ASTM F1201-88(2004)
(Specification)Standard Specification for Fluid Conditioner Fittings in Piping Applications Above 0°F
Standard Specification for Fluid Conditioner Fittings in Piping Applications Above 0°F
This specification provides the minimum requirements for pressure-retaining components of fluid conditioner fittings. It addresses the pressure-retaining component design, fabrication, rating, marking, and testing. Classification: Class I-fluid conditioner fitting meeting the requirements specified, and Class II - all other fluid conditioner fittings. All fluid conditioner fittings shall be pressure tested to meet the requirements prescribed.
1.1 This specification provides the minimum requirements for pressure-retaining components of fluid conditioner fittings. It addresses the pressure-retaining component design, fabrication, rating, marking, and testing.
1.2 This specification is not intended to override any of the present fluid conditioner fitting specifications specific to devices such as strainers, filters, and traps but should be used for devices for which a specific specification does not apply.
1.3 This specification provides sufficient requirements to allow a fluid conditioner fitting to be used in the marine environment.
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
1.5 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the test methods portion, Section 7, of this specification. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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An American National Standard
Designation: F1201 – 88 (Reapproved 2004)
Standard Specification for
Fluid Conditioner Fittings in Piping Applications Above 0°F
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1201; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope B16.1 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
B16.3 Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings
1.1 This specification provides the minimum requirements
B16.4 Cast Iron Threaded Fittings
for pressure-retaining components of fluid conditioner fittings.
B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
It addresses the pressure-retaining component design, fabrica-
B16.11 ForgedSteelFittings,Socket-WeldingandThreaded
tion, rating, marking, and testing.
B16.15 Cast Bronze Threaded Fittings
1.2 This specification is not intended to override any of the
B16.24 Bronze Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
present fluid conditioner fitting specifications specific to de-
B16.25 Buttwelding Ends
vices such as strainers, filters, and traps but should be used for
B31.1 Power Piping
devices for which a specific specification does not apply.
2.3 MSS Standards:
1.3 This specification provides sufficient requirements to
SP-44 Steel Pipe Flanges
allow a fluid conditioner fitting to be used in the marine
SP-51 150 lb Corrosion Resistant Cast Flanges and Flanged
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
SP-61 Pressure Testing of Steel Valves
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for
SP-67 Butterfly Valves
information only.
2.4 ASME Standard:
1.5 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section VIII,
test methods portion, Section 7, of this specification. This
Division 1, Pressure Vessels
standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section IX, Weld-
if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user
ing and Brazing Qualifications
of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health
practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita-
3. Terminology
tions prior to use.
3.1 Definitions:
2. Referenced Documents 3.1.1 fluid conditioner fitting—a device, other than a valve
or pipe or pipe joining fitting, installed in a pressure piping
2.1 ASTM Standards:
system, that monitors or provides for the monitoring of the
D93 Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens
fluid, or otherwise operates on or alters the condition of the
Closed Cup Tester
F722 Specification for Welded Joints for Shipboard Piping
3.1.2 maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP)—the
3 highest internal pressure at the maximum design temperature
2.2 ANSI Standards:
that the fluid conditioner fitting can be safely subjected to in
B2.1 Pipe Threads
3.1.3 maximum design temperature—the maximum tem-
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F25 on Ships perature for which the fluid conditioner fitting is rated by the
and Marine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.11 on
Machinery and Piping Systems.
3.1.4 multiplex fluid conditioner fitting—a fluid conditioner
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2004. Published November 2004. Originally
fitting that is made up of multiples of a single unit connected
approved in 1988. Last previous edition approved in 1998 as F1201 – 88 (1998).
DOI: 10.1520/F1201-88R04.
by either manifolding, piping, tubes, or valves.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on AvailablefromManufacturersStandardizationSocietyoftheValveandFittings
the ASTM website. Industry (MSS), 127 Park St., NE, Vienna, VA 22180-4602.
3 5
Available fromAmerican National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME
4th Floor, New York, NY 10036. International Headquarters, Three Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-5990.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F1201 – 88 (2004)
4. Classification 6. Other Requirements
6.1 The maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) of
4.1 Class I—Fluid conditioner fitting meeting the following
fluid conditioner fittings covered under this specification shall
be established by at least one of the following methods:
Service Pressure, psig (MPa) Temperature, °F (°C)
6.1.1 Proof test in accordance with the requirements pre-
Liquefied flammable gas above 150 (1.03).and . above 0 (−18)
scribed in paragraph UG-101 of SectionVIII, Division 1 of the
Fuels above 150 (1.03).or. above 150 (66)
ASME Code. If burst-type tests as outlined in paragraph
Liquids with a flash point above 225 (1.55).or. above 150 (66)
150°F (66°C) or below UG-101(m) are used, it is not necessary to rupture the
Liquids with a flash point above above 225 (1.55).or. above 400 (204)
component. In this case, the value of B to be used in
150°F (66°C)
determining the MAWP shall be the maximum pressure to
Steam, gases, and vapors above 150 (1.03).or. above 650 (343)
Water above 225 (1.55).or. above 350 (177)
which the component was subjected without rupture.
6.1.2 Design calculations in accordance with the require-
Flash point measured in accordance with Test Methods D93.
ments prescribed in Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME
Includes lubricating oils, hydraulic fluids, and heat transfer oils.
4.2 Class II—All other fluid conditioner fittings.
6.2 Where welded construction is used, weld joint design
details shall be in accordance with Section VIII, Division 1 of
5. Materials and Manufacture
the ASME Code except as noted in 6.3. Supplemental radiog-
5.1 Pressure-retainingpartsshallbeconstructedofmaterials
raphy requirements are presented in 7.3. Welders and weld
listed in Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Boiler and
procedures shall be qualified in accordance with Section IX of
Pressure Vessel Code (hereafter called the ASME Code) or
theASME Code. Except for fillet welds, all welds shall be full
ANSI B31.1. Nonmetallic materials may be used for pressure-
penetration welds extending through the entire thickness of the
service and is compatible with the fluid to be conducted.
6.3 Welds on fluid conditioner fittings greater than 6-in.
3 3
5.2 Fluidconditionerfittingsintendedforflammableservice
(152-mm) internal diameter or 1.5-ft (0.042-m ) net internal
with nonmetallic materials or metallic materials having a volume and rated above 600 psi (4.14 MPa) or 400°F (204°C)
solidus to liquidus temperature below 1700°F (927°C) shall
shall be of the following types as listed in Table UW-12 of the
pass the prototype fire test in 7.2. ASME Code: Type (1) for Category A joints; Types (1) or (2)
5.3 Bolting materials shall be at least equal to those listed in for Category B joints; and all Category C and D joints shall be
Table 1 of ANSI B16.5 or Table 126.1 of ANSI B31.1. Bolts,
screws, and fasteners in contact with interior fluid shall be the vessel wall or nozzle wall. Welded joint categories are
defined under UW-3 of the ASME Code.
compatible with the fluid. Carbon steel bolting shall not be
used in services rated above 500°F (260°C). 6.4 Post-weld heat treatment shall be in accordance with
Section VIII, Division 1, except that fluid conditioner fittings
5.4 Gaskets and seals shall be of materials suitable for the
greater than 6-in. (152-mm) internal diameter or 1.5-ft (0.042-
intended service.
m ) net internal volume, rated above 600 psi (4.14 MPa) or
5.5 The pressure ratings established under this specification
400°F (204°C), and fabricated of carbon or low alloy steel,
are based on materials of high quality produced under regular
shall be post-weld, heat-treated regardless of thickness.
control of chemical and mechanical properties by a recognized
6.5 Inlet and outlet connections consisting of welded flange
process. The manufacturer shall be prepared to submit a
end fittings shall be in accordance with Specification F722.
certificate of compliance verifying that his product has been so
Pipe end connections for fluid conditioner fittings shall be in
produced and that it has been manufactured from material
accordance with one of the specifications listed in 2.2 or 2.3.
whose chemical and mechanical properties are at least equal to
Where radiography is required by 7.3.2, all welded inlet and
the requirements of the appropriate specification.
outlet connections shall be butt-weld joints as required by
5.6 For materials not having values of allowable stress
Specification F722 for Class 1 piping systems. Threaded inlet
tabulated in Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Code,
and outlet connections shall be in accordance with 6.6.
allowable stresses shall be determined in accordance with the
6.6 Threaded pipe connections shall be limited to the
procedures outlined in Subsection C and Appendix P of that
following services:
section. Where it can be shown that the values of allowable
NPS ⁄4 in. (20 mm) and below . . . 1500 psig (10.3 MPa) max
stress listed for a particular material in one product form
NPS 1 in. (25 mm) and below . . . 1200
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