Radio-frequency connectors - Part 21: Two types of radio-frequency connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 9,5 mm (0,374 in) with different versions of screw coupling - Characteristic impendance 50 ohms (types SC-A and SC-B)

Standardizes the interface and ratings of two versions of a medium size r.f. connector for use with flexible and semirigid cables. The connectors are recommended to be utilized in medium power and low reflection applications up to 11 GHz. The dielectric filled interface is especially beneficial in applications involving severe environmental exposure. Both versions of this connector type are screw coupled versions of the Type C connector. The two types are not intermateable. It is recommended to use only the type SC-B in new installations.

Hochfrequenz-Steckverbinder - Teil 21: Zwei Typen von HF-Steckverbindern mit 9,5 mm (0,374 in) Innendurchmesser des Außenleiters mit verschiedenen Ausführungsarten der Schraubkupplung - Wellenwiderstand 50 0hm (Typen SC-A und SC-B)

Connecteurs pour fréquences radioélectriques - Partie 21: Deux types de connecteurs pour fréquences radioélectriques avec diamètre intérieur du conducteur extérieur de 9,5 mm (0,374 in) avec différentes versions du système de verrouillage à vis - Impédance caractéristique 50 ohms (types SC-A et SC-B)

Normalise la face d'accouplement et les caractéristiques nominales de deux versions de connecteurs de taille moyenne pour fréquences radioélectriques destinés à être utilisés avec des câbles souples et semi-rigides. L'utilisation de ces connecteurs est recommandée pour des applications à puissance moyenne et faible réflexion jusqu'à 11 GHz. La face d'accouplement remplie d'isolant est spécialement utile pour des applications avec conditions d'environnement sévères. Les deux versions de ce connecteur sont les versions à verrouillage à vis de connecteur du type C. Ces deux types ne sont pas intermariables. Il est recommandé de n'employer que le type SC-B dans de nouvelles installations.

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 21: Two types of radio-frequency connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 9,5 mm (0,374 in) with different versions of screw coupling - Characteristic impendance 50 ohms (Types SC-A and SC-B) (IEC 60169-21:1985 + A1:1996)

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Standards Content (Sample)

Radio-frequency connectors - Part 21: Two types of radio-frequency connectors
with inner diameter of outer conductor 9,5 mm (0,374 in) with different versions of
screw coupling - Characteristic impendance 50 ohms (Types SC-A and SC-B) (IEC
60169-21:1985 + A1:1996)
Radio-frequency connectors -- Part 21: Two types of radio-frequency connectors with
inner diameter of outer conductor 9,5 mm (0,374 in) with different versions of screw
coupling - Characteristic impendance 50 ohms (types SC-A and SC-B)
Hochfrequenz-Steckverbinder -- Teil 21: Zwei Typen von HF-Steckverbindern mit 9,5
mm (0,374 in) Innendurchmesser des Außenleiters mit verschiedenen Ausführungsarten
der Schraubkupplung - Wellenwiderstand 50 0hm (Typen SC-A und SC-B)
Connecteurs pour fréquences radioélectriques -- Partie 21: Deux types de connecteurs
pour fréquences radioélectriques avec diamètre intérieur du conducteur extérieur de 9,5
mm (0,374 in) avec différentes versions du système de verrouillage à vis - Impédance
caractéristique 50 ohms (types SC-A et SC-B)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 60169-21:1997
33.120.30 5DGLRIUHNYHQþQLNRQHNWRUML R.F. connectors
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

First edition
Connecteurs pour fréquences radioélectriques
Vingt et unième partie:
Deux types de connecteurs pour fréquences
radioélectriques avec diamètre intérieur du conducteur
extérieur de 9,5 mm (0,374 in) avec différentes
versions du système de verrouillage à vis –
Impédance caractéristique 50 ohms (types SC-A et
Radio-frequency connectors
Part 21:
Two types of radio-frequency connectors with inner
diameter of outer conductor 9.5 mm (0.374 in) with
different versions of screw coupling – Characteristic
impedance 50 ohms (Types SC-A and SC-B)
© IEC 1985 Droits de reproduction réservés — Copyright - all rights reserved
Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in
utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
procédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photo- including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in
copie et les microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de l'éditeur. writing from the publisher.
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International Electrotechnical Commission
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• • For price, see current catalogue

— 3 —
169-21 © I E C 1985
1. Scope 7
2. I E C type designation 7
3. Ratings 7
4. Climatic categories 9
10 5. Dimensions — General purpose connectors
16 6. Gauges and standard test connectors — Grade 0
7. Survey of patterns
Broad overall dimensions (under consideration) 8.
Schedule for type tests 9.
169-21 © I E C 1985 — 5 —
Part 21: Two types of radio-frequency connectors with inner diameter
of outer conductor 9.5 mm (0.374 in) with different versions of screw coupling —
Characteristic impedance 50 ohms (Types SC -A and SC-B)
The formal decisions or agreements of the I E Con technical matters, prepared by Technical Committees on which all the National
Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an international consensus of opinion
on the subjects dealt with.
2) They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense.
3) In order to promote international unification, the I E C expresses the wish that all National Committees should adopt the text
of the I EC recommendation for their national rules in so far as national conditions will permit. Any divergence between the
I EC recommendation and the corresponding national rules should, as far as possible, be clearly indicated in the latter.
The I E C has not laid down any procedure concerning marking as an indication of approval and has no responsibility when an
item of equipment is declared to comply with one of its recommendations.
This standard has been prepared by Sub-Committee 46D: Connectors for R.F. Cables, of I E C Technical Committee No. 46: Cables,
Wires and Waveguides for Telecommunication Equipment.
This standard should be used in conjunction with I EC Publication 169-1: Radio-frequency Connectors, Part 1: General Require-
ments and Measuring Methods.
The text of this standard is based on the following documents:
Six Months' Rule Report on Voting
46D(CO)83 46D(CO)92
Further information can be found in the relevant Reports on Voting indicated in the table above.
The following IEC publications are quoted in this standard:
Publications Nos. 68-2: Basic Environmental Testing Procedures, Part 2: Tests.
68-2-1 (1974): Tests A: Cold.
68-2-2 (1974): Tests B: Dry Heat.
68-2-3 (1969): Test Ca: Damp Heat, Steady State.
68-2-11 (1981): Test Ka: Salt Mist.
68-2-13 (1983): Test M: Low Air Pressure.
68-2-14 (1984): Test N: Change of Temperature.
68-2-20 (1979): Test T: Soldering.
96-2 (1961): Radio-frequency Cables, Part 2: Relevant Cable Specifications.
169-1 (1965): Radio-frequency Connectors, Part 1: General Requirements
and Measuring Methods.
169-7 (1975): Part 7: R.F. Coaxial Connectors with Inner Diameter of Outer Conductor 9.5 mm (0.374 in)
with Bayonet Lock—Characteristic Impedance 50 ohms (Type C).

— 7 —
169-21 © I E C 1985
Part 21: Two types of radio-frequency connectors with inner diameter
of outer conductor 9.5 mm (0.374 in) with different versions of screw coupling —
Characteristic impedance 50 ohms (Types SC-A and SC-B)
1. Scope
This specification standardizes the interface and ratings of two versions of a medium size r.f. con-
nector for use with flexible and semi-rigid cables. The connectors are recommended to be utilized
GHz. The dielectric filled interface is espe-
in medium power and low reflection applications up to 11
cially beneficial in applications involving severe environmental exposure.
Both versions of this connector type are screw coupled versions of the Type C connector covered
by I E C Publication 169-7: Radio-frequency Connectors, Part 7: R.F. Coaxial Connectors with Inner
Diameter of Outer Conductor 9.5 mm (0.374 in) with Bayonet Lock—Characteristic Impedance
50 ohms (type C). In this standard, they are considered as two different types and are distinguished
by the designations 169-21A respectively 169-21B. Type 169-21A (SC A) is the older version connector
which is still preferred in Europe. Type 169-21B (SC-B) is the newer American design. Both connector
types originated in the United States of America.
The two types are not intermateable. It is recommended to use only the type 169-21B (SC-B) in
new installations.
2. IEC type designation
Connectors conforming to this standard shall be designated by:
the reference to this standard: 169-21A IEC respectively 169-21B IEC;
b) number of the grade:
Grade 0 = standard test connector = GO,
Grade 1 = high performance connector = Gl,
Grade 2 = general purpose connector = G2 or no designation at all;
a group of figures specifying the climatic category (see Clause 4).
169-21B IEC Gl (40/85/21) denotes a connector of grade 1, with coupling details as indicated in
Figures 2 and 5, pages 10 and 14, climatic category 40/85/21.
3. Ratings
The r.f. connectors standardized in this publication are designed for use with a variety of coaxial
cables, semi-rigid and rigid coaxial lines, and a connector of grade 1 will not, under optimum condi-
tions, introduce a reflection factor greater than 0.1 at frequencies up to 11 GHz.

169-21 © I E C 1985 —9—
Application Sea level
44.76 mbar
Working (d.c. or a.c. peak) 1.5 kV 350 V
Proof 3 kV
750 V
Current: 6.0 A d.c. maximum.
Climatic categories
Damp heat,
Category* Temperature range
long term
40/85/21 —40 °C to +85 °C 21 days
55/155/56 —55 °C to +155 °C 56 days
* To be included in the I E C type designation (see Clause 2).

— 169-21 © C E I 1985
10 —
Dimensions – Connecteurs d'usage général 5. Dimensions – General purpose connectors
dimen- Inch dimensions are original dimensions.
Les dimensions en inches sont les
sions d'origine.
5.1 Connecteur avec contact central mâle 5.1 Connector with pin centre contact
dimensions sont applicables à des con- These dimensions are for connectors for
necteurs pour des applications d'usage géné- general purpose microwave applications.
ral micro-ondes.
Note 3
Note 2
A Note 12
b a
}i ^^iii.►^'%%///i
/ussirrmo. .,^__
ui I
iI it/!^.
6875-24 UNEF-2B
Note 4
Note 5
Note 1
FIG. 1. – Connecteur avec contact FIG. 2. – Connecteur avec contact central mâle (SC-B).
central mâle Connector with pin centre contact (SC-B).
Connector with pin centre
contact (SC-A).
FIG. du contact mâle.
3. – Détail
Detail of pin contact.
169-21 © I E C 1985 — 11 —
les figures 2 et 3 communes aux deux connecteurs
Dimensions pour
Dimensions for Figures 2 and 3 common to both connectors
mm inch
2 et/and 3
Min. Max. Min. Max.
a 4,93 — 0,194 —
b 7,01 — 0,276 —
— — — 2/diam.
d —
0,477 diam.
e — 12,12 —
f 17,53 — 0,690 — diam.
n 0,18 — 0,007
p 4,85 6,38 0,191 0,251
r 7,85 — 0,309 —
0,119 0,124 10/diam.
t 3,02 3,15
7,80 8,56 0,307 0,337
y 0,08 1,02 0,003 0,040
2,29 2,34 0,090 0,092 diam.
21,03 0,828 diam.
as — —
Dimensions pour le connecteur type 169-21,4 (SC A) seulement, figure I
Dimensions for connector Type 169-21A (SC A) only, Figu re 1
mm inch
Fig. 1
Min. Max. Min. Max.
g 0,51 1,52 0,020 0,060
m 0,51 2,16 0,020 0,085 6
bb 8,4 — —
— 12 — 169-21 © C E I 1985
Dimensions pour le connecteur type 169-21B (SC-B) seulement, figure 2
Dimensions for connector Type 169-21B (SC-B) only, Figu re 2
mm inch
Min. Max. Min. Max.
g 5,41 5,66 0,213 0,223
y 6,35 – 0,250 –
2,16 0,025 0,085 6
m 0,64
Notes 1. –Plan de référence mécanique et électrique. Notes 1. – Mechanical and electrical reference plane.
2. – Fente facultative. Le contact extérieur doit sa- 2. – Slot design optional. The outer contact shall
tisfaire aux prescriptions concernant l'accou- meet the mating characteristics requirement.
plement. Pour les prescriptions concernant le For gauging requirements, see Sub-clause
calibrage, voir paragraphe 6.1.1. 6.1.1.
Joint d'étanchéité afin de satisfaire aux condi- – Sealing gasket to give required environmen-
3. – 3.
tions d'environnement. tal performance.
4. – Le cône du contact mâle débute ici. 4. – Taper of pin contact starts here.
5. – Forme de l'extrémité facultative; plat admis- 5. – Shape of tip optional; flat permissible, maxi-
sible, diamètre maximal du plat 1,32 mm mum diameter of flat 1.32 mm (0.052 in).
(0,052 in).
6. – Applicable lorsque la bague de verrouillage 6. – Applicable when coupling nut is urged for-
dépasse en avant. ward.
10. – Tolérance à choisir de telle façon que les pres- 10. – Tolerance to be chosen so that reflection fac-
criptions concernant le facteur de réflexion tor requirement will be met.
soient satisfaites.
12. 12. Three holes 0.69 mm (0.027 in) minimum
– Afin de pouvoir passer un fil de sécurité, il –
doit y avoir trois trous de diamètre minimal diameter equally spaced for safety wiring
0,69 mm (0,027 in) à 120° sur la bague de ver- must be on the coupling nut with location
rouillage; position des trous libre. being optional.

— 13 —
169-21 © I EC 1985
— Page blanche —
— Blank page —
CE I 1985
— 14 — 169-21 ©
Connector with socket centre contact
Connecteur avec contact central femelle 5.2
à des con- These dimensions are for connectors for
Ces dimensions sont applicables
micro- general purpose microwave applications.
necteurs pour applications générales
Contact femelle
Socket contact
Note 8—/
.6875-24 UNEF-2A —
Note 1
Connecteur avec contact central femelle (SC-B).
FIG. 4. – Connecteur avec contact FIG. 5. –
Connector with socket centre contact (SC-B).
central femelle (SC-A).
Connector with socket centre
contact (SC-A).
Note 7
FIG. 6. – Détail du contact femelle.
Detail of socket contact.
- 15 -
169-21 © I E C 1985
Dimensions pour les figures 5 et 6 communes aux deux connecteurs
Dimensions for Figures 5 and 6 common to both connectors
mm inch
5 et/and 6 Note
Réf./Ref. Max. Min. Max.
0,190 diam.
a - 4,83 -
0,272 diam.
b - 6,91 -
0,374 8/diam.
c - 9,50 -
10,44 10,54 0,411 0,415 diam.
f - 16,00 - 0,630 diam.
n - 0,18 - 8
p 6,93 7,70 0,273
r - 7,85 -
7,62 - 0,300 -
3,02 3,15 0,119 0,124 10/diam.
seulement, figure 4
Dimensions pour le connecteur type 169-21A (SC A)
Dimensions for connector Type 169-21A (SC A) only, Figure 4
Fig. 4
Min. Max. Min. Max.
1,77 0,050 0,070
g 1,27
0,366 -
k 6,35 -
8,43 8,59 0,332 0,338
m 12,57 - 0,495 -
w - 0,99 -
11,43 0,440 0,450 diam.
x 11,18
y 12,32 12,57 0,485 0,495 diam.
seulement, figure 5
Dimensions pour le connecteur type 169-21B (SC-B)
Dimensions for connector Type 169-21B (SC-B) only, Figure 5
Fig. 5
Max. Min.

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