Public transport - Network and Timetable Exchange (NeTEx) - Part 1: Public transport network topology exchange format

Development of a service dedicated to the exchange of scheduled data based on Transmodel V5.1 (EN12986), IFOPT (CEN/TS 00278207) and SIRI (CEN/TS 00278181-1 to 5) ) needed to support information exchange of relevance to public transport services for passenger information and AVMS systems.
NeTEx Part 1 is the description of the Public transport network topology exchange format. This covers routes, lines, route points, stop places and their components, stop points, navigation paths and other places linked to the PT network and relevant for passenger information, stop place equipment and services, network version, administrative information, etc.
NeTEx Part 1 is based on a former European standards: Transmodel, IFOPT, SIRI and on specific needs for rural, inter-urban and long distance train operation and flexible transport network that will therefore encompass all public transport.

Öffentlicher Verkehr - Netzwerk- und Fahrplan-Austausch (NeTEx) - Teil 1: Austauschformat für Netzwerk-Topologie im öffentlichen Verkehr

Transport Public - Échanges des informations planifiées (NeTEx) - Partie 1: Topologie du réseau

Javni prevoz - Izmenjava omrežnih in voznorednih podatkov (NeTEx) - 1. del: Izmenjavni format za topologijo omrežja javnega prevoza

Tehnična specifikacija CEN/TS 16614-1 je namenjena izmenjavi rednih podatkov (omrežnih in voznorednih informacij ter informacij o vozninah). Temelji na Transmodelu V5.1 (EN 12896), IFOPT (EN 28701) in SIRI (CEN/TS 15531-4, CEN/TS 15531-5 in prEN 15531-1, prEN 15531-2 in prEN 15531-3) ter podpira izmenjavo za potnike pomembnih informacij o storitvah javnega prevoza in za delovanje avtomatskih nadzornih sistemov za vozila (AVMS). Čeprav je izmenjava podatkov NeTEx namenjena predvsem posredovanju podatkov iz sistemov razporedov prevoza informacijskim sistemom za potnike in avtomatskim nadzornim sistemom za vozila, ni omejena le na to dejavnost; NeTEx je lahko učinkovita rešitev v številnih drugih primerih izmenjave podatkov o prevozu.

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TS CEN/TS 16614-1:2014
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Standards Content (Sample)

Javni prevoz - Izmenjava omrežnih in voznorednih podatkov (NeTEx) - 1. del:
Izmenjavni format za topologijo omrežja javnega prevoza
Public transport - Network and Timetable Exchange (NeTEx) - Part 1: Public transport
network topology exchange format
Öffentlicher Verkehr - Netzwerk und Fahrplan Austausch (NeTEx) - Teil 1: Öffentlicher
Verkehr Netzwerk Topologie
Transport Public - Échanges des informations planifiées (NeTEx) - Partie 1: Topologie du
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TS 16614-1:2014
03.220.01 Transport na splošno Transport in general
35.240.60 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in transport
transportu in trgovini and trade
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TS 16614-1
May 2014
ICS 35.240.60
English Version
Public transport - Network and Timetable Exchange (NeTEx) -
Part 1: Public transport network topology exchange format
Transport Public - Échanges des informations planifiées Öffentlicher Verkehr - Netzwerk und Fahrplan Austausch
(NeTEx) - Partie 1: Topologie du réseau (NeTEx) - Teil 1: Öffentlicher Verkehr Netzwerk Topologie
This Technical Specification (CEN/TS) was approved by CEN on 12 November 2013 for provisional application.

The period of validity of this CEN/TS is limited initially to three years. After two years the members of CEN will be requested to submit their
comments, particularly on the question whether the CEN/TS can be converted into a European Standard.

CEN members are required to announce the existence of this CEN/TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the CEN/TS available
promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force (in parallel to the CEN/TS)
until the final decision about the possible conversion of the CEN/TS into an EN is reached.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2014 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TS 16614-1:2014 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Foreword .6
Introduction .7
1 Scope .8
1.1 General .8
1.2 Transport modes.8
1.3 Compatibility with existing standards and recommendations .8
2 Normative references .8
3 Terms and definitions .9
4 Symbols and abbreviations . 61
5 Use Cases for Network Topology Exchange . 62
5.1 Purpose . 62
5.2 Actors and Use Case Types . 62
5.2.1 Actors . 62
5.2.2 Delivery Use Cases . 63
5.2.3 Content Use Cases . 65
5.2.4 Object Lifecycle Support Use Cases . 66
5.2.5 Security Use Cases . 66
5.2.6 Excluded Use Cases . 67
5.3 Use Cases . 68
5.3.1 Requirements Table . 68
5.3.2 Collection of Use Cases . 74
6 Generic Physical Model and XSD mapping rules . 105
6.1 Introduction . 105
6.2 Model Driven Design . 105
6.3 Models – levels of abstraction. . 107
6.4 Open Implementation and technology use . 108
6.5 Models versus Protocols . 109
6.6 Modularisation . 109
6.7 Summary of Modelling Approach . 110
6.7.1 Use of packages in NeTEx models . 111
6.8 Model transforms and Traceability . 112
6.8.1 Conceptual Model UML Package . 112
6.8.2 Physical Model UML Container Packages and Mapping from Conceptual model . 112
6.8.3 XSD Model subschemas and Mapping from Physical model . 113
6.8.4 Summary of Basic Mapping . 114
6.9 Physical model to XSD schema mapping notes . 115
6.10 Uniqueness of reference and Namespaces . 115
6.11 Handling of inheritance . 115
6.12 NeTEx Notation, presentation and naming conventions . 116
6.12.1 Presentation of Element Names . 116
6.12.2 Naming conventions . 116
6.12.3 Presentation of Diagrams . 117
6.12.4 Use of Colour . 118
6.13 Mapping between models in NeTEx. 118
6.13.1 Common Design Patterns in NeTEx . 118
6.13.2 Mapping Example – Thing Model . 118
6.13.3 Mapping Example – Handling Inheritance the SubThing Model . 127
7 NeTEx Framework - Conceptual and Physical data model . 131
7.1 Introduction . 132
7.2 Implementing Transmodel framework features in NeTEx . 133
7.3 Versions & Validity . 133
7.3.1 Introduction . 133
7.3.2 Version & Validity – Model Dependencies . 134
7.3.3 Generic Entity . 135
7.3.4 Generic Version . 144
7.3.5 Implementing relationships in NeTEx . 156
7.3.6 Generic Version Frame . 161
7.3.7 Generic Validity . 179
7.4 Responsibility . 186
7.4.1 Introduction . 186
7.4.2 Responsibility – Model Dependencies . 187
7.4.3 Generic Responsibility . 187
7.4.4 Responsibility Role . 202
7.4.5 Generic Organisation . 209
7.5 Generic Frames . 224
7.5.1 Composite Frame . 224
7.5.2 General Frame . 226
7.6 Generic Framework Model. 229
7.6.1 Generic Framework – Model Dependencies . 229
7.6.2 Unit & Utility Base Types . 230
7.6.3 Location Model . 244
7.6.4 Generic Grouping . 249
7.6.5 Generic Point & Link . 258
7.6.6 Common Section . 269
7.6.7 Generic Point & Link Sequence . 274
7.6.8 Generic Zone and Feature . 281
7.6.9 Generic Projection . 292
7.6.10 Generic Place . 311
7.6.11 Accessibility . 321
7.7 Reusable Components .

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