Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4-44: Protection for safety - Protection against voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances - Clause 443: Protection against overvoltages of atmospheric origin or due to switching

Supersedes HD 384.4.443 S1

Elektrische Anlagen von Gebäuden - Teil 4-44: Schutzmaßnahmen - Schutz bei Störspannungen und elektromagnetischen Störgrößen - Abschnitt 443: Schutz bei Überspannungen infolge atmosphärischer Einflüsse oder von Schaltvorgängen

Installations électriques des bâtiments - Partie 4-44: Protection pour assurer la sécurité - Protection contre les perturbations de tension et les perturbations électromagnétiques - Article 443: Protection contre les surtensions d'origine atmosphérique ou dues à des manoeuvres

Električne inštalacije zgradb - 4-44. del: Zaščitni ukrepi - Zaščita pred napetostnimi in elektromagnetnimi motnjami - 443. točka: Zaščita pred atmosferskimi in stikalnimi prenapetostmi (IEC 60364-4-44:2001/A1:2003, spremenjen)

Pravila tega dela IEC 60364 so namenjena, za zagotovitev varnosti oseb in opreme v nizkonapetostnem (LV) sistemu ob okvari med visokonapetostnim (HV) sistemom in zemljo v visokonapetostnem (HV) delu transformatorske postaje, ki oskrbuje nizkonapetostne sisteme.

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HD 60364-4-443:2007
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SLOVENSKI SIST HD 60364-4-443:2007

januar 2007
Električne inštalacije zgradb - 4-44. del: Zaščitni ukrepi - Zaščita pred
napetostnimi in elektromagnetnimi motnjami - 443. točka: Zaščita pred
atmosferskimi in stikalnimi prenapetostmi (IEC 60364-4-44:2001/A1:2003,
(istoveten HD 60364-4-443:2006)
Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4-44: Protection for safety - Protection
against voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances - Clause 443:
Protection against overvoltages of atmospheric origin or due to switching (IEC
60364-4-44:2001/A1:2003, modified)
ICS 91.140.50 Referenčna številka
©  Standard je založil in izdal Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje ali kopiranje celote ali delov tega dokumenta ni dovoljeno

HD 60364-4-443
July 2006
ICS 91.140.50 Supersedes HD 384.4.443 S1:2000

English version
Electrical installations of buildings
Part 4-44: Protection for safety –
Protection against voltage disturbances
and electromagnetic disturbances –
Clause 443: Protection against overvoltages of atmospheric origin
or due to switching
(IEC 60364-4-44:2001/A1:2003, modified)

Installations électriques des bâtiments Elektrische Anlagen von Gebäuden
Partie 4-44: Protection pour assurer Teil 4-44: Schutzmaßnahmen –
la sécurité – Schutz bei Störspannungen und
Protection contre les perturbations elektromagnetischen Störgrößen –
de tension et les perturbations Abschnitt 443: Schutz bei
électromagnétiques – Überspannungen infolge
Article 443: Protection contre les atmosphärischer Einflüsse oder
surtensions d'origine atmosphérique von Schaltvorgängen
ou dues à des manoeuvres (IEC 60364-4-44:2001/A1:2003,
(CEI 60364-4-44:2001/A1:2003, modifiée) modifiziert)

This Harmonization Document was approved by CENELEC on 2005-07-01. CENELEC members are bound to
comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for implementation of this
Harmonization Document at national level.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national implementations may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.

This Harmonization Document exists in three official versions (English, French, German).

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels

© 2006 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. HD 60364-4-443:2006 E

The text of Amendment 1:2003 to the International Standard IEC 60364-4-44:2001, prepared by
IEC TC 64, Electrical installations and protection against electric shock, together with the common
modifications prepared by CENELEC SC 64A, Protection against electric shock, of Technical Committee
CENELEC TC 64, Electrical installations of buildings, was submitted to the Unique Acceptance
Procedure and was approved by CENELEC as HD 60364-4-443 on 2005-07-01.
In this Harmonization Document the common modifications to the International Standard are indicated
by a vertical line in the left margin of the text.
This Harmonization Document supersedes HD 384.4.443 S1:2000.
The following dates were fixed:
– latest date by which the existence of the HD
has to be announced at national level (doa) 2006-01-01
– latest date by which the HD has to be implemented
at national level by publication of a harmonized
national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2007-02-01
– latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with the HD have to be withdrawn (dow) 2008-07-01
Annexes ZA and ZB have been added by CENELEC.
- 3 - HD 60364-4-443:2006
443 Protection against overvoltages of atmospheric origin or due to switching
443.1 General
This clause of HD 60364-4-443 deals with protection of electrical installations against transient
overvoltages of atmospheric origin transmitted by the supply distribution system and against switching
In general, switching overvoltages are lower than overvoltages of atmospheric origin and therefore the
requirements regarding protection against overvoltages of atmospheric origin normally cover protection
against switching overvoltages.
NOTE 1 Statistical evaluations of measurements have shown that there is a low risk of switching overvoltages higher than the
level of overvoltages category II. See 443.2.
Consideration shall be given to the overvoltages which can appear at the origin of an installation, to the
expected keraunic level and to the location and characteristics of surge protective devices, so that the
probability of incidents due to overvoltage stresses is reduced to an acceptable level for the safety of
persons and property, as well as for the continuity of service desired.
The values of transient overvoltages depend on the nature of the supply distribution system
(underground or overhead) and the possible existence of a surge protective device upstream of the
origin of the installation and the level of the supply system.
This clause provides guidance where protection against overvoltages is covered by inherent control or
assured by protective control. If the protection according to this clause is not provided, insulation
coordination is not assured and the risk due to overvoltages shall be evaluated.
This clause does not apply in case of overvoltages due to direct or nearby lightning. For protection
against transient overvoltages due to direct lightning, the standards of the IEC 61024, IEC 61312 and
IEC 61643 series are applicable. This clause does not cover overvoltage through data-transmission
NOTE 2 As regards transient atmospheric overvoltages, no distinction is made between earthed and unearthed systems.
NOTE 3 Switching overvoltages generated outside the installation and transmitted by the supply network are under
NOTE 4 The risk due to overvoltages is considered in IEC 61662 and its amendment 1.
NOTE 5 The IEC 61024 series is replaced by the IEC 62305 series.
443.2 Classification of impulse withstand categories
443.2.1 Purpose of classification of impulse withstand categories
NOTE 1 Overvoltages categories are defined within electrical installations for the purpose of insulation coordination and a
related classification of equipment with impulse withstand voltages is provided. See Table 1.
NOTE 2 The rated impulse withstand voltage is an impulse withstand voltage assigned by a manufacturer to the equipment or
to a part of it, characterizing the specified withstand capability of its insulation against overvoltages (in accordance with
of IEC 60664-1).
The impulse withstand voltage (overvoltage category) is used to classify equipment energized directly
from the mains.
Impulse withstand voltages for equipment selected according to the nominal voltage are provided to
distinguish different levels of availability of equipment with regard to continuity of service and on an
acceptable risk of failure. By selection of equipment with a classified impulse withstand voltage,
insulation co-ordination can be achieved in the whole installation, reducing the risk of failure to an
acceptable level.
NOTE 3 Transient overvoltages transmitted by the supply distribution system are not significantly attenuated downstream in
most installations.
443.2.2 Description of impulse withstand categories
Equipment with an impulse withstand voltage corresponding to overvoltage category IV is suitable for
use at, or in the proximity of, the origin of the electrical installations, for example upstream of the main
distribution board. Equipment of category IV has a very high impulse withstand capability providing the
required high degree of reliability.
NOTE 1 Examples of such equipment are electricity meters, main incoming overcurrent protection device and ripple control
Equipment with an impulse withstand voltage corresponding to overvoltage category III is for use in the
fixed installations downstream of, and including the main distribution board, providing a high degree of
NOTE 2 Examples of such equipment are distribution boards, circuit-breakers, wiring systems (see IEC 60050(826) definition
IEV 826-15-01), including cables, bus-bars, junction boxes, switches, socket-outlets) in the fixed installation, and equipment for
industrial use and some other equipment, e.g. stationary motors with permanent connection to the fixed installation.
Equipment with an impulse withstand voltage corresponding to overvoltage category II is suitable for
connection to the fixed electrical installations, providing a normal degree of availability normally
required for current-using equipment.
NOTE 3 Examples of such equipment are household appliances, portable tools and similar loads. Computers, audio video
appliances and other electronic systems equipment may be sensitive to transient and/or temporary overvoltages of less than
2,5 kV between line conductors, due to embedded protective or filtering devices.
Equipment with an impulse withstand voltage corresponding to overvoltage category I is only suitable for
use in the fixed installations of buildings where protective means are applied outside the equipment – to
limit transient overvoltages to the specified level.
NOTE 4 Examples of such equipment are those household appliances containing electronic circuits which are very sensitive
with regards to overvoltages.
Equipment with an impulse withstand voltage corresponding to overvoltage category I shall not have
direct connection to a public supply system.
443.3 Arrangements for overvoltage control
Overvoltage control is arranged in accordance with the following requireme

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