IEC 60364-8-1:2019(E) provides additional requirements, measures and recommendations for the design, erection and verification of all types of low-voltage electrical installation including local production and storage of energy for optimizing the overall efficient use of electricity. It introduces requirements and recommendations for the design of an electrical installation within the framework of an energy efficiency management approach in order to get the best permanent functionally equivalent service for the lowest electrical energy consumption and the most acceptable energy availability and economic balance. These requirements and recommendations apply, within the scope of the IEC 60364 series, for new installations and modification of existing installations. This standard is applicable to the electrical installation of a building or system and does not apply to products. The energy efficiency of these products and their operational requirements are covered by the relevant product standards. This standard does not specifically address building automation systems. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) revision of Annex B; b) revision of 4.2: Energy efficiency assessment for electrical installations; c) update of 8.3: Input from loads, sensors and forecasts; d) introduction of new definitions. This group energy efficiency publication is primarily intended to be used as an energy efficiency standard for the low voltage electrical installations mentioned in Clause 1, but is also intended to be used by technical committees in the preparation of standards, in accordance with the principles laid down in IEC Guide 119 and IEC Guide 118. The contents of the corrigendum of May 2019 have been included in this copy.

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NEW!IEC 60364-7-711:2018 is available as IEC 60364-7-711:2018 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60364-7-711:2018 gives requirements applying to the temporary electrical installations in exhibitions, shows and stands (including mobile and portable displays and equipment) to protect users. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2007. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) in 711.3.1 and 711.3.2 addition of "outdoors" to the list of suitable locations; b) alignment with IEC 60364-4-41.

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IEC 60364-7-716:2023 specifies requirements in electrical installations for the distribution of ELV DC power using balanced, information technology cables and accessories primarily designed for data transmission, as specified in terms of a category within the channels of ISO/IEC 11801-1 using power sourcing equipment in accordance with IEC 62368-3. Requirements are included for the design, erection, and verification of telecommunications infrastructure for the purpose of both telecommunications and distribution of ELV DC power. In addition, requirements are included for use of existing telecommunications infrastructure for distribution of ELV DC power. The power delivery systems include, but are not restricted to, the Power over Ethernet systems specified by IEEE 802.3. This document does not apply to the use of cables and accessories within the core and access networks for example private branch exchange (PBX).

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  • Standardization document
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This part of IEC 60364 covers general requirements for safety services, selection and erection of electrical supply systems for safety services and the electrical source for safety services. Standby electrical supply systems are outside the scope of this document. This documentdoes not apply to installations in hazardous areas (BE3), for which requirements are given in IEC 60079-14.

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IEC 60364-7-708:2017(E) lays down requirements applying only to circuits intended to supply leisure accommodation vehicles, tents or residential park homes in caravan parks, camping parks and similar locations. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - new requirements to protect against impact; - new requirements for socket outlets and connectors.

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Specifies essential requirements regarding protection against electric shock, including basic protection (protection against direct contact) and fault protection (protection against indirect contact) of persons and livestock. It deals also with the application and co-ordination of these requirements in relation to external influences. Requirements are also given for the application of additional protection in certain cases. Has the status of a group safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104.

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IEC 61140:2016 applies to the protection of persons and livestock against electric shock. The intent is to give fundamental principles and requirements which are common to electrical installations, systems and equipment or necessary for their coordination, without limitations with regard to the magnitude of the voltage or current, or the type of current, and for frequencies up to 1 000 Hz. It has the status of a basic safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2001 and Amendment 1:2004. This edition constitutes a technical revision.

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This section applies to the electrical installation of PV generator intended to supply all or part of an installation and feeding of electricity into the public grid or local distribution. In this section, the electrical equipment of a PV generator, like any other item of electrical equipment, is dealt with only so far as its selection and application in the installation is concerned. The electrical installation of a PV generator starts from a PV module or a set of PV modules connected in series with their cables, provided by the PV module manufacturer, up to the user installation or the utility supply point. Requirements of this document apply to – PV generators for supply to an installation which is not connected to a system for distribution of electricity to the public, – PV generators for supply to an installation in parallel with a system for distribution of electricity to the public, – PV generators for supply to an installation as an alternative to a system for distribution of electricity to the public, – appropriate combination of the above. Requirements for PV generators with batteries or other energy storage methods are under consideration.

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The rules of IEC 60364-4-44 are intended to provide requirements for the safety of electrical installations in the event of voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances generated for different specified reasons. The rules of this IEC 60364-4-44 are not intended to apply to systems for distribution of energy to the public, or power generation and transmission for such systems (see the scope of IEC 60364-1) although such disturbances may be conducted into or between electrical installations via these supply systems. Clause 443 specifies requirements for protection of electrical installations against transient overvoltages of atmospheric origin transmitted by the supply distribution system including direct strikes to the supply system and against switching overvoltages. Clause 443 does not specify requirements for protection against transient overvoltage due to direct or nearby lightning strokes on the structure. NOTE For risk management for protection against transient overvoltage due to direct or nearby lightning strokes on the structure, see IEC 62305-2.

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2013-10-15 - Publication editing allocated to * HD based only on Clause 557 of IEC 60364-5-55:2011

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IEC 60364-7-718:2011 provides additional requirements for electrical installations applicable to communal facilities and workplaces. Typical examples of communal facilities and workplaces are: - assembly halls, - assembly rooms, - exhibition halls, - theatres, - cinemas, - sport arenas, - sales areas, - restaurants, - hotels, - guest houses, - residential care homes, - schools, - enclosed car parks, - meeting places, - swimming halls, - airports, - railway stations, - high-rise buildings, - workshops, - factories and - industrial plants. Access routes and escape routes are part of the above-mentioned examples. The necessity of providing safety services in special buildings and areas may be governed by national regulations which may contain more stringent requirements.

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IEC 60364-5-55:2011 covers requirements for the selection and erection of low-voltage generating sets and for the selection and erection of luminaires and lighting installations intended to be part of the fixed installation. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2001, its Amendment 1 (2001) and its Amendment 2 (2008). The major technical changes with respect to the previous edition are: - additional requirements for connection of luminaires to the fixed wiring; - modification of requirements regarding the fixing of luminaires; - inclusion of alternative solutions for connecting devices used for through wiring and for connection of luminaires to the supply; - withdrawal of Clause 556, as IEC 60364-5-56 now covers this matter.

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IEC 60364-7-714:2011 applies to the selection and erection of luminaires and lighting installations forming part of an outdoor fixed installation. The origin of the external lighting installation is the supply delivery point of electrical energy by the supply authority or the origin of the circuit supplying the external lighting installation exclusively. The requirements apply to, for example, lighting installations for roads, parks, gardens, places open to the public, sporting areas, illumination of monuments, floodlighting, telephone kiosks, bus shelters, advertising panels, town plans and road signs. The requirements do not apply to: - public street-lighting installations which are part of the public power grid; - temporary festoon lighting; - road traffic signal systems; - and luminaires which are fixed to the outside of a building and are supplied directly from the internal wiring of that building. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 1996, and constitutes a technical revision. The major technical changes with respect to the previous edition are listed below: - clause numbering is aligned with present structure of IEC 60364; - additional protection is required in some cases of equipment incorporating lighting; - more stringent requirements regarding IP degree of protection; - introduction of particular requirements for isolation.

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IEC 60364-5-55:2011 The particular requirements apply to extra-low-voltage lighting installations supplied from sources with a maximum rated voltage of 50 V a.c. or 120 V d.c. For the definition of an extra-low voltage lighting system reference should be made to IEC 60598-2-23. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 1999, and constitutes a technical revision. The major technical changes with respect to the previous edition are: - the clause numbering is aligned with the present structure of IEC 60364; - references to LED modules and their particular installation requirements have been introduced; - and requirements for cross-sectional area of conductors are modified.

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The rules of this Part of IEC 60364 are intended to provide requirements for the safety of electrical installations in the event of voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances generated for different specified reasons. This second edition of IEC 60364-4-44 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2001, amendment 1 (2003) and amendment 2 (2006).

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IEC 60364-5-54:2011 addresses the earthing arrangements and protective conductors including protective bonding conductors in order to satisfy the safety of the electrical installation. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition, published in 2002, and constitutes a technical revision. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are listed below: - clarification of the definition of protective conductor; - improved specification of mechanical characteristics of the earth electrode; - introduction of earth electrode for protection against electric shock and lighting protection; - annexes describing concrete-embedded foundation earth electrodes and soil-embedded earth electrode. IEC 60364-5-54:2011 has the status of a basic safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104.

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IEC 60364-4-42:2010 applies to electrical installations with regard to measures for the protection of persons, livestock and property against: - thermal effects, combustion or degradation of materials, and risk of burns caused by electrical equipment, - flames in case of a fire hazard being propagated from electrical installations to other fire compartments segregated by barriers which are in the vicinity, and - the impairment of the safe functioning of electrical equipment including safety services. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition, published in 2001, and constitutes a technical revision. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are listed below: - The scope now includes protection against all thermal effects and flames in case of a fire hazard being propagated from electrical installations to other fire compartments segregated by barriers which are in the vicinity. - Requirements associated with escape routes for evacuation in an emergency have been expanded/modified. - Requirements associated with the nature of processed or stored materials have been expanded/modified. - Requirements associated with combustible constructional materials have been expanded/modified. - Requirements associated with fire propagating structures have been modified slightly. - New requirements for the selection and erection of installations in locations which might endanger precious goods have been added. - Protection against overheating now includes space heating appliances.

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  • Standardization document
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IEC 60364-5-52:2009 deals with the selection and erection of wiring systems. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition, published in 2001, and constitutes a technical revision. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are as follows: - Subclause 521.4 introduces minor changes with regard to busbar trunking systems and powertrack systems. - Subclause 523.6 introduces minor changes with regard to the sizing of cables where harmonic currents are present. - A new sublause 523.9 concerning single-core cables with a metallic covering has been introduced. - Clause 525 introduces changes in the maximum value of voltage drop permitted between the origin of the consumer's installation and the equipment which should not be greater than that given in the relevant annex. - Clause 526 introduces minor changes to electrical connections including additional exceptions for inspection of connections and additional notes. - Clause 528 introduces additional requirements with regard to proximity of underground power and telecommunication cables. - Clause 529 introduces minor changes to selection and erection of wiring systems in relation to maintainability, including cleaning.

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IEC 60364-7-702:2010 applies to electrical installations of: - basins of swimming pools and paddling pools and their surrounding zones; - areas in natural waters, lakes in gravel pits and coastal and similar areas, specially intended to be occupied by persons for swimming, paddling and similar purposes, and their surrounding zones. Such areas in natural waters, lakes in gravel pits and coastal and similar areas, are considered as swimming pools; - basins of fountains and their surrounding zones. For swimming pools for medical use, special requirements may apply. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 1997 and constitutes a technical revision. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are as follows: - the scope has been improved, including natural areas in natural waters; - the description of zones has been improved; - all figures have been updated.

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IEC 60364-4-43:2008 provides requirements for the protection of live conductors from the effects of overcurrents. IEC 60364-4-43:2008 describes how live conductors are protected by one or more devices for the automatic disconnection of the supply in the event of overload (Clause 433) and short-circuit (Clause 434) except in cases where the overcurrent is limited in accordance with Clause 436 or where the conditions described in 433.3 (omission of devices for protection against overload) or 434.3 (omission of devices for protection against short-circuit) are met. Coordination of overload protection and short-circuit protection is also covered (Clause 435). This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition, published in 2001, and constitutes a technical revision. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are: - Introduction of new informative Annexes B, C and D. - Information concerning flexible cables added to Scope. - Requirements added for overload detection for the neutral conductor for harmonic currents. - Requirement that devices for protection against short-circuit current be capable of making as well as breaking short-circuit current added. - Information added to clarify protection against overload current. - Requirements where devices for protection against overload need not be provided expanded. - Requirements where devices for protection against short-circuit need not be provided expanded. - Requirements for short-circuit current ratings of busbar trunking systems added. The contents of the corrigendum of October 2008 have been included in this copy.

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IEC 60364-7-717:2009 is applicable to mobile or transportable units. For the purposes of this standard, the term 'unit' refers to a vehicle and/or mobile or transportable structure in which all or part of an electrical installation is contained. Units are either of the mobile type or of the transportable type. Examples are units for television and broadcasting, medical services, advertising, fire fighting, using special information technology, units for disaster relief, catering units and the like. The requirements of this standard also apply where two or more units are connected together to form a single electrical installation. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2001 and constitutes a technical revision. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are as follows: - The scope has been improved, providing more detail; - The content of Clause 717.41 has been updated following the new edition of IEC 60364-4-41; - Clauses concerning protection by automatic disconnection of the supply and additional protection have been introduced; - All figures have been updated.

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Supersedes HD 384.5.551 S1:1997

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The requirements of this part of IEC 60364 apply to basic protection and other aspects in restricted access areas with switchgear and controlgear assemblies, including requirements for operating or maintenance gangways.

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The particular requirements specified in this part of IEC 60364 apply only to circuits intended to supply pleasure craft or houseboats in marinas and similar locations. The particular requirements do not apply to the supply of house boats if they are directly supplied from the public network. The particular requirements do not apply to the internal electrical installations of pleasure craft or house boats. For the remainder of the electrical installation of marinas and similar locations the general requirements of IEC 60364 together with the relevant particular requirements of IEC 60364-7 apply. This second edition of IEC 60364-7-709 cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 1994. It constitutes a technical revision. The major changes with regard to the previous edition concern: - the removal of the requirements for the electrical installation in pleasure craft as these are now covered by IEC 60092-507; - the requirements of this part have been aligned with those in other parts of IEC 60364.

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Deals with the selection of equipment and its erection. It provides common rules for compliance with measures of protection for safety, requirements for proper functioning for intended use of the installation, and requirements appropriate to the external influences foreseen. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are listed below: - corrections of misprints in Table 51 based on Table 321 derived from the old Part 3; - introduction of a new Clause 516 dealing with measures for mitigation of protective conductor currents; - introduction of an informative Annex B extracted from IEC 61140 in Annex E of this standard. Annex B of IEC 61140 deals with protective conductor currents.

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Applies to electrical installations in medical locations so as to ensure safety of patients and medical staff. These requirements, in the main, refer to hospitals, private clinics, medical and dental practices, health care centres and dedicated medical rooms in the work place.

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Gives the rules for the design, erection, and verification of electrical installations. The rules are intended to provide for the safety of persons, livestock and property against dangers and damage which may arise in the reasonable use of electrical installations and to provide for the proper functioning of those installations. IEC 60364-1 applies to the design, erection and verification of electrical installations such as those of a) residential premises; b) commercial premises; c) public premises; d) industrial premises; e) agricultural and horticultural premises; f) prefabricated buildings; g) caravans, caravan sites and similar sites; h) construction sites, exhibitions, fairs and other installations for temporary purposes; i) marinas; j) external lighting and similar installations; k) medical locations; l) mobile or transportable units; m) photovoltaic systems; n) low-voltage generating sets. IEC 60364-1 covers a) circuits supplied at nominal voltages up to and including 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c.; b) circuits, other than the internal wiring of apparatus, operating at voltages exceeding 1 000 V and derived from an installation having a voltage not exceeding 1 000 V a.c., for example, discharge lighting, electrostatic precipitators; c) wiring systems and cables not specifically covered by the standards for appliances; d) all consumer installations external to buildings; e) fixed wiring for information and communication technology, signalling, control and the like (excluding internal wiring of apparatus); f) the extension or alteration of the installation and also parts of the existing installation affected by the extension or alteration.

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This Technical Report applies to low-voltage installations with a nominal system frequency of 50 Hz in which the circuits consist of insulated conductors, cables or busbar trunking systems. It defines the different parameters used for the calculation of the characteristics of electrical wiring systems in order to comply with rules of HD 384/HD 60364. These rules are mainly the following: - current-carrying capacities of the conductors; - characteristics of protective devices in regard to protection against overcurrent; - verification of thermal stress in conductors due to short-circuit current or earth fault current; - fault protection (protection against indirect contact) in TN systems and IT systems; - limitation of voltage drop; - verification of mechanical stresses during short-circuit in busbar trunking systems (BTS) according to EN 60439-2 or powertrack systems according to EN 61534 series. The calculations provided in this Technical Report are only applicable where the characteristics of the circuits are known. For the purpose of this document, when referring to Busbar Trunking Systems, Powertrack Systems are also considered. NOTE 1 Mechanical stress during short-circuit is covered by IEC 60865. NOTE 2 In general these calculations concern supply by HV/LV transformer, but they are also applicable to supply by LV/LV transformer and LV back-up generators. NOTE 3 Effects of harmonics currents are not covered by this document. This Technical Report is also applicable for checking the compliance of the results of calculations performed by software programs for calculation of cross-sectional area of insulated conductors, cross-sectional area of cables and characteristics for selection of busbar trunking systems with HD 384/HD 60364.

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The rules of this Part of IEC 60364 are intended to provide requirements for the safety of electrical installations in the event of voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances generated for different specified reasons. This second edition of IEC 60364-4-44 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2001, amendment 1 (2003) and amendment 2 (2006).

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The requirements of this part of IEC 60364 apply to fixed electrical installations inside and outdoors of agricultural and horticultural premises. Some of the requirements are also applicable to other locations that are in common buildings belonging to the agricultural and horticultural premises. Rooms, locations and areas for household applications and similar are not covered by this standard. If some of the special requirements of Part 705 are also applicable for residences and other locations in such common buildings this is stated in the normative text.

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The particular requirements of this part of IEC 60364 apply to the electrical installations in locations containing a fixed bath (bath tub) or shower and to the surrounding zones as described in this standard. This standard does not apply to emergency facilities, e.g. emergency showers used in industrial areas or laboratories.

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The particular requirements of this part apply to fixed equipment in conducting locations where movement of persons is restricted by the location, and to supplies for portable equipment for use in such locations. A conducting location with restricted movement is comprised mainly of metallic or other conductive surrounding parts, within which it is likely that a person will come in contact through a substantial portion of his body with the metallic or other conductive surrounding parts and where the possibility of interrupting this contact is limited.

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Specifies the minimum electrical installation requirements to facilitate the safe design, installation and operation of mobile, temporarily or permanently installed electrical machines and structures which incorporate electrical equipment. The machines and structures are intended to be installed repeatedly, without loss of safety, temporarily or permanently, at fairgrounds, amusement parks, circuses or any other places. Defines the electrical installation requirements for such structures and machines, both being either integral parts or constituting the total amusement device. Does not apply to the electrical equipment of machines (see EN 60204-1).

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The particular requirements of this part of EN 60364 apply to: - sauna cabins erected on site, e.g. in a location or in a room; - the room where the sauna heater is, or the sauna heating appliances are installed. In this case the whole room is considered as the sauna. They do not apply to prefabricated sauna cabins complying with a relevant equipment standard. Where facilities like cold water basins or showers, etc. are installed, the requirements of Part 7-701 also apply. The main technical changes with respect to the previous edition concern the updating of requirements to take into account the evolution in sauna equipment, with particular emphasis on prefabricated cabins. In addition, in response to a need from installers, there has been some elaboration on temperature repartition in saunas as well as protection against electric shock. Finally, the four zones described in the first edition have now been reduced to three zones.

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This Technical Report is for use as a guide for electrical installations. It is applicable to the limitation of temperature rises of connecting interfaces.

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This Harmonization Document applies to the identification of cores of rigid and flexible cables and cords for which the rated voltage does not exceed the upper limit of Voltage Band II (according to HD 193). This HD applies to: - electrical installations, - distribution systems, - supplies to fixed or mobile current-using equipment and - cords for portable equipment. NOTE For distribution systems, the identification by numbers is permitted. This HD is not intended to apply to: - cables or insulated conductors used in the internal wiring of current-using equipment or factory built assemblies manufactured according to their own European Standards, or - cables and cords used in d.c applications, or - cables and cords having more cores than the number indicated in Tables 1 and 2, or - circuits intended for uses other than solely the supply of power to equipment, or - covered overhead lines and insulated overhead conductors according to HD 626.

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Gives requirements applying to the temporary electricalinstallations in exhibitions, shows and stands (including mobile and portable displays and equipment) to protect users.

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Concerns the precautions to be taken where a drop in voltage, or a loss and subsequent restoration of voltage could imply dangerous situations for persons or property or where a part of the installation or current-using equipment may be damaged by a drop in voltage.

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This part of HD 60364 deals with general requirements for isolation and switching and with the requirements for selection and erection of the devices provided to fulfil such functions.

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IEC 60364-5-53 deals with general requirements for isolation, switching and control and with the requirements for selection and erection of the devices provided to fulfil such functions. Clause 534 contains provisions for the application of voltage limitation in order to obtain insulation coordination in the cases described in HD 60364-4-44, EN 60664-1, EN 62305-1, EN 62305-4 and CLC/TS 61643-12. Clause 534 focuses mainly on the requirements for the selection and erection of SPDs for protection against transient overvoltages where required by IEC 60364-4-44:2007, Clause 443, the EN 62305 series, or as otherwise specified. Clause 534 does not take into account: - surge protective components which may be incorporated in the appliances connected to the installation; - portable SPDs NOTE Further information can be found in CLC/TS 61643-12. Clause 534 applies to a.c. power circuits. As far as it is applicable, the requirements of this clause may be followed for d.c. power circuits.

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The particular requirements contained in this part of HD 60364 apply to: - circuits intended to supply electric vehicles for charging purposes; - protection for safety when feeding back electricity from the electric vehicles into the public supply network; - inductive charging is not covered. This standard applies in conjunction with the other basic parts of HD 60364 series. General Electrical vehicles charging modes 3 and 4, as defined in EN 61851, require dedicated supply and charging equipment incorporating control and communication circuits (see EN 61851). Modes 1 and 2, as defined in EN 61851, can be achieved by connection of an electric vehicle to mains socket outlets.

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No scope available.

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IEC 60364-5-56:2009 covers general requirements for safety services, selection and erection of electrical supply systems for safety services and electrical safety sources. Standby electrical supply systems are outside the scope of this part. This part does not apply to installations in hazardous areas (BE3), for which requirements are given in IEC 60079-14. This second edition of IEC 60364-5-56 comes about as a result of changes to Clause 556, Safety services, of IEC 60364-5-55 (2001), as modified by its amendment 1 (2001). It replaces Clause 556 of IEC 60364-5-55:2001. Clause 556 is to be withdrawn at the time of publication of this new Part 56. The main changes with regard to the previous edition are listed below:
1) Many more definitions are included, e.g. response time, central power supply system, low power supply system, preferential circuit and escape route.
2) Automatic supplies are now classified according to the maximum changeover times, for example a supply classified as short break means an automatic supply is available within 0,5 s.
3) Safety sources that can operate in parallel are specifically recognized in 560.6.9.
4) Requirements are now given for batteries used for safety sources for central and low power supply sources.
5) Drawings are now required, such as a single-line diagram, drawings showing the location of equipment and a list of equipment permanently connected to the safety power supply.
6) Operating instructions are now required.
7) Detailed requirements are now given for emergency escape lighting applications, direct current circuits and fire protection applications.
8) Additional requirements for initial verification and periodic inspection and testing are now included in the standard.
9) Two annexes are now included (Annex A and Annex B) giving guidance for emergency lighting and guidance for fire protection equipment, respectively.

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The particular requirements of this part of IEC 60364 apply to the electrical installation of caravans and motor caravans. They modify or replace certain of the general requirements in Parts 1 to 6 of IEC 60364. They apply to those electrical circuits and equipment intended for the use of the caravan for habitation purposes. They do not apply to those electrical circuits and equipment for automotive purposes. They do not apply to the electrical installations of mobile homes, residential park homes and transportable units.

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The particular requirements contained in this part of IEC 60364 apply only to circuits intended to supply leisure accommodation vehicles, tents or residential park homes in caravan parks, camping parks and similar locations. The particular requirements do not apply to the internal electrical installations of leisure accommodation vehicles, mobile or transportable units or residential park homes. For the remainder of the electrical installation of caravan parks, the general requirements of IEC 60364 together with the relevant particular requirements of Part 7 apply. This second edition of IEC 60364-7-708 cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 1988, as well as its amendment 1 (1993). It constitutes a technical revision. The main changes with respect to the previous edition concern: - requirements for the electrical installation of caravans and motor caravans are now covered by Part 721; - requirements of this part are aligned with those in other parts of IEC 60364; - one 30 mA RCD now protects only one socket-outlet.

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  • Standardization document
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CENELEC Report * Converted into CLC/TR 50480 (PR 16992)

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