Road transport and traffic telematics - After-theft services for the recovery of stolen vehicles - Part 6: Test procedures

This document specifies the Test Criteria for after-theft services for the recovery of stolen vehicles (ATSVR), and their control and use with electronic and electromechanical inhibitor control equipment utilising both conventional switched outputs and/or soft-coded outputs of setting and unsetting devices, detectors, warning devices and ancillary equipment, for fitting to vehicles operating on 12/24 V negative earth electrical systems.
The requirements and tests specified in this standard enable reasonable assessment of components performance with regard to safety, reliability, functionality, security and documentation. To provide reproducible test methods and to avoid the proliferation of technically similar test methods, the test procedures have been chosen, where possible, from internationally accepted standards. For specific guidance on these tests, reference is made to the appropriate document. In the context of the test procedures the term "specimen(s)" shall refer to the component or components of the ATSVR under test. To identify the tests that are to be applied to each type of component, reference shall be made to the table 23 in Annex A1.
The document assumes and requires that all other electrical and radio standards relevant to vehicles are complied with and shall take precedent in the event of conflict with any requirement in these ATSVR requirements.
This document is not intended to stifle technical development or prevent the use of new methods of detection, communication or implementation applied to an ATSVR device or system.  
In the event that an ATSVR system uses technology that renders any of the tests contained in this document inappropriate (e.g. a technology that was not envisaged when the standard was developed) then the ‘spirit’ rather than the ‘letter’ of the standard should apply.

Straßenverkehrstelematik (RTTT) - Systeme für das Wiederfinden gestohlener Fahrzeuge - Teil 6: Prüfungen

Télématique des transports - Recherche des véhicules volés - Partie 6: Modes opératoires d'essai

Cestna transportna in prometna telematika - Sistemi za odkrivanje ukradenih vozil - 6. del: Preskusni postopki

Ta dokument določa preskusna merila za storitve odkrivanje ukradenih vozil (ATSVR) ter nadzor in uporabo avtomobilov z elektronsko ali elektromehansko opremo za zaviranje nadzora, ki uporablja konvencionalne preklopne izhode in/ali mehko kodirane izhode naprav za nastavitev in razstavitev naprav, detektorjev, opozorilnih naprav in pomožne opreme za vgradnjo v vozila, ki delujejo v 12/24 V negativnih zemeljskih električnih sistemih. Zahteve in preskusi, določeni v tem standardu, omogočajo utemeljeno presojo delovanja sestavnih delov ob upoštevanju varnosti, zanesljivosti, funkcionalnosti, zaščite in dokumentacije. Da bi se zagotovila ponovljiva preskusna metoda in da bi se izognili proliferaciji tehnično podobnih preskusnih metod, so bili, kjer je bilo mogoče, izbrani preskusni postopki iz mednarodno sprejetih standardov. Za posebna navodila pri teh preskusih je podano sklicevanje na ustrezen dokument. V okviru preskusnih postopkov se izraz »vzorec« nanaša na sestavni del ATSVR, ki se preskuša. Za določevanje preskusov, ki bodo uporabljeni za vsak tip sestavnega dela, je podano sklicevanje na preglednico 23 v dodatku A1. Ta dokument predvideva in zahteva, da so vsi drugi električni in radijski standardi, ki se nanašajo na vozila, izpolnjeni in imajo prednost pri nasprotovanju s katero koli zahtevo v teh zahtevah ATSVR. Namen tega dokumenta ni, da zaduši tehnološki razvoj ali prepreči uporabo novih metod zaznavanja, komunikacije ali izvajanja, uporabljenih pri napravi ali sistemu ATSVR. Če sistem ATSVR uporablja tehnologijo, s katero se kateri koli od preskusov, naveden v tem dokumentu, izkaže kot neprimeren (npr. tehnologij ATSVR o, ki ni bila predvidena, ko je standard nastajal), velja »duh« standarda pred »črko« standarda.

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Technical specification
TS CEN/TS 15213-6:2011
English language
58 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

Cestna transportna in prometna telematika - Sistemi za odkrivanje ukradenih vozil
- 6. del: Preskusni postopki
Road transport and traffic telematics - After-theft systems for the recovery of stolen
vehicles - Part 6: Test procedures
Straßenverkehrstelematik (RTTT) - Systeme für das Wiederfinden gestohlener
Fahrzeuge - Teil 6: Prüfungen
Télématique des transports - Recherche des véhicules volés - Partie 6: Modes
opératoires d'essai
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TS 15213-6:2011
13.310 Varstvo pred kriminalom Protection against crime
43.040.15 $YWRPRELOVNDLQIRUPDWLND Car informatics. On board
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TS 15213-6
May 2011
ICS 35.240.60
English Version
Road transport and traffic telematics - After-theft services for the
recovery of stolen vehicles - Part 6: Test procedures
Télématique des transports - Recherche des véhicules Straßenverkehrstelematik (RTTT) - Systeme für das
volés - Partie 6: Modes opératoires d'essai Wiederfinden gestohlener Fahrzeuge - Teil 6: Prüfungen
This Technical Specification (CEN/TS) was approved by CEN on 9 September 2008 for provisional application.

The period of validity of this CEN/TS is limited initially to three years. After two years the members of CEN will be requested to submit their
comments, particularly on the question whether the CEN/TS can be converted into a European Standard.

CEN members are required to announce the existence of this CEN/TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the CEN/TS available
promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force (in parallel to the CEN/TS)
until the final decision about the possible conversion of the CEN/TS into an EN is reached.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2011 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TS 15213-6:2011: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
1 Scope .6
2 Normative references .6
3 Terms and definitions .7
4 Test Schedule .7
5 Test Conditions .7
5.1 General .7
5.2 Standard Atmospheric Conditions for Testing .7
5.3 Mounting and Orientation .8
5.4 Electrical Connections .8
5.5 Connection to Engine Crank Inhibitor (Where relevant to system) .8
6 Basic Tests .8
6.1 General .8
6.2 Functional Test for ATSVR with Position Reporting Telemetry Features .9
6.2.1 Object of the Test.9
6.2.2 Test Procedure .9
6.2.3 Criteria for Compliance .9
6.3 Functional Test for ATSVR with Optional Ignition Inhibition Function. 10
6.3.1 Object of the Test. 10
6.3.2 Test Procedure . 10
6.3.3 Criteria for Compliance . 10
6.4 Functional Test for ATSVR with Tracking Device . 10
6.4.1 Object of the Test. 10
6.4.2 Test Procedure . 10
6.4.3 Criteria for Compliance . 11
7 General . 11
7.1 Practical Issues . 11
7.2 Enclosure Protection . 11
7.2.1 General . 11
7.2.2 Resistance to Foreign Objects . 11
7.2.3 Resistance to Water Ingress . 12
7.2.4 Resistance to Impacts . 12
7.3 Interconnections . 13
7.4 Resistance of Connectors to Tensile Forces . 14
7.4.1 Object of the Test. 14
7.4.2 Test Procedure . 14
7.5 Adjustments . 14
7.6 Setting/Unsetting Devices . 15
7.6.1 Construction . 15
7.6.2 Reprogramming of Key Codes . 15
7.6.3 Wire-free Keys . 16
7.6.4 Electronic Direct Connection Keys, Proximity Keys, Keypads or Combinational Action
Input Devices . 17
7.6.5 Cyclic Reliability Test . 18
7.7 Electrical Tests . 19
7.7.1 Protection . 19
7.7.2 Power Supply Voltage Variation . 19
7.7.3 Current Consumption . 20
7.7.4 Toleration of the Loss of Power Supply to the Vehicle Security System . 21
7.7.5 Power Supply Reversal . 22
7.7.6 Power Supply over Voltage . 23
7.8 Control of Software/Firmware . 23
7.9 Installation Instructions . 24
7.10 User Instructions . 25
7.10.1 Object of the Test . 25
7.10.2 Test Procedure . 25
7.10.3 Criteria for Compliance . 25
7.11 Marking . 25
7.11.1 Object of the Test . 25
7.11.2 Test Procedure . 25
7.11.3 Criteria for Compliance . 26
8 Functional Tests . 26
8.1 Immunity to Slow Power Supply Reduction . 26
8.1.1 Object of the Test . 26
8.1.2 Test Procedure . 26
8.1.3 Criteria for Compliance . 26
8.2 Detectors . 26
8.2.1 Object of the Test . 26
8.2.2 Test Procedure . 27
8.2.3 Criteria for Compliance . 27
8.3 Standby Power Supply Capacity . 27
8.3.1 ATSVR systems requiring Connection to the Vehicle Power Supply . 27
8.4 Attack with Mechanical Impact . 28
8.4.1 General . 28
8.4.2 Object of the Test . 28
8.4.3 Test Procedure . 28
8.4.4 Criteria for Compliance . 29
9 Electrical Attack Tests . 30
9.1 Attack with High Electromagnetic Fields 50V/m . 30

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