Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 2:Concept phase (ISO/FDIS 25119-2:2018)

This document specifies the concept phase of the development of safety-related parts of control systems (SRP/CS) on tractors used in agriculture and forestry and on self-propelled ride-on machines and mounted, semi-mounted and trailed machines used in agriculture. It can also be applied to mobile municipal equipment (e.g. street-sweeping machines).
This document is not applicable to:
— aircraft and air-cushion vehicles used in agriculture;
— lawn and garden equipment.
This document specifies the characteristics and categories required of SRP/CS for carrying out their safety-related functions. It does not identify performance levels for specific applications.
NOTE 1 Machine specific type-C standards can specify performance levels (AgPL) for safety-related functions in machines within their scope. Otherwise, the specification of AgPL is the responsibility of the manufacturer.
This document is applicable to the safety-related parts of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic systems (E/E/PES), as these relate to mechatronic systems. It covers the possible hazards caused by malfunctioning behaviour of E/E/PES safety-related systems, including interaction of these systems. It does not address hazards related to electric shock, fire, smoke, heat, radiation, toxicity, flammability, reactivity, corrosion, release of energy, and similar hazards., unless directly caused by malfunctioning behaviour of E/E/PES safety-related systems. It also covers malfunctioning behaviour of E/E/PES safety-related systems involved in protection measures, safeguards, or safety-related functions in response to non-E/E/PES hazards.
Examples included within the scope of this document:
— SRP/CS's limiting current flow in electric hybrids to prevent insulation failure/shock hazards;
— electromagnetic interference with the SRP/CS;
— SRP/CS's designed to prevent fire.
Examples not included within the scope of this document:
— insulation failure due to friction that leads to electric shock hazards;
— nominal electromagnetic radiation impacting nearby machine control systems;
— corrosion causing electric cables to overheat.
This document is not applicable to non-E/E/PES systems (e.g. hydraulic, mechanic or pneumatic).
NOTE 2 See also ISO 12100 for design principles related to the safety of machinery.
This document is not applicable to safety related parts of control systems manufactured before the date of its publication.

Traktoren und Maschinen für die Land- und Forstwirtschaft - Sicherheitsbezogene Teile von Steuerungen - Teil 2: Konzeptphase (ISO/FDIS 25119-2:2018)

Dieser Teil der ISO 25119 beschreibt die Konzeptphase der Entwicklung sicherheitsbezogener Teile von Steuerungen (SRP/CS) in land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Traktoren, selbstfahrenden Aufsitzmaschinen sowie Anbau-, Aufsattel- und Anhängemaschinen für landwirtschaftliche Geräte. Sie kann auch auf kommunale Geräte (z. B. Straßenkehrmaschinen) angewendet werden.
Dieser Teil von ISO 25119 gilt nicht für:
—   Flugzeuge und Luftkissenfahrzeuge für den landwirtschaftlichen Einsatz,
—   Rasen- und Gartengeräte.
Dieser Teil der ISO 25119 legt die Merkmale und Kategorien von SRP/CS-Systemen fest, die zur Ausführung von Sicherheitsfunktionen erforderlich sind.
Dieser Teil der ISO 25119 gilt für sicherheitsbezogene Teile elektrischer/elektronischer/programmierbarer elektronischer Systeme (E/E/PES) als Teil mechatronischer Systeme. Er schreibt jedoch nicht vor, welche Sicherheitsfunktionen, Kategorien oder Performance Levels für bestimmte Maschinen anzuwenden sind.  Er behandelt die möglichen Gefahren durch Fehlfunktionen von sicherheitsbezogenen E/E/PES einschließlich der Wechselwirkungen dieser Systeme. Dieser Teil behandelt nicht die Gefahren in Verbindung mit elektrischem Schlag, Feuer, Rauch, Hitze, Strahlung, Toxizität, Entflammbarkeit, Reaktivität, Korrosion, der Freisetzung von Energie und ähnliche Gefahren, sofern diese nicht direkt durch eine Funktionsstörung sicherheitsbezogener E/E/PES verursacht werden. Er behandelt ebenfalls Fehlfunktionen sicherheitsbezogener E/E/PES, die an Schutzmaßnahmen, Schutzeinrichtungen oder Sicherheitsfunktionen als Reaktion auf nicht mit E/E/PES verbundenen Gefahren beteiligt sind.
In dem Anwendungsbereich enthaltene Beispiele:
—   sicherheitsbezogene Teile einer Steuerung (SRP/CS), die den Stromfluss in elektrischen Hybridsystemen begrenzen, um Isolierungsausfälle und Gefahren durch elektrischen Schlag zu verhindern,
—   elektromagnetische Störungen mit dem SRP/CS und
—   für Brandschutzzwecke gestaltetet SRP/CS.
In dem Anwendungsbereich nicht enthaltene Beispiele:
—   Isolierungsausfälle durch Reibung, die zu der Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlags führen,
—   elektromagnetische Nennstrahlung, die sich auf nahegelegene Maschinensteuerungssysteme auswirkt, und
—   Korrosion, die zu einer Überhitzung von Stromkabeln führt.
Maschinensicherheitsnormen (Typ-C-Normen) können entweder Performance Levels und/oder Kategorien selbstständig identifizieren oder sie sollten durch den Maschinenhersteller auf Basis einer Risikobeurteilung festgelegt werden.
Sie ist nicht anzuwenden auf Nicht-E/E/PES-Systeme (z. B. hydraulische, mechanische und pneumatische).
ANMERKUNG   Siehe auch EN ISO 12100 zu Gestaltungsleitsätzen für die Sicherheit von Maschinen

Tracteurs et matériels agricoles et forestiers - Parties des systèmes de commande relatives à la sécurité - Partie 2: Phase de projet (ISO/FDIS 25119-2:2018)

Le présent document spécifie la phase de conception du développement des parties relatives à la sécurité des systèmes de commande (SRP/CS) utilisés sur les tracteurs agricoles et forestiers, sur les machines automotrices à conducteur porté et sur les machines portées, semi-portées et traînées utilisées en agriculture. Il peut également s'appliquer aux équipements municipaux mobiles (par exemple machines de nettoiement).
Le présent document ne s'applique pas:
— aux véhicules aéroportés et sur coussin d'air utilisés en agriculture,
— aux équipements de jardinage ou horticoles.
Le présent document spécifie les caractéristiques et les catégories requises des SRP/CS pour réaliser leurs fonctions relatives à la sécurité. Il n'identifie pas de niveaux de performance pour des applications spécifiques.
NOTE 1 Les normes spécifiques à une machine donnée (normes de type C) peuvent spécifier des niveaux de performance (AgPL) pour des fonctions relatives à la sécurité dans des machines relevant de leur domaine d'application. Sinon, la spécification de l'AgPL est de la responsabilité du fabricant.
Le présent document s'applique aux parties relatives à la sécurité des systèmes électriques/électroniques/électroniques programmables (E/E/PES), dans la mesure où celles-ci sont liées aux systèmes mécatroniques. Il couvre les éventuels phénomènes dangereux dus au dysfonctionnement de systèmes E/E/PES relatifs à la sécurité, y compris l'interaction entre ces systèmes. Il ne traite pas des phénomènes dangereux associés aux événements suivants: choc électrique, incendie, fumées, chaleur, rayonnement, toxicité, inflammabilité, réactivité, corrosion, libération d'énergie et phénomènes dangereux similaires, à moins qu'ils ne soient causés directement par un dysfonctionnement des systèmes E/E/PES relatifs à la sécurité. Il couvre également le dysfonctionnement des systèmes E/E/PES relatifs à la sécurité qui sont impliqués dans les mesures de protection, protecteurs ou fonctions relatives à la sécurité en réponse aux phénomènes dangereux hors E/E/PES.
Exemples faisant partie du domaine d'application du présent document:
— SRP/CS limitant le flux de courant dans les hybrides électriques pour empêcher les phénomènes dangereux de panne d'isolement/choc;
— interférence électromagnétique avec les SRP/CS; et
— SRP/CS conçues pour empêcher les incendies.
Exemples ne faisant pas partie du domaine d'application:
— panne d'isolement due au frottement qui engendre des phénomènes de chocs électriques;
— rayonnement électromagnétique nominal qui impacte les systèmes de commande environnants de la machine;
— corrosion engendrant une surchauffe des câbles électriques.
Le présent document n'est pas applicable aux systèmes non E/E/PES (par exemple hydraulique, mécanique et pneumatique).
NOTE 2: Pour les principes de conception relatifs à la sécurité des machines, voir également l'ISO 12100.
Le présent document n'est pas applicable aux parties relatives à la sécurité des systèmes de commande fabriqués avant la date de sa publication.

Traktorji ter kmetijski in gozdarski stroji - Varnostni deli krmilnih sistemov - 2. del: Faza koncepta (ISO/FDIS 25119-2:2018)

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oSIST prEN ISO 25119-2:2017
Traktorji ter kmetijski in gozdarski stroji - Varnostni deli krmilnih sistemov - 2. del:
Faza koncepta (ISO/DIS 25119-2:2017)
Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Safety-related parts of control
systems - Part 2:Concept phase (ISO/DIS 25119-2:2017)
Tracteurs et matériels agricoles et forestiers - Parties des systèmes de commande
relatives à la sécurité - Partie 2: Phase de projet (ISO/DIS 25119-2:2017)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN ISO 25119-2
35.240.68 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in agriculture
65.060.01 Kmetijski stroji in oprema na Agricultural machines and
splošno equipment in general
oSIST prEN ISO 25119-2:2017 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

oSIST prEN ISO 25119-2:2017
oSIST prEN ISO 25119-2:2017
ISO/DIS 25119-2
ISO/TC 23/SC 19 Secretariat: DIN
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2017-01-04 2017-03-28
Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry —
Safety-related parts of control systems —
Part 2:
Concept phase
Tracteurs et matériels agricoles et forestiers — Parties des systèmes de commande relatives à la sécurité —
Partie 2: Phase de projet
ICS: 35.240.99; 65.060.01
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/DIS 25119-2:2017(E)

oSIST prEN ISO 25119-2:2017
ISO/DIS 25119-2:2017(E)
© ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
the requester.
ISO copyright office
Ch. de Blandonnet 8 • CP 401
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 749 01 11
Fax +41 22 749 09 47
ii © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

oSIST prEN ISO 25119-2:2017
ISO DIS 25119-2:2017(E)
Contents Page
Foreword . iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 2
2 Normative references . 3
3 Terms and definitions . 3
4 Abbreviated terms . 3
5 Concept — Unit of observation. 4
5.1 Objectives. 4
5.2 Prerequisites. 4
5.3 Requirements. 4
5.4 Work products . 5
6 Hazard and risk analysis method description . 6
6.1 Objectives. 6
6.2 Prerequisites. 6
6.3 Requirements. 6
6.4 Work products . 9
7 Specification of system design requirements . 9
7.1 Objectives. 9
7.2 Prerequisites. 9
7.3 Requirements. 9
7.4 Work products .11
Annex A (normative) Designated architectures for SRP/CS.12
Annex B (informative) Simplified method to estimate channel MTTF .18
Annex C (informative) Determination of diagnostic coverage (DC).22
Annex D (informative) Estimates for common-cause failure (CCF) .26
Annex E (informative) Systematic failure .28
Annex F (informative) Characteristics of safety-related functions .32
Annex G (informative) Example of a risk analysis .35
Annex H (normative) Compatibility with other functional safety standards .40
Annex I (informative) Joined systems alternative compliance method .43
Annex J (normative) Alternate combinations of SRP/CS to achieve overall AgPL .44
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential
Requirements of EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.46

oSIST prEN ISO 25119-2:2017
ISO DIS 25119-2:2017(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 25119-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 23, Tractors and machinery for agriculture and
forestry, Subcommittee SC 19, Agricultural electronics.
ISO 25119 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry — Safety-related parts of control systems
consists of the following parts:
 Part 1: General principles for design and development
 Part 2: Concept phase
 Part 3: Series development, hardware and software
 Part 4: Production, operation, modification and supporting processes
iv © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

oSIST prEN ISO 25119-2:2017
ISO DIS 25119-2:2017(E)
ISO 25119 sets out an approach to the design and assessment, for all safety life cycle activities, of
safety-relevant systems comprising of electrical and/or electronic and/or programmable electronic systems
(E/E/PES) on tractors used in agriculture and forestry, and on self-propelled ride-on machines and mounted,
semi-mounted and trailed machines used in agriculture. It is also applicable to municipal equipment.
A prerequisite to the application of ISO 25119 is the completion of a suitable hazard identification and risk
analysis (e.g. ISO 12100) for the entire machine. As a result, the control system parts of the machines
concerned are frequently assigned to provide the critical functions of the safety-related parts of control
systems (SRP/CS). These can consist of hardware or software, can be separate or integrated parts of a
control system, and can either perform solely critical functions or form part of an operational function.
In general, the designer (and to some extent, the user) will combine the design and validation of these
SRP/CS as part of the risk assessment. The objective is to reduce the risk associated with a given hazard (or
hazardous situation) under all conditions of use of the machine. This may be achieved by applying various
protective measures (both SRP/CS and non-SRP/CS) with the end result of achieving a safe condition.
ISO 25119 allocates the ability of safety-related parts to perform a critical function under foreseeable
conditions into five performance levels. The performance level of a controlled channel depends on several
factors, including system structure (category), the extent of fault detection mechanisms (diagnostic coverage),
the reliability of components (mean time to dangerous failure, common-cause failure), design processes,
operating stress, environmental conditions and operation procedures. Three types of failures are considered:
systematic, common-cause and random.
In order to guide the designer during design, and to facilitate the assessment of the achieved performance
level, ISO 25119 defines an approach based on a classification of structures with different design features and
specific behaviour in case of a fault.
The performance levels and categories can be applied to the control systems of all kinds of mobile machines:
from simple systems (e.g. auxiliary valves) to complex systems (e.g. steer by wire), as well as to the control
systems of protective equipment (e.g. interlocking devices, pressure sensitive devices).
ISO 25119 adopts a risk-based approach for the determination of the risks, while providing a means of
specifying the required performance level for the safety-related functions to be implemented by E/E/PES
safety-related channels. It gives requirements for the whole safety life cycle of E/E/PES (design, validation,
production, operation, maintenance, decommissioning), necessary for achieving the required functional safety
for E/E/PES that are linked to the performance levels.
The structure of safety standards in the field of machinery is as follows.

a) Type-A standards (basic safety standards) give basic concepts, principles for design and general aspects
that can be applied to machinery.

b) Type-B standards (generic safety standards) deal with one or more safety aspect(s), or one or more
type(s) of safeguards that can be used across a wide range of machinery:

type-B1 standards on particular safety aspects (e.g. safety distances, surface temperature, noise);

type-B2 standards on safeguards (e.g. two-hand controls, interlocking devices, pressure sensitive devices,
c) Type-C standards (machinery safety standards) deal with detailed safety requirements for a particular
machine or group of machines.
This part of ISO 25119 is a type-B1 standard as stated in EN ISO 12100.

For machines which are covered by the scope of a machine specific type-C standard and which have been
designed and built according to the provisions of that standard, the provisions of that type-C standard take
precedence over the provisions of this type-B standard.
oSIST prEN ISO 25119-2:2017
ISO DIS 25119-2:2017(E)
Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry —
Safety-related parts of control systems —
Part 2:
Concept phase
1 Scope
This part of ISO 25119 specifies the concept phase of the development of safety-related parts of control
systems (SRP/CS) on tractors used in agriculture and forestry, and on self-propelled ride-on machines and
mounted, semi-mounted and trailed machines used in agriculture. It may also be applied to municipal
equipment (e.g. street-sweeping machines).
This part of ISO 25119 is not applicable to:
 aircraft and air-cushion vehicles used in agriculture,
 lawn and garden equipment.
This part of ISO 25119 specifies the characteristics and categories required of SRP/CS for carrying out their
safety-related functions.
This part of ISO 25119 is applicable to the safety-related parts of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic
systems (E/E/PES), as these relate to mechatronic systems. It does not specify which safety-related functions
or performance levels are to be us

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