Plastics - Polycarbonate sheets - Types, dimensions and characteristics (ISO 11963:1995)

Specifies the requirements for solid, flat extruded sheets of polycarbonate (PC) for general applications. Applies specifically to sheets made of poly-(p,p'-isopropylidenediphenyl carbonate). The sheets may be coloured or colourless, and they may be transparent, translucent or opaque. The sheets may also have a special weather-protective layer on one or both surfaces. Applies only to thicknesses equal to or greater than 1,5 mm.

Kunststoffe - Tafeln aus Polycarbonat - Lieferformen, Abmessungen und charakteristische Eigenschaften (ISO 11963:1995)

Diese Internationale Norm spezifiziert die Anforderungen an flache extrudierte Tafeln aus Polycarbonat (PC) für allgemeine Anwendungen. Er gilt insbesondere für Tafeln aus Poly (p,p'-isopropylidendiphenol) karbonat. Die Tafeln können eingefärbt oder farblos, transparent, transluzent oder undurchsichtig sein. Die Tafeln können auf einer oder beiden Seiten eine Wetterschutzschicht besitzen.

Plastiques - Feuilles en polycarbonate - Types, dimensions et caractéristiques (ISO 11963:1995)

1.1 La présente Norme internationale fixe des prescriptions pour des feuilles planes de polycarbonate (PC), pour usage général. Elle concerne spécialement des feuilles faites à partir de poly-(p,p'-isopropylidène-diphényl carbonate). Les feuilles peuvent être colorées ou incolores et elles peuvent être également transparentes, translucides ou opaques. Les feuilles concernées peuvent aussi posséder une couche superficielle résistante au vieillissement sur une ou deux faces. 1.2 La gamme des épaisseurs couvertes par la présente Norme internationale est supérieure ou égale à 1,5 mm.

Polimerni materiali – Plošče iz polikarbonata – Tipi, mere in značilnosti (ISO 11963:1995)

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Plastics - Polycarbonate sheets - Types, dimensions and characteristics (ISO
Kunststoffe - Tafeln aus Polycarbonat - Lieferformen, Abmessungen und
charakteristische Eigenschaften (ISO 11963:1995)
Plastiques - Feuilles en polycarbonate - Types, dimensions et caractéristiques (ISO
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 11963:1995
83.140.10 Filmi in folije Films and sheets
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

First edition
1995-04-I 5
Plastics - Polycarbonate sheets - Types,
dimensions and characteristics
P/as tiques - Feuilles en polycarbona te - Types, dimensions et
Reference number
IS0 11963:1995(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(I EC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard IS0 11963 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/TC 61, Plastics, Subcommittee SC 11, Products.
Annex A forms an integral part of this International Standard.
0 IS0 1995
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
IS0 11963:1995(E)
- Polycarbonate sheets - Types, dimensions
and characteristics
IS0 75-2: 1993, Plastics - Determination of tempera-
1 Scope
ture of deflection under load - Part 2: Plastics and
1.1 This International Standard specifies the re-
- Determination of Charpy
IS0 179: 1993, Plastics
quirements for solid, flat extruded sheets of
impact strength.
polycarbonate (PC) for general applications. It applies
sheets made of
specifically to POlY-
IS0 291: 1977, Plastics - Standard atmospheres for
(p,p’-isopropylidenediphenyl carbonate). The sheets
conditioning and testing.
may be coloured or colourless, and they may be
transparent, translucent or opaque. The sheets may
IS0 306: 1994, Plastics - Thermoplastic materials -
also have a special weather-protective layer on one
Determination of Vita t softening temperature (l/ST).
or both surfaces.
IS0 489:1983, Plastics - Determination of the
refractive index of transparent plastics.
1.2 This International Standard applies only to
IS0 527-l : 1993, Plastics - Determination of tensile
thicknesses equal to or greather than I,5 mm.
properties - Part I: General principles.
IS0 527-2: 1993, Plastics - Determination of tensile
properties - Part 2: Test conditions for moulding and
2 Normative references
extrusion p/as tics.
The following standards contain provisions which,
IS0 1183:1987, Plastics - Methods for determining
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
the density and relative density of non-cellular
of this International Standard. At the time of publi-
cation, the editions indicated were valid. All standards
are subject to revision, and parties to agreements
IS0 2818: 1994, Plastics - Preparation of test speci-
based on this International Standard are encouraged
mens by machining.
to investigate the possibility of applying the most re-
cent editions of the standards indicated below.
-l), Sampling procedures for inspection
IS0 2859-O:
Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of cur-
by attributes - Part 0: Introduction to the IS0 2859
rently valid International Standards.
attribute sampling system.
IS0 62:1980, Plastics - Determination of water ab-
IS0 2859-l : 1989, Sampling procedures for inspection
by attributes - Part I: Sampling plans indexed by
acceptable quality level (AQL) for lo t-by-lot
IS0 75-1: 1993, Plastics - Determination of tempera-
ture of deflection under load - Part 1: General test
1) To be published.
0 IS0
IS0 11963:1995(E)
flow-coating, dipping) are not specified by this Inter-
IS0 4607: 1978, Plastics - Methods of exposure to
national Standard.
natural weathering.
IS0 4892-l : 1994, Plastics - Methods of exposure to
4 Requirements
- Part I: General guidance.
labora tory light sources
I SO 4892-2: 1994, Plastics - Methods of exposure to
4.1 Masking
laboratory light sources - Part 2: Xenon-arc
The surface of the sheet as delivered shall be pro-
tected by plastics film or paper or a combination of
- Polycarbonate moulding
IS0 7391-I : 1987, Plastics
and extrusion materials - Part I : Designation.
4.2 Appearance
IS0 8256:1990, Plastics - Determination of tensile-
impact strength.
Requirements concerning defects and optical quality
shall be agreed upon between the inte rested p arties.
IS0 10350: 1993, Plastics - Acquisition and presen-
tation of comparable single-point data.
4.3 Colour
IS0 13468-1:--l), Plastics - Determination of the
total luminous transmittance of transparent materials
The colorant(s) shall be homogeneously and uniformly
- Part I: Single-beam instrument.
distributed throughout the material, unless specified
differently. For critical requirements, the degree of
IEC 93: 1980, Methods of test for volume resistivity
homogeneity shall be specified by the interested par-
and surface resistivity of solid electrical insulating
4.4 Dimensions
Cl E 15.2: 1986, Calorimetry.
Cl E 85: 1989, Solar spectral irradiance.
4.4.1 Conditions of measurement
EN 2155-9:1989, Aerospace series - Test methods
Measurements should preferably be made under the
for transparent materials for aircraft glazing - Part 9:
standard conditions 23 “C + 2 “C and (50 + 5) % rel-
Determination of haze.
ative humidity. For measurements made under ambi-
ent conditions, due allowance shall be made for
dimensional changes due to the differences in tem-
3 Composition
perature and relative humidity at the place of
measurement from the preferred temperature and
relative humidity.
3.1 The following type of PC is preferred for PC
sheet extrusion:
4.4.2 Length and width
Thermoplastics IS0 7391 -PC, E,61-09
The length and width of the sheets shall be agreed
(see IS0 7391-l for explanation of designation
upon between the interested parties. The tolerances
system for PC)
on length and width shall be as specified in table 1.
3.2 The sheet may contain colorants, additives,
Table 1 - Tolerances on length and width
processing aids and stabilizers (e.g. UV-absorbers) up
Length or width
to a total content of 5 %.
3.3 Sheets of the type specified in clause 4 may
up to 1 000
have a protective layer (on one or both surfaces) with
a UV-absorber content higher than that of the
From 1 001 to 2 000 +E mm
substrate. The composition of the protective layer
From 2 001 to 3 000 ‘0” mm
(e.g. polycarbonate and UV-absorber, or PMMA and
UV-absorber, or other materials) and the application
+y o/o
3 001 and over
techniques (e.g. co-extrusion, coating, lamination,

0 IS0 IS0 11963:1995(E)
methods for, such properties are presented in
4.4.3 Deviation of shape from rectangular
table 5.
The difference 82 between the lengths of the two di-
For other grades, the required properties shall be
agonals of the rectangular sheet shall be less than
agreed upon between the interested parties.
3,5 x 1o-3 x b (where b is the width, in millimetres,
of the sheet, measured perpendicular to the direction
of extrusion), but need not be less than 2 mm. 5 Test methods
4.4.4 Thickness
5.1 General
The tolerance on the thickness of the sheets shall be
5.1 .I Sampling
as specified in table2.
The sampling procedure shall be agreed upon be-
tween the interested parties. The procedures de-
- Tolerances on thickness
Table 2
scribed in IS0 2859-O and IS0 2859-l are widely
accepted and frequently used. Hence these are re-
Thickness, d Tolerance
commended for sampling.
mm / 0
51.2 Conditioning and testing of specimens
1,5< d< 5 + IO
5 Conditioning (48 h) and testing of specimens shall be
carried out at 23 “C + 2 “C and (50 -+ 5) % relative

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