Optics and optical instruments - Test lenses for calibration of focimeters - Part 1: Reference lenses for focimeters used for measuring spectacle lenses (ISO/FDIS 9342-1:2023)

This document specifies requirements for reference lenses for the calibration and verification of focimeters that are used for the measurement of spectacle form lenses, e.g. those complying with ISO 8598-1. It also gives a method for the determination of the back vertex power of the reference lenses.
NOTE            It is accepted that other reference lenses can also be used with powers within the given range, manufactured to the same standard of accuracy and form, but different back vertex powers. However, only lenses with integer nominal powers, as described in 4.1, can be used for the calibration of digitally-rounding focimeters.

Optik und optische Instrumente - Prüfgläser zur Kalibrierung von Scheitelbrechwert-Messgeräten - Teil 1: Referenzgläser für Scheitelbrechwert-Messgeräte für die Messung von Brillengläsern (ISO/FDIS 9342‑1:2023)

Dieses Dokument legt Anforderungen an Referenzgläser zur Kalibrierung und Überprüfung von Scheitelbrechwert-Messgeräten fest, die für die Messung von Brillengläsern verwendet werden, z. B. solche, die der ISO 8598 1 entsprechen. Es enthält auch ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung des bildseitigen Scheitelbrechwerts der Referenzgläser.
ANMERKUNG   Die Verwendung anderer Referenzgläser, deren Brechwert im angegebenen Bereich liegt und die bezüglich Genauigkeit und Form gleichwertig gefertigt wurden, jedoch andere bildseitige Scheitelbrechwerte aufweisen, ist ebenfalls zulässig. Für die Kalibrierung von digital rundenden Scheitelbrechwert-Messgeräten können jedoch nur Gläser mit einem ganzzahligen Sollscheitelbrechwert, wie in 4.1 beschrieben, verwendet werden.

Optique et instruments d'optique - Verres étalons pour l'étalonnage des frontofocomètres - Partie 1: Verres de référence pour frontofocomètres pour le mesurage des verres de lunettes (ISO/FDIS 9342-1:2023)

Le présent document spécifie les exigences applicables aux verres de référence pour l'étalonnage et la vérification des frontofocomètres utilisés pour le mesurage des verres de lunettes, par exemple ceux qui sont conformes à l'ISO 8598-1. Il donne en outre une méthode qui permet de déterminer la puissance frontale arrière des verres de référence.
NOTE            Il est admis que d'autres verres de référence ayant des puissances situées dans la plage donnée, fabriqués selon les mêmes normes d'exactitude et de courbure, mais ayant des puissances frontales arrière différentes, puissent être utilisés. Cependant, pour l'étalonnage des frontofocomètres à affichage numérique avec arrondi, on ne peut utiliser que des verres ayant des puissances nominales entières, comme décrit en 4.1.

Optika in optični instrumenti - Preskusne leče za umerjanje fokometrov – 1. del: Referenčne leče za fokometre, ki se uporabljajo za merjenje spektralnih leč (ISO/FDIS 9342-1:2023)

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oSIST prEN ISO 9342-1:2022
Optika in optični instrumenti - Preskusne leče za umerjanje fokometrov – 1. del:
Referenčne leče za fokometre, ki se uporabljajo za merjenje spektralnih leč
(ISO/DIS 9342-1:2022)

Optics and optical instruments - Test lenses for calibration of focimeters - Part 1:

Reference lenses for focimeters used for measuring spectacle lenses (ISO/DIS 9342-


Optik und optische Instrumente - Prüfgläser zur Kalibrierung von Scheitelbrechwert-

Messgeräten - Teil 1: Referenzgläser für Scheitelbrechwert-Messgeräte für die Messung

von Brillengläsern (ISO/DIS 9342‑1:2022)

Optique et instruments d'optique - Verres étalons pour l'étalonnage des frontofocomètres

- Partie 1: Verres de référence pour frontofocomètres pour le mesurage des verres de

lunettes (ISO/DIS 9342-1:2022)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN ISO 9342-1
11.040.70 Oftalmološka oprema Ophthalmic equipment
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oSIST prEN ISO 9342-1:2022
ISO/DIS 9342-1
ISO/TC 172/SC 7 Secretariat: DIN
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2022-06-10 2022-09-02
Optics and optical instruments — Test lenses for
calibration of focimeters —
Part 1:
Reference lenses for focimeters used for measuring
spectacle lenses

Optique et instruments d'optique — Verres étalons pour l'étalonnage des frontofocomètres —

Partie 1: Verres étalons pour frontofocomètres pour le mesurage des verres de lunettes

ICS: 11.040.70
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/DIS 9342-1:2022(E)
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ISO/DIS 9342-1:2022(E)
© ISO 2022

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Contents Page

Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................iv

1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

2 Normative references ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

3 Terms and definitions .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

4 Design requirements and recommendations for reference lenses ...............................................................3

4.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

4.2 Spherical reference lenses ............................................................................................................................................................ 3

4.2.1 Standard reference lenses .......................................................................................................................................... 3

4.2.2 Low power reference lenses (optional) .......................................................................................................... 4

4.3 Prismatic reference lenses ........................................................................................................................................................... 4

4.4 Cylindrical reference lenses........................................................................................................................................................ 5

4.5 Spherocylindrical-power reference lenses .................................................................................................................... 5

4.6 Reference filter ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

4.7 Darker reference filters (optional) ....................................................................................................................................... 6

5 Uncertainties and Tolerances ................................................................................................................................................................ 7

5.1 Uncertainties for spherical reference lenses ............................................................................................................... 7

5.2 Uncertainties for prismatic reference lenses .............................................................................................................. 8

5.3 Tolerance for the axis of the cylindrical reference lens ..................................................................................... 8

Annex A (informative) Design of spherical reference lenses .................................................................................................... 9

Annex B (informative) Design and/or validation of prismatic reference lenses ...............................................13

Annex C (informative) Verification of the cylindrical reference lens ...........................................................................16

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ISO/DIS 9342-1:2022(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards

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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 172, Optics and photonics, Subcommittee

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This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 9342-1:2005), which has been technically

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oSIST prEN ISO 9342-1:2022
Optics and optical instruments — Test lenses for
calibration of focimeters —
Part 1:
Reference lenses for focimeters used for measuring
spectacle lenses
1 Scope

This part of ISO 9342 specifies requirements for reference lenses for the calibration and verification of

focimeters that are used for the measurement of spectacle form lenses. It also gives a method for the

determination of the back vertex power of the reference lenses.

NOTE It is accepted that other reference lenses can also be used with powers within the given range,

manufactured to the same standard of accuracy and form, but different back vertex powers. However, only lenses

with integer nominal powers, as described in paragraph 4.1, can be used for the calibration of digitally-rounding

2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content

constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For

undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 7944, Optics and optical instruments — Reference wavelengths

ISO 8598-1, Optics and optical instruments — Focimeters — Part 1: General purpose instruments

ISO 13666, Ophthalmic optics — Spectacle lenses — Vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 13666 as well as the following


ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:

— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
back vertex power
reciprocal of the paraxial value of the back vertex focal length

Note 1 to entry: According to ophthalmic convention, the “power” of a lens is specified as the back vertex power.

Note 2 to entry: The unit for expressing focal length is the metre and for vertex power is the reciprocal metre (m ).

The name for this unit is “dioptre”, and the symbol is “D”.
[SOURCE: ISO 13666:2019, 3.10.8, modified by adding note 2 to entry.]
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ISO/DIS 9342-1:2022(E)
reference lens

lens complying with this document used for the calibration and verification of focimeters

spherical reference lens

lens with spherical front and back surfaces used for the calibration and verification of dioptric power

measurements by focimeters

Note 1 to entry: A surface of plano power is a special case of a spherical surface having an infinite radius of

prismatic reference lens

prismatic lens constructed with two plane surfaces used for the calibration and verification of prismatic

power measurements by focimeters

Note 1 to entry: The unit for expressing prismatic power is centimetres deviation per metre distance (cm/m).

The name for this unit is “prism dioptre” and the symbol is “Δ”.

Note 2 to entry: The prism shall be constructed to give the correct deviation with light incident perpendicular to

one surface.
cylindrical reference lens

lens with one plane surface and one cylindrical surface used to calibrate and verify the axis indicator

and axis marker with reference to the orientation of the adjusting rail
spherocylindrical-power reference lens

lens with one spherical surface and one toroidal surface that are used to check the non-symmetric

cylinder power and cylinder axis error given by an automated focimeter after calibration

reference filter

neutral density filter of plano power that is used to check the capability of an automated focimeter to

measure tinted lenses
surface power

capacity of an optical surface to change the curvature of incident wavefronts by refraction

Note 1 to entry: Back surface power is given by the formula:
F = (1 – n)/r
BS 2
F is the back surface power in D;
n is the refractive index of the material of the lens, and

r is the radius of curvature of the back surface in metres, regarded as being positive if the centre of

curvature is behind the surface according to the direction of travel of light through the surface.

[SOURCE: ISO 13666:2019, 3.2.10, modified by the deletion of 'of a lens' and 'or deviation' and the

addition of Note 1 to entry.]
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ISO/DIS 9342-1:2022(E)
verified power

power derived from measurements of the parameters of the reference lens

Note 1 to entry: Each verified power comes with an uncertainty. This uncertainty is derived from the

uncertainties of the individual measurements used to establish the verified power and must be within the values

specified in this document.

Note 2 to entry: An example for the set of parameters to be measured for a spherical reference lens, are the

refractive index, radii of curvature of the two surfaces and thickness (see Annex A). For a prismatic reference

lens, an example for a set of parameters to be measured are the refractive index and its apical angle (i.e. the angle

between its two surfaces). (See Annex B).

Note 3 to entry: These parameters are measured using procedures and/or equipment traceable to certificates

issued by an appropriate metrology laboratory
4 Design requirements and recommendations for reference lenses
4.1 General

All reference lenses shall be made of homogeneous white crown glass selected to be free of bubbles and

striae in an area of 4 mm radius surrounding the centre of the aperture.

Other materials may also be used provided their use results in lenses with a durability and optical

reproducibility within the given tolerance over time and that can be manufactured to the same standard

of uncertainty and form as the glass lenses specified above.

The reference wavelength for the reference lenses used to calibrate and calculate the conventional

power value of the back vertex power shall be stated. The reference wavelengths shall be either the

green mercury e line (λe = 546,07 nm) or the yellow helium d-line (λd = 587,56 nm).

The conventional power value of a reference lens is defined as a calculated value, which is based on

actual measurements of the individual design parameters of the reference lens, such as refractive

index, radius of curvature of lens surface, etc. These are measured using procedures and/or equipment

traceable to certificates issued by an appropriate metrology laboratory. An appropriate metrology

laboratory may be one accredited to ISO 17025 for these measurements or one specified in national or

regional regulations.

NOTE The reference lenses should have protective mounts, which are designed so that, when a lens is

correctly placed on the lens support, the focimeter is not obstructed. It is recommended that the verified power

value of the power of the lens and the reference wavelength be marked on the mount.

4.2 Spherical reference lenses
4.2.1 Standard reference lenses

For a complete set of spherical reference lenses, the following set of nominal back vertex powers is

−25 D, −20 D, −15 D, −10 D, −5 D, +5 D, +10 D, +15 D, +20 D, +25 D
The spherical reference lenses should have an aperture of at least 15 mm.

In order to minimize the influence of spherical aberration, the curvature of the back surface and the

centre thickness shall approximately correspond to those of normal spectacle lenses. Table 1 gives

nominal back surface powers and ranges for centre thickness, which will ensure that the reference

lenses are of this form.
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ISO/DIS 9342-1:2022(E)
Table 1 — Design range for the standard spherical reference lenses
Range for back surface
Nominal back vertex power Range for centre thickness
D D mm
−25 -26 to -24 2 to 6
−20 -21 to -19 2 to 6
−15 -16 to -14 2 to 6
−10 -13 to -11 2 to 8
−5 -10 to -8 2 to 8
+5 -6 to -4 3 to 7
+10 -4 to -2 3 to 7
+15 -2 to 0 5 to 7
+20 -1 to 0 7 to 9
+25 -1 to 0 9 to 11

The centre thicknesses are required to guarantee stability in the negative power range.

The back surface shall not be convex
4.2.2 Low power reference lenses (optional)

When validating automated instruments, it is recommended to add extra, low, powers into the range.

Suggested values can be found in Table 2.
Table 2 — Design range for the low power spherical reference lenses

Nominal back vertex Nominal back surface Power range for back Range for centre thick-

power power surface power ness
D D D mm
–6 ± 1 2 to 8

The centre thicknesses are required to guarantee stability in the negative power range.

Choose either +0,25 and-0,25 or +0,12 and -0,12.
4.3 Prismatic reference lenses

The optical surfaces of prismatic reference lenses shall be plane and their aperture shall be at least

15 mm.

The number of prismatic reference lenses that should be used to adjust or to check a focimeter depends

on the measuring range of the instrument. The prismatic power marked on the mount shall be the

power for light incident normal to the surface resting on the lens support.
For a complete set, the following set of prismatic powers is recommended:
2 Δ 5 Δ 10 Δ 15 Δ 20 Δ

NOTE The prismatic value may depend on the design of the focimeter (IOA or FOA – see ISO 13666) due to

the implications of incident angle. This is explained in ISO/TR 29890.
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ISO/DIS 9342-1:2022(E)
4.4 Cylindrical reference lenses

This reference lens shall be a positive plano-cylindrical lens of at least 5 D edged to a rectangular shape

and shall have the dimensions, nominal unless otherwise stated, shown in Figure 1. The cylinder axis

shall be parallel to the longer, reference, side of the rectangle and shall be marked by a centre line. The

reference side shall also be marked.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 Centre line
2 Reference side/edge
Figure 1 — Cylindrical reference lens
4.5 Spherocylindrical-power reference lenses

Spherocylindrical-power reference lenses are used to test automated focimeters that measure sphere

power, cylinder power, and cylinder axis simultaneously for non-symmetric cylinder power and cylinder

axis errors. They are specially mounted spherocylindrical-power lenses with a power of –2,00 D sph/–

1,50 D cyl, of spectacle form and quality conforming to ISO 8980-1, and shall have a diameter of not less

than 25 mm.

The spherocylindrical-power reference lens is centred and firmly affixed on to an octagonal disk so

that the optical centre of the lens is coincident with the geometrical centre of the disk. The length of

the sides of the disk shall be between 25 mm and 30 mm. The axis of the cylinder should be aligned

as close as practicable to one of the faces of the disk. The disk shall have a clear central aperture of at

least 10 mm diameter centred on the geometrical centre of the disk. The disk is constructed of metal or

rigid plastic at least 3 mm in thickness.

An illustration of the specially mounted spherocylindrical-power reference lens with the disk is shown

in Figure 2.

As an alternative to using a lens mounted on an octagonal disc, a lens may be edged to the same


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