ASTM D5663-97
(Guide)Standard Guide for Validating Recycled Content in Packaging Paper and Paperboard
Standard Guide for Validating Recycled Content in Packaging Paper and Paperboard
1.1 This guide provides an approach for both the calculation and the substantiation of recycled content of finished packaging paper and paperboard products. A mass balance approach is recommended for use by manufacturers since no physical or chemical test method is currently available to determine absolute recycled content of a finished paper product.
1.2 This guide covers ( ) recycled content of packaging paper and paperboard products that contain any amount or kind of recycled fiber; and ( ) methods to calculate and substantiate the level(s) of recycled fiber content claimed by an agreement between the buyer and the seller.
1.2.1 This guide may be used with or without modification to calculate or substantiate the recycled content of packaging paper and paperboard products when recovered nonfibrous materials (for example, filler) are a part of the recycled fiber furnish. Limited guidance is provided for appropriate modifications to this guide for the determination of amount of recycled nonfibrous materials in paper products.
1.3 This guide does not recommend either an amount or a kind of recycled fiber or material to use since ( ) the amount and kind of recycled content in a packaging paper or paperboard product should be agreed upon between the buyer and the seller, and ( ) the calculation and substantiation procedures recommended may be used for any amount or kind of recycled material agreed upon between the buyer and the seller.
1.4 The mass balance calculation method recommended by this guide may or may not comply with applicable federal, state, or local laws for recycled content statements intended to be received by consumers. Limited guidance on content statements is in Appendix X1.
1.5 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the test method portion, Section 10, of this guide: This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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Designation: D 5663 – 97
Standard Guide for
Validating Recycled Content in Packaging Paper and
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5663; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents
1.1 This guide provides an approach for both the calculation 2.1 ASTM Standards:
and the substantiation of recycled content of finished packag- D 1968 Terminology Relating to Paper and Paperboard
ing paper and paperboard products. A mass balance approach is Products
recommended for use by manufacturers since no physical or
3. Terminology
chemical test method is currently available to determine
absolute recycled content of a finished paper product. 3.1 Definitions—Definitions shall be in accordance with
Terminology D 1968 and the Dictionary of Paper.
1.2 This guide covers (1) recycled content of packaging
paper and paperboard products that contain any amount or kind
4. Classification
of recycled fiber; and (2) methods to calculate and substantiate
4.1 The buyer and seller may agree to packaging paper and
the level(s) of recycled fiber content claimed by an agreement
paperboard product classes and types of their choice, which
between the buyer and the seller.
may be from among the following classes and types:
1.2.1 This guide may be used with or without modification
to calculate or substantiate the recycled content of packaging 4.1.1 Classes include, but are not limited to, any of the
following packaging paper and paperboard products: folding
paper and paperboard products when recovered nonfibrous
boxboard, set-up boxboard; linerboard and corrugating me-
materials (for example, filler) are a part of the recycled fiber
dium for use in corrugated containers; tubestock; carrier board,
furnish. Limited guidance is provided for appropriate modifi-
bag paper, and other related packaging paper and paperboard
cations to this guide for the determination of amount of
recycled nonfibrous materials in paper products.
4.1.2 Two types of products are included: those containing
1.3 This guide does not recommend either an amount or a
no virgin fiber and those containing a mixture of recycled and
kind of recycled fiber or material to use since (1) the amount
virgin fiber.
and kind of recycled content in a packaging paper or paper-
board product should be agreed upon between the buyer and
5. Ordering Information
the seller, and (2) the calculation and substantiation procedures
5.1 The buyer and seller of packaging paper and paperboard
recommended may be used for any amount or kind of recycled
products with recycled content should agree upon at least the
material agreed upon between the buyer and the seller.
following information:
1.4 The mass balance calculation method recommended by
5.1.1 Class(es) and type(s) of product(s) (see 4.1),
this guide may or may not comply with applicable federal,
5.1.2 Percent of recycled fiber, by fiber dry weight, and, if
state, or local laws for recycled content statements intended to
appropriate, recycled material, by total dry weight, to be
be received by consumers. Limited guidance on content
incorporated into a product (see 10.1 through 10.6),
statements is in Appendix X1.
5.1.3 Degree of variation in recycled fiber or material
1.5 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the
content allowable in shipped product (see 6.2),
test method portion, Section 10, of this guide: This standard
5.1.4 Time period during which recycled content is to be
does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any,
calculated (see 10.1.1),
associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this
5.1.5 Method of substantiation used to support the agreed-
standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices
upon recycled content claim for the packaging paper or
and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior
paperboard product,
to use.
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-6 on Paper and is
the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D06.60 on Newsprint/Paperboard. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09.
Current edition approved Dec. 10, 1997. Published August 1998. Originally Available from the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, P.O.
published as D 5663 – 95. Last previous edition D 5663 – 95. Box 105113, Atlanta, GA 30348.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
5.1.6 Format and frequency of recycled content substantia- 10. Measurement Procedure
tion and reporting, and
10.1 Recycled fiber content should be calculated as the ratio
5.1.7 Type and frequency of review by the buyer (see 12.1)
of recycled fiber weight to total fiber weight in a given quantity
of procedures and data used by the seller to monitor compli-
of packaging paper or paperboard product and expressed as a
ance with the agreed-upon recycled content of product(s) under
percentage. The basic calculation method is as follows (see
Appendix X1 for an example):
RF 3 100
6. Composition
RF ,% 5 (1)
6.1 Recycled content of packaging paper and paperboard
products supplied in accordance with this guide should be
RF = recycled fiber content, %,
agreed upon between the buyer and the seller (see 5.1).
RF = recycled fiber used, and
6.2 The average recycled content for a packaging paper or U
VF = virgin fiber used.
paperboard product shipped from the seller to the buyer within U
10.1.1 The calculation of recycled content should be for a
a specified time period (see 10.1.1 through should be
fixed time period agreed upon between the buyer and the seller.
at least equal to the contracted recycled content or be within a
degree of variation (see 6.3) of that content. It is recommended that a monthly or quarterly time
period be used, as appropriate to the duration of the contract
6.3 The buyer and the seller may agree to a degree of
variation in the recycled content in shipped product from the and production runs, for monitoring compliance of shipped
product with its claimed level of recycled content during the
seller to the buyer when multiple shipments will take place
over the contract period; however, any degree of variation for term of the buyer-seller agreement. An alternative time period,
however, may be agreed upon between the buyer and the seller.
recycled content greater than 10 % is not recommended. In
addition, recycled content of a shipment of product that When multiple products of varying recycled con-
exceeds the degree of variation agreed upon by the buyer and tent are manufactured within a specified time period on a single
the seller should be reported by the seller to the buyer in an
paper machine, then the recycled content for a specific product
agreed-upon manner. should be calculated based upon those time intervals within
6.4 Recycled content of packaging products composed of
that time period during which that specific product was
two or more components should be reported as the weighted manufactured.
mean recycled content of the multiple components (see 10.2).
NOTE 1—For example, if a calculation of monthly recycled content in
6.5 All measures of recycled content should be on a dry
a paperboard product is needed, and that product is manufactured for 10
weight (0 % moisture) basis.
of the 30 days within that month on a specific paper machine, then only
the amount and kinds of various recycled and virgin materials used to
7. Physical Attributes
make that paper product on that paper machine during that 10-day period
should be used to calculate the recycled content for that product using Eq
7.1 The average value of physical characteristics, workman-
ship, dimensions, and appearance for any product should meet
the requirements agreed upon by the buyer and the seller with When the same product of an agreed upon recycled
reference to appropriate ASTM or standards of other organi-
content is manufactured within a specified time period on
zations. several paper machines, then the recycled content for that
specific product should be calculated based only upon those
8. General Attributes
intervals within that time period, for each paper machine used,
during which that specific product was manufactured. For
8.1 Acceptable defect levels and quality levels should be
example, if a calculation of monthly recycled content in a
agreed upon between the buyer and the seller. The use of
paperboard product is needed, and that product is manufac-
recycled fiber or other recycled material should not restrict the
tured for 10 of the 30 days within that month on one paper
usefulness of the products covered under this guide, nor should
machine and for 15 of the 30 days within that month on a
it cause a product to not meet all specified requirements agreed
second paper machine, then only the amount and kinds of
upon between the buyer and the seller.
various recycled and virgin materials used to make that paper
product during those 10 and 15-day periods on the respective
9. Bid Samples
paper machines should be used to calculate the recycled
9.1 When requested, the bidder should submit a representa-
content for that product by using Eq 1.
tive product sample for examination purposes and data to
10.2 The recycled content for a composite packaging paper
support the claimed recycled content. An explanation should be
or paperboard product composed of two or more components
included of the specific method(s) used to substantiate that
(for example, corrugating medium plus liner board) should be
content, with indication over what time period the measure-
calculated as the weighted mean recycled content of each of its
ments will be made. A separate sample should be submitted for
components, as follows (see Appendix X1 for an example):
each class and type of packaging paper and paperboard product
being bid on, along with supportive data and explanatory ~X !~P ! 1 ~X !~P ! 1 . 1 ~X !~P !
1 1 2 2 n n
5 recycled content, % (2)
information for each. Each sample should be clearly marked
with the bidder’s name and address, bid number, and manu-
facturer’s name or code number.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
substantiate the amount of recycled fiber in its recycled pulp.
n = number of components in the composite paper pack-
This may be calculated using the amount of recycled fiber
aging material,
obtained after processing that recovered material; that is, by
X = weight of recycled material in the n component
accounting for the yield of recycled fiber from recovered paper
calculated using Eq 1, %, and
P = weight of the n component in a composite packag- material in its process (as in Eq 3). The recycled-pulp suppli-
er’s substantiated amount of recycled fiber content should be
ing material, %.
used to determine recycled content in a specified paper product
10.2.1 An individual calculation of recycled content within
made from that fiber by the packaging paper or paperboard
a given time period (see 10.1.1 through for each
component should be made and recorded.
10.4 The amount of virgin fiber used in a given quantity of
10.3 The amount of recycled material in a given quantity of
paper product (that is, used in Eq 1) should be determined by paper product (that is, used in Eq 1), if present, should be
determined by the method in 10.4.1 or 10.4.2, as follows:
the method in 10.3.1 or 10.3.2, as follows:
10.4.1 When the paper manufacturer utilizes mill broke in
10.3.1 When the paper manufacturer processes non-virgin
the manufacture of a paper product, then the virgin fiber
material into recycled fiber, then the recycled content of a
specific paper product made from that recycled fiber should be content of that mill broke is determined by calculating the
amount of virgin fiber obtained after processing that mill
calculated using the amount of recycled fiber obtained after
processing that recovered material; that is, from the actual broke; that is, from the actual yield of virgin fiber used in the
papermaking furnish. The amount of virgin fiber obtained after
yield of recycled fiber used in the furnish. The amount of
recycled fiber obtained after processing may be calculated by processing may be calculated by multiplying the weight of the
virgin fiber portion of mill broke processed by an appropriate
multiplying the weight of the recovered paper material pro-
yield factor for that material (relative to virgin fiber) as
cessed by an appropriate yield factor for that material (relative
to recycled fiber) in that manufacturer’s specific process, as
VF 5 VF 3 YF (4)
RF 5 NM 3 YF (3)
VF = virgin fiber obtained,
where: O
VF = virgin fiber portion of mill broke processed, and
RF = recycled fiber obtained,
YF = yield factor.
NM = nonvirgin material processed, and
10.4.2 When the paper manufacturer uses virgin fiber pro-
YF = yield factor.
cessed by a pulp supplier, that pulp supplier should substantiate If several types of recovered or recycled material
the amount of virgin fiber in its pulp material by accounting for
are used in the manufacture of a recycled content packaging
the yield of virgin fiber from whatever material source is used
paper or paperboard product, then the recycled content of that
in its process (as in Eq 4). The pulp supplier’s substantiated
specific paper product should be calculated by Method 1 or 2,
amount of virgin fiber content should be used in Eq 1.
as follows:
10.5 Yield factors (for Eq 3 or Eq 4) may be derived from
(1) Method for Processing Individually—For situations
one or more of the following records:
where one, or more, of the several types of recovered materials
10.5.1 Periodic records of recovered paper material, virgin
to be used are processed individually into their respective
fiber portion of mill broke, recycled fiber or virgin fiber used,
recycled fibers, the recycled content of the resultant paper
and levels of loss for each in preparation of fibers for inclusion
product should be calculated using the amounts of each of
in the paper manufacturing process,
those recycled fibers obtained af
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