Footwear - Performance requirements for components for footwear - Insoles (ISO/TR 20881:2007)

ISO/TR 20881:2007 establishes the performance requirements for insoles components for footwear (not for the finished footwear), irrespective of the material, in order to assess the suitability for the end use and/or fitness for purpose. It also establishes the test methods to be used to evaluate the compliance with the requirements.
This Technical Report applies to insoles for various kinds of footwear.
ISO/TR 20881:2007 is intended to be used as a reference between the manufacturer and the supplier. It is not intended for third party certification.

Schuhe - Anforderungen an das Gebrauchsverhalten von Schuhbestandteilen - Brandsohlen (ISO/TR 20881:2007)

Dieser Technische Bericht führt die Anforderungen an das Gebrauchsverhalten von Brandsohlen für Schuhe (nicht für fertige Schuhe) unabhängig vom Material ein, um die Tauglichkeit und/oder die Eignung für den vorgesehenen Verwendungszweck zu bewerten. Er führt ebenfalls die Prüfverfahren zur Bewertung der Konformität mit den Anforderungen ein.
Dieser Technische Bericht gilt für Brandsohlen für jede Art von Schuhen, wie in Abschnitt 3 definiert.
Dieser Technische Bericht ist als Bezug zwischen Hersteller und Lieferant vorgesehen. Er ist nicht für die Drittstellenzertifizierung von fertigen Schuhen für den Kunden vorgesehen.

Chaussures - Exigences de performance pour les composants des chaussures - Premières de montage (ISO/TR 20881:2007)

Obutev - Zahtevane lastnosti za sestavne dele obutve - Notranji podplati (ISO/TR 20881:2007)

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Obutev - Zahtevane lastnosti za sestavne dele obutve - Notranji podplati (ISO/TR
Footwear - Performance requirements for components for footwear - Insoles (ISO/TR
Schuhe - Anforderungen an das Gebrauchsverhalten von Schuhbestandteilen -
Brandsohlen (ISO/TR 20881:2007)
Chaussures - Exigences de performance pour les composants des chaussures -
Premieres de montage (ISO/TR 20881:2007)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN ISO/TR 20881:2007
61.060 Obuvala Footwear
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN ISO/TR 20881
February 2007
ICS 61.060
English Version
Footwear - Performance requirements for components for
footwear - Insoles (ISO/TR 20881:2007)
Chaussures - Exigences de performance pour les Schuhe - Anforderungen an das Gebrauchsverhalten von
composants des chaussures - Premières de montage Schuhbestandteilen - Brandsohlen (ISO/TR 20881:2007)
(ISO/TR 20881:2007)
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 21 August 2006. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 309.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2007 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN ISO/TR 20881:2007: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

This document (CEN ISO/TR 20881:2007) has been prepared by Technical Committee
CEN/TC 309 "Footwear", the secretariat of which is held by AENOR, in collaboration with Technical
Committee ISO/TC 216 "Footwear".

REPORT 20881
First edition
Footwear — Performance requirements
for components for footwear — Insoles
Chaussures — Exigences de performance pour les composants des
chaussures — Premières de montage

Reference number
ISO/TR 20881:2007(E)
ISO 2007
ISO/TR 20881:2007(E)
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ISO/TR 20881:2007(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 1
4 Requirements . 2
4.1 General. 2
4.2 Performance requirements for insole components for general-purpose sports footwear. 2
4.3 Performance requirements for insole components for school footwear. 3
4.4 Performance requirements for insole components for casual footwear. 4
4.5 Performance requirements for insole components for men's town footwear . 5
4.6 Performance requirements for insole components for cold weather footwear . 6
4.7 Performance requirements for insole components for women's town footwear . 7
4.8 Performance requirements for insole components for fashion footwear . 8
4.9 Performance requirements for insole components for infants' footwear. 9
4.10 Performance requirements for insole components for indoor footwear. 10
5 Marking and labelling . 10

ISO/TR 20881:2007(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
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International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
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International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
In exceptional circumstances, when a technical committee has collected data of a different kind from that
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rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/TR 20881 was prepared by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee
CEN/TC 309, Footwear, in collaboration with Technical Committee ISO/TC 216, Footwear, in accordance with
the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).

iv © ISO 2007 – All rights reserved


Footwear — Performance requirements for components for
footwear — Insoles
1 Scope
This Technical Report establishes the performance requirements for insoles components for footwear (not for
the finished footwear), irrespective of the material, in order to assess the suitability for the end use and/or
fitness for purpose. It also establishes the test methods to be used to evaluate the compliance with the
This Technical Report applies to insoles for all kinds of footwear as defined in Clause 3.
This Technical Report is intended to be used as a reference between the manufacturer and the supplier. It is
not intended for third party certification.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 31-0, Quantities and units — Part 0: General principles
ISO 17709, Footwear — Sampling location, preparation and duration of conditioning of samples and test
EN ISO 19952, Footwear — Vocabulary
ISO 20866, Footwear — Test methods for insoles — Delamination resistance
ISO 20867, Footwear — Test methods for insoles — Heel pin holding strength
ISO 20868, Footwear — Test methods for insoles — Abrasion resistance
ISO 20869, Footwear — Test methods for outsoles, insoles, lining and insocks — Water soluble content
ISO 20876, Footwear — Test methods for insoles — Resistance to stitch tear
ISO 22649, Footwear — Test methods for insoles and insocks — Water absorption and desorption
ISO 22651, Footwear — Test methods for insoles — Dimensional stability
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN ISO 19952 apply.
ISO/TR 20881:2007(E)
4 Requirements
4.1 General
This Technical Report establishes two different types of performance requirement.
The essential requirements shall be taken all into account. The additional ones can be additionally agreed by
the component supplier and the footwear manufacturer as indicated in 4.2 to 4.10.
The results of each single analytical determination, as well as the average values, shall be rounded off in
accordance with ISO 31-0.
When taken from finished footwear, samples shall be prepared in accordance with ISO 17709.
4.2 Performance requirements for insole components for general-purpose sports footwear
4.2.1 Essential requirements
These essential requirements shall be fulfilled in all cases. See Table 1.
Table 1 — Test methods and properties for general sports footwear — Essential requirements
Test method Property Requirement
ISO 20869 Water soluble u 1,5 % sulfated ashed water soluble (SAWS)
substances content
u 16 % total water soluble (TWS)
ISO 20866 Delamination (Only for non-leather components)
Fore part: W 700 kPa dry; W 650 kPa wet
Seat part: W 600 kPa dry; W 450 kPa wet
ISO 20868 Abrasion resistance No surface tearing before 400 cycles
(testing not necessary if full sock is used)
ISO 20876 Resistance to stich W 140 N
This requirement is only applicable for sewn insoles.
4.2.2 Additional requirements
These additional requirements should be agreed by both component supplier and footwear manufacturer.
See Table 2.
Table 2 — Test methods and properties for general sports footwear — Additional requirements
Subclause Test method Property Requirement ISO 22651 Dimensional stability increase in size u 2,0 %
shrinkage u 2,0 % ISO 22649 Water absorption (method B) absorption W 70 mg/cm
and desorption
desorption W 60 %
2 © ISO 2007 – All rights reserved

ISO/TR 20881:2007(E)
4.3 Performance requirements for insole components for school footwear
4.3.1 Essential requirements
These essential requirements shall be fulfilled in all cases. See Table 3.
Table 3 — Test methods and properties for school footwear — Essential requirements
Test method Property Requirement
ISO 20869 Water soluble u 1,5 % sulfated ashed water soluble (SAWS)
substances content
u 16 % total water soluble (TWS)
ISO 20866 Delamination (Only for non-leather components)
Fore part: W 700 kPa dry; W 650 kPa wet
Seat part: W 600 kPa dry; W 450 kPa wet
ISO 20867 Heel pin holding W 700 N dry W 600 N wet
(if it applies)
ISO 20876 Resistance to stich W 140 N
This requirement is only applicable for sewn insoles.
4.3.2 Additional requirements
These additional requirements should be agreed by both component supplier and footwear manufacturer.
See Table 4.
Table 4 — Test methods and properties for school footwear — Additional requirements
Subclause Test method Property Requirement ISO 20868 Abrasion resistance No surface tearing before 400 cycles
(testing not necessary if full sock is used) ISO 22651 Dimensional stability increase in size u 2,0 %
shrinkage u 2,0 % ISO 22649 Water absorption (method B) absorption W 70 mg/cm
and desorption
desorption W 60 %
ISO/TR 20881:2007(E)
4.4 Performance requirements for insole components for casual footwear
4.4.1 Essential requirements
These essential requirements shall be fulfilled in all cases. See Table 5.
Table 5 — Test methods and properties for casual footwear — Essential requirements
Test method Property Requirement
ISO 20869 Water soluble u 1,5 % sulfated ashed water soluble (SAWS)
substances content
u 16 % total water soluble (TWS)
ISO 20866 Delamination (Only for non-leather components)
Fore part: W 650 kPa dry; W 550 kPa wet
Seat part: W 600 kPa dry; W 450 kPa wet
ISO 20867 Heel pin holding W 700 N dry W 600 N wet
(if it applies)
ISO 20868 Abrasion resistance No surface tearing before 400 cycles
(testing not necessary if full sock is used)
ISO 20876 Resistance to stich W 140 N
This requirement is only applicable for sewn insoles.
4.4.2 Additional requirements
These additional requirements should be agreed by both component supplier and footwear

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