Gas analysis - Comparison methods for determining and checking the composition of calibration gas mixtures (ISO 6143:2001)

This International Standard provides methods for
_ determining the composition of a calibration gas mixture by comparison with appropriate reference gas
_ calculating the uncertainty of the composition of a calibration gas mixture in relation to the known uncertainty of
the composition of the reference gas mixtures with which it was compared,
_ checking the composition attributed to a calibration gas mixture by comparison with appropriate reference gas
_ comparing the composition of several calibration gas mixtures, e.g. for the purpose of comparing different
methods of gas mixture preparation, or for testing consistency among gas mixtures of closely related
NOTE In principle, the method described in this document is also applicable to the analysis of (largely) unknown samples
instead of prospective calibration gas mixtures (i.e. gas mixtures which are intended for use as calibration gas mixtures). Such
applications, however, require appropriate care and consideration of additional uncertainty components, for example concerning
the effect of matrix differences between the reference gases used for calibration and the analysed sample.

Gasanalyse - Vergleichsverfahren zur Bestimmung und Überprüfung der Zusammensetzung von Kalibriergasgemischen (ISO 6143:2001)

Diese Internationale Norm legt Verfahren fest zur
-   Bestimmung der Zusammensetzung eines Kalibriergasgemisches durch Vergleich mit geeigneten Referenzgasgemischen,
-   Berechnung der Unsicherheit der Zusammensetzung eines Kalibriergasgemisches unter Einbeziehung der bekannten Unsicherheit der Zusammensetzung der Referenzgasgemische, mit denen es verglichen wurde,
-   Überprüfung der einem Kalibriergasgemisch zugeschriebenen Zusammensetzung durch Vergleich mit geeigneten Referenzgasgemischen,
-   Vergleich der Zusammensetzung mehrerer Kalibriergasgemische, z. B. zwecks Vergleich verschiedener Verfahren zur Herstellung von Gasgemischen oder zwecks Prüfung der Konsistenz zwischen Gasgemischen nahe benachbarter Zusammensetzung.
ANMERKUNG   Im Prinzip ist die in diesem Dokument beschriebene Methodik auch anwendbar auf die Analyse (weitgehend) unbekannter Proben anstelle prospektiver Kalibriergasgemische (d. h. Gasgemische, die zur Verwendung als Kalibriergasgemische vorgesehen sind). Solche Anwendungen erfordern jedoch besondere Vorsichtsmaßnahmen und die Betrachtung zusätzlicher Unsicherheitskomponenten, beispielsweise für den Einfluss von Matrixunterschieden zwischen den zur Kalibrierung benutzten Referenzgasen und der Analysenprobe.

Analyse des gaz - Méthodes comparatives pour la détermination et la vérification de la composition des mélanges de gaz pour étalonnage (ISO 6143:2001)

La présente Norme internationale décrit des méthodes pour
a) déterminer la composition d'un mélange de gaz pour étalonnage par comparaison avec des mélanges
appropriés de gaz de référence,
b) calculer l'incertitude de la composition d'un mélange de gaz pour étalonnage par rapport à l'incertitude connue
de la composition des mélanges de gaz de référence avec lesquels il a été comparé,
c) contrôler la composition attribuée à un mélange de gaz pour étalonnage par rapport aux mélanges appropriés
de gaz de référence,
d) comparer la composition de plusieurs mélanges de gaz pour étalonnage, par exemple afin de comparer
différentes méthodes de préparation de mélange de gaz, ou pour déterminer l'homogénéité parmi des
mélanges de gaz de composition proche.
NOTE En principe, la méthode décrite dans ce document est également applicable à l'analyse d'échantillons (largement)
inconnus plutôt que de mélanges de gaz pour étalonnage d'intérêt potentiel (c'est-à-dire mélanges de gaz destinés à être
employés commemélanges de gaz pour étalonnage). Toutefois, ces applications requièrent une attention particulière et la prise
en compte de composantes supplémentaires de l'incertitude, concernant, par exemple, l'effet des différences de matrice entre
les gaz de référence utilisés pour l'étalonnage et l'échantillon analysé.

Analiza plinov - Primerjalne metode za določevanje in preverjanje sestave kalibrirnih plinskih zmesi (ISO 6143:2001)

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Gas analysis - Comparison methods for determining and checking the composition of
calibration gas mixtures (ISO 6143:2001)
Gasanalyse - Vergleichsverfahren zur Bestimmung und Überprüfung der
Zusammensetzung von Kalibriergasgemischen (ISO 6143:2001)
Analyse des gaz - Méthodes comparatives pour la détermination et la vérification de la
composition des mélanges de gaz pour étalonnage (ISO 6143:2001)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 6143:2006
71.040.40 Kemijska analiza Chemical analysis
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN ISO 6143
August 2006
ICS 71.040.40
English Version
Gas analysis - Comparison methods for determining and
checking the composition of calibration gas mixtures (ISO
Analyse des gaz - Méthodes comparatives pour la Gasanalyse - Vergleichsverfahren zur Bestimmung und
détermination et la vérification de la composition des Überprüfung der Zusammensetzung von
mélanges de gaz pour étalonnage (ISO 6143:2001) Kalibriergasgemischen (ISO 6143:2001)
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 21 July 2006.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
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CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
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© 2006 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 6143:2006: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

The text of ISO 6143:2001 has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 158 "Analysis
of gases” of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and has been taken over
as EN ISO 6143:2006 by Technical Committee CEN/SS N21 "Gaseous fuels and combustible
gas", the secretariat of which is held by CMC.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication
of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by February 2007, and conflicting national
standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by February 2007.

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of
the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice
The text of ISO 6143:2001 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 6143:2006 without any
Second edition
Gas analysis — Comparison methods for
determining and checking the composition
of calibration gas mixtures
Analyse des gaz — Méthodes comparatives pour la détermination et la
vérification de la composition des mélanges de gaz pour étalonnage
Reference number
ISO 6143:2001(E)
ISO 2001
ISO 6143:2001(E)
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ii © ISO 2001 – All rights reserved

ISO 6143:2001(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope .1
2 Terms and definitions .1
3 Symbols and abbreviated terms .3
4 Principle.4
5 General procedure.6
6 Special procedures.14
7 Test report .14
Annex A (normative) Procedures for data evaluation.16
Annex B (informative) Examples .23
Annex C (informative) Computer implementation of recommended methods .31
ISO 6143:2001(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO 6143 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 158, Analysis of gases,tocancel
and replace the first edition (ISO 6143:1981), of which the methods for the design and evaluation of calibrations of
analytical systems have been updated and a method for estimating the uncertainty of the composition of calibration
gas mixtures has been added. It also cancels and replaces ISO 6711:1981, of which entirely new methods for
checking the composition of calibration gases have been specified, thus replacing the method which is no longer in
Annex A forms a normative part of ISO 6143. Annexes B and C are for information only.
iv © ISO 2001 – All rights reserved

ISO 6143:2001(E)
In gas analysis, calibration of analytical systems, as specified in the first edition of ISO 6143, has largely been
confined to the determination of a straight line through the origin, or of a straight-line segment, using only the
minimum number of calibration standards (one for a straight line through the origin, two for a line segment). The
approach adopted in the revision, relating to calibration as well as to uncertainty evaluation, goes far beyond this
simple scheme by
� including non-linear response curves and/or functions,
� replacing interpolation by regression,
� taking into account the uncertainty on the calibration standards,
� including validation of calculated response curves and/or functions,
� calculating uncertainties by uncertainty propagation.
As a consequence of adopting non-linear response models, advanced regression techniques (errors in both
variables) and uncertainty propagation, the main calculation procedures can only be performed on a computer,
using a specific program. Such a program is available (see annex C). As an alternative, sufficient information is
given in the document to enable the user to develop a program on his own.
Gas analysis — Comparison methods for determining and
checking the composition of calibration gas mixtures
1 Scope
This International Standard provides methods for
� determining the composition of a calibration gas mixture by comparison with appropriate reference gas
� calculating the uncertainty of the composition of a calibration gas mixture in relation to the known uncertainty of
the composition of the reference gas mixtures with which it was compared,
� checking the composition attributed to a calibration gas mixture by comparison with appropriate reference gas
� comparing the composition of several calibration gas mixtures, e.g. for the purpose of comparing different
methods of gas mixture preparation, or for testing consistency among gas mixtures of closely related
NOTE In principle, the method described in this document is also applicable to the analysis of (largely) unknown samples
instead of prospective calibration gas mixtures (i.e. gas mixtures which are intended for use as calibration gas mixtures). Such
applications, however, require appropriate care and consideration of additional uncertainty components, for example concerning
the effect of matrix differences between the reference gases used for calibration and the analysed sample.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
characteristic of a gas mixture given by the kind and content of each specified mixture component (analyte) and the
composition of the complementary gas (matrix)
NOTE In this International Standard, the analyte content is specified as a mole fraction, exclusively. Mole fractions have
the advantage of being perfectly independent of the pressure and the temperature of the gas mixture. Therefore their use is
recommended. However, for specific measuring systems, other composition measures (e.g. mass concentrations) may be more
appropriate. Their use then requires due care concerning the dependence on pressure and temperature.
comparison method
method for determining the content of a specified gas mixture component (analyte) by measuring an instrumental
NOTE Comparison of measuring systems requires calibration, in which the relationship between response and analyte
content is established. This is achieved by measuring the response to known values of analyte content provided by reference
gas mixtures.
ISO 6143:2001(E)
set of operations that establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between values of quantities indicated
by a measuring instrument or measuring system, or values represented by a material measure or reference
material, and the corresponding values realized by standards
response function
functional relationship between instrumental response and analyte content
NOTE 1 The response function can be expressed in two different ways as a calibration function or an analysis function,
depending on the choice of the dependent and the independent variable.
NOTE 2 The response function is concept

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