EN 50122-3:2022/FprA1:2025
(Amendment)Fixed installations for railway applications - Electrical safety, earthing and the return circuit - Part 3: Mutual Interaction of AC and DC traction systems
Fixed installations for railway applications - Electrical safety, earthing and the return circuit - Part 3: Mutual Interaction of AC and DC traction systems
This document specifies requirements for the protective provisions relating to electrical safety in fixed installations, when it is reasonably likely that hazardous voltages or currents will arise for people or equipment, as a result of the mutual interaction of AC and DC electric power supply traction systems. It also applies to all aspects of fixed installations that are necessary to ensure electrical safety during maintenance work within electric power supply traction systems. The mutual interaction can be of any of the following kinds: - parallel running of AC and DC electric traction power supply systems; - crossing of AC and DC electric traction power supply systems; - shared use of tracks, buildings or other structures; - system separation sections between AC and DC electric traction power supply systems. The scope is limited to galvanic, inductive and capacitive coupling of the fundamental frequency voltages and currents and their superposition. This document applies to all new lines, extensions and to all major revisions to existing lines for the following electric traction power supply systems: a) railways; b) guided mass transport systems such as: 1) tramways, 2) elevated and underground railways, 3) mountain railways, 4) magnetically levitated systems, which use a contact line system, 5) trolleybus systems, and 6) electric traction power supply systems for road vehicles, which use an overhead contact line system; c) material transportation systems. The document does not apply to: a) electric traction power supply systems in underground mines; b) cranes, transportable platforms and similar transportation equipment on rails, temporary structures (e.g. exhibition structures) in so far as these are not supplied directly or via transformers from the contact line system and are not endangered by the electric traction power supply system for railways; c) suspended cable cars; d) funicular railways; e) procedures or rules for maintenance. The rules given in this document can also be applied to mutual interaction with non-electrified tracks, if hazardous voltages or currents can arise from AC or DC electric traction power supply systems.
Ortsfeste Anlagen für Bahnanwendungen - Elektrische Sicherheit, Erdung und Rückleitung – Teil 3: Gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Wechselstrom- und Gleichstrombahnen
Installations Fixes pour applications ferroviaires - Sécurité électrique, mise à la terre et circuit de retour - Partie 3: Interactions mutuelles entre systèmes de traction en courant alternatif et en courant continu
Fiksni postroji za železniške naprave - Električna varnost, ozemljitev in povratni tokokrog - 3. del: Medsebojno vplivanje med izmeničnimi in enosmernimi sistemi vleke
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Železniške naprave - Fiksni postroji - Električna varnost, ozemljitev in povratni
tokokrog - 3. del: Medsebojno vplivanje med izmeničnimi in enosmernimi sistemi
Fixed installations for railway applications - Electrical safety, earthing and the return
circuit - Part 3: Mutual Interaction of AC and DC traction systems
Ortsfeste Anlagen für Bahnanwendungen - Elektrische Sicherheit, Erdung und
Rückleitung – Teil 3: Gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Wechselstrom- und
Installations Fixes pour applications ferroviaires - Sécurité électrique, mise à la terre et
circuit de retour - Partie 3: Interactions mutuelles entre systèmes de traction en courant
alternatif et en courant continu
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50122-3:2022/prA1:2024
29.120.50 Varovalke in druga Fuses and other overcurrent
nadtokovna zaščita protection devices
29.280 Električna vlečna oprema Electric traction equipment
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
EN 50122-3:2022
April 2024
ICS 29.120.50; 29.280 -
English Version
Fixed installations for railway applications - Electrical safety,
earthing and the return circuit - Part 3: Mutual Interaction of AC
and DC traction systems
Installations Fixes pour applications ferroviaires - Sécurité Ortsfeste Anlagen für Bahnanwendungen - Elektrische
électrique, mise à la terre et circuit de retour - Partie 3: Sicherheit, Erdung und Rückleitung - Teil 3: Gegenseitige
Interactions mutuelles entre systèmes de traction en Beeinflussung von Wechselstrom- und Gleichstrombahnen
courant alternatif et en courant continu
This draft amendment prA1, if approved, will modify the European Standard EN 50122-3:2022; it is submitted to CENELEC members for
Deadline for CENELEC: 2024-07-12.
It has been drawn up by CLC/SC 9XC.
If this draft becomes an amendment, CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this amendment the status of a national standard without any alteration.
This draft amendment was established by CENELEC in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to
the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Türkiye and the United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited t
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