This document a) defines metrics as key performance indicators (KPIs) for resilience, dependability, fault tolerance and availability tolerance for data centres; b) covers the data centre infrastructure (DCI) of power distribution and supply, and environmental control; c) can be referred to for covering further infrastructures, e.g. telecommunications cabling; d) defines the measurement and calculation of the metrics and resilience levels (RLs); e) targets maintainability, recoverability and vulnerability; f) provides examples for calculating these KPIs for the purpose of analytical comparison of different DCIs. This document does not apply to IT equipment, cloud services, software or business applications.

  • Technical specification
    66 pages
    English language
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This standard specifies generic cabling for homes. A home can contain one or more buildings or can be within a building that contains more than one home. It covers balanced cabling, optical fibre cabling, and coaxial cabling. This standard specifies generic cabling for two groups of applications: - Information and Communications Technologies (ICT); - Broadcast and Communications Technologies (BCT). This standard specifies directly or via reference to EN 50173 1 the: - structure and minimum configuration for generic cabling within homes; - interfaces at the telecommunications outlet (TO) and broadcast outlet (BO); - performance requirements for cabling links and channels; - implementation requirements and options; - performance requirements for cabling components; - conformance requirements and verification procedures. This standard has taken into account requirements specified in application standards listed in EN 50173 1. Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this standard and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this standard can be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Amendment
    3 pages
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  • Amendment
    43 pages
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This document specifies the optical fibre access network cabling within single- and multi-subscriber premises termed the premises distribution access network (PDAN). The premises can comprise single or multiple buildings. The cabling specified is intended to be pre-installed, in readiness for subsequent connection of the multi-subscriber premises to an access providers infrastructure to support deployment of optical broadband networks. This document does not specify either the access network cabling external to the premises or the cabling within the subscriber space for onward distribution of services beyond the customer premises equipment. This document specifies: a) the structure and configuration of the optical fibre cabling; b) cabling performance requirements; c) implementation options. Annex A contains information on network segments not covered by this document. Safety practices in relation to optical power hazard are specified in EN 60825-2. Optical powers higher than the hazard levels specified in EN 60825-2 are not considered in this document. Safety (electrical safety, fire, etc.) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this document and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this document can be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Standard
    42 pages
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This document provides a maturity model addressing the environmental impact (energy management and environmental sustainability) of the facilities, infrastructures and the information and communication technology (ICT) equipment accommodated by the data centre.

  • Technical specification
    65 pages
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This document specifies design principles for information technology and network telecommunications cabling (e.g. SAN and LAN) in accordance with EN 50173 5, based upon the criteria and classifications for “availability” and “physical security” within EN 50600 1. This document addresses the telecommunications cabling infrastructures used in data centres. It describes: a) for design, the application of generic cabling standards in the EN 50173 series; b) for installation specification, planning and practices and quality assurance, the application of standards in the EN 50174 series (and related standards). In addition, this document specifies requirements and recommendations for the following: 1) general information technology cabling to support the IT operation of the data centre; 2) telecommunications cabling to monitor and control, as appropriate, power distribution, environmental control and physical security of the data centre; 3) other building automation cabling; 4) pathways, pathway systems, spaces and enclosures for the telecommunications cabling infrastructures. Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this document and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this document can be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Standard
    61 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document specifies the Cooling Efficiency Ratio (CER) as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to quantify the efficient use of energy to control the temperature of the spaces within the data centre. This document: a) defines the Cooling Efficiency Ratio (CER) of a data centre; b) describes the relationship of this KPI to a data centre’s infrastructure, information technology equipment and information technology operations; c) defines the measurement, the calculation and the reporting of the parameter; d) provides information on the correct interpretation of the CER. Annex A describes the correlation of CER and other KPIs. Annex B provides examples of the application of CER. Annex C introduces the parameters that affect CER. Annex D describes requirements and recommendations for derivatives of KPIs associated with CER.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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This document specifies the Carbon Usage Effectiveness as a KPI to quantify the CO2 emissions of a data centre during the use phase of the data centre life cycle. This document a) defines the Carbon Usage Effectiveness (CUE) of a data centre, b) introduces CUE measurement categories, c) describes the relationship of this KPI to a data centre’s infrastructure, information technology equipment and information technology operations, d) defines the measurement, the calculation and the reporting of the parameter, e) provides information on the correct interpretation of the CUE.

  • Standard
    24 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies the Water Usage Effectiveness (WUE) as a KPI for quantifying the water consumption of a data centre during use phase of the data centre life cycle. This document: a) defines the Water Usage Effectiveness (WUE) of a data centre; b) introduces WUE measurement categories; c) describes the relationship of this KPI to a data centre’s infrastructure, information technology equipment and information technology operations; d) defines the measurement, the calculation and the reporting of the parameter; e) provides information on the correct interpretation of the WUE.

  • Standard
    26 pages
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This project will implement some changes to EN 50310:2016.

  • Amendment
    8 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies the measurement of two- and four-pair balanced cabling of the following cabling configurations specified in EN 50173 20: a) end-to-end (E2E) link Class D, E and EA; b) modular plug terminated links (MPTLs) of Class D, E, EA, F, FA and of Class I and II; c) direct attach cabling of Class D, E, EA, F, FA and of Class I and II. The free connectors which terminate two and four pairs in field and laboratory conditions are included. This document specifies laboratory and field measurement procedures. The requirements for accuracy to measure cabling parameters identified in EN 50173 20 are provided in IEC 61935 1 and EN 61935 2.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies: a) configurations of cabling which use components meeting the requirements of EN 50173-1 but do not conform to the structure of generic cabling specified in the premises-specific documents EN 50173-2 to EN 50173-6; b) channel transmission and environmental performance requirements including those by reference to EN 50173-1. NOTE The configurations of this document do not replace the generic cabling solutions of EN 50173-2, EN 50173-3, EN 50173-4, EN 50173-5 and EN 50173-6. Test procedures to verify conformance of the balanced cabling configurations to the cabling transmission performance requirements of this document are provided in EN 50697. Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this document and are covered by other standards and regulations.

  • Standard
    28 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies the measurement at frequencies of E2E links of two- and four-pair balanced cabling of 100 MHz of Class D and 250 MHz of Class E including free connectors which terminate two and four pairs in both field and laboratory conditions. The specifications for E2E links are described in ISO/IEC TR 11801-9902. This document specifies laboratory and field measurement procedures. The requirements for accuracy to measure cabling parameters identified in ISO/IEC TR 11801-9902 are provided in EN 61935-1 and EN 61935-2.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard addresses environmental control within data centres based upon the criteria and classifications for "availability", "security" and "energy efficiency enablement" within EN 50600 1

  • Standard
    29 pages
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This European Standard: a) details the issues to be addressed in a business risk and operating cost analysis enabling application of an appropriate classification of the data centre; b) defines the common aspects of data centres including terminology, parameters and reference models (functional elements and their accommodation) addressing both the size and complexity of their intended purpose; c) describes general aspects of the facilities and infrastructures required to support effective operation of telecommunications within data centres; d) specifies a classification system, based upon the key criteria of “availability”, “security” and “energy-efficiency” over the planned lifetime of the data centre, for the provision of effective facilities and infrastructure; e) describes the general design principles for data centres upon which the requirements of the EN 50600 series are based including symbols, labels, coding in drawings, quality assurance and education.

  • Standard
    31 pages
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This European Standard addresses power supplies to, and power distribution within, data centres based upon the criteria and classifications for "availability", "physical security" and "energy efficiency enablement" within EN 50600 1.

  • Standard
    43 pages
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This Amendment will update EN 50600-4-2 requirements to re-align with the recent findings of JTC 1/SC 39 on this KPI.

  • Amendment
    7 pages
    English language
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This Amendment will update EN 50600-4-3 requirements to re-align with the recent findings of JTC 1/SC 39 on this KPI.

  • Amendment
    5 pages
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This Standard specifies the requirements and recommendations for the attributes of Automated Infrastructure Management (AIM) systems.

  • Amendment
    9 pages
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This document addresses the physical security of data centres based upon the criteria and classifications for “availability”, “security” and “energy efficiency enablement” within EN 50600 1. This document provides designations for the data centres spaces defined in EN 50600 1. This document specifies requirements and recommendations for those data centre spaces, and the systems employed within those spaces, in relation to protection against: a) unauthorized access addressing organizational and technological solutions; b) intrusion; c) fire events igniting within data centres spaces; d) environmental events (other than fire) within the data centre spaces which would affect the defined level of protection; e) environmental events outside the data centre spaces which would affect the defined level of protection. NOTE Constructional requirements and recommendations are provided by reference to EN 50600 2 1. Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this document and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, the information given in this document can be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Standard
    40 pages
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This document gives guidelines for the construction of buildings and other structures which provide accommodation for data centres based upon the criteria and classification for “physical security” within EN 50600 1 in support of availability. This document specifies requirements and recommendations for the following: a) location and site selection (taking in to account natural environment and adjacencies); b) protection from environmental risks; c) site configuration; d) building construction; e) building configuration; f) provision of access; g) intrusion protection; h) physical fire protection; i) protection against damage from water; j) quality construction measures. Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this document and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this document can be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations. Conformance of data centres to the present document is covered in Clause 4.

  • Standard
    38 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This standard specifies generic cabling to serve the automation islands in industrial premises, or industrial spaces within other types of building. It covers balanced cabling and optical fibre cabling. This standard specifies directly or via reference to EN 50173-1 the: - structure and minimum configuration for generic cabling within industrial spaces; - interfaces at the telecommunications outlet (TO); - performance requirements for cabling links and channels; - implementation requirements and options; - performance requirements for cabling components; - conformance requirements and verification procedures. This standard has taken into account requirements specified in application standards listed in EN 50173-1. Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this standard and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this standard can be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Standard
    51 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document provides requirements and recommendations for the type of risk assessment to be employed concerning seismic activity and earthquakes in relation to data centres. In addition, it describes design concepts that can be employed as mitigation actions within the construction, and other elements of design, of data centres.

  • Technical specification
    23 pages
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This document: a) specifies the Energy Reuse Factor (ERF) as a KPI to quantify the reuse of the energy consumed in the data centre; b) defines the measurement, the calculation and the reporting of ERF; c) describes the application of ERF and its discrimination from Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE). The ERF does reflect the efficiency of the reuse process, which is not part of the data centre.

  • Standard
    21 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies requirements for the following aspects of information technology cabling: a) installation specification, quality assurance documentation and procedures; b) documentation and administration; c) operation and maintenance. This European Standard is applicable to all types of information technology cabling including generic cabling systems designed in accordance with the EN 50173 series.

  • Amendment
    4 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies requirements and provides recommendations for the following aspects of information technology cabling: a) planning; b) installation practice. This European Standard is applicable to all types of information technology cabling outside buildings including generic cabling systems designed in accordance with EN 50173 series. The requirements and recommendations of this European Standard may be applied to cabling that is defined as part of the building. The requirements and recommendations of Clauses 4, 5 and 6 of this European Standard are subject to any site-specific requirements and recommendations of Clause 7. The planning of the pathway systems, spaces and structures within the core and access network cabling as described in Figure 2 that are owned by access providers is excluded except for requirements and recommendations that provide basic safety, function and environmental objectives for mechanical, ingress and climatic characteristics (i.e. excluding pathway dimensions, distribution of spaces and similar constraints based on specific transmission methods). The installation practices applicable to all cabling installation methods are included by the provision of the necessary planning requirements and recommendations associated with each one with the exception of information technology cabling installed: – around or within aerial power supply or associated earth conductors; – on infrastructures carrying power supplies in excess of AC/DC 25 kV. This European Standard: 1) details the considerations for satisfactory installation and operation of information technology cabling; 2) excludes specific requirements applicable to other cabling systems (e.g. power supply cabling); however, it takes account of the effects other cabling systems may have on the installation of information technology cabling (and vice versa) and gives general advice; 3) excludes those aspects of installation associated with the transmission of signals in free space between transmitters, receivers or their associated antenna systems (e.g. wireless, radio, microwave or satellite). This European Standard is applicable to certain hazardous environments. It does not exclude additional requirements which are applicable in particular circumstances, defined by e.g. electricity supply and electrified railways. The requirements within this European Standard do not cover any additional requirements for the information technology cables installed in hazardous or stressful environments e.g. electricity supply and electric railway locations (see Clause 7).

  • Amendment
    17 pages
    English language
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    1 day
  • Amendment
    17 pages
    English language
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This document addresses the mitigation and protection of telecommunications cabling from electromagnetic interference by describing: a) coupling mechanisms and possible countermeasures; b) assessment of the electromagnetic environment; c) filtering, isolation and surge protections measures. Safety (electrical safety and protection, optical power, fire, etc.) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this document and are covered by standards and regulations. However, information given in this document can be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Technical report
    21 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document describes the following: a) the functional elements and structure of the cabling, external to homes, supporting community antenna television (CATV) and master antenna television/satellite master antenna television (MATV/SMATV) networks in accordance with EN 60728 1; b) the location and accommodation of the home network interface (HNI) in accordance with EN 60728 1; c) requirements for additional cabling performance requirements (i.e. insertion loss slope between 47 MHz and 862 MHz) and necessary amendments of the reference implementations of generic cabling within the home in accordance with EN 50173 4 in order to support the CATV, MATV/SMATV networks in accordance with EN 60728 1. Safety (electrical safety and protection, optical power, fire, etc.) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this document and are covered by standards and regulations. However, information given in this document could be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Technical report
    34 pages
    English language
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1.1 Scope This European Standard specifies requirements for the following aspects of information technology cabling: a) planning; b) installation practice. This European Standard is applicable to all types of information technology cabling inside buildings (and may be applied to cabling that is defined as part of the building) including generic cabling systems designed in accordance with the EN 50173 series. The requirements of Clauses 4, 5 and 6 of this standard are premises-independent unless amended by the requirements of premises-specific clauses. This European Standard: 1) details the considerations for satisfactory installation and operation of information technology cabling; 2) describes the methodology for the assessment of spaces, pathways (and pathway systems) and cabling (either installed or planned) in support of remote powering objectives; 3) excludes specific requirements applicable to other cabling systems (e.g. power supply cabling); however, it takes account of the effects other cabling systems have on the installation of information technology cabling (and vice versa) and gives general advice; 4) excludes those aspects of installation associated with the transmission of signals in free space between transmitters, receivers or their associated antenna systems (e.g. wireless, radio, microwave or satellite). This European Standard is intended for application within commercial and residential premises. This standard is applicable to certain hazardous environments. It does not exclude additional requirements which are applicable in particular circumstances, defined by e.g. electricity supply and electrified railways. 1.2 Conformance For a cabling installation to conform to this European Standard: a) the planning of the installation shall meet the requirements of Clause 4; b) the installation practices shall meet the requirements of Clause 5; c) the additional requirements of the applicable premises-specific clause shall be met; d) the bonding system within the premises shall be in accordance with EN 50310; e) where a lightning protection system is required, it shall conform to the “integrated lightning protection system" according to EN 62305-4; f) other lightning protection systems, including the “isolated lightning protection system” according to EN 62305-3 are allowed provided that specific restrictions are applied both to the implementation of the information technology cabling and the requirements of EN 50310 as agreed between the planners of the lightning protection system and the information technology cabling; g) local regulations shall be met. The responsibilities for specific elements of conformance may be made by national-specific amendment of Annex B.

  • Standard
    106 pages
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    1 day

1.1 Scope This European Standard specifies requirements for the following aspects of information technology cabling: a) installation specification, quality assurance documentation and procedures; b) documentation and administration; c) operation and maintenance. This European Standard is applicable to all types of information technology cabling including generic cabling systems designed in accordance with the EN 50173 series. Safety (electrical safety and protection, optical power, fire, etc.) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this European Standard and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this European Standard may be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations. 1.2 Conformance For a cabling installation to conform to this European Standard: a) the specification of the installation shall meet the requirements of Clause 4; NOTE The requirements and recommendations of Clause 4 are primarily for owners of premises housing information technology systems. The owners may delegate selected responsibilities to designers, specifiers, operators and maintainers of installed information technology cabling. The party responsible for demonstrating conformance should be clearly stated in the appropriate section of the documentation. b) the installer shall meet the requirements of Clause 5; c) the bonding system within the premises shall be in accordance with EN 50310; d) where a lightning protection system is required, it shall conform to the "integrated lightning protection system" according to EN 62305 4; e) other lightning protection systems, including the "isolated lightning protection system" according to EN 62305-3 are allowed provided that specific restrictions are applied both to the implementation of the information technology cabling and the requirements of EN 50310 as agreed between the planners of the lightning protection system and the information technology cabling; f) local regulations shall be met.

  • Standard
    69 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This standard specifies generic cabling for homes. A home can contain one or more buildings or can be within a building that contains more than one home. It covers balanced cabling, optical fibre cabling, and coaxial cabling. This standard specifies generic cabling for two groups of applications: - Information and Communications Technologies (ICT); - Broadcast and Communications Technologies (BCT). This standard specifies directly or via reference to EN 50173-1 the: - structure and minimum configuration for generic cabling within homes; - interfaces at the telecommunications outlet (TO) and broadcast outlet (BO); - performance requirements for cabling links and channels; - implementation requirements and options; - performance requirements for cabling components; - conformance requirements and verification procedures. This standard has taken into account requirements specified in application standards listed in EN 50173-1. Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this standard and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this standard can be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Standard
    43 pages
    English language
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    1 day
  • Standard
    43 pages
    English language
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This European Standard specifies: a) the structure and configuration of the backbone cabling subsystems of generic cabling systems within the types of premises and/or spaces defined by the other standards in the EN 50173 series; b) channel transmission and environmental performance requirements in support of the standards in the EN 50173 series (which have taken into account requirements specified in application standards listed in Annex F); c) link performance requirements in support of the standards in the EN 50173 series; d) backbone cabling reference implementations in support of the standards in the EN 50173 series; e) component performance requirements in support of the standards in the EN 50173 series; f) test procedures to verify conformance to the cabling transmission performance requirements of the standards in the EN 50173 series. Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this European Standard and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this European Standard can be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Standard
    180 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This standard specifies generic cabling for distributed building services and can be used in conjunction with all the space-specific standards of the EN 50173 series. It covers balanced cabling and optical fibre cabling. This standard specifies directly or via reference to EN 50173 1 the: - structure and minimum configuration for generic cabling for distributed building services; - interfaces at the service outlet (SO); - performance requirements for cabling links and channels; - implementation requirements and options; - performance requirements for cabling components; - conformance requirements and verification procedures. This standard has taken into account requirements specified in application standards listed in EN 50173 1. Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this standard and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this standard can be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Standard
    52 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This standard specifies generic cabling within and between the buildings of office premises, or office spaces within other types of building. It covers balanced cabling and optical fibre cabling. This standard specifies directly or via reference to EN 50173-1 the: - structure and minimum configuration for generic cabling within office spaces; - interfaces at the telecommunications outlet (TO); - performance requirements for cabling links and channels; - implementation requirements and options; - performance requirements for cabling components; - conformance requirements and verification procedures. This standard has taken into account requirements specified in application standards listed in EN 50173-1. Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this standard and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this standard can be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Standard
    35 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This standard specifies generic cabling within computer room spaces in data centre premises, or data centre spaces within other types of building. It covers balanced cabling and optical fibre cabling. This standard specifies directly or via reference to EN 50173-1 the: - structure and minimum configuration for generic cabling within data centre spaces; - interfaces at the external network interface (ENI) and equipment outlet (EO); - performance requirements for cabling links and channels; - implementation requirements and options; - performance requirements for cabling components; - conformance requirements and verification procedures. This standard has taken into account requirements specified in application standards listed in EN 50173-1. Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this standard and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this standard can be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Standard
    44 pages
    English language
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This European Standard addresses the wide range of telecommunications cabling infrastructures within data centres based upon the criteria and classifications for availability within EN 50600-1. This European Standard specifies requirements and recommendations for the following: a) information technology and network telecommunications cabling (e.g. SAN and LAN); b) general information technology cabling to support the operation of the data centre; c) telecommunications cabling to monitor and control, as appropriate, power distribution, environmental control and physical security of the data centre; d) other building automation cabling; e) pathways, spaces and enclosures for the telecommunications cabling infrastructures. Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this European Standard and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this European Standard may be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Standard
    36 pages
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This European Standard specifies the requirements and recommendations for the attributes of automated infrastructure management (AIM) systems. This European Standard explains how AIM systems can contribute to operational efficiency and deliver benefits to a) cabling infrastructure and connected device administration, b) facilities and IT management processes and systems, c) other networked management processes and systems (e.g. intelligent building systems), d) business information systems covering asset tracking and asset management together with event notifications and alerts that assist with physical network security. This European Standard specifies a framework of requirements and recommendations for data exchange with other systems.

  • Standard
    37 pages
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This European Standard specifies the following for the other standards in the EN 50600 4-X series: a) a common structure, b) definitions, terminology and boundary conditions for KPIs of data centre resource usage effectiveness and efficiency, c) common requirements for KPIs of data centre resource usage effectiveness and efficiency, d) common objectives for KPIs of the data centre resource effectiveness and efficiency, e) general information regarding the use of KPIs of data centre resource usage effectiveness and efficiency.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to quantify the efficient use of energy in the form of electricity. NOTE See the Note 1 to entry in Definition 3.1.3. This European Standard: a) defines the Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) of a data centre; b) introduces PUE measurement categories; c) describes the relationship of this KPI to a data centre’s infrastructure, information technology equipment and information technology operations; d) defines the measurement, the calculation and the reporting of the parameter; e) provides information on the correct interpretation of the PUE. PUE derivatives are described in Annex C.

  • Standard
    34 pages
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This European Standard: a) defines the Renewable Energy Factor (REF) of a data centre; b) specifies a methodology to calculate and to present the REF; c) provides information on the correct interpretation of the REF.

  • Standard
    19 pages
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This European Standard specifies the optical fibre access network cabling within multi-subscriber premises (which may comprise single or multiple buildings) and intended to support deployment of optical broadband networks. The cabling within the subscriber space for onward distribution of services beyond the customer premises equipment is not specified. Cabling defined by this standard supports a wide range of broadband applications delivering services including voice, data, text, image and video. This European Standard specifies: a) the structure and configuration of the optical fibre cabling; b) cabling performance requirements; c) implementation options. Safety (electrical safety, optical safety and protection, fire, etc.) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this European Standard and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this European Standard may be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Standard
    28 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies requirements and provides recommendations for the following aspects of information technology cabling: a) planning; b) installation practice. This European Standard is applicable to all types of information technology cabling outside buildings including generic cabling systems designed in accordance with EN 50173 series. The requirements and recommendations of this European Standard may be applied to cabling that is defined as part of the building. The requirements and recommendations of Clauses 4, 5 and 6 of this European Standard are subject to any site-specific requirements and recommendations of Clause 7. The planning of the pathway systems, spaces and structures within the core and access network cabling as described in Figure 2 that are owned by access providers is excluded except for requirements and recommendations that provide basic safety, function and environmental objectives for mechanical, ingress and climatic characteristics (i.e. excluding pathway dimensions, distribution of spaces and similar constraints based on specific transmission methods). The installation practices applicable to all cabling installation methods are included by the provision of the necessary planning requirements and recommendations associated with each one with the exception of information technology cabling installed: – around or within aerial power supply or associated earth conductors; – on infrastructures carrying power supplies in excess of AC/DC 25 kV. This European Standard: 1) details the considerations for satisfactory installation and operation of information technology cabling; 2) excludes specific requirements applicable to other cabling systems (e.g. power supply cabling); however, it takes account of the effects other cabling systems may have on the installation of information technology cabling (and vice versa) and gives general advice; 3) excludes those aspects of installation associated with the transmission of signals in free space between transmitters, receivers or their associated antenna systems (e.g. wireless, radio, microwave or satellite). This European Standard is applicable to certain hazardous environments. It does not exclude additional requirements which are applicable in particular circumstances, defined by e.g. electricity supply and electrified railways. The requirements within this European Standard do not cover any additional requirements for the information technology cables installed in hazardous or stressful environments e.g. electricity supply and electric railway locations (see Clause 7).

  • Standard
    97 pages
    English language
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    1 day
  • Standard
    97 pages
    English language
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To revise EN 50310:2010 in the light of the recent developments at ISO/IEC JTC 1 level. (EN 50310 was offered to JTC 1 and triggered the first internationally harmonized ISO/IEC deliverable).

  • Standard
    47 pages
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This European Standard specifies processes for the management and operation of data centres. The primary focus of this standard is the operational processes necessary to deliver the expected level of resilience, availability, risk management, risk mitigation, capacity planning, security and energy efficiency. The secondary focus is on management processes to align the actual and future demands of users. Figure 2 shows an overview of related processes. The transition from planning and building to operation of a data centre is considered as part of the acceptance test process in Clause 6. (...) NOTE 1 Only processes specific for data centres are in the scope of this document. Business processes like people management, financial management, etc. are out of scope. NOTE 2 Specific skill sets are required of those working in and operating a data centre.

  • Standard
    47 pages
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This Technical Report defines requirements and recommendations concerning limits for the application and operation of remote powering using cabling comprising balanced cabling components of Category 5 (minimum) as defined in EN 50173-1. This Technical Report also describes: - a set of specific implementations which are the basis of a mathematical model for the temperature increases in bundles of cables under remote powering conditions; - a matching testing protocol used to provide data for the mathematical model; NOTE The testing protocol was established in order to enable comparison of data from different sources in order to support the development of the mathematical model and to develop appropriate planning and installation rules as suggested by different installation conditions. It is not the role of CLC/TC 215 to develop test methods for balanced, or other, cables and the protocol defined in Annex B is not as such a test method. - the mathematical model that is employed as the basis for the resulting requirements and recommendations. Safety (electrical safety and protection, optical power, fire, etc.) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this Technical Report and are covered by standards and regulations. However, information given in this Technical Report may be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Technical report
    28 pages
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This Technical Report contains a list of terms and definitions to be used in standardization deliverables in the field of broadband deployment. These terms and definitions are taken from both published and draft deliverables that were/are being developed by CLC/TC 215 and ETSI/TC ATTM, respectively. NOTE CLC/TC 215 and ETSI/TC ATTM intended to examine the harmonization of differing terms and definitions in the future.

  • Technical report
    26 pages
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This draft Technical Report describes a grading system applicable to telecommunications cabling within homes which provides a range of implementation solutions to support both non-simultaneous and simultaneous provision of applications incorporating: a) a cabling structure in accordance with, but less complex than that of, EN 50173-4 and with defined connecting hardware pin assignment for certain applications; b) components meeting or exceeding the requirements of EN 50173-4; c) shorter cabling channels than those specified in EN 50173-4. Safety (electrical safety and protection, optical power, fire, etc.) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this Technical Report and are covered by standards and regulations. However information given in this Technical Report may be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

  • Technical report
    22 pages
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This Technical Report a) specifies the transmission performance for channels to support 10 GBASE-T as specified in IEEE 802.3an, b) specifies the methods to assess whether installed Class E and Class F channels meet IEEE 802.3an requirements, c) provides mitigation techniques to improve the performance of an existing installation to meet the IEEE 802.3an requirements. NOTE 1 The channel transmission performance specified in this TR is derived from IEEE 802.3an. NOTE 2 IEEE 802.3an specifies requirements beyond the frequency range specified for EN 50173 1:2007, Class E, and additional parameters to those specified for Class E and Class F cabling in EN 50173-1:2007. NOTE 3 This Technical Report does not re-specify the requirements for Class E and Class F channels of EN 50173-1:2007.

  • Technical report
    32 pages
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This document is intended to act as guidance for technical committees with respect to: a) producing resistibility standards; b) identifying the relevant committees for preparing European resistibility standards. Safety (electrical etc.) and EMC are excluded from the scope of this report.

  • Technical report
    10 pages
    English language
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Corrigendum to EN issued January 2003
2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

  • Amendment
    6 pages
    English language
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