Pressure equipment - Part 6: Structure and content of operating instructions

This part six of EN 764 is a Technical Report and as such is a generic document that identifies requirements for operating instructions which accompany the pressure equipment when it is placed on the market. It only provides general statements and thus does not claim to give presumption of conformity to the essential safety requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED).
Operating instructions contain the necessary safety information covering installation including assembling, putting into service and maintenance. For specific items of pressure equipment or assemblies, more detailed requirements on the content of operating instructions can be found in specific standards such as EN 13445 Unfired pressure vessels, EN 13480 Industrial piping, EN 12952 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations, or EN 12953 Shell boilers.

Druckgeräte - Teil 6: Aufbau und Inhalt einer Betriebsanleitung

Der vorliegende Teil 6 der EN 764 ist ein Technischer Bericht und somit ein allgemeines Dokument, das Anforderungen an die Betriebsanleitung festlegt, die einem Druckgerät beigefügt wird, wenn dieses in Verkehr gebracht wird. Er enthält ausschließlich allgemeine Angaben und beansprucht somit nicht die Annahme der Konformität mit den grundlegenden Sicherheitsanforderungen der Druckgeräterichtlinie 97/23/EG (DGR).
Die Betriebsanleitung enthält die erforderlichen sicherheitsbezogenen Angaben für die Installation, einschließ-lich Zusammenbau, Inbetriebnahme und Instandhaltung. Detailliertere Anforderungen an den Inhalt einer Betriebsanleitung für bestimmte Druckgeräte oder Baugruppen sind speziellen Normenreihen, wie z. B. EN 13445 Unbefeuerte Druckbehälter, EN 13480 Metallische industrielle Rohrleitungen, EN 12952 Wasserrohrkessel und Anlagenkomponenten oder EN 12953 Großwasserraumkessel zu entnehmen.

Equipements sous pression - Partie 6: Structure et contenu des instructions de service

Cette partie six de l’EN 764 est un Rapport Technique, et en tant que tel constitue un document générique qui identifie les exigences relatives aux instructions de service qui accompagnent les équipements sous pression lorsqu’ils sont mis sur le marché. Il fournit des indications générales et donc ne peut pas prétendre à donner présomption de conformité aux exigences essentielles de sécurité de la Directive Equipement sous pression 97/23/CE (DESP).
Les instructions de service comprennent les informations de sécurité nécessaires à l’installation, notamment l’assemblage, la mise en service et la maintenance. Pour des équipements sous pression ou des ensembles spécifiques, des exigences plus détaillées sur le contenu des instructions de service peuvent figurer dans des séries de normes particulières, telles que l’EN 13445 « Récipients à pression non soumis à la flamme », l’EN 13480 « Tuyauteries industrielles », l’EN 12952 « Chaudières à tubes d’eau et installations auxiliaires » ou l’EN 12953 « Chaudières à tubes de fumée ».

Tlačna oprema - 6. del: Oblika in vsebina navodil za obratovanje

Ta šesti del standarda EN 764 je tehnično poročilo in kot tako generičen dokument, ki identificira zahteve za navodila za obratovanje, ki so priložena tlačni opremi, ko je ta dana na trg. Ponuja samo splošne izjave in tako ne daje zagotovil o skladnosti z osnovnimi varnostnimi zahtevami z Direktivo 97/23/ES o tlačni opremi (PED). Navodila za obratovanje vsebujejo obvezne varnostne informacije o namestitvi, vključno s sestavljanjem, delovanjem in vzdrževanjem. Za določene proizvode tlačne opreme ali sklopov je več podrobnih zahtev o vsebini navodil za obratovanje na voljo v določenih serijah standardov, kot so EN 13445 »Neogrevane tlačne posode«, EN 13480 »Industrijski cevovodi«, EN 12952 »Vodocevni kotli in pomožne napeljave« ali EN 12953 »Mnogovodni kotli«.

General Information

Publication Date
Current Stage
9060 - Closure of 2 Year Review Enquiry - Review Enquiry
Start Date
Completion Date


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Standards Content (Sample)

kSIST-TP FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012
Pressure equipment - Part 6: Structure and content of operating instructions
Druckgeräte - Teil 6: Aufbau und Inhalt einer Betriebsanleitung
Equipements sous pression - Partie 6: Structure et contenu des instructions de service
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: FprCEN/TR 764-6
23.020.30 7ODþQHSRVRGHSOLQVNH Pressure vessels, gas
MHNOHQNH cylinders
kSIST-TP FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

kSIST-TP FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012
kSIST-TP FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012
FprCEN/TR 764-6
March 2012
ICS 23.020.30 Will supersede CEN/TS 764-6:2004
English Version
Pressure equipment - Part 6: Structure and content of operating
Equipements sous pression - Partie 6: Structure et contenu Druckgeräte - Teil 6: Aufbau und Inhalt einer
des instructions de service Betriebsanleitung

This draft Technical Report is submitted to CEN members for Technical Committee Approval. It has been drawn up by the Technical
Committee CEN/TC 54.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.

Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to
provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a Technical Report. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a Technical Report.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

kSIST-TP FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012
FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012 (E)
Contents Page
Foreword .3
1 Scope .4
2 General .4
3 Hazard analysis .4
4 Content of operating instructions .6

kSIST-TP FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012
FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012 (E)
This document (FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 54 “Unfired
pressure vessels”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This document is currently submitted to the Technical Committee Approval.
This document will supersede CEN/TS 764-6:2004.
This document EN 764 "Pressure equipment" consists of seven parts which are:
 Part 1: Terminology – Pressure, temperature, volume, nominal size
 Part 2: Quantities, symbols and units
 Part 3: Definition of parties involved
 Part 4: Establishment of technical delivery conditions for metallic materials
 Part 5: Compliance and Inspection Documentation of Materials
 Part 6: Structure and content of operating instructions
 Part 7: Safety systems for unfired pressure equipment
kSIST-TP FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012
FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012 (E)
1 Scope
This part six of EN 764 is a Technical Report and as such is a generic document that identifies requirements
for operating instructions which accompany the pressure equipment when it is placed on the market. It only
provides general statements and thus does not claim to give presumption of conformity to the essential safety
requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED).
Operating instructions contain the necessary safety information covering installation including assembling,
putting into service and maintenance. For specific items of pressure equipment or assemblies, more detailed
requirements on the content of operating instructions can be found in specific standards such as EN 13445
“Unfired pressure vessels”, EN 13480 “Industrial piping”, EN 12952 “Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installa-
tions”, or EN 12953 “Shell boilers”.
2 General
The manufacturer needs to identify and analyse all known and foreseeable hazards in the intended use and
clearly foreseeable misuse which may occur in mounting, putting into service, use, maintenance and in-
service inspections by the user of the pressure equipment.
Possible hazards which could not be eliminated in the design of the product or by secondary safety devices
are treated in Clause 3 of this document. These are residual hazards which can occur when a vessel is in-
stalled and used or operated under foreseeable conditions. Where appropriate, residual hazards are dealt with
in the operating instructions given by the manufacturer.
Operating instructions cover the information marked on the pressure equipment and are, where appropriate,
supported by technical documents, drawings and diagrams for a full understanding.
Depending on the type of pressure equipment:
a) a manufacturer may decide to put constraints on the use of the pressure equipment, e.g. in the case of
series products or “catalogue” products, or
b) a user/client may – e.g. via project specifications – put constraints on the design or the manufacture of
the pressure equipment.
In each of these cases, the constraints specified by the manufacturer (as in a)) or the solutions specified by
the client (as in b)) are identified in the operating instructions.
3 Hazard analysis
3.1 General
It is the purpose of the hazard analysis to enable the manufacturer to identify and determine the potential
modes of failure due to loading of pressure equipment which could occur when this equipment is installed and
used in reasonably foreseeable conditions.
Given below in 3.2 and 3.3 are hazards or combinations of hazards which need to be considered for operating
instructions. This list is not intended to be fully comprehensive, but illustrative of the scope of information
which needs to be taken into account.
kSIST-TP FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012
FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012 (E)
3.2 Possible hazards for all pressure equipment and assemblies
Hazardous situations during operations are:
a) exceeding of internal or external maximum allowable pressure;
b) exceeding of maximum or minimum allowable temperature or temperature gradients;
c) exceeding of features of design relevant to the life of equipment covering creep, fatigue and corrosion;
d) hazards by static pressure and mass contents in operating and test conditions;
e) exceeding of traffic-, wind-, snow-, earthquake- and dynamic-loading;
f) exceeding of reaction forces and moments which result from supports, attachments, piping etc.;
g) decomposition of unstable fluids;
h) instability aspects;
i) incorrect handling of closures and openings;
j) dangerous discharge of pressure relief blow-off;
k) incorrect handling of devices to prevent physical access whilst pressure or a vacuum exists;
l) surface temperature taking into consideration the intended use;
m) incorrect handling of unstable fluids resulting in decomposition;
n) incorrect draining and venting with the following possible consequences:
1) water hammer, vacuum collapse, corrosion and chemical reactions;
2) inhibition of safe cleaning, inspection and maintenance in a safe manner;
o) failing of protection against corrosion or inadequate allowance of chemical attack of the materials;
p) excess wear;
q) incorrect assembly of components;
r) incorrect filling and discharge, e.g.:
1) overfilling or overpressurisation;
2) instability of the pressure equipment;
3) uncontrolled release of the pressurised fluid;
4) unsafe connection and disconnection;
kSIST-TP FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012
FprCEN/TR 764-6:2012 (E)
s) inadequate failure of safety accessories, pressure limiting- and temperature monitoring devices, e.g. with
regard to:
1) reliability for the intended duty;
2) maintenance and test requirements;
3) independence from functions;
t) inadequate failure of provisions for external fire.
It is important that potential for clearly foreseeable misuse which cannot be eliminated by design is clearly
identified by a visible warning and is described in the operating instructions.
3.3 Possible hazards for specific pressure equipment and assemblies
Fired or otherwise heated pressure equipment and assemblies
Failure of protectio

Pressure equipment - Part 6: Structure and content of operating instructions
Druckgeräte - Teil 6: Aufbau und Inhalt einer Betriebsanleitung
Equipements sous pression - Partie 6: Structure et contenu des instructions de service
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 764-6:2012
23.020.30 7ODþQHSRVRGHSOLQVNH Pressure vessels, gas
MHNOHQNH cylinders
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 764-6
October 2012
ICS 23.020.30 Supersedes CEN/TS 764-6:2004
English Version
Pressure equipment - Part 6: Structure and content of operating
Equipements sous pression - Partie 6: Structure et contenu Druckgeräte - Teil 6: Aufbau und Inhalt einer
des instructions de service Betriebsanleitung

This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 23 July 2012. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 54.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United


Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 764-6:2012: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .3
1 Scope .4
2 General .4
3 Hazard analysis .4
3.1 General .4
3.2 Possible hazards for all pressure equipment and assemblies .4
3.3 Fired or otherwise heated pressure equipment and assemblies .6
4 Content of operating instructions .6
4.1 General .6
4.2 Transportation and erection or installation (mounting) .8
4.3 Putting into service.8
4.4 Use/Operation .8
4.5 Maintenance and Inspection .9
4.6 Documentation .9
4.7 Disposal .9

This document (CEN/TR 764-6:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 54 “Unfired
pressure vessels”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This document supersedes CEN/TS 764-6:2004.
EN 764 "Pressure equipment" series consists of the following seven parts:
 Part 1: Terminology – Pressure, temperature, volume, nominal size
 Part 2: Quantities, symbols and units
 Part 3: Definition of parties involved
 Part 4: Establishment of technical delivery conditions for metallic materials
 Part 5: Compliance and Inspection Documentation of Materials
 Part 6: Structure and content of operating instructions (this Technical Report)
 Part 7: Safety systems for unfired pressure equipment

1 Scope
This part six of EN 764 is a Technical Report and as such is a generic document that identifies requirements
for operating instructions which accompany the pressure equipment when it is placed on the marked. It only
provides general statements and thus does not claim to give presumption of conformity to the essential safety
requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC (PED).
Operating instructions contain the necessary safety information covering installation including assembling,
putting into service and maintenance. For specific items of pressure equipment or assemblies, more detailed
requirements on the content of operating instructions can be found in specific standard series such as
EN 13445 “Unfired pressure vessels”, EN 13480 “Industrial piping”, EN 12952 “Water-tube boilers and auxil-
iary installations”, or EN 12953 “Shell boilers”.
2 General
The manufacturer needs to identify and analyse all known and foreseeable hazards in the intended use and
clearly foreseeable misuse which may occur in mounting, putting into service, use, maintenance and in-
service inspections by the user of the pressure equipment.
Possible hazards which could not be eliminated in the design of the product or by secondary safety devices
are treated in Clause 3 of this document. These are residual hazards which can occur when a vessel is in-
stalled and used or operated under foreseeable conditions. Where appropriate, residual hazards are dealt with
in the operating instructions given by the manufacturer.
Operating instructions cover the information marked on the pressure equipment and are, where appropriate,
supported by technical documents, drawings and diagrams for a full understanding.
Depending on the type of pressure equipment
a) a manufacturer may decide to put constraints on the use of the pressure equipment, e.g. in the case of
series products or “catalogue” products, or
b) a user/client may, e.g. via project specifications, put constraints on the design or the manufacture of the
pressure equipment.
In each of these cases, the constraints specified by the manufacturer (as in a)) or the solutions specified by
the client (as in b)) are identified in the operating instructions.
3 Hazard analysis
3.1 General
It is the purpose of the hazard analysis to enable the manufacturer to identify and determine the potential
modes of failure due to loading of the actual piece of pressure equipment which could occur when this equip-
ment is installed and used in reasonably foreseeable conditions.
Given below in 3.2 and 3.3 are hazards or combinations of hazards which need to be considered for operating
instructions. This list is not intended to be fully comprehensive, but illustrative of the scope of information
which needs to be taken into account.
3.2 Possible hazards for all pressure equipment and assemblies
Hazardous situations during operations are:
a) exceeding of internal or external maximum allowable pressure;
b) exceeding of maximum or minimum allowable temperature or temperature gradients;
c) exceeding of features of design relevant to the life of equipment covering creep, fatigue and corrosion;
d) hazards by static pressure and mass contents in operating and test conditions;
e) exceeding of traffic-, wind-, snow-, earthquake- and dynamic-loading;
f) exceeding of reaction forces and moments which result from supports, attachments, piping etc.;
g) decomposition of unstable fluids;
h) instability aspects;
i) incorrect handling of closures and openings;
j) dangerous discharge of pressure relief blow-off;
k) incorrect handling of devices to prevent physical access whilst pressure or a vacuum exists;
l) surface temperature taking into consideration the intended use;
m) incorrect handling of unstable fluids resulting in decomposition;
n) incorrect draining and venting with the following possible consequences:
1) water hammer, vacuum collapse, corrosion and chemical reactions;
2) inhibition of safe cleaning, inspection and maintenance in a safe manner;
o) failing of protection against corrosion or inadequate allowance of chemical attack of the materials;
p) excess wear;
q) incorrect assembly of components;
r) incorrect filling and discharge, e.g.:
1) overfilling or overpressurisation;
2) instability of the pressure equipment;
3) uncontrolled release of the pressurised fluid;
4) unsafe connection and disconnection;
s) inadequate failure of safety accessories, pressure limiting- and temperature monitoring devices, e.g. with

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