ASTM B599-92(2009)e1
(Specification)Standard Specification for Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Stabilized Alloy (UNS N08700) Plate, Sheet, and Strip
Standard Specification for Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Stabilized Alloy (UNS N08700) Plate, Sheet, and Strip
This specification covers nickel-iron-chromium-molybdenum-columbium stabilized alloy (UNS N08700) plate, sheet, and strip in the solution-annealed condition. Minor cold working such as flattening or temper rolling may be performed after the final solution annealing treatment. The material shall conform to the chemical requirements for nickel, iron, chromium, molybdenum, columbium, carbon, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, and copper. The material shall conform to the mechanical property requirements for tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, and Rockwell hardness. The material shall be free of injurious imperfections and shall correspond to the designated finish for sheet, strip, and plate. Test methods (chemical analysis, tension test, corrosion test) for chemical composition and mechanical properties determination shall be performed in accordance to referenced ASTM documents itemized herein.
1.1 This specification covers nickel-iron-chromium-molybdenum-columbium stabilized alloy (UNS N08700)* plate, sheet, and strip in the solution-annealed condition.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to become familiar with all hazards including those identified in the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this product/material as provided by the manufacturer, to establish appropriate safety and health practices, and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation:B599 −92(Reapproved2009)
Standard Specification for
Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Stabilized
Alloy (UNS N08700) Plate, Sheet, and Strip
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B599; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
´ NOTE—An editorial correction was made in 1.1 in April 2009.
1. Scope E55 Practice for Sampling Wrought Nonferrous Metals and
Alloys for Determination of Chemical Composition
1.1 This specification covers nickel-iron-chromium-
E140 Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals Relationship
molybdenum-columbium stabilized alloy (UNS N08700)*
Among Brinell Hardness, Vickers Hardness, Rockwell
plate, sheet, and strip in the solution-annealed condition.
Hardness, Superficial Hardness, Knoop Hardness, and
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
Scleroscope Hardness
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical
E350 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Carbon Steel,
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only
Low-Alloy Steel, Silicon Electrical Steel, Ingot Iron, and
and are not considered standard.
Wrought Iron
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the E353 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Stainless,
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
Heat-Resisting, Maraging, and Other Similar Chromium-
responsibility of the user of this standard to become familiar Nickel-Iron Alloys
with all hazards including those identified in the appropriate
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this product/material
3. Terminology
as provided by the manufacturer, to establish appropriate
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
safety and health practices, and determine the applicability of
3.1.1 The terms plate, sheet, and strip as used in this
regulatory limitations prior to use.
specification are described as follows:
3.1.2 plate, n—material 0.1875 in. (4.76 mm) and over in
2. Referenced Documents
thickness and over 10 in. (254 mm) in width.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.1.3 sheet, n—material under 0.1875 in. (4.76 mm) in
A262 Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular
thickness and over 24 in. (610 mm) in width.
Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels
3.1.4 strip, n—material under 0.1875 in. (4.76 mm) in
E8/E8M Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Ma-
thickness and under 24 in. (610 mm) in width.
E10 Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials
4. Ordering Information
E18 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Ma-
4.1 Orders for material under this specification should
E29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
include the following information:
Determine Conformance with Specifications
4.1.1 Quantity (weight or number of pieces).
4.1.2 Name of material or UNS N08700.
4.1.3 Form (plate, sheet, or strip).
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B02 on
4.1.4 Dimensions.
Nonferrous Metals and Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
4.1.5 Type of edge required (for strip only, see 9.4).
B02.07 on Refined Nickel and Cobalt and Their Alloys.
Current edition approved April 15, 2009. Published April 2009. Originally
4.1.6 Finish (Section 10)—For sheet ordered with No. 4
approved in 1980. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as B599 – 92 (2003) .
finish, specify whether one or both sides are to be polished.
DOI: 10.1520/B0599-92R09E01.
4.1.7 ASTM designation and year of issue.
* New designation established in accordance withASTM E527 and SAE J1086,
Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS).
4.1.8 Corrosion Test—State if intergranular corrosion test is
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
required (Section 8).
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
4.1.9 Marking—State if metal die identification is required
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website. on plate ⁄4 in. (6.35 mm) or thicker (Section 17).
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements
8. Intergranular Corrosion Test
Element Composition, %
8.1 All material supplied to this specification shall be
Nickel 24.0–26.0
capable of passing the intergranular corrosion test, but the test
Iron remainder
need not be performed on any given lot unless it is specified on
Chromium 19.0–23.0
Molybdenum 4.3–5.0
the purchase order. If the test is specified, it shall be performed
Columbium 8 × carbon to 0.40
by the manufacturer on specimens taken in the as-shipped
Carbon, max 0.04
condition. Specimens shall be tested in the sensitized condition
Silicon, max 1.00
Manganese, max 2.00
Phosphorus, max 0.040
C of Practices A262. The corrosion rate shall not exceed 2.5
Sulfur, max 0.030
mils/month (165 mg/dm ·day).
Copper, max 0.50
Determined arithmetically by difference.
9. Dimensions and Permissible Variations
9.1 Sheet—The material referred to as sheet shall conform
TABLE 2 Product (Check) Analysis
to the variations in dimensions prescribed in Tables 4-9,
Tolerances Over the Maximum
Element Limit or Under the Minimum
Limit, %
9.2 Cold-Rolled Strip—The material referred to as cold-
Nickel 0.20 rolled strip shall conform to the permissible variations in
Chromium 0.20
dimensions prescribed in Tables 10-13, inclusive.
Molybdenum 0.10
Columbium 0.05
9.3 Plate—The material referred to as plate shall conform to
Carbon 0.01
the permissible variations in dimensions prescribed in Tables
Silicon 0.05
14-20, inclusive.
Manganese 0.04
Phosphorus 0.005
9.4 Edges for Cold-Rolled Strip:
Sulfur 0.005
Copper 0.03 9.4.1 The various types of edges procurable shall be as
follows: No. 1 Edge—Rolled edge, contour as specified. No. 3 Edge—An edge produced by slitting.
4.1.10 Certification or Test Reports—State if certification or No. 5 Edge—Approximately square edge produced
test reports are required (Section 16).
by rolling or filing, or both, after slitting.
5. Materials and Manufacture
10. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
5.1 Heat Treatment—The final heat treatment shall be a
10.1 The material shall be free of injurious imperfections
solution anneal. Minor cold working such as flattening or
and shall correspond to the designated finish as described as
temper rolling may be performed after the final solution
annealing treatment.
10.1.1 Sheet—The various types of finish procurable on
NOTE 1—This recommended solution anneal consists of heating to a
sheet products shall be as follows:
minimum temperature of 2000°F (1090°C) and cooling rapidly to room No. 1 Finish—Hot rolled, annealed, and descaled;
produced by hot rolling to specified thicknesses followed by
annealing and descaling (see 10.2).
6. Chemical Composition No. 2D Finish—Dull, cold-rolled finish; produced
6.1 The material sampled, in accordance with 11.2, shall
by cold rolling to the specified thickness, annealing, and
conform to the composition limits prescribed in Table 1.
descaling. The dull finish results from the descaling and
6.2 If a product analysis is subsequently made, the material
pickling operations.
shall conform to the composition limits with the product No. 2B Finish—Bright,cold-rolledfinish;produced
analysis variation prescribed in Table 2.
by giving a final light cold-rolled pass with polished rolls, to a
sheet that has been annealed and descaled.
7. Mechanical Requirements No. 4 Finish—General-purpose polished finish.
7.1 The material shall conform to the requirements as to the Following initial grinding with coarser abrasives, sheets are
mechanical property prescribed in Table 3. generallyfinishedlastwithabrasivesapproximately120to150
TABLE 3 Mechanical Property Requirements
Tensile Strength, min, Yield Strength (0.2 % offset), Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, Rockwell Hardness (or
ksi (MPa) min, ksi (MPa) or 4D, min, % equivalent)
Sheet 80 (550) 35 (240) 30 75–90 HRB
Strip 80 (550) 35 (240) 30 75–90 HRB
Plate 80 (550) 35 (240) 30 75–90 HRB
Hardness values are shown for information only and shall not constitute a basis for acceptance or rejection as long as the other mechanical properties are met.
TABLE 4 Thickness Tolerances for Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled No. 2 Finish—Same as No. 1 finish, followed by a
final light cold-rolled pass, generally on highly polished rolls.
Tolerance, over and Bright Annealed—Bright finish produced by cold
Specified Thickness, in. (mm)
under, in. (mm)
rolling to thickness, then annealing in a protective atmosphere.
Over 0.145 to less than 0.1875 (3.68 to less than 4.76) 0.014 (0.36)
10.1.3 Plate—The types of finish procurable on plates shall
Over 0.130 to 0.145 (3.30 to 3.68), incl 0.012 (0.30)
Over 0.114 to 0.130 (2.90 to 3.30), incl 0.010 (0.25)
be as follows:
Over 0.098 to 0.114 (2.49 to 2.90), incl 0.009 (0.23) Hot- or Cold-Rolled, Annealed—Scale not re-
Over 0.083 to 0.098 (2.11 to 2.49), incl 0.008 (0.20)
moved (see 10.2).
Over 0.072 to 0.083 (1.83 to 2.11), incl 0.007 (0.18)
Over 0.058 to 0.072 (1.47 to 1.83), incl 0.006 (0.15) Hot- or Cold-Rolled, Annealed, Descaled—Scale
Over 0.040 to 0.058 (1.02 to 1.47), incl 0.005 (0.13)
removed by a blast cleaning or pickling operation (see 10.2).
Over 0.026 to 0.040 (0.66 to 1.02), incl 0.004 (0.10)
Over 0.016 to 0.026 (0.41 to 0.66), incl 0.003 (0.08)
10.2 Spot grinding to remove surface imperfections is
Over 0.007 to 0.016 (0.18 to 0.41), incl 0.002 (0.05)
permitted for material produced in accordance with,
Over 0.005 to 0.007 (0.13 to 0.18), incl 0.0015 (0.04)
0.005 (0.13) 0.001 (0.03),, and, provided such grinding does
not reduce the thickness or width at any point beyond the
permissible variations in dimensions.
TABLE 5 Width and Length Tolerances for Hot-Rolled and Cold-
Rolled Resquared Sheets (Stretcher Leveled Flatness)
11. Sampling
Tolerance, in. (mm)
Specified Dimensions, in. (mm)
11.1 Lots of Chemical Analysis, Mechanical Testing, and
Over Under
Corrosion Testing:
For thicknesses under 0.031 (0.79):
Widths up to 48 (1219), excl ⁄16 (1.6) 0 11.1.1 A lot for chemical analysis shall consist of one heat.
Widths 48 (1219) and over ⁄8 (3.2) 0
11.1.2 Plate—A lot of plate for testing and inspection
Lengths up to 120 (3048), excl ⁄16 (1.6) 0
purposes shall consist of the products resulting from the rolling
Lengths 120 (3048) and over ⁄8 (3.2) 0
For thicknesses 0.031 (0.79) and
of one heat of material in the same condition and specified
thickness, solution annealed by the same practice, but in no
All widths and lengths ⁄4 (6.4) 0
case more than 25 000 lb (11 340 kg).
11.1.3 Sheet and Strip—Alotofsheetorstripfortestingand
inspection purposes shall consist of material from one heat in
TABLE 6 Width, Length, and Camber Tolerances for Hot-Rolled
the same form (sheet or strip), condition, finish, and specified
and Cold-Rolled Sheets Not Resquared
Width Tolerances
Tolerance for Specified Width,
more than 25 000 lb (11 340 kg).
in. (mm)
Specified Thickness, in. (mm)
24 to 48 (610 to 48 (1219) and 11.2 Sampling for Chemical Analysis:
1219), excl Over
11.2.1 A representative sample shall be taken from each lot
3 1 1
Less than ⁄16 (4.76) ⁄16 (1.6) over, ⁄8 in. (3.2)
during pouring or subsequent processing.
0 under over,
0 under
11.2.2 Product analysis, if performed, shall be wholly the
Length Tolerances
responsibility of the purchaser.
Tolerance, in. (mm)
Specified Length, ft (mm)
Over Under
11.3 Sampling for Mechanical Tests:
Up to 10 (3050), incl ⁄4 (6.4) 0 (0)
1 11.3.1 A sample of the material to provide test specimens
Over 10 to 20 (3050 to 6100), incl ⁄2 (12.7) 0 (0)
Camber Tolerances
for mechanical tests shall be taken from such a location in each
Tolerance per Unit Length of any
lot as to be representative of that lot.
Specified Width, in. (mm) 8ft
11.3.2 When samples are to be taken after delivery, the
(2440 mm), in. (mm)
24 to 36 (610 to 914), incl ⁄8 (3.2)
purchaser of material ordered to cut lengths may request on the
Over 36 (914) ⁄32 (2.4)
purchase order additional material of adequate size to provide
Camber is the greatest deviation of a side edge from a straight line, and
sample coupons for inspection purposes.
measurement is taken by placing an 8-ft (2440-mm) straightedge on the concave
side and measuring the greatest distance between the sheet edge and the
11.4 Sampling for Corrosion Tests—Asample for corrosion
testing shall be taken from a location chosen to be representa-
tive of the lot.
mesh. Sheets can be produced with one or two sides polished.
12. Number of Tests and Retests
When polished on one side only, the other side may be rough
ground in order to obtain the necessary flatness. 12.1 In the case of sheet or strip supplied in coil form, two Bright Annealed—Bright finish produced by cold or more tension tests (one from each end of each coil), and one
rolling to thickness, then annealing in a protective atmosphere. or more hardness tests shall be made on specimens taken from
10.1.2 Strip—The type of finish procurable on cold-rolled eachendofthecoil.Whenmaterialissuppliedinflatsheet,flat
strip shall be as follows: strip, or plate, one tension and one or more hardness tests shall No. 1 Finish—Cold rolled to specified thickness, bemadeoneach100orlesssheets,strips,orplatesofthesame
annealed, and pickled (see 10.2).Appearance of this finish is a lot. When specified, one corrosion test shall be conducted for
dull gray. each lot.
TABLE 7 Flatness Tolerances for Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled Sheets
Sheets not Specified to Stretcher Leveled Standard of Flatness
Flatness Tolerance (max Deviation from a
Specified Thickness, in. (mm) Width, in. (mm)
Horizontal Flat Surface), in. (mm)
0.062 (1.57) and over to 60 (1524), incl ⁄2 (12.7)
over 60 to 72 (1524 to ⁄4 (19.1)
1829), incl
over 72 (1829) 1 (25.4)
Under 0.062 (1.57) to 36 (914), incl ⁄2 (12.7)
over 36 to 60 (914 to ⁄4 (19.1)
1524), incl
over 60 (1524) 1 (25.4)
Sheets Specified to Stretcher Level Standard of Flatness
Specified Thickness, in. (mm) Width, in. (mm) Length, in. (mm) Flatness To
This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
Designation: B 599 – 92 (Reapproved 2009)
Standard Specification for
Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Stabilized
Alloy (UNS N08700) Plate, Sheet, and Strip
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 599; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
´ NOTE—Keywords were added editorially in November 2003.
—An editorial correction was made in 1.1 in April 2009.
1. Scope
1.1This specification covers nickel-iron-chromiummolydenum-columbium stabilized alloy (UNS N08700)* plate, sheet, and
strip in the solution-annealed condition.
1.2The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard.
1.1 This specification covers nickel-iron-chromium-molybdenum-columbium stabilized alloy (UNS N08700)* plate, sheet, and
strip in the solution-annealed condition.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
of the user of this standard to become familiar with all hazards including those identified in the appropriate Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) for this product/material as provided by the manufacturer, to establish appropriate safety and health practices, and
determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
A 262 Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels
E8 8/E 8M Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
E10 Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials
E18 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic MaterialsTest Methods for Rockwell
Hardness of Metallic Materials
E29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications
E55 Practice for Sampling Wrought Nonferrous Metals and Alloys for Determination of Chemical Composition
E 140 Hardness ConversionTables for Metals (Relationship BetweenRelationshipAmong Brinell Hardness,Vickers Hardness,
Rockwell Hardness, Rockwell Superficial Hardness, Knoop Hardness, and Knoop Hardness)Scleroscope Hardness
E350 Test 350 Test Methods for ChemicalAnalysis of Carbon Steel, Low-Alloy Steel, Silicon Electrical Steel, Ingot Iron, and
Wrought Iron
E 353 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Stainless, Heat-Resisting, Maraging, and Other Similar Chromium-Nickel-Iron
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.1.1 The terms plate, sheet, and strip as used in this specification are described as follows:
3.1.2 plate, n—material 0.1875 in. (4.76 mm) and over in thickness and over 10 in. (254 mm) in width.
Nickel and Cobalt and Their Alloys.
Current edition approved November 1, 2003. Published November 2003. Originally approved in 1980. Last previous edition approved in 1992 as B599–92(1997).
Current edition approved April 15, 2009. Published April 2009. Originally approved in 1980. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as B 599 – 92 (2003) .
* New designation established in accordance with ASTM E 527 and SAE J1086, Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS).
For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website,, or contactASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standards
volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
B 599 – 92 (2009)
B599–92 (2003)
3.1.3 sheet, n—material under 0.1875 in. (4.76 mm) in thickness and over 24 in. (610 mm) in width.
3.1.4 strip, n—material under 0.1875 in. (4.76 mm) in thickness and under 24 in. (610 mm) in width.
4. Ordering Information
4.1 Orders for material under this specification should include the following information:
4.1.1 Quantity (weight or number of pieces).
4.1.2 Name of material or UNS N08700.
4.1.3 Form (plate, sheet, or strip).
4.1.4 Dimensions.
4.1.5 Type of edge required (for strip only, see 9.4).
4.1.6 Finish (Section 10)—For sheet ordered with No. 4 finish, specify whether one or both sides are to be polished.
4.1.7 ASTM designation and year of issue.
4.1.8 Corrosion Test— State if intergranular corrosion test is required (Section 8).
4.1.9 Marking—State if metal die identification is required on plate ⁄4 in. (6.35 mm) or thicker (Section 17).
4.1.10 Certification or Test Reports —State if certification or test reports are required (Section 16).
5. Materials and Manufacture
5.1 Heat Treatment— The final heat treatment shall be a solution anneal. Minor cold working such as flattening or temper
rolling may be performed after the final solution annealing treatment.
NOTE 1—This recommended solution anneal consists of heating to a minimum temperature of 2000°F (1090°C) and cooling rapidly to room
6. Chemical Composition
6.1 The material sampled, in accordance with 11.2, shall conform to the composition limits prescribed in Table 1.
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements
Element Composition, %
Nickel 24.0–26.0
Iron remainder
Chromium 19.0–23.0
Molybdenum 4.3–5.0
Columbium 8 3 carbon to 0.40
Carbon, max 0.04
Silicon, max 1.00
Manganese, max 2.00
Phosphorus, max 0.040
Sulfur, max 0.030
Copper, max 0.50
Determined arithmetically by difference.
6.2 If a product analysis is subsequently made, the material shall conform to the composition limits with the product analysis
variation prescribed in Table 2.
TABLE 2 Product (Check) Analysis
Tolerances Over the Maximum
Element Limit or Under the Minimum
Limit, %
Nickel 0.20
Chromium 0.20
Molybdenum 0.10
Columbium 0.05
Carbon 0.01
Silicon 0.05
Manganese 0.04
Phosphorus 0.005
Sulfur 0.005
Copper 0.03
7.Mechanical Requirements Mechanical Requirements
7. Mechanical Requirements
7.1 The material shall conform to the requirements as to the mechanical property prescribed in Table 3.
B 599 – 92 (2009)
B599–92 (2003)
TABLE 3 Mechanical Property Requirements
Tensile Strength, min, Yield Strength (0.2 % offset), Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, Rockwell Hardness (or
ksi (MPa) min, ksi (MPa) or 4D, min, % equivalent)
Sheet 80 (550) 35 (240) 30 75–90 HRB
Strip 80 (550) 35 (240) 30 75–90 HRB
Plate 80 (550) 35 (240) 30 75–90 HRB
Hardness values are shown for information only and shall not constitute a basis for acceptance or rejection as long as the other mechanical properties are met.
8. Intergranular Corrosion Test
8.1 All material supplied to this specification shall be capable of passing the intergranular corrosion test, but the test need not
be performed on any given lot unless it is specified on the purchase order. If the test is specified, it shall be performed by the
manufacturer on specimens taken in the as-shipped condition. Specimens shall be tested in the sensitized condition (1 h at 1250°F
(677°C)), and tested in accordance with Practice C of Practices A 262. The corrosion rate shall not exceed 2.5 mils/month (165
mg/dm ·day).
9. Dimensions and Permissible Variations
9.1 Sheet—The material referred to as sheet shall conform to the variations in dimensions prescribed in Tables 4-9, inclusive.
9.2 Cold-Rolled Strip—The material referred to as cold-rolled strip shall conform to the permissible variations in dimensions
prescribed in Tables 10-13, inclusive.
9.3 Plate—The material referred to as plate shall conform to the permissible variations in dimensions prescribed in Tables
14-1920, inclusive.
9.4 Edges for Cold-Rolled Strip :
9.4.1 The various types of edges procurable shall be as follows: No. 1 Edge—Rolled edge, contour as specified. No. 3 Edge—An edge produced by slitting. No. 5 Edge—Approximately square edge produced by rolling or filing, or both, after slitting.
10. Workmanship, Finish,Finish and Appearance
10.1 The material shall be free of injurious imperfections and shall correspond to the designated finish as described as follows:
10.1.1 Sheet—The various types of finish procurable on sheet products shall be as follows: No. 1 Finish— Hot rolled, annealed, and descaled; produced by hot rolling to specified thicknesses followed by
annealing and descaling (see 10.2). No. 2D Finish— Dull, cold-rolled finish; produced by cold rolling to the specified thickness, annealing, and descaling.
The dull finish results from the descaling and pickling operations. No. 2B Finish— Bright, cold-rolled finish; produced by giving a final light cold-rolled pass with polished rolls, to a
sheet that has been annealed and descaled. No. 4 Finish— General-purpose polished finish. Following initial grinding with coarser abrasives, sheets are generally
on one side only, the other side may be rough ground in order to obtain the necessary flatness. Bright Annealed— Bright finish produced by cold rolling to thickness, then annealing in a protective atmosphere.
10.1.2 Strip—The type of finish procurable on cold-rolled strip shall be as follows: No. 1 Finish— Cold rolled to specified thickness, annealed, and pickled (see 10.2).Appearance of this finish is a dull
TABLE 4 Thickness Tolerances for Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled
Tolerance, over and
Specified Thickness, in. (mm)
under, in. (mm)
Over 0.145 to less than 0.1875 (3.68 to less than 4.76) 0.014 (0.36)
Over 0.130 to 0.145 (3.30 to 3.68), incl 0.012 (0.30)
Over 0.114 to 0.130 (2.90 to 3.30), incl 0.010 (0.25)
Over 0.098 to 0.114 (2.49 to 2.90), incl 0.009 (0.23)
Over 0.083 to 0.098 (2.11 to 2.49), incl 0.008 (0.20)
Over 0.072 to 0.083 (1.83 to 2.11), incl 0.007 (0.18)
Over 0.058 to 0.072 (1.47 to 1.83), incl 0.006 (0.15)
Over 0.040 to 0.058 (1.02 to 1.47), incl 0.005 (0.13)
Over 0.026 to 0.040 (0.66 to 1.02), incl 0.004 (0.10)
Over 0.016 to 0.026 (0.41 to 0.66), incl 0.003 (0.08)
Over 0.007 to 0.016 (0.18 to 0.41), incl 0.002 (0.05)
Over 0.005 to 0.007 (0.13 to 0.18), incl 0.0015 (0.04)
0.005 (0.13) 0.001 (0.03)
B 599 – 92 (2009)
B599–92 (2003)
TABLE 5 Width and Length Tolerances for Hot-Rolled and Cold-
Rolled Resquared Sheets (Stretcher Leveled Flatness)
Tolerance, in. (mm)
Specified Dimensions, in. (mm)
Over Under
For thicknesses under 0.031 (0.79):
Widths up to 48 (1219), excl ⁄16 (1.6) 0
Widths 48 (1219) and over ⁄8 (3.2) 0
Lengths up to 120 (3048), excl ⁄16 (1.6) 0
Lengths 120 (3048) and over ⁄8 (3.2) 0
For thicknesses 0.031 (0.79) and
All widths and lengths ⁄4 (6.4) 0
TABLE 6 Width, Length, and Camber Tolerances for Hot-Rolled
and Cold-Rolled Sheets Not Resquared
Width Tolerances
Tolerance for Specified Width,
in. (mm)
Specified Thickness, in. (mm)
24 to 48 (610 to 48 (1219) and
1219), excl Over
3 1 1
Less than ⁄16 (4.76) ⁄16 (1.6) over, ⁄8 in. (3.2)
0 under over,
0 under
Length Tolerances
Tolerance, in. (mm)
Specified Length, ft (mm)
Over Under
Up to 10 (3050), incl ⁄4 (6.4) 0 (0)
Over 10 to 20 (3050 to 6100), incl ⁄2 (12.7) 0 (0)
Camber Tolerances
Tolerance per Unit Length of any
Specified Width, in. (mm) 8ft
(2440 mm), in. (mm)
24 to 36 (610 to 914), incl ⁄8 (3.2)
Over 36 (914) ⁄32 (2.4)
Camber is the greatest deviation of a side edge from a straight line, and
measurement is taken by placing an 8-ft (2440-mm) straightedge on the concave
side and measuring the greatest distance between the sheet edge and the
TABLE 7 Flatness Tolerances for Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled Sheets
Sheets not Specified to Stretcher Leveled Standard of Flatness
Flatness Tolerance (max Deviation from a
Specified Thickness, in. (mm) Width, in. (mm)
Horizontal Flat Surface), in. (mm)
0.062 (1.57) and over to 60 (1524), incl ⁄2 (12.7)
over 60 to 72 (1524 to ⁄4 (19.1)
1829), incl
over 72 (1829) 1 (25.4)
Under 0.062 (1.57) to 36 (914), incl ⁄2 (12.7)
over 36 to 60 (914 to ⁄4 (19.1)
1524), incl
over 60 (1524) 1 (25.4)
Sheets Specified to Stretcher Level Standard of Flatness
Specified Thickness, in. (mm) Width, in. (mm) Length, in. (mm) Flatness Tolerance, in. (mm)
Under (4.76) to 48 (1219), incl to 96 (2438), incl ⁄8 (3.2)
3 1
Under ⁄16 (4.76) to 48 (1219), incl over 96 (2438) ⁄4 (6.4)
3 1
Under ⁄16 (4.76) over 48 (1219) to 96 (2438), incl ⁄4 (6.4)
3 1
Under ⁄16 (4.76) over 48 (1219) over 96 (2438) ⁄4 (6.4) No. 2 Finish— Same as No. 1 finish, followed by a final light cold-rolled pass, generally on highly polished rolls. Bright Annealed— Bright finish produced by cold rolling to thickness, then annealing in a protective atmosphere.
10.1.3 Plate—The types of finish procurable on plates shall be as follows: Hot- or Cold-Rolled, Annealed —Scale not removed (see 10.2). Hot- or Cold-Rolled, Annealed, Descaled—Scale removed by a blast cleaning or pickling operation (see 10.2).
10.2 Spot grinding to remove surface imperfections is permitted for material produced in accordance with,,,and10.1.3.2,providedsuchgrindingdoesnotreducethethicknessorwidthatanypointbeyondthepermissiblevariations
in dimensions.
B 599 – 92 (2009)
B599–92 (2003)
TABLE 8 Diameter Tolerances for Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled
Sheets, Sheared Circles
Tolerance Over Specified Diameter (No
Tolerance Under), in. (mm)
Thickness, in.
30 to 48 (762
(mm) Under 30 (762) Over 48 (1219)
to 1219), incl
1 3 1
Over 0.097 ⁄8 (3.2) ⁄16 (4.8) ⁄4 (6.4)
3 5 7
Over 0.057 to ⁄32 (2.4) ⁄32 (4.0) ⁄32 (5.6)
0.097 (1.45 to
2.46), incl
1 1 3
0.057 (1.45) and ⁄16 (1.6) ⁄8 (3.2) ⁄16 (4.8)
TABLE 9 Weight Tolerances for Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled
It is not practicable to produce hot-rolled and cold-rolled sheets to exact
theoretical weight. Sheets of
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