Information technology - Data centre facilities and infrastructures - Part 99-2: Recommended practices for environmental sustainability

This document is a compilation of recommended practices for improving the environmental sustainability of both new and existing data centres. Environmental impacts consider not just those associated with electricity but also water usage and other pollutants. It is recognized that the practices included are not universally applicable to all scales and business models of data centres or be undertaken by all parties involved in data centre operation, ownership or use.

Informationstechnik - Einrichtungen und Infrastrukturen von Rechenzentren - Teil 99-2: Empfohlene Praktiken für die Umweltverträglichkeit

Bei diesem Technischen Bericht handelt es sich um eine Zusammenstellung empfohlener Praktiken zur Verbesserung der Umweltverträglichkeit von neuen und bestehenden Rechenzentren. Umweltauswirkungen umfassen nicht nur die Auswirkungen von Elektrizität, sondern auch die des Wasserverbrauchs und von Schadstoffen. Es sei ausdrücklich erwähnt, dass sich die aufgenommenen Praktiken nicht in allgemeiner Weise auf alle Größen und Geschäftsmodelle von Rechenzentren auwenden lassen, und dass sie nicht von allen am Betrieb, der Eigentümerschaft oder der Nutzung eines Rechenzentrums beteiligten Parteien ausgeführt werden.

Informacijska tehnologija - Naprave in infrastruktura podatkovnih centrov - 99-2. del: Priporočene prakse za okoljsko trajnostnost

Ta dokument je zbirka priporočenih praks za izboljšanje okoljske trajnostnosti novih in obstoječih podatkovnih centrov. Vplivi na okolje niso samo tisti, ki so povezani z električno energijo, temveč tudi z uporabo vode in drugimi onesnaževali.
Ugotovljeno je, da vključene prakse morda niso univerzalno veljavne za vse obsege in poslovne modele podatkovnih centrov ali jih ne izvajajo vse stranke, ki so vključene v delovanje, lastništvo ali uporabo podatkovnih centrov.

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TP CLC/TR 50600-99-2:2019
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST-TP CLC/TR 50600-99-2:2018
Informacijska tehnologija - Naprave in infrastruktura podatkovnih centrov - 99-2.
del: Priporočene prakse za okoljsko trajnostnost
Information technology - Data centre facilities and infrastructures - Part 99-2:
Recommended practices for environmental sustainability
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CLC/TR 50600-99-2:2019
13.020.20 Okoljska ekonomija. Environmental economics.
Trajnostnost Sustainability
35.110 Omreževanje Networking
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CLC/TR 50600-99-2
July 2019
ICS 35.020; 35.110; 35.160 Supersedes CLC/TR 50600-99-2:2018
English Version
Information technology - Data centre facilities and infrastructures
- Part 99-2: Recommended practices for environmental
Technologies de l’information - Installations et Informationstechnik - Einrichtungen und Infrastrukturen von
infrastructures des centres de traitement de données - Rechenzentren - Teil 99-2: Empfohlene Praktiken für die
Partie 99-2 : Pratiques recommandées en faveur de la Umweltverträglichkeit
durabilité environnementale
This Technical Report was approved by CENELEC on 2019-07-17.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2019 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. CLC/TR 50600-99-2:2019 E

Contents Page
European foreword .3
Introduction .4
1 Scope .7
2 Normative references .7
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations .7
3.1 Terms and definitions .7
3.2 Abbreviations .8
4 Environmental sustainability .9
4.1 General .9
4.2 Life cycle assessment .9
4.3 Data centre boundaries .10
5 Recommended practices for processes .12
6 Recommended practices for source energy mix .13
6.1 General .13
6.2 New facilities .14
6.3 Existing facilities .15
7 Recommended practices for embodied impact of ICT equipment .16
8 Recommended practices for embodied impact of mechanical and electrical systems .18
8.1 New facilities .18
8.2 Existing facilities .19
Annex A (informative) Examples of simplified LCA metrics .20
A.1 Direct Material Input of a Data Centre (DC-DMI) .20
A.2 Data Centre Cumulative Energy Demand (DC-CED) .20
A.3 Data Centre Carbon Footprint (DC-CF) .21
A.4 Support, data and further information .21
Bibliography .22

European foreword
This document (CLC/TR 50600-99-2:2019) was prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC
215, Electrotechnical aspects of telecommunication equipment.
This document supersedes CLC/TR 50600-99-2:2018.
CLC/TR 50600-99-2:2018 has been revised to include the following Environmental Sustainability
practices, which were previously contained in CLC/TR 50600-99-1:2018, technically unchanged:
Practice in Practice in Topic
CLC/TR 50600-99-1 :2018 CLC/TR 50600-99-2 :2019
6.18.2 5.1 Life Cycle Assessment
5.18.3 5.4 Environmental Management
5.18.5 6.1.1 Sustainable energy usage
6.18.6 6.1.2 Alternative power generation
6.18.64 6.2.4 Capture rain water
6.18.65 6.2.5 Other water sources
6.18.66 6.2.6 Metering of water consumption
5.18.2 7.1 Consider the embodied energy in
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European Commission
and the European Free Trade Association.
Regarding the structure of the EN 50600 series, see the Introduction.

The unrestricted access to internet-based information demanded by the information society has led to
an exponential growth of both internet traffic and the volume of stored/retrieved data. Data centres are
housing and supporting the information technology and network telecommunications equipment for
data processing, data storage and data transport. They are required both by network operators
(delivering those services to customer premises) and by enterprises within those customer premises.
Data centres need to provide modular, scalable and flexible facilities and infrastructures to easily
accommodate the rapidly changing requirements of the market. In addition, energy consumption of
data centres has become critical both from an environmental point of view (reduction of carbon
footprint) and with respect to economic considerations (cost of energy) for the data centre operator.
The implementation of data centres varies in terms of:
a) purpose (enterprise, co-location, co-hosting, or network operator facilities);
b) security level;
c) physical size;
d) accommodation (mobile, temporary and permanent constructions).
The needs of data centres also vary in terms of availability of service, the provision of security and the
objectives for energy efficiency. These needs and objectives influence the design of data centres in
terms of building construction, power distribution, environmental control and physical security. Effective
management and operational information is required to monitor achievement of the defined needs and
This series specifies requirements and recommendations to support the various parties involved in the
design, planning, procurement, integration, installation, operation and maintenance of facilities and
infrastructures within data centres. These parties include:
1) owners, facility managers, ICT managers, project managers, main contractors;
2) architects, consultants, building designers and builders, system and installation designers;
3) facility and infrastructure integrators, suppliers of equipment;
4) installers, maintainers.
At the time of publication of this Technical Report, EN 50600 series will comprise the following
standards and documents:
EN 50600-1, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 1: General
EN 50600-2-1, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 2-1: Building
EN 50600-2-2, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 2-2: Power
EN 50600-2-3, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 2-3:
Environmental control;
EN 50600-2-4, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 2-4:
Telecommunications cabling infrastructure;
EN 50600-2-5, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 2-5: Security
EN 50600-3-1, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 3-1:
Management and operational information.

EN 50600-4-1, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 4-1:
Overview of and general requirements for key performance indicators
EN 50600-4-2, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 4-2: Power
Usage Effectiveness
EN 50600-4-3, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 4-3:
Renewable Energy Factor
CLC/TR 50600-99-1, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 99-1:
Recommended practices for energy management
CLC/TR 50600-99-2, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 99-2:
Recommended practices for environmental sustainability
CLC/TR 50600-99-3, Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures — Part 99-3:
Guidance to the application of EN 50600 series
The inter-relationship of the documents within the EN 50600 series is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 — Schematic relationship between the EN 50600 series of documents
EN 50600-2-X documents specify requirements and recommendations for particular facilities and
infrastructures to support the relevant classification for “availability”, “physical security” and “energy
efficiency enablement” selected from EN 50600-1.
EN 50600-3-X documents specify requirements and recommendations for data centre operations,
processes and management.
EN 50600-4-X documents specify requirements and recommendations for key performance indicators
(KPIs) used to assess and improve the resource usage efficiency and effectiveness, respectively, of a
data centre.
This Technical Report is a compilation of recommended practices for improving the environmental
sustainability of data centres.
This document considers that environmental sustainability of a data centre comprises three key areas:
— energy use;
— embodied impact of information and communication technology (ICT) equipment and mechanical
and electrical systems;
— source energy mix of the above (i.e. amount of renewable content).
The recommended practices for improving the environmental sustainability of data centres relating to
operational energy use of a data centre (i.e. reductions of energy consumption and/or improvements of
energy efficiency, re-use of energy and use of renewable energy) are detailed in CLC/TR 50600-99-1.
However, any recommendations of CLC/TR 50600-99-1 that have applicability beyond energy
management and concern environmental sustainability will be included in this document. The long-term
objective is to avoid unintentional duplication of recommended practices in the two documents.
This document provides recommended practices to:
• assess and implement improvements to the environmental sustainability in data centres, by
means of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA);
• assist the industry in taking steps towards more sustainable behaviour.
Customers or suppliers of information and communication technology (ICT) services possibly find it
useful to request or provide a list of the practices of this Technical Report that are implemented in a
data centre to assist in the procurement of services that meet their environmental or sustainability
This Technical Report also acts as an education and reference document to assist data centre
operators in identifying and implementing measures to improve the energy management of their data
1 Scope
This document is a compilation of recommended practices for improving the environmental
sustainability of both new and existing data centres. Environmental impacts consider not just those
associated with electricity but also water usage and other pollutants.
It is recognized that the practices included are not universally applicable to all scales and business
models of data centres or be undertaken by all parties involved in data centre operation, ownership or
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in

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