Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities - Section 6: Ship environment

Classifies groups of environmental parameters and their severities to which a product is subjected when installed aboard a ship. Ships where products may be permanently or temporarily installed include ships propelled by mechanical means and ships not propelled by mechanical means.

Klassifizierung von Umweltbedingungen - Teil 3: Klassen von Umwelteinflußgrößen und deren Grenzwerte - Hauptabschnitt 6: Einsatz auf Schiffen

Classification des conditions d'environnement - Partie 3: Classification des groupements des agents d'environnement et de leurs sévérités - Section 6: Environnement des navires

Classifie les groupements des agents d'environnement et leurs sévérités, auxquels un produit est soumis quand il est installé à bord d'un navire. Les navires à bord desquels des produits peuvent être installés de façon permanente ou temporaire comprennent les navires à propulsion mécanique et les navires non propulsés par des moyens mécaniques.

Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities - Section 6: Ship environment

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Classification of environmental conditions - Part 3: Classification of groups of
environmental parameters and their severities - Section 6: Ship environment
Classification of environmental conditions -- Part 3: Classification of groups of
environmental parameters and their severities -- Section 6: Ship environment
Klassifizierung von Umweltbedingungen -- Teil 3: Klassen von Umwelteinflußgrößen und
deren Grenzwerte -- Hauptabschnitt 6: Einsatz auf Schiffen
Classification des conditions d'environnement -- Partie 3: Classification des groupements
des agents d'environnement et de leurs sévérités -- Section 6: Environnement des
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 60721-3-6:1993
19.040 Preskušanje v zvezi z Environmental testing
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Première édition
First edition
Classification des conditions d'environnement
Troisième partie: Classification des groupements
des agents d'environnement et de leurs sévérités —
Environnement des navires
Classification of environmental conditions
Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental
parameters and their severities —
Ship environment
© CEI 1987 Droits de reproduction réservés — Copyright - all rights reserved
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Publication 721-3-6 de la CEI IEC Publication 721-3-6
(Première édition - 1987) (First edition - 1987)
Classification des conditions
Classification of environmental
Troisième partie: Part 3:
Classification des groupements
Classification of groups of
des agents d'environnement et environmental parameters and
de leurs sévérités
their severities
Environnement des navires Ship environment
Page 18, figure 1 Page 19, Figure 1
Introduire sous le graphique et au- Introduce below the diagram
dessus du texte existant, la phrase immediately above the existing text
suivante: the following:
Exemple de durées d'une impulsion Example of durations for half-sine
demi-sinusoïdale: pulse:
September 1987
Septembre 1987
721-3-6 © I E C 1987 — 3 —
Scope 7
2. Object 7
General 9
5. Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities
TABLE I — Classification of climatic conditions 11
TABLE II Classification of biological conditions 13

TABLE III Classification of chemically active substances
TABLE IV Classification of mechanically active substances
TABLE V Classification of mechanical conditions 17
APPENDIX A — Summary of conditions covered by the classes 21

721-3-6 © I E C 1987 — 5 —
Part 3:
Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities
Ship environment
The formal decisions or agreements of the I E C on technical matters, prepared by Technical Committees on which all the
National Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an international
consensus of opinion on the subjects dealt with.
They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are accepted by the National Committees in that
In order to promote international unification, the I E C expresses the wish that all National Committees should adopt the
text of the IE C recommendation for their national rules in so far as national conditions will permit. Any divergence
between the I E C recommendation and the corresponding national rules should, as far as possible, be clearly indicated in
the latter.
This standard has been prepared by I E C Technical Committee No. 75: Classification of
Environmental Conditions.
The text of this standard is based on the following documents:
Six Months' Rule Report on Voting
75(CO)22 75(CO)30
Further information can be found in the Report on Voting indicated in the table above.
It should be noted that this standard forms one part of a series intended to deal with the following
Classification of Environmental Parameters and Their Severities (Publication 721-1).

Environmental Conditions Appearing in Nature (Publication 721-2).

Classification of Groups of Environmental Parameters and Their Severities (Publication 721-3).

The following I E C publications are quoted in this standard:
Publications Nos. 92-101 (1980): Electrical Installations in Ships, Pa rt 101: Definitions and General Requirements.
Part 502: Special Features — Tankers.
92-502 (1980):
cation of Environmen-
Classification of Environmental Conditions, Part 1: Classi fi
721-1 (1981):
tal Parameters and Their Severities.
Part 2: Environmental Conditions Appearing in Nature — Temperature and
721-2-1 (1982):
fication of Groups of Environmental Parameters and Their Severities
721-3-0 (1984): Part 3: Classi
— Introduction.
Amendment No. 1 (1987).
721-3-6 © I E C 1987 — 7
Part 3:
Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities
Ship environment
1. Scope
This part of the standard classifies groups of environmental parameters and their severities to
which a product is subjected when installed aboard a ship. Ships where products may be
permanently or temporarily installed include:
— ships propelled by mechanical means, including mobile offshore units;
— ships not propelled by mechanical means, including sailing boats and life rafts.
The classes defined apply to all sizes of ships from pleasure craft to trawlers, ferry boats,
icebreakers, cargo ships including tankers.
The areas in which ships normally navigate are:
— inland waterways (canals, rivers, lakes);
— coastal waters;
— oceans.
Areas where ships have to navigate in ice are also included.
The environmental condition classification given in this standard applies to products which
are installed for the running, handling and safety of the ship. It may also be used for other
products installed in a similar way and in the same locations.
Accidental incidents are not included, but the possibility of their occurrence may need to be
taken into account for products vital to the safety of the ship.
The classification does not cover the effect of water pressure on submerged products.
For the use of the classified environmental parameters and their severities in ships propelled
by mechanical means, see the environmental conditions specification in I EC Publication
Classifications of storage and transportation environmental conditions are given in other
parts of I EC Publication 721-3.
2. Object
To classify groups of environmental parameters and their severities to which a product will
be exposed under its conditions of use when installed aboard ships.
A limited number of classes of environmental parameters and their severities is laid down
covering a broad field of applications. The user of this standard should select the lowest class
necessary for covering the conditions of the intended use.

– 9
721-3-6 © I E C 1987
3. General
For further general guidance, see I E C Publication 721-3-0.
The severities given are those which will have a low probability of being exceeded. Only
severe conditions which may affect the structural integrity or functional performance of a
product are included.
Depending on the local situation there may be different frequencies of occurrence related to
a certain period of time. Such frequencies of occurrence should be considered for any
environmental parameter. They should additionally be specified if applicable. Information on
duration and frequency of occurrence is given in Amendment No. 1 to I E C Publication 721-3-0
as Clause 6.
4. Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities
A limited number of classes for climatic conditions (K), biological conditions (B), chemically
active substances (C), mechanically active substances (S), and mechanical conditions (M) are
given in Tables I, II, III, IV and V. For a given product, reference should be made to the total
set of classes, for example: 6K3 / 6B1 / 6C2 / 6S1 / 6M3.
The combination of the lowest classes 6K1 / 6B1 / 6C1 / 6S1 / 6M1 forms the condition to
which a product will be subjected when installed only in totally weatherprotected locations
aboard ships not propelled by mechanical means. The combination of the highest classes 6K5 /
6B2 / 6C3 / 6S3 / 6M4 covers a wide number of installations aboard most types of ships including
locations with very severe conditions.
A class of conditions normally includes classes with lower severity digits. For certain
parameters it has not yet been possible to give quantitative severities.
A summary of conditions covered by the classes is given in Appendix A.

721-3-6 © JE C 1987 – 11 –
Classification of climatic conditions
Environmental parameter Unit
610 6K2 6K3 6K4 6K5
a) Low temperature, air °C +5 —25 —251) —25 —402)
b) Low temperature, water °C Freezing point of water 3)
c) High temperature, air °C +40 +40 +55 +70 +70
d) High temperature, surfaces 44 °C None None None
+70 +70
e) High temperature, water +30 +35 +35
°C +35 +35
f) Gradual change of temperature, —25/+20 —25/+40
—25/+40 —25/+40
air/air °C/min 1 3 3
g) Change of temperature, air/water °C None None None +40/+5
h) Humidity, not combined with rapid temper- 95 95
% 95 95 95
ature changes °C +30 +35 +35 +45 +45
i) Humidity, combined with rapid temper- % 95 95 95
ature changes, air/air at high relative hu- None None
midities °C —25/+35 —25/+35 —25/+35
j) Humidity, combined with rapid temper- g/m3 60
ature changes, air/air at high water contents) None None None
°C +70/+15 +70/+15
k) Low relative humidity %
10 10 10 10 10
°C +30 +30 +30 +30 +30
1) Movement of surrounding medium, air m/s Negli- Negli- Negli-
30 50
gible gible gible
m) Precipitation, rain mm/min None None None 6 15
n) Radiation, solar W/m2 Negli- 700 700 1120 1120
o) Radiation, heat W/m2 Negli- 600 1200 1200 1200
p) Water from sources other than rain None
m/s 0.3 0.3 3 10
q) Wetness None No Wet surfaces
1) A number of products located in machinery spaces are only required to operate after a period of warm-up of the
machinery spaces. For these products the low temperature for operation is +5 °C, and the gradual change of temperature
condition only applies to the non-operational state.
2) Ships will normally not navigate when air temperatures are below —40 °C. Products may, however, be left unprotected on
ships which are temporarily laid up in harbour for the coldest period of the year. In such cases products in the non-
operational state, may have to withstand temperatures down to —55 °C. In exceptional cases in inland waters, ships may
also navigate when temperatures are below —40 °C.
3) Freezing point may be lower than 0 °C due to presence of salt or pollution, etc.
4) Surface temperatures refer to hot parts to which the products may be attached. More extreme surface temperatures can
exist, for instance on machines, and may have to be considered.
5) The product is assumed to be subjected to a rapid decrease of temperature only (no rapid increase). The figures of water
content apply to temperatures down to the dew point; at lower temperatures the relative humidity is assumed to be
approximately 100%.
- 13 -
721-3-6 © I E C 1987
of biological conditions
Environmental parameter Unit
6B1 6B2
None Negligible Presence of mould, fungus, etc.
a) Flora, in air
b) Fauna, in air None Negligible Presence of rodents and other animals
harmful to products
Externally installed products on submerged parts of the hull will be subjected to flora and fauna of the water (algae,
Note. -
crustations, corals).
Classification of chemically active substances
Environmental parameter
6C2 6C3
Substances in air: 1)
a) Salt mist None No Yes 3) Yes 3)
b) Sulphur dioxide mg/m3 0.1 1.0 1.0
3 0.037 0.37 0.37
cm /m 3
c) Hydrogen sulphide mg/m3 0.01 0.5 0.5
cm 3/m3 0.0071 0.36 0.36
mg/m3 0.1 1.0 1.0
d) Nitrogen oxides (expressed in the equivalent
values of nitrogen dioxide) cm3/m3 0.052 0.52 0.52
mg/m3 0.01 0.01 0.1
e) Ozone
0.005 0.05
cm3/m 3 0.005
f) Hydrogen chloride mg/m3 0.1 0.1
cm3 3 0.066 0.066 0.33
0.003 0.003 0.03
g) Hydrogen fluoride mg/m3
cm 3/m 3 0.0036 0.0036 0.036
h) Ammonia mg/m3 0.3 0.3 3.0
cm 3/m 3 0.42 0.42
Substances in water: 4)
i) Sea salts kg/m3 Negligible Negligible
Other substances and severities may occur due to a specific cargo carried. For tankers, reference is made to IEC
Publication 92-502.
2) Explosive atmosphere is outside the scope of this standard and therefore not included.
3) No values at present.
Substances in water other than sea salts are not included, as they are considered to have a negligible effect on
electrotechnical products already protected from the effect of sea salts.


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