Method of Test for Surface Flammability of Building Materials Using an 8-Ft. (2.44-M) Tunnel Furnace (Withdrawn 1991)

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ASTM E286-85 - Method of Test for Surface Flammability of Building Materials Using an 8-Ft. (2.44-M) Tunnel Furnace (Withdrawn 1991)
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Standards Content (Sample)

Designation: E 286 - 85
1916 Race SI., Philadelphia. Pa. 19103
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM
If not listed in the current combined index. will appear in the next edition.
Standard Test Method for
AN 8-ft (2.44-m) TUNNEL FURNACE'
ïliis standard is issued under the Iixed designation E 286: the numher immediately fcillo\\ing the designation indicates the >ear of
original adoption or. in the case of revision. the year or lasi revision. A numher in parenthem indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (6) indicates un ediiorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
acteristics of Building Materials'
2.3 .-IST.Il :kljlrrl1~1:
Tunnel Furnace and Combustion Furnace
(E 386)"
2.3 .~olrlll .-ll~il-~r .Tl~lil~lurd:
SABS Mciliod 963 Surface Fire Indes of Ma-
terials IJscd in Buildings"
3. Significance and Use
3.1 This flammability test is intended for use
in product development and manufacturing con-
trol of building materials. and is not primarily
intended us a basis for regulatory purposes where
surface flamespread is of prime importance.
3.2 This test method provides relative values
offlame spread index in the range from O to 200.
The tlanie spread index dctermined from this test
method is different from that determined by Test
Method E 84. Due to the limited heating rate of
the furnace. the actual flame spread for materials
a flame spread in excess of 200 may not
be reflected in the test results.
3.3 The thermal exposure to the test specimen
is applied primarily by radiant flux from a heated
metal plate. plus a small ignition gas flame at the
lower end of the specimen. Therefore, this often
results in fire-retardant treated products being
exposed throughout the test in a non-flaming
mode. with a resultant high smoke density. How-
'This test niciliod is undcr ihc jurisdiciioii of ASl'hl Coni-
iiiittcc I:-! tin l'ire Standards and is the direct responsihilii) of
Sukoniniiit~~ €05.22 on SuríUcc ßurnirig.
CurreriLodition upprosed OLT. 25. IYX1. Puhlislied Ikceiiikr
IY85. Originall! puhlislied as Li 2x6 - (15 T. I ast pre\iiius cdi-
iion F 286 - X4.
'.iiiiiiid hX tit .i.ï/:i/ .~toriiknsl.\. Vol 04.07.
' í-ï-i\.c detailed drawing oï the apparatus are a\ailahlc ai ii
nominal cost lioni ASTM Headquarters. Order PCN II-
Availahle lioiii Sauih Aïrica Bureau 01' Standards. Pn\atc
Bag XI9 I. Preloria. Republic
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ASTM E2Ab 85 M 0759510 OOL139bL i W
E 286
Hole No.
ever, these high smoke density values are useful
Diameter, in. (mm)
(from front end)
in comparing one retardant versus another.
26.27 0.5625 (14.3)
3.4 In this procedure, the specimens are sub-
28.29 0.500 (12.7)
jected to one or more specific sets of laboratory
30,3l 0.4375 (I I. I)
32.33 0.375 (9.5)
fire test exposure conditions. If different test con-
ditions are substituted or the anticipated end-use
4.4 The body of the furnace shall be con-
conditions are changed, it may not be possible
structed of 12-gage (2.05-mm), low-carbon steel
by or from this test to predict changes in the
lined with high temperature-grade asbestos mill-
performance characteristics measured. There-
board to a thickness of i in. (25.4 mm). The
fore, the results are strictly valid only for the fire
((3) in Fig. 2) to hold the test
angle iron bed
test exposure conditions described in this proce-
specimen shall be tilted 30" from the horizontal,
dure. .
side to side. The hood and stack ((6) in Fig. i)
shall be of 16-gage (i .29-mm), low-carbon steel
4. Apparatus
lined with asbestos millboard 0.25 in. (6.4 mm)
4.1 The apparatus shall consist essentially of
thick. The stack of the furnace shall be located
a gas-heated furnace approximately 10.5 ft (3.2
beneath a ventilating hood with sufficient draft
m) long with a separate combusion chamber to to remove accumulating smoke. There should be
accommodate a test specimen 13.75 in. (349
no direct connection between the stack and ven-
mm) wide by 8 ft (2.44 m) long. General views tilating hood since the only draft within the fur-
of the exterior of the tunnel furnace and of the nace shall be that developed from the burning of
specimen combustion chamber are given in Figs.
the heating gas and test specimen. The furnace
1 and Fig. 2.3 shall be located so that there are no unusual
4.2 The furnace shall slope at a 6" angle from drafts Furrounding the furnace.
end to end and have three compartments: the 4.5 The temperature and smoke density o
the combustion gases shall be measured in the
firebox ((2) in Fig. i) extending the entire length
of the furnace; the specimen combustion cham- stack. For the temperature measurement, two
ber (above the partition plate, (5) in Fig. 2); and thermocouple junctions shall be em

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