Corrosion test in artificial atmosphere - General requirements (ISO 7384:1986)

Specifies specimens, apparatus and procedure of corrosion tests. Applies to metals and alloys with and without permanent corrosion protection or temporary corrosion protection. The requirements specified in ISO 7384 are intended for application in other International Standards dealing with corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres as well as in accelerated methods of test and the construction of new chambers.

Korrosionsprüfungen in künstlicher Atmosphäre - Allgemeine Anforderungen (ISO 7384:1986)

In dieser Internationalen Norm sind die allgemeinen Anforderungen an Proben, Prüfeinrichtungen und Versuchsdurchführung von Korrosionsprüfungen in künstlichen Atmosphären festgelegt. Sie gilt für Metalle und Legierungen mit und ohne permanenten oder temporären Korrosionsschutz. Die in dieser Internationalen Norm festgelegten Anforderungen sind im Zusammenhang mit anderenInternationalen Normen anzuwenden, die sich sowohl mit Korrosionsprüfungen in künstlichen Atmosphären als auch mit beschleunigten Korrosionsprüfverfahren und der Konstruktion neuer Prüfkammern befassen.

Essai de corrosion en atmosphère artificielle - Prescriptions générales (ISO 7384:1986)

La présente Norme internationale donne des prescriptions générales couvrant les échantillons, l'appareillage et le mode opératoire des essais de corrosion en atmosphère artificielle. Elle est applicable aux métaux et alliages avec et sans moyens de protection permanente ou temporaire contre la corrosion. Les prescriptions de la présente Norme internationale sont valables pour les autres Normes internationales d'essais de corrosion en atmosphère artificielle ainsi que pour les nouvelles méthodes d'essai accéléré et la construction de nouvelles enceintes.

Korozijski preskus v umetni atmosferi - Splošni pogoji (ISO 7384:1986)

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Korozijski preskus v umetni atmosferi - Splošni pogoji (ISO 7384:1986)
Corrosion test in artificial atmosphere - General requirements (ISO 7384:1986)
Korrosionsprüfungen in künstlicher Atmosphäre - Allgemeine Anforderungen (ISO
Essai de corrosion en atmosphere artificielle - Prescriptions générales (ISO 7384:1986)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 7384:1995
77.060 Korozija kovin Corrosion of metals
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

International Standard
Corrosion tests in artificial atmosphere -
General requirements
Essais de corrosion en atmosphke artificiele - Prescriptions g&xkafes
First edition
- 1986-12-15
UDC 620.193.2 : 621.793/.795 Ref. No. ISO 7364-1986 (E)
Descriptors : metals, alloys, metal coatings, non metallic coatings, tests, corrosion tests, Ia boratory tests.
Price based on 4 pages
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to
the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
International Standard ISO 7384 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 156,
Corrosion of metals and alo ys.
Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time
and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its
latest edition, unless otherwise stated.
0 International Organkation for Standardkation, 1986
Printed in Switzerland
ISO 7384 (E)
Corrosion tests in artificial atmosphere -
General requirements
ISO 4623, Paints and varnishes - Fifiform corrosion test on
1 Scope and field of application
s teel.
This International Standard specifies general requirements for
the specimens, apparatus and procedure of corrosion tests in ISO 8407, Metals and alloys - Procedures for removal of cor-
artificial atmospheres. lt applies to metals and alloys with and rosion produc ts from corrosion fest specimens. 1)
without permanent corrosion protection or temporary cor-
rosion protection.
3 Definition
The requirements specified in this International Standard are in-
tended for application in other International Standards dealing
For the purpose of this International Standard, the following
with corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres as well as in ac-
definition applies.
celerated methods of test and the construction of new
corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres : Laboratory tests
conducted in air, in the presence of intensifying factors influen-
cing corrosion of metallic materials and alloys with and without
2 References
permanent or temporary corrosion protection.
ISO 1456, Metallic coatings - Elec tropla ted cos tings of nicke/
NOTE - Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres attempt to reproduce
plus chromium.
corrosion effects under Service conditions, such as atmospheric or
other environments.
ISO 1458, Metallic coatings -
Elec tropla ted cos tings o f nickel.
ISO 1461, Metallic coatings - Hat dip galvanized coatings on
4 Principle
fabrica ted ferrous produc ts - Requiremen ts.
4.1 Acceleration of the processes is achieved by intensifying
ISO 1462, Metallic cos tings - Coatings o ther than those
anodic to the basis metals - Accelera ted corrosion tes ts - such factors as temperature, relative humidity, condensation of
Method for the evaluation of the results. the moisture and corrosive agents (Sulfur dioxide, chlorides,
acids, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, etc. 1.
ISO 2081, Metallic coatings - Electropla ted cos tings o f zinc on
iron or steel.
4.2 The following shall be specified in the test Programme:
Electropla ted cos tings o f cad-
ISO 2082, Metallic coatings -
the purpose of the test;
mium on iron or steel.
the nature of the tested metals, alloys or means of cor-
ISO 3768, Metallic coatings - Neutral salt spra y test
rosion protection (Chemical composition, thickness, state of
(NSS testl.
the specimen surface) ;
ISO 3769, Metallic coatings - Acetic acid salt Spray test
the method of test: operating conditions, total duration
(ASS test).
of the test, Position and eventually Permutation of the test
specimens, frequency of removal and examination of
ISO 3770, Metallic coatings - Copper accelera ted acetic acid
specimens during the test, number of specimens removed
salt Spray test (CASS testl.
and number of control specimens;
ISO 4536, Metallic and non-organic coatings on metallic
the calibration of the corrosivity of the atmosphere of
substra tes - Saline droplets corrosion test (SD test).
the test chamber regardless of specimen orientation in the
ISO 4540, Metallic cos tings - Coatings ca thodic to the
Substrate - Rating o f elec tropla ted tes t specimens subjected the criteria and methods of evaluation of the test
to corrosion tests. results.
1) At present at the Stage of draft.
ISO 7384-1986 (El
4.3 The tests tan be classified as follows: 5.8 The tut edges of the test specimens shall be protected
with a suitable coating stable in the Chosen corrosive environ-
a) enhanced environment tests in which the conditions are
ment; the coating used during testing may be, for example,
Chosen to duplicate the corrosion mechanism in Service
paint, varnish, wax, tape or enamel.
conditions,. but at an accelerated rate. Tests of this type
allow the prediction of long-term corrosion of metals, alloys
Cut edges shall be left unprotected when the influence of un-
and means of corrosion protection;
protected tdges on the corrosion is to be examined.
b) short-term corrosion tests in which the corrosive en-
5.9 The test specimens should be identified. Marking shall be
vironment is Chosen to produce accelerated corrosion.
legible and durable over the whole period of testing and shall
Tests of this type allow comparison of corrosion resistance
not have an effect on the test results.
of similar corrosion protection if this has been shown to be
valid by practical experience for the specific environment;
5.10 Control specimens, intended for comparison with the
c) rapid quality control tests in which the corrosive en-
specimens to be removed, shall be stored over the total period
vironment is Chosen to produce abnormally accelerated cor-
of testing under conditions which prevent corrosion. The con-
rosion. Tests of this type allow rapid determination of
ditions shall be specified in the test Programme.
defects and weak Points in the corrosion protection.
5.11 The number of test specimens required is governed by
The classification of a specific test is dependent on the material
the total duration of the test, the frequency of removal and
examination of specimens during the test, the number of test
specimens tested and the number of control specimens
specified in the test Programme.
5 Requirements for test specimens
The number of replicate specimens shall be not fewer
than three; there shall be at least one control specimen.
5.1 Irrespective of the method used, all tests shall be carried
out using specimens treated or coated in the Same way and
having the same shape, dimensions and surface roughness.
Requirements for apparatus
5.2 The shape and dimensions of the test specimens shall be
6.1 The tests are carried out in special chambers or cabinets
Chosen according to the test method, criteria and methods of
which shall be large enough to assure homogeneous distribu-
evaluation of the test results.
tion and uniform conditions. The upper Parts of the chambers
shall be so shaped that drops of moisture or sprayed Solution
The thickness of the test specimens shall be preferably between
accumulated on them do not fall on the specimens being
0,5 and 3 mm; and in any case, be such that they are not
deformed during the test.
6.2 The apparatus shall maintain the specified operating con-
16 necessary, production articles or their Parts with shapes
ditions within the exposure zone of the chamber for the com-
which do not Cause difficulties in the evaluation of the test
plete duration of the test.
results, may be used as test specimens. In Order to exclude, as
Bar as possible, the effect of irregularities the total surface area
of the test specimen shall be as large as possible and not less 6.3 The specified operating conditions shall be controlled.
Values of temperature and relative humidity shall be recorded
than 25 cm*, except where smaller sutface areas are specified in
automatically, except in the case of condensation tests. The
speciat test regulations.
of corrosive
concentration agents shall be recorded
automatically or determined periodically.
5.3 The surface roughness of a test spe

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