Geotechnical investigation and testing - Laboratory testing of soil - Part 6: Fall cone test (ISO/TS 17892-6:2004)

ISO/TS 17892-6:2004 specifies the laboratory determination of undrained shear strength of both undisturbed and remoulded specimen of saturated fine grained cohesive soils by use of a fall-cone.
This document specifies the fall-cone test, in which a cone is allowed to fall with its tip towards a soil specimen, whereupon the penetration of the cone into the soil is measured. Tests performed according to this test yield penetration values which can be used to estimate the undrained shear strength.
The test is applicable to both undisturbed and remoulded soil test specimen.
For undisturbed soil test specimen, the results of the test are dependent on the quality of the specimen. Because of possible effects of anisotropy, it can also differ depending on what undrained shear strength the relation refers to.
The evaluated value of the undrained shear strength of the 'undisturbed' soil refers to its state during the test in the laboratory. This value is not necessarily indicative of the undrained shear strength of the soil in its natural state in the field. Therefore, the test should be regarded as an index test.
NOTE 1 For non-homogeneous soil samples, this method yields values of the undrained shear strength which are less representative for the bulk shear strength of the sample than other tests involving a larger volume of soil.
NOTE 2 For disturbed soil samples and fissured soil samples this method normally yields higher strength values than tests involving a larger volume of soil.

Goetechnische Erkundung und Untersuchung - Laborversuche an Bodenproben - Teil 6: Fallkegelversuch (ISO/TS 17892-6:2004)

Diese Technische Spezifikation gilt für die Bestimmung der undränierten Scherfestigkeit an gestörten und ungestörten Probekörpern von gesättigten feinkörnigen kohäsiven Böden mit dem Fallkegel.
Die Technische Spezifikation beschreibt den Fallkegelversuch, bei dem ein Kegel mit seiner Spitze in einen Probekörper eindringt, wobei die Eindringung des Kegels in den Boden gemessen wird.
Bei diesem Versuchsverfahren werden Werte für die Eindringung erhalten, aus denen die undränierte Schwerfestigkeit abgeschätzt werden kann.
Dieses Verfahren kann sowohl bei ungestörten als auch bei gestörten Probekörpern angewendet werden. Bei ungestörten Probekörpern ist das Versuchsergebnis abhängig von der Güteklasse des Probekörpers. Außerdem kann das Versuchsergebnis durch Anisotropie beeinflusst werden.
Auch wenn die undränierte Scherfestigkeit an einer �ungestörten" Probe ermittelt wird, hängt das Ergebnis von den Bedingungen des jeweiligen Versuchs ab, die sich von denen beim Abscheren in situ erheblich unterscheiden können. Daher ist die mit dem Fallkegel ermittelte Scherfestigkeit nicht notwendigerweise gleichbedeutend mit der undränierten Scherfestigkeit des Bodens in situ, und der Versuch sollte als Index-Versuch angesehen werden.
ANMERKUNG 1   Bei nicht homogenen Bodenproben liefert dieses Verfahren Werte für die undränierte Scherfestigkeit, die weniger repräsentativ für die mittlere Scherfestigkeit der Probe sind als andere Versuch, bei denen ein größeres Bodenvolumen im Versuch untersucht wird.
ANMERKUNG 2   Für gestörte Bodenproben und Proben aus gerissenem Boden liefert dieses Verfahren in der Regel höhere Werte für die Festigkeit als Versuche, bei denen ein größeres Bodenvolumen beteiligt ist.

Reconnaissance et essais géotechniques - Essais de laboratoire sur les sols - Partie 6: Essai de pénétration de cône (ISO/TS 17892-6:2004)

L'ISO 17892-6:2004 spécifie la détermination en laboratoire, au moyen de l'essai au cône, de la résistance au cisaillement non drainé d'éprouvettes de sol fins, saturés, présentant de la cohésion, dans l'état remanié ou non remanié.
Le présent document spécifie l'essai au cône qui consiste à laisser tomber un cône, pointe vers le bas sur une éprouvette de sol et à mesurer la profondeur de pénétration du cône dans le sol. Les essais réalisés selon cette méthode fournissent des valeurs de profondeur de pénétration qui peuvent être utilisées pour évaluer la résistance au cisaillement non drainé.
L'essai est applicable à la fois sur des éprouvettes de sol remanié et non remanié.
Dans le cas d'essais sur des éprouvettes de sol non remanié, les résultats dépendent de la qualité des éprouvettes. En raison des effets possibles d'anisotropie, les résultats peuvent être différents selon les relations utilisées pour déterminer la résistance au cisaillement non drainé.
La valeur de la résistance au cisaillement non drainé d'un sol «non remanié» correspond à l'état du sol au moment de l'essai, dans les conditions du laboratoire. Cette valeur n'est pas nécessairement représentative de la résistance au cisaillement non drainé du sol dans son état naturel en place. C'est pourquoi, il convient de considérer que l'essai fournit une valeur indicative.
NOTE 1 Lorsque les échantillons de sol ne sont pas homogènes, cet essai fournit des valeurs de la résistance au cisaillement non drainé qui sont moins représentatives que celles données par des essais qui impliquent un plus grand volume de sol.
NOTE 2 Lorsque les échantillons de sol sont remaniés ou fissurés, cette méthode fournit généralement des valeurs de la résistance au cisaillement non drainé plus élevées que celles données par des essais qui impliquent un plus grand volume de sol.

Geotehnično preiskovanje in preskušanje – Laboratorijsko preskušanje zemljin – 6. del: Preskus s konusom (ISO/TS 17892-6:2004)

Ta dokument določa laboratorijsko ugotavljanje nedrenirane strižne trdnosti nespremenjenih in preoblikovanih vzorcev zasičenih drobnozrnatih kohezivnih zemljin z uporabo konusa. Ta dokument določa preskus s konusom, pri katerem se konus spusti s konico proti vzorcu zemljine in se izmeri penetracija konusa v zemljino. S preskusi, opravljenimi v skladu s tem preskusom, se pridobijo vrednosti penetracije, ki se lahko uporabijo za oceno nedrenirane strižne trdnosti. Preskus se lahko uporablja za nespremenjene in preoblikovane preskusne vzorce zemljine. Pri nespremenjenih preskusnih vzorcih zemljine so rezultati preskusa odvisni od kakovosti vzorca. Zaradi morebitnih učinkov anizotropije se lahko razlikujejo tudi glede na razmerje, na katero se nanaša nedrenirana strižna trdnost. Ovrednotena vrednost nedrenirane strižne trdnosti 'nespremenjene' zemljine se nanaša na njeno stanje med preskušanjem v laboratoriju. Ta vrednost ni nujno pokazatelj nedrenirane strižne trdnosti zemljine v naravnem stanju na terenu. Zato je treba preskus obravnavati kot pokazateljski preskus.

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Geotechnical investigation and testing - Laboratory testing of soil - Part 6: Fall cone test
(ISO/TS 17892-6:2004)
Goetechnische Erkundung und Untersuchung - Laborversuche an Bodenproben - Teil 6:
Fallkegelversuch (ISO/TS 17892-6:2004)
Reconnaissance et essais géotechniques - Essais de laboratoire sur les sols - Partie 6:
Essai de pénétration de cône (ISO/TS 17892-6:2004)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN ISO/TS 17892-6:2004
13.080.20 Fizikalne lastnosti tal Physical properties of soils
93.020 Zemeljska dela. Izkopavanja. Earthworks. Excavations.
Gradnja temeljev. Dela pod Foundation construction.
zemljo Underground works
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN ISO/TS 17892-6
October 2004
ICS 93.020
English version
Geotechnical investigation and testing - Laboratory testing of
soil - Part 6: Fall cone test (ISO/TS 17892-6:2004)
Reconnaissance et essais géotechniques - Essais de sol Goetechnische Erkundung und Untersuchung -
au laboratoire - Partie 6: Essai au cône (ISO/TS 17892- Laborversuche an Bodenproben - Teil 6: Fallkegelversuch
6:2004) (ISO/TS 17892-6:2004)
This Technical Specification (CEN/TS) was approved by CEN on 20 October 2003 for provisional application.
The period of validity of this CEN/TS is limited initially to three years. After two years the members of CEN will be requested to submit their
comments, particularly on the question whether the CEN/TS can be converted into a European Standard.
CEN members are required to announce the existence of this CEN/TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the CEN/TS available
promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force (in parallel to the CEN/TS)
until the final decision about the possible conversion of the CEN/TS into an EN is reached.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2004 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN ISO/TS 17892-6:2004: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents page
1 Scope .5
2 Normative references .5
3 Terms and definitions .5
4 Equipment .6
5 Test procedure.7
6 Test results.10
7 Test report .11
Bibliography .12

Figure 1 — Example of a fall-cone .6
Figure 2 — Fall-cone test on remoulded soil.8
Figure 3 — Fall-cone test on undisturbed soil .8

Table 1 — Set of fall-cones - typical masses and dimensions .6

This document (CEN ISO/TS 17892-6:2004) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 341
“Geotechnical investigation and testing”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN, in collaboration with Technical
Committee ISO/TC 182 “Geotechnics”.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to announce this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
CEN ISO/TS 17892 consists of the following parts, under the general title “Geotechnical investigation and testing
— Laboratory testing of soil”:
 Part 1: Determination of water content.
 Part 2: Determination of density of fine grained soil.
 Part 3: Determination of particle density - Pycnometer method.
 Part 4: Determination of particle size distribution.
 Part 5: Incremental loading oedometer test.
 Part 6: Fall cone test.
 Part 7: Unconfined compression test.
 Part 8: Unconsolidated undrained triaxial test.
 Part 9: Consolidated triaxial compression tests.
 Part 10: Direct shear tests.
 Part 11: Permeability tests.
 Part 12: Determination of Atterberg limits.
This document covers areas in the international field of geotechnical engineering never previously standardised. It
is intended that this document presents broad good practice throughout the world and significant differences with
national documents is not anticipated. It is based on international practice (see [1]).
1 Scope
This document specifies the laboratory determination of undrained shear strength of both undisturbed and
remoulded specimen of saturated fine grained cohesive soils by use of a fall-cone.
This document specifies the fall-cone test, in which a cone is allowed to fall with its tip towards a soil specimen,
whereupon the penetration of the cone into the soil is measured. Tests performed according to this test yield
penetration values which can be used to estimate the undrained shear strength.
The test is applicable to both undisturbed and remoulded soil test specimen.
For undisturbed soil test specimen, the results of the test are dependent on the quality of the specimen. Because of
possible effects of anisotropy, it can also differ depending on what undrained shear strength the relation refers to.
The evaluated value of the undrained shear strength of the 'undisturbed' soil refers to its state during the test in the
laboratory. This value is not necessarily indicative of the undrained shear strength of the soil in its natural state in
the field. Therefore, the test should be regarded as an index test.
NOTE 1 For non-homogeneous soil samples, this method yields values of the undrained shear strength which are less
representative for the bulk shear strength of the sample than other tests involving a larger volume of soil.
NOTE 2 For disturbed soil samples and fissured soil samples this method normally yields higher strength values than tests
involving a larger volume of soil.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references,
only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
prEN 1997-1, Eurocode 7 - Geotechnical design — Part 1: General rules.
prEN 1997-2, Eurocode 7 - Geotechnical design - Part 2: Ground investigation and testing
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
undrained shear strength
the shear strength of a saturated fine grained soil determined in such a way that the soil remains undrained during
the shearing process
fall-cone undrained shear strength
the undrained shear strength determined using a fall-cone apparatus
undisturbed sample
normally a sample of quality class 1 according to prEN 1997-2
4 Equipment
4.1 Cone apparatus
4.1.1 The apparatus shall permit the cone to be held firmly initially and to be released instantaneously to fall
freely in the vertical direction into the soil specimen.
4.1.2 The apparatus shall have a mechanism which allows the cone to be raised or lowered and adjusted in such
way that the tip of the cone just touches the surface of the specimen before the cone is released.
4.1.3 The cone apparatus shall be equipped with a scale or other read off unit with such grading and resolution
that the depth of the cone penetration, which shall be within 5 mm to 20 mm, can be read off to a resolution of
± 0,1 mm after the release of the cone.
4.2 Fall-cones
4.2.1 A set of cones with cone angles of 30° or 60° and masses covering the whole range of possible shear
strengths shall be used. A typical set of four fall cones is given on Table 1. The 60 g/60° cone is shown in Figure 1
as a typical example of such a cone.
Table 1 — Set of fall-cones - typical masses and dimensions
Mass g 10 60 80 100 400
Tip angle ß ° 60 60 30 30 30
1 index line
2 cone tip
a is the deviation from the geometrical tip at
b is the maximum wear
h is the height of the conical tip

β is the tip angle
Figure 1 — Example of a fall-cone
4.2.2 When readings are taken manually, there shall be a distinct index line at the top of each shaft which shall
be clearly visible in the reading scale.
4.2.3 The cones shall be made of stainless material and have smooth polished surfaces with an average
roughness R of less than 0,8 µm. Cones with obvious wear or scratches shall be replaced.
4.2.4 The masses of the cones, together with their shafts, shall be within 1 % of the nominal mass and the tip
angles shall be within 0,2° of the nominal angles.
4.2.5 The deviation from the geometrical tip at manufacturing a shall be less than 0,1 mm. The maximum wear b
shall be less than 0,3 mm.
4.2.6 The height of the conical tip h shall be greater than 20 mm. To ensure that the point remains sufficiently
sharp for the purposes of the test, the cone should be replaced if the point can no longer be felt when brushed
lightly with the tip of the finger when the tip is pushed through a hole (1,50 ± 0,02) mm in diameter, drilled through a
metal plate (1,75 ± 0,1) mm thick for a 30° cone or a (1,0 ± 0,1) mm thick metal plate for a 60° cone.
4.3 Ancillary apparatus
The ancillary apparatus consists of the following:
a) Sample tube for undisturbed soil specimen or plane for extruded and/or trimmed test specimen;
b) mixing cup; for remoulded specimen, a mixing cup shall be used with the rim parallel to the base. The cup shall
be made of steel, porcelain or plastic, of cylindrical or semi-spherical shape, with a diameter greater than of
55 mm and depth of at least 30 mm;
c) spatula;
d) sample extruder;
e) wire cutter.
5 Test procedure
5.1 Test specimen preparation
5.1.1 General For determination of undrained shear strength of undisturbed soil, the samples shall be taken with a
sampling method yielding undisturbed samples. When the soil contains shells, coarser particles, fissures, channels etc. fall-cone tests may yield
erroneous results. The time for storage of the soil samples and their handling can affect the test result.
5.1.2 Undisturbed specimen in sample tube The test shall be performed on soil material which is representative of the sampling level and from that
part of the sample, which according to experience of the particular sampling method is least disturbed. Disturbed materials shall be extruded at the top of the sample form the tube by use of the sample
extruder. The protruding part shall be cut off with the wire cutter in such a way that the soil surface is as even as
NOTE The required amount of sample to be cut off mainly depends on the used type of sampler.
Figure 2 — Fall-cone test on remoulded soil Figure 3 — Fall-cone test on undisturbed soil

5.1.3 Extruded and/or trimmed undisturbed test specimen A test specimen of the sample shall be prepared in such way that it obtains a diameter of at least
50 mm, with plane and parallel ends. The height of the test specimen shall be at least 5 mm more than the maximum expected cone
penetration. The test specimen shall be placed with one of the plane ends on plane plate.
5.1.4 Remoulded specimen The possible existence of seams or layers (e. g. sand layers) or lenses of coarser soil shall be noted
and if these have been removed. If possible, all gravel size particles, shells etc. shall be removed and this shall be noted. The soil shall be thoroughly remoulded in such a way as to avoid air bubbles being mixed into the

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