Bitumen and bituminous binders - Sampling bituminous binders

This European Standard describes methods of sampling bituminous binders, to determine the average quality of the material under examination and/or to determine deviations from average quality.

Bitumen und bitumenhaltige Bindemittel - Probenahme bitumenhaltiger Bindemittel

Bitumes et liants bitumineux - Echantillonnage des liants bitumineux

Le présent document prescrit des méthodes pour l'échantillonnage des liants bitumineux, pour établir la qualité moyenne du produit sous examen et/ou pour déterminer les écarts existants par rapport à sa qualité moyenne.

Bitumen in bitumenska veziva - Vzorčenje bitumenskih veziv

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EN 58:2005
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Bitumen und bitumenhaltige Bindemittel - Probenahme bitumenhaltiger BindemittelBitumes et liants bitumineux - Echantillonnage des liants bitumineuxBitumen and bituminous binders - Sampling bituminous binders91.100.50Veziva. Tesnilni materialiBinders. Sealing materials75.140Voski, bitumni in drugi naftni proizvodiWaxes, bituminous materials and other petroleum productsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 58:2004SIST EN 58:2005en01-januar-2005SIST EN 58:2005SLOVENSKI
STANDARDSIST EN 58:1998/A1:1998SIST EN 58:19981DGRPHãþD

English versionBitumen and bituminous binders - Sampling bituminous bindersBitumes et liants bitumineux - Echantillonnage des liantsbitumineuxBitumen und bitumenhaltige Bindemittel - Probenahmebitumenhaltiger BindemittelThis European Standard was approved by CEN on 16 January 2004.CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this EuropeanStandard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such nationalstandards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translationunder the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the officialversions.CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATIONCOMITÉ EUROPÉEN DE NORMALISATIONEUROPÄISCHES KOMITEE FÜR NORMUNGManagement Centre: rue de Stassart, 36
B-1050 Brussels© 2004 CENAll rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reservedworldwide for CEN national Members.Ref. No. EN 58:2004: ESIST EN 58:2005

Example of a form for reporting on the sampling of bituminous binders.26
supersedes EN 58:1984. According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard : Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. SIST EN 58:2005

upper, middle or lower layer sample spot sample taken at a specific depth in a stationary material, usually in order to detect segregation in large storage containers 2.8 surface sample spot sample taken at less than 5 cm below the upper surface 2.9 vertical straight-through sample sample, taken by drawing a sampling device through the total depth of the material under examination and thereby including all layers of the material SIST EN 58:2005

3 Safety precautions The safety precautions given in this clause represent good practice and shall be applied in all cases where they are not in conflict with local or other Regulations which shall be followed. NOTE 1 The list of safety precautions given in this clause is not necessarily exhaustive and they should be considered in conjunction with relevant national safety Regulations and/or recognized safety code(s) for the petroleum industry. a) All Regulations concerning entry into hazardous areas shall be observed rigorously; b) equipment shall be maintained adequately; NOTE 2 Regular inspections of equipment should be carried out by a competent person. c) all equipment and access facilities shall be checked to ensure that they are adequate for safe working before commencement of sampling; d) metallic sampling devices used in flammable atmospheres shall be constructed only from non-ferrous metal(s); e) cords used as components of sampling devices shall be constructed only from vegetable fibre(s), e.g. manilla or sisal; for emulsions, the cord used shall not absorb water from the emulsion; NOTE 3 Attention is drawn to the situation that for cords made from man-made fibres, it is possible for an operator to build-up a dangerous level of electrostatic charge on his person, if he is not earthed and wearing insulating gloves, and that certain man-made fibres will melt or dissolve in hot bitumen. f) precautions shall be taken to prevent the breathing of petroleum vapours during sampling operations; g) for samples taken from the main stream, the sampling device shall be selected such that sampling can be performed without pressure. 4 Fundamentals of sampling 4.1 Correct sampling techniques are a prerequisite if meaningful test results are to be obtained. There should be a facility for heating the sampling device. 4.2 The person taking the sample shall be experienced in the methods to be employed. SIST EN 58:2005

4.4 A sampling report shall be prepared and signed by the person taking the sample. The sampling report shall include: a) the reason for sampling; b) the method of sampling; c) the circumstances surrounding sampling; d) the date, time and location (batch number or storage container or pipe identification); e) the name of the sampler. A prepared form shall be used for the sampling report (for example, see Annex A); a copy of the sampling report shall be placed with each divided sample. Sampling reports shall not be put into sample containers. NOTE Because of the variety of materials for which the same container vehicle or storage tank may be used, account should always be taken of possible contamination by residues, deposits or solvents. For this reason it is relevant to enter data in the report on the previous history of the container vehicle or storage tank. 5 Sample size Each divided sample should consist of at least 0,5 kg material. NOTE The required size of a laboratory sample is dependent upon the nature and extent of the tests to be carried out. 6 Choice of sampling method The sampling method to be used depends upon: a) tests to be carried out; b) purpose of the tests; c) nature, quantity and temperature of the material under examination; d) number, type and size of the containers or cans from which the sample is to be taken; e) whether the sample is to be taken from a stationary or a flowing material. Arrangements, equipment and methods of sampling are described in Clause 8. If samples shall be taken frequently from a large volume liquid material container, sampling appliances such as sampling valves, sampling probes or threeway cocks can conveniently be installed permanently. Otherwise, liquid test materials shall be sampled by immersion techniques, for example, by weighted sampling cans or bottom closing sampling tubes; materials fluid at low temperature can be sampled from drums or containers of up to 2 m3 capacity by means of open sampling tubes. Table 1 gives an informative guideline for sampling devices.
Viscous, plastic and semi-solid material shall be sampled using tools of the kind described in 8.4, semi-solid to brittle material by means of hand-operated tools described in 8.5 and granular material or lumps according to 8.5 and 8.6. Sampling from the main stream by disconnecting the pipe linking a container vehicle to a storage tank shall not be carried out. SIST EN 58:2005

Table 1 — Sampling methods for material liquid at either high or low temperatures in pipelines, containers or cans
Sampling method Sampling from pipelines Sampling from containers of capacity
according to Clause main stream side stream > 800 m3 from 50 m3 to 800 m3 from 2 m3 to 50 m3 ≤ 2 m3 and cans sampling probe 8.1.1 - + - - - - 8.1.2 - - + + + - from sampling valve 8.1.3 - + - - - - sampling using permanently installed equipment 3-way valve 8.1.4 + - - - - - weighted sampling can 8.2.1 - - + + + (+) surface sampling can 8.2.2 - - - - + - bottom closing sampling tube 8.2.3 - - - (+) + + open sampling tube 8.2.4 - - - - - 0 sampling using immersion methods vertical straight-through can 8.2.5 - - - - + + sampling directly from installations from spraying equipment 8.3 + - - - - - Key
+ usable
(+) limited use
0 only usable for materials fluid at low temperature
not applicable
7 Number of samples The number of samples taken shall be dependent upon the size and form of the container and for deliveries in cans and lumps upon the number of those in a delivery; the number of samples to be taken from a container shall be as given for each sampling method in Clause 8. SIST EN 58:2005

If sampling is intended to check homogeneity (segregation) in stationary liquid material, at least three layer samples (upper layer, middle layer and lower layer) shall be taken. They shall not be mixed to form a composite sample. If, in exceptional circumstances, it is desired to assess the average quality from layer samples, the geometry of the container shall be taken into account. Table 2 - Number of cans or lumps from which samples are to be taken
Total number of cans or lumps (n) Number of cans or lumps sampled 2 to 8 2 9 to 27 3 28 to 64 4 65 to 125 5 126 to 216 6 217 to 343 7 344 to 512 8 513 to 729 9 730 to 1000 10
over 1000
3n, rounded to the nearest integer above, where n is the total number of cans or lumps
8 Arrangements, equipment and methods of sampling NOTE Before opening a valve in a line under pressure, be sure that the sampling can be performed without pressure. 8.1 Sampling using permanently installed systems 8.1.1 Sampling probe. If samples shall be taken from a flowing material, it is convenient to take side-stream samples using a sampling probe installed in the delivery pipe. The sampling probe shall be installed in a upward-sloping section of the pipe or on the pressure side of the pump, or in the case of a gravity-fed system in a completely full section of pipe. The internal diameter of the sampling probe shall be less than 1/8 of the internal diameter of the delivery pipe, and its opening shall be approximately central in the pipe facing upstream. The sampling probe

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