Secure storage units - Classification and methods of test for resistance to fire - Part 1: Data cabinets and data inserts

This document specifies requirements for fire resisting data cabinets and diskette inserts.
Two methods of test are specified to determine the ability of fire resisting data cabinets to protect temperature and humidity sensitive contents from the effects of fire: a fire endurance test and a fire shock and impact test. Two levels of fire severity (S 60 and S 120) based upon time of fire exposure; and three protection classes (P, D and DIS) are specified using the maximum temperature increases and humidity values permitted within the storage space of the data cabinet.
Diskette inserts (DI 60 P/DIS and DI 120 P/DIS) are installed in data cabinets of protection class S 60 P or S 120 P, respectively, and subjected to a fire endurance test (see 5.1.2).
Requirements are also specified for test specimens, the technical documentation for the test specimen, correlation of the test specimen with the technical documentation, preparation for type testing and test procedures.
A scheme to classify the fire resisting data cabinets and diskette inserts from the test results is also given (see Table 1).
Diskette inserts are only installed in data cabinets having the same design as the series of protection class S 60 P and S 120 P, respectively, in which the insert has been tested in using methods defined in 5.1.2. Where several inserts are installed, they are built in one beside the other or one above the other from bottom to top, respectively. The volume and total height of the installed inserts do not exceed 50 % of the total internal volume or 50 % of the internal height, respectively, of the data cabinets into which they are installed. The dimensions of the insert can be adapted by increasing the width and depth to the corresponding dimensions of the data cabinets. A reduction of these dimensions as well as a change of the height is only admitted within the specified tolerance.
The temperature increases during type-tests on data cabinets and diskette inserts will be considered in deciding the permitted diskette insert installations. For a permitted installation, the temperature increase of the intended data cabinet ( ) does not exceed the temperature increase of the tested data cabinet ( ) in which the diskette insert has been type-tested by more than the difference between the maximum value for the diskette insert ( ) and the maximum admissible temperature increase (30 K), i.e   (See example in Annex B).
A description of the installation of the diskette inserts can be given in the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

Wertbehältnisse - Klassifizierung und Methoden zur Prüfung des Widerstandes gegen Brand - Teil 1: Datensicherungsschränke und Disketteneinsätze

n Datensicherungsschränke und Disketten¬einsätze zum Schutz gegen Brände fest.
Zwei Prüfverfahren dienen der Ermittlung der Widerstandsfähigkeit von Datensicherungsschränken, temperatur- und feuchtigkeitsempfindliches Füllgut vor Brandeinwirkung zu schützen: eine Feuerwider-standsprüfung und eine Feuerstoß- und Sturzprüfung. Zwei Stufen der Beflammungsdauer (S 60 und S 120) und drei Güteklassen (P, D und DIS) sind vorgesehen, die unter Berücksichtigung der im Innenraum des Datensicherungsschrankes maximal zulässi¬gen Temperaturerhöhungen und Feuchtigkeits¬werte definiert werden.
Disketteneinsätze (DI 60 P/DIS und DI 120 P/DIS) werden in einem Datensicherungsschrank der Güteklasse S 60 P bzw. S 120 P eingebaut und einer Feuerwiderstandsprüfung unterzogen (siehe 5.1.2).
Außerdem sind Anforderungen für die Probekörper, die Technische Dokumentation des Probekörpers, die Übereinstimmung von Probekörper mit der Technischen Dokumentation, die Vorbereitung der Typprüfung sowie die Prüfverfahren definiert.
Ferner wird ein Schema zur Klassifizierung von vor Brandeinwirkung schützenden Datensicherungsschränken und Disketteneinsätzen nach ihrem Prüfergebnis gegeben (siehe Tabelle 1).
Disketteneinsätze sind nur in Datensicherungsschränke der baugleichen Serie der Güteklasse S 60 P bzw. S 120 P eingebaut werden, in der der Einsatz nach den Anforderungen nach 5.1.2 typgeprüft worden ist. Beim Einbau mehrerer Einsätze sind diese neben- bzw. übereinander von unten nach oben eingebaut werden. Das Volumen und die Höhe der eingebauten Einsätze darf 50 % des Gesamt-Innenvolumens bzw. 50 % der Innenhöhe der Daten¬sicherungsschränke, in die sie eingebaut werden, nicht überschreiten. Die Abmessungen des Einsatzes können durch Vergrößerung in der Breite und der Tiefe den entsprechenden Abmessungen der Datensicherungsschränke angepasst werden. Eine Verringerung dieser Abmessungen sowie eine Änderung der Höhe sind nur im Rahmen der festgelegten Toleranz zulässig.
Die Temperaturerhöhungen bei Typprüfungen der Datensicherungsschränke und Disketteneinsätze können bei der Entscheidung über die Einbaugenehmigung berücksichtigt werden. Die Temperaturerhöhung eines Daten¬sicherungsschrankes (ΔT_a∙ K), in den der Disketteneinsatz eingebaut werden soll, darf die Temperaturerhöhung des geprüften Datensicherungsschrankes (ΔT_b∙ K), in dem der Disketteneinsatz typgeprüft worden ist, um maximal den Wert überschreiten, den der Disketteneinsatz (ΔT_i∙ K) als Differenz zur maximal zulässigen Temperaturerhöhung (30 K) hatte, d. h. ΔT_a-ΔT_b≤30 K-ΔT_b (siehe Beispiel in Anhang B).
Der Einbau der Disketteneinsätze kann in der Technischen Dokumentation des Herstellers beschrieben werden.

Unités de stockage en lieu sûr - Classification et méthodes d'essai de résistance au feu - Partie 1 : Meubles de rangement fermés et cartouches à disquettes

Le présent document spécifie les exigences applicables aux meubles de rangement et cartouches à disquettes réfractaires.
Deux méthodes d’essai sont prescrites afin de déterminer l’aptitude des meubles de rangement réfractaires à protéger des contenus sensibles à la température et à l’humidité des effets d’un incendie : un essai d’endurance au feu et un essai de résistance aux chocs thermiques et aux impacts. La présente norme spécifie deux niveaux de gravité des incendies (S 60 et S 120) en fonction de la durée d’exposition au feu et trois classes de protection (P, D et DIS) établies à partir des augmentations de température maximales et des taux d’humidité admis à l’intérieur de l’espace de stockage du meuble de rangement fermé.
Les cartouches à disquettes (DI 60 P/DIS et DI 120 P/DIS) sont installées dans des meubles de rangement fermés d’une classe de protection S 60 P ou S 120 P, respectivement, et sont soumises à un essai d’endurance au feu (voir 5.1.2).
Les exigences s’appliquent également aux éprouvettes, à la documentation technique concernant les éprouvettes, à la corrélation entre l’éprouvette et la documentation technique, à la préparation de l’essai de type et aux modes opératoires d’essai.
Une classification des meubles de rangement fermés et des cartouches à disquettes en fonction des résultats d’essai est également fournie (voir Tableau 1).
Les cartouches à disquettes sont installées uniquement dans les meubles de rangement fermés présentant la même conception que celle de la série de classes de protection S 60 P et S 120 P, respectivement, pour laquelle la cartouche a été soumise à essai conformément aux méthodes définies au paragraphe 5.1.2. Lorsque plusieurs cartouches sont installées, celles-ci sont respectivement installées les unes à côté des autres ou les unes au-dessus des autres. Le volume et la hauteur totale des cartouches ainsi installées ne dépassent pas respectivement 50 % du volume interne total ou 50 % de la hauteur interne des meubles de rangement fermés de destination. Les dimensions de la cartouche peuvent être adaptées en modifiant sa largeur et sa profondeur en fonction des dimensions correspondantes des meubles de rangement fermés. Une réduction de ces dimensions de même qu’un changement de hauteur ne sont admis que dans les limites de la tolérance spécifiée.
Les augmentations de température observées au cours des essais de type sur les meubles de rangement fermés et les cartouches à disquettes seront prises en compte dans la détermination des installations de cartouches à disquettes autorisés. Dans le cadre d’un montage autorisé, l’augmentation de température du meuble de rangement fermé visé ( ) n’excède pas l’augmentation de température du meuble de rangement fermé soumis à essai ( ) dans lequel la cartouche à disquettes a subi un essai de type à hauteur d’une valeur supérieure à l’écart entre la valeur maximale établie pour la cartouche à disquettes ( ) et l’augmentation de température maximale admissible (30 K), soit   (voir exemple à l’Annexe B).
Le fabricant peut inclure dans sa documentation technique une description du montage des cartouches à disquettes.

Varnostne shranjevalne enote - Klasifikacija in metode preskušanja požarne odpornosti - 1. del: Omare za zaščito nosilcev podatkov in vložki za nosilce podatkov

Ta del evropskega standarda določa zahteve za omare za zaščito nosilcev podatkov in vložke za diskete, odporne proti požaru.
Opredeljeni sta dve metodi preskušanja, s katerima se določi zmožnost omar za zaščito nosilcev podatkov, odpornih proti požaru, glede zaščite vsebine, ki je občutljiva na temperaturo in vlago, pred ognjem: preskus odpornosti na ogenj in preskus požarnega udara. Na podlagi največjih dvigov temperature in vrednosti vlage, ki so dovoljene v prostoru za shranjevanje omare za zaščito nosilcev podatkov, sta določeni dve stopnji jakosti požara (S 60 in S 120) glede na čas izpostavljenosti ognju ter trije razredi zaščite (P, D in DIS).
Vložki za diskete (DI 60 P/DIS in DI 120 P/DIS) so nameščeni v omarah razreda zaščite S 60 P oziroma S 120 P in so preskušeni glede odpornosti na ogenj (glej točko 5.1.2).
Podane so tudi zahteve za preskusne vzorce, tehnično dokumentacijo vzorcev, razmerje med vzorci in tehnično dokumentacijo ter pripravo na tipsko preskušanje in preskusne postopke.
Poleg tega ta del podaja shemo za razvrstitev omar za zaščito nosilcev podatkov in vložkov za diskete, odpornih proti požaru, na podlagi rezultatov preskusa (glej preglednico 1).
Vložki za diskete naj se nameščajo samo v omare za zaščito nosilcev podatkov, ki imajo enako zasnovo kot serija z razredom zaščite S 60 P oziroma S 120 P, pri kateri je bil vložek preskušen v skladu s točko 5.1.2. Če je nameščenih več vložkov, naj bodo ti eden zraven drugega oziroma eden nad drugim od spodaj navzgor. Prostornina in skupna višina nameščenih vložkov naj ne presega 50 % skupne notranje prostornine oziroma 50 % notranje višine omar za zaščito nosilcev podatkov, v katerih so vložki nameščeni. Mere vložka je mogoče prilagoditi s povečanjem širine in globine, tako da ustrezata meram omare za zaščito nosilcev podatkov. Zmanjševanje teh mer in spreminjanje višine je dovoljeno le znotraj določene tolerance.
Dvigovanje temperature med preskušanjem tipov omar za zaščito nosilcev podatkov in vložkov za diskete bo upoštevano pri odločitvah glede dovoljene namestitve vložkov za diskete. Za dovoljeno namestitev naj dvig temperature predvidene omare za zaščito nosilcev podatkov (∆T_A K) ne presega dviga temperature preskušene omare za zaščito nosilcev podatkov (∆T_B K), v kateri je bil vložek za diskete tipko preskušen za več kot razliko med največjo vrednostjo vložka za diskete (∆T_i K) in največjim dovoljenim dvigom temperature (30 K), tj. ∆T_A – ∆T_B ≤ 30 K – ∆T_i (glej primer v dodatku B).
Namestitev vložkov za diskete naj bo opisana v tehnični dokumentaciji proizvajalca.

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EN 1047-1:2019
English language
26 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 1047-1:2006
Varnostne shranjevalne enote - Klasifikacija in metode preskušanja požarne
odpornosti - 1. del: Omare za zaščito nosilcev podatkov in vložki za nosilce
Secure storage units - Classification and methods of test for resistance to fire - Part 1:
Data cabinets and data inserts
Wertbehältnisse - Klassifizierung und Methoden zur Prüfung des Widerstandes gegen
Brand - Teil 1: Datensicherungsschränke und Dateneinsätze
Unités de stockage en lieu sûr - Classification et méthodes d'essai de résistance au feu -
Partie 1 : Meubles de rangement fermés et cartouches à disquettes
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 1047-1:2019
13.220.40 Sposobnost vžiga in Ignitability and burning
obnašanje materialov in behaviour of materials and
proizvodov pri gorenju products
13.310 Varstvo pred kriminalom Protection against crime
35.220.99 Druge naprave za Other data storage devices
shranjevanje podatkov
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 1047-1
August 2019
ICS 13.310 Supersedes EN 1047-1:2005
English Version
Secure storage units - Classification and methods of test
for resistance to fire - Part 1: Data cabinets and data
Unités de stockage en lieu sûr - Classification et Wertbehältnisse - Klassifizierung und Methoden zur
méthodes d'essai de résistance au feu - Partie 1 : Prüfung des Widerstandes gegen Brand - Teil 1:
Meubles de rangement fermés et cartouches à Datensicherungsschränke und Dateneinsätze
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 12 May 2019.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 1047-1:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 3
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 7
4 Requirements, classification and locking . 7
5 Test specimens, documents and correlation . 8
5.1 Test specimen . 8
5.1.1 Data cabinets . 8
5.1.2 Diskette inserts . 9
5.2 Technical documentation . 9
5.3 Correlation of test specimen and technical documentation . 9
6 Test methods . 10
6.1 Principle . 10
6.2 Test equipment . 10
6.3 Preparation for test . 11
6.3.1 Data cabinets . 11
6.3.2 Diskette inserts . 13
6.3.3 Contents of the test specimen . 14
6.3.4 Conditioning . 14
6.3.5 Furnace temperature measurement . 14
6.4 Procedure. 14
6.4.1 Correlation. 14
6.4.2 Fire endurance test . 14
6.4.3 Fire shock and impact test . 15
6.4.4 Examination . 18
7 Expression of results . 18
8 Test report . 19
9 Technical design range . 20
9.1 General requirements . 20
9.2 Internal base of a technical design range . 20
9.2.1 Accepted deviation in internal width . 20
9.2.2 Accepted deviation in internal depth . 20
10 Marking . 21
Annex A (informative) Examples of specimen preparation for the fire shock and impact test . 22
Annex B (informative) Example illustrating the requirements for data inserts . 24
Annex C (informative) Calculation examples for technical design ranges . 25

European foreword
This document (EN 1047-1:2019) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 263 “Secure
storage of cash, valuables and data media”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by February 2020, and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by February 2020.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes EN 1047-1:2005.
Compared with EN 1047-1:2005, the following changes were made:
— type tests in the past have shown that testing intermediate heights in the fire endurance test do not
give a quality benefit. Therefore, this standard requires the test of the smallest and highest model
(see and Annex C);
— for the fire shock and impact test the number of test specimens now is dependent on if a plinth is
used (see 3.5,,, 5.3 and 6.4.4);
— due to testing knowledge gained since the publication of the standard EN 1047-1 it could be seen that
the depth is not as critical as the width of a specimen. Therefore, the tolerance on the depth was
changed from ±15 % to ±20 %;
— new clauses have been added to explain for which technical design ranges the results of the type tests
are usable, see 5.1, 5.2, Clause 9 and Annex C;
— a requirement on the material thickness of the test specimen compared to the technical
documentation has been added (5.3); photographic documentation shall include pictures from the
interior of the test specimen (6.4.4);
— references have been updated;
— the definition 3.3 has been made up-to-date;
— corrections have been made in Table 1;
— editorial changes have been made in 4.2, 5.2, 6.1 and 6.2.2.
This document, EN 1047 Secure storage units — Classification and methods of test for resistance to fire, is
composed of two parts:
— Part 1: Data cabinets and diskette inserts
— Part 2: Data rooms and data container
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North
Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United
The testing conditions given in this document provide a basis for simulating fires to determine, in a
reproducible way, the fire resistance of data cabinets and diskette inserts in various protection classes.
The protection classes enable a comparison to be made of the resistance against fire provided by different
The threshold values for the maximum temperature increases in the protection classes S 60 P/S 120 P
(150 K), S 60 D/S 120 D (50 K) and S 60 DIS/S 120 DIS (30 K) for data cabinets as well as DI 60 P/DIS
(30 K) and DI 120 P/DIS (30 K) for diskette inserts from a starting temperature of (21 ± 1) °C, and for the
maximum relative humidity (85 %) for the D and DIS protection classes, as defined in this document,
refer to the relatively short-term stress due to high temperatures during a fire test. They are not normally
experienced by data media stored in data cabinets and diskette inserts in the normal and correct way.
1 Scope
This document specifies requirements for fire resisting data cabinets and diskette inserts.
Two methods of test are specified to determine the ability of fire resisting data cabinets to protect
temperature and humidity sensitive contents from the effects of fire: a fire endurance test and a fire shock
and impact test. Two levels of fire severity (S 60 and S 120) based upon time of fire exposure; and three
protection classes (P, D and DIS) are specified using the maximum temperature increases and humidity
values permitted within the storage space of the data cabinet.
Diskette inserts (DI 60 P/DIS and DI 120 P/DIS) are installed in data cabinets of protection class S 60 P
or S 120 P, respectively, and subjected to a fire endurance test (see 5.1.2).
Requirements are also specified for test specimens, the technical documentation for the test specimen,
correlation of the test specimen with the technical documentation, preparation for type testing and test
A scheme to classify the fire resisting data cabinets and diskette inserts from the test results is also given
(see Table 1).
Diskette inserts are only installed in data cabinets having the same design as the series of protection class
S 60 P and S 120 P, respectively, in which the insert has been tested in using methods defined in 5.1.2.
Where several inserts are installed, they are built in one beside the other or one above the other from
bottom to top, respectively. The volume and total height of the installed inserts do not exceed 50 % of the
total internal volume or 50 % of the internal height, respectively, of the data cabinets into which they

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