Aerospace series - Installation and removal requirements for 8° 30' adaptors, threaded, with lockring

This standard specifies the installation and removal requirements for adaptors, threaded, with lockring for pipe couplings 8°30' according to EN 2603.
This standard establishes an accurate procedure of adaptor installation, removal and reinstallation to ensure the repeatability of the installation operation and to ensure the effective compliance to sealing and locking re-quirements.
The adaptor shown on all figures of this standard is given as an example for the 8°30' interface according to EN 2604.
This procedure is used for adaptors 8°30', for nominal pressure up to 28 000 kPa to install the adapters according to EN 3248, EN 3270 and EN 3566

Luft- und Raumfahrt - Ein- und Ausbaubedingungen für gerade Einschraubverschraubungen 8° 30' mit Sicherungsring

Diese Norm legt die Ein- und Ausbaubedingungen für gerade Einschraubverschraubungen mit Sicherungsring für Rohrverschraubungen 8°30' nach EN 2603 fest.
Diese Norm legt ein genaues Verfahren für den Ein-, Aus- und Wiedereinbau von Einschraubverschraubungen fest, um die Wiederholbarkeit des Einbauvorgangs und die Übereinstimmung mit den Dichtungs- und Sicherungsanforderungen sicherzustellen.
Die in allen Bildern dieser Norm dargestellte Einschraubverschraubung dient als Beispiel für die Schnittstelle 8°30' nach EN 2604.
Dieses Verfahren wird für Einschraubverschraubungen 8°30' für Nenndrücke bis 28 000 kPa verwendet, um Einschraubverschraubungen nach EN 3248, EN 3270 und EN 3566 zu installieren.

Série aérospatiale - Spécification de montage et de démontage des raccords à implanter à 8° 30 ', filetés, avec bague de sécurité

Aeronavtika – Zahteve za namestitev in odstranitev adapterjev 8° 30', z navojem, z zaklepnim obročkom

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Aerospace series - Installation and removal requirements for 8° 30' adaptors, threaded, with lockringSérie aérospatiale - Spécification de montage et de démontage des raccords a implanter a 8° 30 ', filetés, avec bague de sécuritéLuft- und Raumfahrt - Ein- und Ausbaubedingungen für gerade Einschraubverschraubungen 8° 30' mit SicherungsringTa slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 2608:2005SIST EN 2608:2006en49.030.99ICS:SLOVENSKI
STANDARDSIST EN 2608:200601-september-2006

EN 2608
December 2005 ICS 49.030.99 English Version
Aerospace series - Installation and removal requirements for 8° 30' adaptors, threaded, with lockring
Série aérospatiale - Spécification de montage et de démontage des raccords à implanter à 8° 30' à bague de sécurité
Luft- und Raumfahrt - Ein- und Ausbaubedingungen für gerade Einschraubverschraubungen 8° 30' mit Sicherungsring This European Standard was approved by CEN on 28 October 2005.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36
B-1050 Brussels © 2005 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN 2608:2005: E

Contents Page Foreword.3 1 Scope.4 2 Normative references.4 3 Installation instructions.5 3.1 Engineering information.5 3.2 Port preparation.6 3.3 Adaptor installation.12 4 Replacement instructions.17 4.1 Lockring removal.17 4.2 Adaptor removal.19 4.3 Adaptor reuse.19 5 Designation.20 Annex A (informative)
Comparison of numbers for Rosan and AECMA parts.21

3 Foreword This European Standard (EN 2608:2005) has been prepared by the European Association of Aerospace Manufacturers - Standardization (AECMA-STAN). After enquiries and votes carried out in accordance with the rules of this Association, this Standard has re-ceived the approval of the National Associations and the Official Services of the member countries of AECMA, prior to its presentation to CEN. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by June 2006, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by June 2006. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Den-mark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxem-bourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

1 Scope This standard specifies the installation and removal requirements for adaptors, threaded, with lockring for pipe couplings 8°30' according to EN 2603. This standard establishes an accurate procedure of adaptor installation, removal and reinstallation to ensure the repeatability of the installation operation and to ensure the effective compliance to sealing and locking re-quirements. The adaptor shown on all figures of this standard is given as an example for the 8°30' interface according to EN 2604. This procedure is used for adaptors 8°30', for nominal pressure up to 28 000 kPa to install the adapters according to EN 3248, EN 3270 and EN 3566. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated refer-ences, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 5855-1, Aerospace — MJ threads — Part 1: General requirements ISO 5855-3, Aerospace — MJ threads — Part 3: Limit dimensions for fluid systems EN 2435-01, Aerospace series — Paints and varnishes — Corrosion resistant chromated two component cold curing primer — Part 01: Minimum requirements EN 2602, Aerospace series — Ports for adaptors, threaded, with lockring — Geometric configuration
EN 2603, Aerospace series — Port ends for adaptors, threaded, with lockring — Geometric configuration EN 2604, Aerospace series — 8°30' interface for adaptors, threaded, with lockring — Geometric configuration EN 2645, Aerospace series — Lockrings for adaptors, threaded, with lockring — Dimensions EN 3248, Aerospace series — Pipe coupling 8°30' in titanium alloy — Adaptors, reduced pipe end, with lock-ring EN 3270, Aerospace series — Pipe coupling 8°30' in titanium alloy — Blanking plugs with lockring EN 3566, Aerospace series — Pipe coupling 8°30' in titanium alloy — Adaptors with lockring EN 3663, Aerospace series — Pipe coupling — O-rings in rubber NBR, 75 IRHD — Temperature range: − 55 °C to +135 °C MIL-H-5606, Hydraulic fluid, petroleum base; aircraft, missile and ordnance1)
MIL-H-83282, Hydraulic fluid, fire resistant, synthetic hydrocarbon base, metric, NATO number H-5371) MIL-H-87257, Hydraulic fluid, fire resistant, low temperature, synthetic hydrocarbon base, aircraft and missile1)
1) Published by: Department of Defence (DOD), the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301.

5 3 Installation instructions 3.1 Engineering information
a The adaptor according to EN 3566 is used in the 8°30' coupling system with an interface according to EN 2604. b The lockring according to EN 2645 prevents the adaptor from rotating in the port and also avoids port damage at tubing installation due to torquing. c Seal is metal to metal and O-ring according to EN 3663. NOTE This seal is only compatible with hydraulic fluids such as MIL-H-5606, MIL-H-83282 and MIL-H-87257. d Tapped hole (boss port side) for the 8°30' adaptor installation according to EN 2602. e Port side interface of the adaptor according to EN 2603. f Thread A g Thread B Figure 1 Comparison of numbers for Rosan and AECMA parts see Annex A.

Table 1 — General information Dimensions in millimetres
Thread Ab Thread Bb Part No. x y 8°30' coupling Codea Adaptor Part No. EN Port dimension code 4g6g 4h6h EN max. ± 0,50 05 3566-0605 077 MJ10 ×1MJ6 ×13663A0045 3,2 10,8006 3566-0806 098 MJ12 × 1,25 MJ8 × 1 3663A0060 3,65 12,75 08 3566-1008 125 MJ14 × 1,5 MJ10 × 1 3663A0080 4,10 15,00 10 3566-1210 136 MJ16 × 1,5 MJ12 × 1,25 3663A0095 4,10 15,00 12 3566-1412 153 MJ18 × 1,5 MJ14 × 1,5 3663A0112 4,10 15,00 14 3566-1614 170 MJ20 × 1,5 MJ16 × 1,5 3663A0132 4,10 15,20 16 3566-1816 192 MJ22 × 1,5 MJ18 × 1,5 3663A0150 4,10 15,20 18 3566-2018 214 MJ24 × 1,5 MJ20 × 1,5 3663A0170 4,10 15,00 20 3566-2220 231 MJ27 × 1,5 MJ22 × 1,5 3663A0190 4,10 15,60 22 3566-2422 253 MJ30 × 1,5 MJ24 × 1,5 3663A0212 4,10 15,60 25 3566-2725 295 MJ33 × 1,5 MJ27 × 1,5 3663A0236 4,10 16,00 28 3566-3028 320 MJ36 × 1,5 MJ30 × 1,5 3663A0265 4,10 16,00 32 3566-3332 350 MJ39 ×1,5MJ33 ×1,53663A0300 4,10 16,00 a Corresponds to the pipe nominal outside diameter. b According to ISO 5855-3, except MJ6 × 1. MJ6 × 1 according to ISO 5855-1.
3.2 Port preparation The manufacturing sequence of port preparation is for information only. Qualification of the assembly is required for each manufacturing sequence and type of tool for a given port material installation method and nominal pressure. The hole shall conform to EN 2602, using the applicable tools for 
tap drilling 
port machining 
serration broaching 
thread cutting NOTE The design office may specify a hole without serration pre-broaching, when low resistance material is used.

7 3.2.1 Tap drilling See Figure 2. Drill through or to a depth as required in Table 2. Table 2 — Port drilling
Dimensions in millimetres
d1 d2 d3 l1b l2c 8°30' coupling Codea Port dimension code 076,00+ min. min.
05 077
5,065 17,05
2,5 17,00 19,00 06 098
7,065 19,05
4,4 18,10 20,10 08 125
9,065 21,60
6,1 19,40 21,40 10 136 10,821 24,15
7,7 20,725 23,225 12 153 12,576 26,55
9,0 21,95 24,95 14 170 14,576 27,95 10,7 22,65 25,65 16 192 16,576 29,85 12,5 23,25 26,25 18 214 18,576 33,05 14,2 24,95 27,95 20 231 20,576 36,60 15,9 25,65 28,65 22 253 22,576 38,85 17,6 26,45 29,45 25 295 25,576 42,45 20,2 27,45 30,45 28 320 28,576 46,00 22,8 28,45 31,45 32 350 31,576 48,25 25,4 29,45 32,45 a Corresponds to the pipe nominal outside diameter. b l1 = l6 + 2,5 ⋅ pitch (for hand tap) c l2 = l6 + 4,5 ⋅ pitch (for machining tap)
Figure 2
3.2.2 Port machining The port machining shall be made in accordance with EN 2602. Special porting tools may be used as shown in Figure 3 and Table 3. Table 3 — Porting tool Dimensions in millimetres
d4c d5 d6 l3 l4c 8°30' coupling Codea Port dimension code Tool Part No.b EN 0008,0− ± 0,013 ± 0,008 ± 0,15 ± 0,75 05 077 2608PT077
5,103 12,030 16,13 101,6 06 098 2608PT098
7,103 14,040 16,93
86,8 08 125 2608PT125
9,103 17,060 17,68
87,5 10 136 2608PT136 14,995 10,860 18,660 18,38
88,2 12 153 2608PT153 14,995 12,614 20,240 19,03
94,6 14 170 2608PT170 14,995 14,614 21,840 19,68
95,6 16 192 2608PT192 14,995 16,614 25,420 21,09
97,3 18 214 2608PT214 24,995 18,614 27,070 22,79 105,3 20 231 2608PT231 24,995 20,614 29,380 23,49 106,0 22 253 2608PT253 24,995 22,614 32,560 25,67 108,2 25 295 2608PT295 24,995 25,614 36,060 26,72 109,3 28 320 2608PT320 24,995 28,614 39,690 27,72 116,6 32 350 2608PT350 24,995 31,614 42,080 28,72 117,6 a Corresponds to the pipe nominal outside diameter. b PT: Porting Tool. This tool counterbores, countersinks, provides a radius and produces a tap drill diameter in one pass. Contours are ground to ensure concentricity. Cutter geometry and material permit the use of this tool with most common materials. c For information only
Dimensions in millimetres
a For information only Figure 3

9 3.2.3 Serration broaching Broaching shall be made according to EN 2602. Special broaching tool can be used as shown in Figure 4 and Table 4. In this case the following procedure shall apply: 1) Prior to broaching, the cutter teeth will rest on the surface of the boss and the body of the tool will be free to move up and down. Note that the nut should be backed away from the body of the tool. 2) The tool may be hand-held or used under a press. 3) Locate broaching tool pilot into the port. 4) Slowly apply a force to the mandrel while holding the body to allow the teeth to broach into the parent material counterbore. 5) Broaching is complete when the external shoulder of the mandrel contacts the internal shoulder in the body. 6) The installation force is then relieved and the tool is ready for removal. 7) To remove the tool from the boss, turn the nut in clockwise direction against the body and the man-drel will move the cutter up, away from the port counterbore. Table 4 — Serration tool Dimensions in millimetres
d7c d8 l5c s1c,d t1c 8°30' coupling Codea Port dimension code Tool Part No.b EN ± 0,4 Ref. Ref. h13 40,00+ 05 077 2608BT077 21,3
5,04 136,0 22 1,95 06 098 2608BT098 21,3
7,04 137,3 22 2,35 08 125 2608BT125 23,3
9,04 140,6 24 2,75 10 136 2608BT136 26,3 10,80 140,9 27 2,75 12 153 2608BT153 29,3 12,55 140,9 30 2,75 14 170 2608BT170 29,3 14,55 141,6 30 2,75 16 192 2608BT192 35,2 16,55 142,1 36 2,75 18 214 2608BT214 35,2 18,55 142,4 36 2,75 20 231 2608BT231 40,2 20,55 143,4 41 2,75 22 253 2608BT253 40,2 22,55 143,4 41 2,75 25 295 2608BT295 45,2 25,55 143,4 46 2,75 28 320 2608BT320 49,2 28,55 143,4 50 2,75 32 350 2608BT350 54,2 31,55 143,4 55 2,75 a Corresponds to the pipe nominal outside diameter. b BT: Broaching Tool, cutter geometry and material permit the use of the most common materials with a maximum hardness of 32 HRC. Replacement or spare cutters may be purchased individually. c For information only d Across flats

Dimensions in millimetres
Key 1 Spiral pin 2 Body 3 Mandrel 4 Shoulders in contact 5 Cutter 6 Pilot a Noted runout and the controlled minor diameter of EN 2602 port will result in a permissible maximum runout of 0,23 mm between the serration major diameter and the controlled thread diameter after broaching. Figure 4

11 3.2.4 Thread cutting Using the correct to

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