ASTM D1145-80
(Test Method)Test Method for Sampling Natural Gas (Withdrawn 1986)
Test Method for Sampling Natural Gas (Withdrawn 1986)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
~ ~~ ~~
9009276 0022488 925
Dealgnation: D 11 45 - 80
Standard Method of
This standard U issued under the rued designation D 1145; the number immediately lollowing the designation indicates the
year oloriginil adoption or. in the CIX >f revision. the year of lut revision. A number in parenihesu indicita the year of lut
1. scope
sample because any subsequent analysis, re-
gardless of the care and accuracy in making
1.1 This method of sampling covers the pro-
any such analytical test, is useless unless a
cedures for the sampling of natural gas, con-
representative sample has been obtained.
taining different gases as contaminants such as:
( f ) natural gases containing primarily hydro-
3. Usual Sources of Samples
carbons and nitrogen, (2) nhural gases con-
3.1 Samples of natural gases for test pur-’
taining hydrogen sulfide, or organic sulfur
poses may be required from one or more of the
compounds, or other sulfur contaminants, (3)
following sources: gas wells, field gathering
natural gas containing carbon uioxide, (4) nat-
lines, before and aíter field processing plant,
ural gas containing gasoline and condensables.
main transmission trunk pipe line, city distri-
These are treated separately and special pre-
bution system, storage holders, or similar pip-
cautions stated when necessary. The differences
ing, processing. or storage systems. The gas
in procedures are mainly in degree, rather than
may exist under pressure as high as 9ûûû to
in kind.
10 o00 psi (62 o00 to 69 o00 kPa), as in some
1.2 This method of sampling is intended to
gas wells, or under subatmospheric pressure in
correlate the size or type of sample with the
others; in transmission lines from 50 to 1200 psi
analysis to be run subsequentìj on that sample.
(345 to 8300 kPa); from 3 in. (7.6 cm) of water
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units
to 100 psi (0.7 to 700 kPa) in
column pressure
are to be regarded as the standard.
city distribution systems. When taking samples
2. Cenerd Considerations
under such widely varying conditions special
precautions should be observed, to make sure
2.1 In collecting samples of natural gas, con-
that the particular technique most suitable for
sideration must be given to the purposes for
the situation is employed.
which the samples are to be used and the
conditions under which they must be secured.
4. Volume of Sample Required
Consideration must also be given to the volume
4.1 Volume of sample required depends
of sample required for the prirposc intend&, to
both upn the analyses to be made and the
the size, design, and material af containers; and
apparatus to be used. In general, the following
to the size, length, and material of which the
minimum volumes of samples, including vol-
sampling line and auxiliary equipment arc con-
,Ume needed for purging the apparatus, are
structed to convey gas from the source of supply
recommended. These quantities wili normally
into the container and subsequently from the
suffice for two tests, an original and a check.
container to the point of use. Account must be
taken of the possible constituents in the gas,
’ Thh method L under the juhrdiction of ASTM Com-
whether it may contain only hydrocarbons and
mittoc D-3 on Gucous Fue4 and L be direct mpoaribility
inert ~ase3 such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide
oíSubcommittec DO3.01 on Colicctioa and Meuuremcnt of
or whether hydrogen sullide, organic mercap
Gy-2En 8p roved Ox. 31, 1980. PubUd De-
tans, or other sulfur contaminants may be pres-
eember 1980. On&y pubiishd u D 1145 - 50 T. Lui
ent. The object is to obtain a representative gas P&OW OdiCiOii D 1 I45 - 53 (195).
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9009276 0022489 8bL
D 1145
For chemical BAS rnilyair
lo00 cma pling line, and sample container may be done
For rclriive ûcnrity (ipcrific 1.0 nJ'(0.ü28 m')
either by the gas to be sampled (air displace-
pvity) with hilince-type
ment) or by water displncement, or by appli-
For heating value dctcrtnini- 3 io 5 n' (0.085 to 0,141 cation of vacuum.
lion ma)
6.3 Generally, natural gas is under sufilCient
For hydrogen iulíiûc (Tu- 250 to 700 cm'
pressure to purge and fill the container without
iwciler mcihod)'
For hydropn iulfldc (cid- 5 n' (0.141 ma) the use of additional means; however, in in-
rnlum iulíitc method)'
stances where this is not the case, some me-
For mícree rulhir' IO n'(0.283 m')
chanical means must be provided (see 7.4),
For poline conicnt' 5 IO IO na (0.141 to 0.~~3
6.4 The choice of the type of sample ("spot"
m')/teii (severil icitr/
diy mir be needed)
or "continuous"), the method of purging, the
For frictionition rnilyiir 5 IO IO n (0.141 to 0.2113
type of container, and the choice of any auxil-
iary pressure equipment, if necessary, will be
For iupcrcxprniihility iciir 10 na (0.3 m') ipprox.
dictated by the analysis or
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