envelope is not extremely leaky.
3 3
pressure station, m /s (ft /min),
3.1.12 testzone,n—abuildingoraportionofabuildingthat
dQ = estimated bias of the flow rate at the second-
3 3
is configured as a single zone for the purpose of this standard. ary pressure station, m /s (ft /min),
dQ = precision index of the average measured
NOTE 3—For detached dwellings, the test zone envelope normally
3 3
flow rate, m /s (ft /min),
comprises the thermal envelope.
dQ = precision index of the average measured
3.1.13 test zone envelope, n—thebarrierorseriesofbarriers
flow rate at the primary pressure station,
3 3
between a test zone and the outdoors.
m /s (ft /min),
dQ = precision index of the average measured
NOTE 4—The user establishes the test zone envelope at such places as prec2
flow rate at the secondary pressure station,
basements or neighboring rooms by choosing the level of resistance to
3 3
airflow between the test zone and outdoors with such measures as opening
m /s (ft /min),
or closing windows and doors to, from, and within the adjacent spaces.
dP = measurement uncertainty of the average
measured pressure differential across the
3.1.14 zero-flow building pressure difference, n—the natural
building envelope, Pa (in. H O),
building pressure difference measured when there is no flow 2
dP = estimated bias of the pressure differential
through the blower door. bias
across the building envelope, Pa (in. H O),
3.2 Symbols—The following is a summary of the principal 2
dP = estimated bias of the pressure differential
symbols used in these test methods:
across the building envelope at the primary
pressure station, Pa (in. H O),
Alt = altitude at site, m (ft), dP = estimated bias of the pressure differential
C = flow coefficient at standard conditions, m /s
across the building envelope at the second-
n 3 n 5
(Pa)ft /min (in. H O ),
ary pressure station, Pa (in. H O),
2 2
L = effectiveleakageareaatstandardconditions,
dP = precision index of the average measured
2 2
m (in. ), pressure differential across the building en-
n = envelope flow exponent (dimensionless),
velope, Pa (in. H O),
P = building pressure difference (see 3.1.5),
dP = precision index of the average measured
P = average pressure, P , at the primary pres-
1 sta pressure differential across the building en-
sure station, Pa (in. H O),
2 velope at the primary pressure station, Pa
P = averagepressure, P ,atthesecondarypres-
2 sta
(in. H O),
sure station, Pa (in. H O),
2 dP = precision index of the average measured
P = the reference pressure differential across the
pressure differential across the building en-
building envelope, Pa (in. H O),
velope at the secondary pressure station, Pa
P = station pressure, Pa (in. H O),
sta 2
(in. H O),
P = test pressure, Pa (in. H O),
test 2
dV = measurement uncertainty of the zone vol-
P = zero-airflow pressure before test, Pa (in. 3 3
ume, m (ft ),
H O),
µ = dynamic viscosity, kg/m·s (lbm/ft·hr),
3 3
P = zero-airflowpressureaftertest,Pa(in.H O),
zero2 2
r = air density, kg/m (lbm/ft ), and
3 3
Q = the air leakage rate, m /s (ft /min),
E 1827 – 96 (2002)
5.2 Single-Point Method—Use this method to provide air
r = air density at which the calibration values
3 3
leakage estimates for assessing improvements in airtightness.
are valid, kg/m (lbm/ft ).
5.3 Two-Point Method—Use this method to provide air
4. Summary of Test Methods
leakage parameters for use as inputs to natural ventilation
models. The two-point method uses more complex data analy-
4.1 Pressure versus Flow—These test methods consist of
sis techniques and requires more accurate measurements
mechanical depressurization or pressurization of a building
(Tables X1.1 and X1.2) than the single-point method. It can be
zone during which measurements of fan airflow rates are made
pressure differences as low as 4 Pa (0.016 in. H O). A variety
of a building envelope are evaluated from the relationship 2
of reference pressures for building envelope leaks has been
between the building pressure differences and the resulting
used or suggested for characterizing building airtightness.
airflow rates. Two alternative measurement and analysis pro-
These pressures include 4 Pa (0.016 in. H O), 10 Pa (0.04 in.
cedures are specified in this standard, the single-point method
H O), 30 Pa (0.12 in. H O), and 50 Pa (0.2 in. H O). The
and the two-point method. 2 2 2
ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals uses 4 Pa.
4.1.1 Single-Point Method—This method provides air leak-
5.4 Depressurization versus Pressurization—Depending on
age estimates by making multiple flow measurements near
the goals of the test method, the user may choose depressur-
P = 50 Pa (0.2 in. H O) and assuming a building flow
1 2
ization or pressurization or both. This standard permits both
exponent of n = 0.65.
depressurization and pressurization measurements to compen-
4.1.2 Two-Point Method—This method provides air leakage
sate for asymmetric flow in the two directions. Depressuriza-
estimates by making multiple flow measurements near P =50
Pa (0.2 in. H O) and near P = 12.5 Pa (0.05 in. H O) that
2 2 2
include the tightness of such items as backdraft dampers that
permit estimates of the building flow coefficient and flow
inhibit infiltration but open during a pressurization test. Com-
bining the results of depressurization and pressurization mea-
5. Significance and Use
surements can minimize wind and stack-pressure effects on
5.1 Airtightness—Building airtightness is one factor that
backdraft dampers that open only under pressurization.
affects building air change rates under normal conditions of
5.5 Effects of Wind and Temperature Differences—Calm
weather and building operation.These air change rates account
winds and moderate temperatures during the test improve
for a significant portion of the space-conditioning load and
affect occupant comfort, indoor air quality, and building
by inside-outside temperature differences and wind cause bias
durability. These test methods produce results that characterize
in the measurement by changing the building pressure differ-
the airtightness of the building envelope. These results can be
ences over the test envelope from what would occur in the
used to compare the relative airtightness of similar buildings,
determine airtightness improvements from retrofit measures
that affect measurement precision and cause the data to be
applied to an existing building, and predict air leakage. Use of
this standard in conjunction Practice E 1186 permits the
identification of leakage sources and rates of leakage from
6. Apparatus
different components of the same building envelope.These test
methods evolved from Test Method E 779 to apply to orifice
6.1 Blower Door—An orifice blower door (see Fig. 1).
blower doors.
6.2 Measurement Precision and Bias—Appendix X1 lists
5.1.1 Applicability to Natural Conditions—Pressures across
recommended values for the precision and bias of the mea-
building envelopes under normal conditions of weather and
surements of airflow, pressure difference, wind speed, and
building operation vary substantially among various locations
temperature to obtain the precision and bias for test results
on the envelope and are generally much lower than the
described in 11.2 for the single-point method and 11.3 for the
pressures during the test.Therefore, airtightness measurements
two-point method.
using these test methods cannot be interpreted as direct
6.2.1 Fan with Controllable Flow—The fan shall have
measurements of natural infiltration or air change rates that
sufficient capacity to generate at least a 40 Pa (0.20 in. H O)
would occur under natural conditions. However, airtightness
building pressure difference in the zone tested and be control-
measurements can be used to provide air leakage parameters
lable over a calibrated range sufficient to generate the building
for models of natural infiltration. Such models can estimate
pressure differences required by this standard.
average annual ventilation rates and the associated energy
NOTE 5—For testing most single family houses, a range of airflows
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