Standard Specification for Welded Copper Heat Exchanger Tubes With Internal Enhancement

1.1 This specification establishes the requirements for welded, internally enhanced copper tube, in straight lengths or coils, suitable for use in refrigeration and air conditioning products or other heat exchangers.
1.2 UnitsThe values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units, which are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
1.3 The product shall be produced of the following coppers. Unless otherwise specified, tubes made from any one of these coppers may be supplied:Copper UNS No.Type of MetalC10200Oxygen-free without residual deoxidantsC12200Phosphorized, high residual phosphorus (DHP)
1.4 The following pertains to the test method described in 18.4 of this specification. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory requirements prior to use.

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ASTM B919-01 - Standard Specification for Welded Copper Heat Exchanger Tubes With Internal Enhancement
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Designation: B 919 – 01
Standard Specification for
Welded Copper Heat Exchanger Tubes With Internal
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 919; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope Determine Conformance with Specifications
E 53 Test Methods for Determination of Copper in Unal-
1.1 This specification establishes the requirements for
loyed Copper by Gravimetry
welded, internally enhanced copper tube, in straight lengths or
E 62 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper and
coils, suitable for use in refrigeration and air conditioning
Copper Alloys (Photometric Methods)
products or other heat exchangers.
E 112 Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size
1.2 Units—The values stated in inch-pound units are to be
E 243 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Exami-
regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are
nation of Copper and Copper-Alloy Tubes
mathematical conversions to SI units, which are provided for
E 255 Practice for Sampling Copper and CopperAlloys for
information only and are not considered standard.
the Determination of Chemical Composition
1.3 The product shall be produced of the following coppers.
Unless otherwise specified, tubes made from any one of these
3. Terminology
coppers may be supplied:
3.1 For the definition of terms related to copper and copper
Copper UNS No. Type of Metal
alloys refer to Terminology B 846.
C10200 Oxygen-free without residual deoxidants
3.2 Definitions:
C12200 Phosphorized, high residual phosphorus (DHP)
3.2.1 bottom wall, n—the wall thickness measured from the
1.4 The following pertains to the test method described in base of the enhancement to the outside surface.
18.4 of this specification. This standard does not purport to 3.2.2 coil, n—a length of the product wound into a series of
address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its connected turns.
use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to
3.2.3 enhancement, n—a geometrical feature intentionally
establish appropriate safety and health practices and deter- formed on a tube I.D. surface to improve heat transfer.
mine the applicability of regulatory requirements prior to use. 3.2.4 level wound, adj—a type of coil in which the turns are
wound into layers parallel to the axis of the coil such that
2. Referenced Documents
successive turns in a given layer are next to one another.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.3 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
B 153 Test Method for Expansion (Pin Test) of Copper and 3.3.1 roundness tolerance, n—the roundness tolerance is
Copper-Alloy Pipe and Tubing
defined as the maximum OD at a point minus the minimum
B 577 Test Methods for Detection of Cuprous Oxide (Hy- OD, at the same plane of intersection of the tube, divided by
drogen Embrittlement Susceptibility) in Copper
the specified OD 3 100 %.
B 601 Classification for Temper Designations for Copper 3.3.2 squareness of cut, n—the maximum deviation of one
and Copper Alloys—Wrought and Cast
side of a cross section from the opposite side, when measured
B 846 Terminology for Copper and Copper Alloys against the projected perpendicularity of the plane of the
E 3 Practice for Preparation of Metallographic Specimens
projected center of the tube at the ends.
E 8 Test Methods forTensionTesting of Metallic Materials
4. Classification
E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
4.1 The following types of welded tube are manufactured
under the scope of this specification:
and CopperAlloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B05.04 on Pipe
and Tube.
Current edition approved Oct. 10, 2001. Published December 2001.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.05.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.03.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
B 919
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements
4.1.1 As-Welded—Welded tube without subsequent heat
treatment or cold work. UNS Alloy Number Copper, wt % Phosphorus, wt %
4.1.2 Welded Tube, Subsequently Annealed—Welded tube
C10200 99.95 min
C12200 99.9 min 0.015 - 0.040
annealed to produce a uniform grain size appropriate to the
specified annealed temper. Oxygen in C10200 shall be 10 ppm max.
5. Ordering Information
5.1 Include the following information when placing orders
7.2 These compositional limits do not preclude the possible
for product under this specification:
presence of other unnamed elements. When required, limits
5.1.1 ASTM designation number and year of issue,
and analysis for unnamed elements shall be established by
5.1.2 Copper UNS No.,
agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
5.1.3 Tube type (Section 4),
5.1.4 Temper (Section 8),
8. Temper
5.1.5 Length, diameter, bottom-wall thickness, and en-
8.1 Tempers, as defined in Classification B 601, of the
hancement dimensions. Configuration of the enhanced surface
various tube types are as follows:
shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer, or supplier,
8.1.1 As-Welded:
and purchaser, Annealed strip WM50, subsequently internally en-
5.1.6 How furnished: straight or coils,
hanced by cold working and welded.
5.1.7 Quantity,
8.1.2 Welded and Annealed:
5.1.8 Cuprous oxide test, if required (12.3 and 16.1.4), Annealed strip, internally enhanced by cold work-
5.1.9 Certification, when required (Section 22), and
ing, welded and soft annealed W060, and
5.1.10 Mill test report, if required (Section 23). Annealed strip, internally enhanced by cold work-
ing, welded and light annealed W050.
6. Materials and Manufacture
NOTE 1—By agreement with the purchaser and manufacturer, product
6.1 Material:
in special tempers may be supplied with properties as agreed upon
6.1.1 The material of manufacture shall be sheet or strip, of
between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
the required alloy, and may be either cold worked or annealed.
6.1.2 The material shall be of such purity and soundness as
9. Grain Size for Annealed Tempers
to be suitable for processing into the product prescribed herein.
9.1 Samples of annealed temper tubes shall be examined at
6.2 Manufacture:
a magnification of 75 diameters. The grain size shall be
6.2.1 The welded tube shall be manufactured from either
determined in the wall beneath the internal enhancement. The
microstructure shall show complete recrystallization and shall
formed into a tubular shape on a suitable forming mill.
have an average grain size within the limits specified in Table
6.2.2 Welding shall be accomplished by any process that
9.2 The surface of the test specimen for the microscopical
unaided eye in the weld seam.
examination shall approximate a radial longitudinal section of Forge—Welded Tube—The edges of the strip shall
the tube.
be heated to the required welding temperature, usually by a
high frequency electric current, and be pressed firmly together
10. Mechanical Properties
causing a forged-type joint to be formed with internal and
10.1 WM (as-welded) and WO (annealed) temper shall
external flash.
conform to the mechanical properties as specified in Table 2. Fusion—Welded Tube—The edges of the tube shall
10.2 If disagreement arises between the grain size require-
be brought together and welded, usually by a GTAW welding
ment and the mechanical property requirements for annealed
process, without the addition of filler metal, causing a fusion-
tempers, the mechanical property requirements take precedent.
type joint to be formed with no internal or external flash. Flash Removal—The external flash of forge welded
11. Performance Requirements
tubes, if present, shall be removed by scarfing. The internal
flash shall be treated by one of the following techniques: (1) 11.1 Expansion Requirements:
IFI—internal flash to remain in the as-welded condition, (2)
IFR—internal flash to be removed by scarfing, and (3) IFD—
internal flash displaced by rolling or drawing. TABLE 2 Mechanical Property Requirements of As-Fabricated
and Annealed Tube
6.2.3 The internal enhancement shall be produced by cold
forming. Elongation in
Average Grain Tensile Strength, Yield Strength,
Temper 2 in. (51 mm),
6.2.4 The longitudinal seam from welding shall be free of
Size, mm ksi (Mpa) ksi (Mpa)
min %
filler metal.
WM . . . 30 min (205 min) . . . . . .
WO60 0.040 min. 30 min (205 min) 6 (40) min 35
7. Chemical Composition
WO50 0.040 max 30 min (205 min) 9-15 (60 - 105) 35
7.1 The material shall conform to the requirements in Table A
ksi = 1000 psi.
1 for the copper specified in the contract or purchase order. Yield strength to be determined at 0.5 % extension under load.
B 919
11.1.1 The annealed material shall be capable of being that the product does not meet this requirement, the product
expanded in accordance with Test Method B 153 with an shall be subject to either rejection, or recall or both. See 18.4
expansion of the outside diameter in the following percentage:
for the test method.
Outside Diameter, Expansion of Outside
12.3 Cuprous Oxide Requirement:
in. (mm) Diameter, %
12.3.1 Product manufactured from Copper UNS Alloy
0.750 in. (19.0) and under 30
C10200 shall be significantly free of cuprous oxide as deter-
Over 0.750 in. (19.0) 20
mined by Procedure A of Test Methods B 577.
11.1.2 The expanded tube shall show no cracking or rupture
visible to the unaided eye.
13. Dimensions, Mass, and Permissible Variations
13.1 The standard method for specifying tube diameters and
12. Other Requirements
walls shall be decimal fractions of an inch.
12.1 Nondestructive Examination for Defects:
13.2 Tolerances on a given tube are permitted to be speci-
12.1.1 Each tube shall be subjected to an eddy-current test.
fied with respect to any two but not all three of the following:
Tubes shall normally be tested in the fabricated temper;
outside diameter, inside diameter, and bottom-wall thickness.
however, they may be tested in the annealed temper at the
13.3 For the purposes of determining conformance with the
option of the manufacturer.
dimensional requirements in this specification, any measured
12.1.2 Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Test:
value outside the specified limiting values for any dimension The testing shall follow the procedures specified in
shall be cause for rejection.
Practice E 243. Unless otherwise agreed upon between the
13.4 Bottom-Wall Thickness Tolerances:
manufacturer, or supplier, and the purchaser, the manufacturer
13.4.1 Bottom-wall thickness tolerances shall conform to
shall have the option of calibrating the test equipment using
the tolerances listed in Table 3 (See Fig. 1).
either notches or drilled holes. Notch depth standards rounded
to the nearest 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) shall be 22 % of the
13.4.2 The wall thickness tolerances, listed in Table 3 for
nominal, bottom-wall thickness. Drilled hole standards shall be
tube furnished IFI, shall not apply to that portion of the tube
0.025-in. (0.635-mm) diameter for tubes up to and including
wall that contains the interior flash and weld upset.
⁄4-in. (19.05-mm) specified diameter and 0.031-in. (0.785-
3 NOTE 2—The weld thickness shall not exceed the summation of the
mm) diameter for tubes over ⁄4-in. (19.05-mm) specified
bottom- wall thickness and the enhancement height.
diameter. Tubes that do not actuate the signaling device on
13.4.3 The tolerances of Table 3 shall be increased by
the eddy-current tester shall be considered in conformance to
100 % for tube furnished IFR and IFD for the portion of the
the requirements of this test.
tube wall that contains the weld zone. Tubes, rejected for irrelevant signals because of
13.5 Diameter Tolerances:
moisture, soil, and or minor, mechanical damage, shall, at the
13.5.1 The average diameter tolerances in Table 4 shall
option of the manufacturer, be reconditioned and retested.
apply to both coils and straight lengths of product: Tubes that are reconditioned and retested (see
13.5.2 For product furnished IFI, IFD, or IFR, the inside shall be considered to conform to the requirements of
diameter shall not be taken so as to include the flash or
this specification, if they do not cause output signals beyond
flash-treated areas.
the acceptable limits.
13.6 Lengths: Unless otherwise specified, eddy-current disconti-
13.6.1 For coil lengths, see Table 5 of this specification. If
nuities will be identified on coils in excess of 200 ft. (6096 cm)
coils are produced to a specified nominal weight, no coil shall
in length for subsequent removal by the purchaser.
weigh less than 40 % of the nominal weight, and no more than When required, the customer shall specify the
20 % of the coils in a lot shall weigh less than 65 % of nominal
permissible number of identified eddy-current discontinuities.
weight unless otherwise agreed upon between the manufac-
12.2 Cleanness Requirements:
turer, or supplier, and purchaser.
12.2.1 The tube shall be capable of meeting the following
13.6.2 The tolerances for tubes furnished in straight lengths
cleanness requirement:
shall be in accordance with Table 6. The inside of the tube with closed ends shall be
sufficiently clean so that when tested in accordance with the
method given in 18.4, the residue remaining upon evaporation
2 2
TABLE 3 Bottom-Wall Tolerance
of the solvent shall not exceed 0.0035 g/ft (0.038 g/m)of
interior surface.
Tolerance (Plus and Minus)
Outside Diameter, in. (mm)
Bottom-Wall Thickness, The term “capable of” in the context of this
in. (mm)
0.125 to 0.625 Over 0.625 to 1.000
requirement shall mean that the testing and reporting of
(3 to 16), incl (16 to 25), incl
individual lots need not be performed by the producer of the
Up to 0.017 (0.43), incl. 0.001(0.025) 0.0015 (0.038)
product, if capability of the manufacturing process to meet this
Over 0.017 to 0.024 0.002 (0.050) 0.002 (0.050)
requirement has previously been established. However, should
(0.43 to 0.61), incl
B 919
FIG. 1 Bottom-Wall Thickness Tolerances
TABLE 4 Average Diameter Toler

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