Test Method for Ball Penetration in Freshly Mixed Hydraulic Cement Concrete (Withdrawn 1999)

1.1 This test method covers determination of the depth of penetration of a metal weight into freshly mixed hydraulic cement concrete.  
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM C360-92 - Test Method for Ball Penetration in Freshly Mixed Hydraulic Cement Concrete (Withdrawn 1999)
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ASTM C360 92 O759510 0514803 791 W
1916 RaceSt Philadelphia, Pa 19103
Designation: C 360 - 92
Reprinted from lhe Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
Il not listed in the current combined index, will appear In the nexi &Mon.
Standard Test Method for
Ball Penetration in Freshly Mixed Hydraulic Cement Concrete'
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 360; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or. in the case of revision. the year of last revision. A nunibcr in parentheses indicaies the year of last rcapproval. A
superscript epsilon (6) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
7%is i('S1 lil~~~/i~Ji/ 1IiI.s /JlVil (I~J/JrüVd /if IISL' />Y iigl'riCil3 ü/I/W Di~/~iiriti~et~i í$ Dtfitisc. ~O~l.s/l/l I/iC fhü Iili/C.V c~/.~~~l~~~/~~~illiiJ,is olld
~~liiiii/iiïd.ï,filï Ili<, .S/JlY[/;C J'<'íir (?/'i.ï,ïilL, WhidI .kU.ï hWt1 UdíJ/JllY/ /lj' 1/1<> ~l~Jilïlt>ll~til i?/ D 1. Scope 5. Apparatus
5.1 The ball-penetration apparatus shall consist of a
i, i This test method covers determination of the depth of
cylinder wifh a hemispherically shaped bottom and handle
penetration of a metal weight into freshly mixed hydraulic
weighing 30 k O. i lb (14 f 0.05 kg), and a stirrup or frame to
ceiileiit concrete.
guide the handle and serve as a reference for measuring the
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be
depth of penetration (Fig. I).
regarded as the standard.
1.3 This slunclurcl cloev no1 piirport lo atklrcw all of rlie 5. 1. I Weigh&-The cylindrical weight shall be approxi-
mately 6 in. (I52 mni) in dianictcr aiid 45/11 in. (I 17 mni) in
.vq/il~y p.oD1ivn.s. [/' iitiyo crssocialcci rvi/li i1.r iisc. II is IIIC
height, with the top surface at right angles to the axis and the
rc.s~)oìi.sibilir~) OJ'tlic~ iisor q/* íhis stunclard to establish uppro-
bottom in the form of a hemisphere of 3-in. (76-mm) radius.
prìute saj¿?ty and health practices and determine the applicu-
The cylindrical weight may be machined from metal stock or
Oiliiy oJregirlatory limitalions prior to use.
cast or spun provided the dimensions and weight with the
2. Referenced Documents handle meet requirements, and the finish is smooth.
5.1.2 Handle-The handle shall be a metal rod, Vz in. (1 3
2. I ASTM Standards:
mm) in diameter and graduated in increments of 114 in. (6.4
C 143 Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Con-
mm), wifh each inch numbered from the zero point at the
stirrup. The handle may be T-shaped or a closed rectangle at
C 172 Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete2
the top to permit grasping by the hand.
2.2 Other Document:
5.1.3 Stirrup-The stirrup shall be at least IV2 in. (38
Manual of Aggregate and Concrete Testing2
mm) in width and each foot shall have a minimum bearing
area of 9 in.* (57 cm2). The clear distance between feet shall
3. Summary of Test Method
be at least 9 in. (228 mm). The top edge of the stirrup shall
3.1 The consistency of concrete is measured by deter-
coincide with the zero mark on the graduated handle when
mining the penetration of a 30 & 0.1-lb (14 & 0.05-kg)
the apparatus is rested upon a plane solid surface.
cylinder with a hemispherically shaped bottom into fresh
6. Sample
concrete. Penetration readings may be correlated with results
of Test Method C 143 for a given concrete mix.
6.1 The concrete may be tested either as placed in the
forms pror to any manipulation, or in a suitable container
4. Significance and Use
such as a can, pan, hopper, or wheelbarrow in accordance
with the sampling procedure of Practice C 172. In any case
4.1 This test method is used primarily to determine the
the minimum depth of the concrete shall be at least three
penetration of a metal ball into freshly mixed concrete as a
times the maximum size aggregate, but in no case less than 8
means of determining the workability of concrete. After
in. (203 mm). The minimum horizontal distance from the
sufficient correlation data with results from the standard
center line of the handle to the nearest edge of the level
slump test is obtained, the results of the penetration reading
surface on which the test is to be made shall be 9 in. (228
may be used to determine compliance with slump require-
NOTE-Additional guidance and information can be found in Section
7. Procedure
29. Ball Penetration in Fresh Portland Cement Concrete, of the ASTM
7. I Bring the surface of the concrete to a smooth and level
Manual of Aggregate and Concrete Testing.
condition by the use of a small wood float or screed, working
the surface as little as possible to avoid formation of mortar
layers. During the test, the adjoining concrete should not be
I This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Coniniittee C-9 on
C'oncrclc wid C'oiicrctc Agregales aiid is the dirccl rcspoiisihili

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