Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 7: Determination of moisture (ISO 11125-7:1993)

Specifies a test method for the determination of the level of free moisture present determined by measuring the mass lost on heating. Annex A gives information on the international standards series for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives ISO 11124 and ISO 11125.

Vorbereitung von Stahloberflächen vor dem Auftragen von Beschichtungsstoffen - Prüfverfahren für metallische Strahlmittel - Teil 7: Bestimmung der Feuchte (ISO 11125-7:1993)

Dies ist ein Teil aus einer Reihe von Teilen der Norm ISO 11125, welche die Probenahme und die Prüfung von metallisch Strahlmitteln behandelt.

Préparation des subjectiles d'acier avant application de peintures et de produits assimilés - Méthodes d'essai pour abrasifs métalliques destinés à la préparation par projection - Partie 7: Détermination de l'humidité (ISO 11125-7:1993)

La présente norme est l'une des parties de l'ISO 11125, qui traite de l'échantillonnage et des essais des abrasifs métalliques destinés à la préparation par projection. Les types d'abrasif métalliques et les prescriptions relatives à chacun figurent dans les différentes parties de l'ISO 11124. Les séries de normes ISO 11124 et ISO 11125 constituent une série cohérente de normes internationales sur les abrasifs métalliques destinés à la préparation par projection. L'annexe A donne des informations sur toutes les parties des deux séries. La présente partie de l'ISO 11125 prescrit une méthode d'essai pour la détermination du degré d'humidité libre dans les abrasifs métalliques destinés à la préparation par projection. On le détermine en mesurant la perte de masse par chauffage.

Priprava jeklenih podlag pred nanašanjem barvnih in sorodnih premazov - Preskusne metode za kovinske granulate za peskanje - 7. del: Ugotavljanje vlage (ISO 11125-7:1993)

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Priprava jeklenih podlag pred nanašanjem barvnih in sorodnih premazov -
Preskusne metode za kovinske granulate za peskanje - 7. del: Ugotavljanje vlage
(ISO 11125-7:1993)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Test
methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 7: Determination of moisture (ISO
Vorbereitung von Stahloberflächen vor dem Auftragen von Beschichtungsstoffen -
Prüfverfahren für metallische Strahlmittel - Teil 7: Bestimmung der Feuchte (ISO 11125-
Préparation des subjectiles d'acier avant application de peintures et de produits
assimilés - Méthodes d'essai pour abrasifs métalliques destinés a la préparation par
projection - Partie 7: Détermination de l'humidité (ISO 11125-7:1993)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 11125-7:1997
25.220.10 Priprava površine Surface preparation
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

STANDARD 11125-7
First edition
Preparation of steel Substrates before
application of paints and related
Test methods for metallic
products -
blast-cleaning abrasives -
Part 7:
Determination of moisture
Prdpara tion des subjectiles d’acier avant applica tion de peintures et de
produits assimik - Methodes d’essai pour abrasifs m&alliques destines
a Ia preparation par projection -
Partie 7: Determination de I’humidite
Reference number
ISO Ill 25-7:1993(E)
ISO 11125=7:1993(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take patt in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(1 EC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard ISO 11125-7 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/TC 35, Paints and varnishes, Subcommittee SC 12, Preparation of
steel substra tes be fore application o f pain ts and rela ted products.
ISO 11125 consists of the following Parts, under the general title Prep-
aration of steel Substrates before application of paints and related
products - Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives:
- Part 1: Sampling
- Part 2: Determination of particle size distribution
- Part 3: Determination of hardness
- Part 4: Determination of apparent density
- Part 5: Determination of percentage defective particles and of
micros truc ture
- Part 6: Determination of foreign matter
- Part 7: Determination of moisture
- Part 8: Determination of abrasive mechanical properties
0 ISO 1993
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-l 211 Geneve 20 0 Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
ISO 11125=7:1993(E)
At the time of publication of this part of ISO 11125, part 8 was in course
of preparation.
Annex A of this part of ISO 11125 is for information only.

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ISO 11125-7:1993(E)
Preparation of steel Substrates before application of
paints and related products - Test methods for
metallic blast-cleaning abrasives -
Part 7:
Determination of moisture
ISO 11125-1 :1993, Preparation of steel Substrates
1 Scope
before applica tion of pain

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