Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 1: System requirements

This European Standard specifies the requirements for Intrusion and Hold-up Alarm Systems installed in buildings using specific or non-specific wired interconnections or wire-free interconnections. These requirements also apply to the components of an I&HAS installed in a building which are normally mounted on the external structure of a building e.g. ancillary control equipment or warning devices. The standard does not include requirements for exterior I&HAS. This standard specifies performance requirements for installed I&HAS but does not include requirements for design, planning, installation, operation or maintenance. These requirements also apply to I&HAS sharing means of detection, triggering, interconnection, control, communication and power supplies with other applications. The functioning of an I&HAS shall not be adversely influenced by other applications. Requirements are specified for I&HAS components where the relevant environment is classified. This classification describes the environment in which an I&HAS component may be expected to function as designed. When the requirements of the four environmental classes are inadequate, due to the extreme conditions experienced in certain geographic locations, special national conditions are given in Annex A. General environmental requirements for I&HAS components are described in Clause 7. The requirements of this European Standard also apply to IAS and HAS when these systems are installed independently. When an I&HAS does not include functions relating to the detection of intruders, the requirements relating to intrusion detection do not apply. When an I&HAS does not include functions relating to hold-up, the requirements relating to hold-up do not apply. NOTE Unless otherwise stated the abbreviation I&HAS is intended to also mean IAS and HAS.

Alarmanlagen - Einbruch- und Überfallmeldeanlagen - Teil 1: Systemanforderungen

Diese Europäische Norm legt die Anforderungen an Einbruch- und Überfallmeldeanlagen fest, die in Gebäuden installiert sind und die exklusive oder nicht-exklusive leitungsgebundene oder drahtlose Verbindungen verwenden. Diese Anforderungen gelten auch für die Anlageteile von in Gebäude installierten EMA/ÜMA, die üblicherweise im Außenbereich am Gebäude montiert sind z. B. zusätzliche Bedieneinrichtung oder Signalgeber. Die Norm enthält keine Anforderungen an EMA/ÜMA für den Außenbereich. Diese Norm legt Leistungsanforderungen für installierte EMA/ÜMA fest, enthält aber keine Anforderungen an Planung, Projektierung, Installation, Betrieb oder Instandhaltung. Diese Anforderungen gelten auch für EMA/ÜMA, die Mittel der Erkennung, Auslösung, Verbindung, Steue-rung, Kommunikation und Energieversorgungen mit anderen Anwendungen teilen. Der Funktion von EMA/ÜMA darf von anderen Anwendungen nicht negativ beeinflusst werden. Anforderungen an EMA/ÜMA Anlageteile sind entsprechend den Umweltklassen festgelegt. Diese Klassifizierung beschreibt die Umweltbedingungen, bei denen ein bestimmungsgemäßer Funktion der EMA/ÜMA Anlageteile erwartet werden kann. Wenn die Anforderungen der vier Umweltklassen aufgrund extremer Bedingungen, die in bestimmten geographischen Gebieten erfahrungsgemäß auftreten, nicht ausreichend sind, gelten die in Anhang A aufgeführten besonderen Nationalen Bedingungen. Allgemeine Anforderungen an Umweltbedingungen für EMA/ÜMA Anlageteile werden in Abschnitt 7 beschrieben. Die Anforderungen dieser Europäischen Norm gelten auch für EMA und ÜMA, die unabhängig voneinander installiert sind. Wenn EMA/ÜMA keine Funktionen für das Erkennen von Eindringlingen enthalten, gelten die Anforderungen an die Einbrucherkennung nicht. Wenn EMA/ÜMA keine Funktionen für Überfallmeldungen enthalten, gelten die Anforderungen an Überfall nicht. ANMERKUNG Falls nicht anders angegeben, gilt die Abkürzung EMA/ÜMA auch für EMA sowie für ÜMA.

Systèmes d'alarme - Systèmes d'alarme contre l’intrusion et les hold-up - Partie 1: Exigences système

La présente Norme Européenne spécifie les exigences des systèmes d’alarme contre l’intrusion et les hold-up installés dans les immeubles utilisant des liaisons filaires spécifiques ou non spécifiques, ou des liaisons non filaires. Ces exigences s'appliquent également aux composants d’un I&HAS installé dans un immeuble, normalement fixé sur une structure externe de l'immeuble, ex: des matériels de commande auxiliaire ou des dispositifs d'avertissement. La norme ne contient pas d'exigences pour les I&HAS situés à l'extérieur. Cette norme spécifie les caractéristiques des I&HAS installés, mais elle ne comprend pas d'exigences pour la conception, la planification, l'installation, le fonctionnement ou la maintenance. Ces exigences s'appliquent aux I&HAS partageant leurs moyens de détection, de déclenchement, de liaison, de commande, de communication et d'alimentation avec d'autres applications. Le fonctionnement d’un I&HAS ne doit pas être influencé défavorablement par d'autres applications. Les exigences sont spécifiées pour les composants de I&HAS si l'environnement correspondant est classifié. Cette classification décrit l'environnement dans lequel est supposé fonctionner un I&HAS tel qu'il est conçu. Si les exigences relatives aux quatre classes d'environnement sont inadaptées en raison de conditions extrêmes vérifiées pour certains emplacements géographiques, des conditions nationales particulières sont données en Annexe A. Les exigences générales relatives à l'environnement concernant les composants des I&HAS sont décrites dans la’Article 7. Les exigences de la présente Norme Européenne s’appliquent également aux IAS et HAS lorsque ces systèmes sont installés de façon indépendante. Lorsqu’un I&HAS ne comprend pas de fonctions relatives à la détection d’intrus, les exigences relatives à la détection d’intrusion ne s’appliquent pas. Lorsqu’un I&HAS ne comprend pas de fonctions relatives au hold-up, les exigences relatives au hold-up ne s’appliquent pas. NOTE Sauf indication contraire, l’abréviation I&HAS est destinée aussi à désigner les IAS et HAS.

Alarmni sistemi - Sistemi za javljanje vloma in ropa - 1. del: Sistemske zahteve

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Technical Committee
Drafting Committee
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9960 - Withdrawal effective - Withdrawal
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EN 50131-1:2007/IS1:2009
English language
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Standards Content (Sample)

Alarmni sistemi - Sistemi za javljanje vloma in ropa - 1. del: Sistemske zahteve
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems -- Part 1: System requirements
Alarmanlagen - Einbruch- und Überfallmeldeanlagen -- Teil 1: Systemanforderungen
Systèmes d'alarme - Systèmes d'alarme contre l’intrusion et les hold-up -- Partie 1:
Exigences système
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50131-1:2006/IS1:2009
13.310 Varstvo pred kriminalom Protection against crime
13.320 Alarmni in opozorilni sistemi Alarm and warning systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 50131-1/IS1
Interpretation 1
EN 50131-1:2006
English version
This interpretation of the European Standard EN 50131-1:2006 was prepared by Working Group 1 of
the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 79, Alarm systems. The text of the draft was submitted to the
Unique Acceptance Procedure and was approved by CENELEC on 2008-08-08.
EN 50131-1:2006, Alarm systems – Intrusion and hold-up systems – Part 1: System requirements,
includes many requirements that may not match traditional intrusion systems in some countries.
Additionally, standards are written in a style which can make them difficult to understand unless some
explanation is given. This interpretation is intended to provide extra information to readers of the
standard to assist in its understanding. It should be read in conjunction with the standard.
This interpretation varies in the depth of detail provided. More detail is given for areas that prompted
significant questions during the development of EN 50131-1:2006.
This interpretation may also assist translators by clarifying the meaning of the standard.
This interpretation is informative and the standard shall be used to resolve any disputes.

ATTENTION – Numbering of clauses and tables:
In this document (sub)clause and table numbers written in italic (e.g. Table 7, Subclause 8.3.1) refer to
subclauses and tables in EN 50131-1:2006. Numbers written normally (e.g. Table 2, Subclause 6.1.1)
usually refer to this document but, when specifically stated, may refer to other documents.

1 About this document . 3
1.1 Scope . 3
1.2 References . 3
1.3 Definitions and abbreviations in this document . 3
2 Brief guide on How to read the standard . 4
2.1 Conventions used in standards (CENELEC Internal Regulations) . 4
3 Definitions . 4
6 Security grading . 6
7 Environmental classification . 6
8 Functional requirements . 7
9 Power supply.19

In clauses 3 to 9 of this document the section numbering
matches the clauses of EN 50131-1:2006.
Only interpreted clauses are given and therefore the numbers
are not continuous.
Attention: In this document references in italics refer to parts of EN 50131-1:2006

- 3 - EN 50131-1:2006/IS1:2009

1 About this document
1.1 Scope
This document provides interpretation for the contents of EN 50131-1:2006 only. Other standards,
technical reports or technical specifications in the EN 50131 series or EN 50136 series may be
referenced but the interpretation is restricted to the scope and use of EN 50131-1:2006.
1.2 References
The standard that this document interprets is EN 50131-1: 2006, Alarm systems – Intrusion and
hold-up systems – Part 1: System requirements.
Other standards referenced are those listed in the normative references of EN 50131-1:2006.
1.3 Definitions and abbreviations in this document
1.3.1 Definitions
The following definitions apply to terms used in this document that do not appear in EN 50131-1:2006.
For other terms refer to EN 50131-1:2006.
alarm transmission equipment
equipment which is used primarily for the transmission of alarm messages from the supervised
premises transceiver interface to the alarm receiving centre transceiver interface
NOTE This is based on definition 4.5 in EN 50136-1-1:1998. When used in this document it always refers to equipment that is
part of the alarm transmission system located at the supervised premises, i.e. the supervised premises transceiver, whether
housed separately or within another component of the I&HAS, e.g. the CIE.
duress situation
situation in which the I&HAS user is under direct threat and the triggering of an HAS should therefore
be hidden from the attacker
physical or logical entity used by a user during authorisation (e.g. numeric code, proximity token,
biometric characteristic, etc.)
NOTE The identifier does not necessarily uniquely identify a person.
1.3.2 Abbreviations
This document uses the abbreviations of EN 50131-1:2006 and the following.
ATE Alarm Transmission Equipment
NOTE The abbreviation ATS (Alarm Transmission System) given in EN 50131-1:2006 is also used for the rating of ATS. In this
instance it is followed by a number (e.g. ATS 4). Refer to 8.6.
Attention: In this document references in italics refer to parts of EN 50131-1:2006

2 Brief guide on How to read the standard
2.1 Conventions used in standards (CENELEC Internal Regulations)
When reading standards, it is important to understand the relationship of the sections of the standard
and to apply certain conventions. Ignoring these conventions may result in the reader
misunderstanding the standard. For full details refer to “CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations – Part 3:
Rules for the structure and drafting of CEN/CENELEC Publications”.
In particular:
• The “Scope” describes the limitations of the standard. In the case of EN 50131-1:2006 for
example it states that it does not include “requirements for exterior I&HAS”.
• A term defined in the list of definitions has only the meaning that is written in the list of
• Normative items are requirements. Informative items are advisory. Any item written as a note
is informative.
• Things described as mandatory or written using the word “shall” are required by the standard.
Things described as optional or written using the word “may” are not required by the standard
but can be included by the I&HAS. If they are included in the I&HAS then they shall comply
with any associated requirements.
The terms Permitted (P), Not Permitted (NP) and Not Applicable (NA) appear in the standard.
“Permitted” means that the I&HAS may perform the action or include the function. “Not Permitted”
means that for the given case the I&HAS shall not perform the action or include the function. “Not
Applicable” means that the case should not occur. For example the I&HAS cannot indicate a set status
when it is unset (Table 9).
In the remainder of this document the section numbering matches
the clauses of EN 50131-1:2006.
Only interpreted clauses are given and therefore the numbers
are not continuous.
3 Definitions
3.1.9 alarm notification
The use of the term “notification” within the standard also includes the use of warning
devices and alarm transmission equipment with the objective of initiating an intervention
by a response provider.
3.1.11 alarm transmission system (ATS)
This is one or more sub-systems used to transfer information about the I&HAS to one or
more ARC. The standard is primarily concerned with the transfer of information about
intrusion and hold-up alarms, fault and tamper conditions. The alarm transmission
equipment (ATE) located at the ARC does not form part of the I&HAS. The ATS does
not include transmission between components of the I&HAS with the exception of any
interface between the CIE and the ATE.
Attention: In this document references in italics refer to parts of EN 50131-1:2006

- 5 - EN 50131-1:2006/IS1:2009

3.1.12 alert indication
This only indicates that further indications are available. It gives no information specific
to the event that causes it. It also does not imply that any condition causing the “further
indication” is still present (see 8.5.3).
NOTE 2 in Subclause 8.5.1 clarifies that the alert indication may be suppressed in
certain cases such as following triggering of a hold-up device.
The alert indication may have several forms. For example it could be audible and visual
until acknowledged by a user and then become visual only, or the audible indication may
be present if user response is required more urgently.
3.1.33 interconnection
An interconnection is a means of transferring information between I&HAS components.
Interconnection does not refer to the system used to transfer information to the ARC (i.e.
the ATS). The standard refers to three types of interconnection:
a) specific wired interconnection – an interconnection used solely for the transfer of
information used by the I&HAS;
b) non-specific wired interconnection – an interconnection used by the I&HAS but
also carrying information for other applications (i.e. any other system, e.g. a
lighting control system or another I&HAS);
c) wire-free interconnection – an interconnection that employs a method of spatial
transmission (e.g. radio frequency).
3.1.42 masked
A movement detector is “masked” when materials are accidentally or deliberately used
to prevent the sensor from detecting movement in the intended detection area. This
involves interference with the movement detector typically by the use of card, boxes or
plates, close to the detector or spray over the surface of the sensor.
This differs from “significant reduction of range” in which the detector is still operational
but detection is no longer possible over the whole of the intended detection area
because of obstacles placed accidentally or deliberately within that area. The detector
has not been directly interfered with but an intruder may move within the intended
detection area without being detected.
“Masking” occurs close to the detector (e.g. within 50 mm) whereas “reduction of range”
refers to a distance of several metres.
3.1.43 message
Each message carried by an interconnection may have a different meaning which is
distinguished by the use of “function data”. The “function data” tells the receiver what the
message means and provides the status or parameter values. The message may also
include “identification” so that the source may be determined and other information for
directing the message to a specific device and to determine whether it has been
3.1.46 non-specific wired interconnection
Refer to the interpretation of 3.1.33 “interconnection” given above.
3.1.48 notification
The use of the term “notification” within the standard also includes the use of warning
devices and alarm transmission equipment with the objective of initiating an intervention
by a response provider.
Attention: In this document references in italics refer to parts of EN 50131-1:2006

3.1.49 operator
Whereas “user” (refer to 3.1.80) is a person making use of an I&HAS at any access level
(as implied by the definitions of hold-up alarm system, 3.1.28, and indication, 3.1.31) an
operator is a user at access level 2, 3 or (less likely) 4.
3.1.53 periodic communication
“Periodic” means that in a pre-defined period at least one message should occur to
ensure the interconnection is operational. A special message may be used to fulfil the
timing but any message that is acceptable to the system is suitable.
3.1.61 significant reduction of range
Refer to the interpretation of 3.1.42 “masked” given above.
3.1.63 specific wired interconnection
Refer to the interpretation of 3.1.33 “interconnection” given above.
3.1.67 supplementary prime power source
This is a source of power that is similar to the prime power source and does not form
part of the I&HAS but is used as an alternative supply for the supervised premises. An
example would be a standby generator that automatically starts when the utility
company’s AC mains supply is cut.
3.1.80 user
Refer to the interpretation of 3.1.49 “operator” given above.
3.1.83 wire-free interconnection
Refer to the interpretation of 3.1.33 “interconnection” given above.
3.1.84 zone
Although a zone could contain just one detector, the term “zone” is not synonymous with
one detector input. A zone is any defined part of the supervised premises. It may include
any number of detectors. Examples of zones include: a storey of a building; the
perimeter of a building; an outbuilding.
6 Security grading
The security grade should be chosen following a risk assessment. The methods of performing a risk
assessment are beyond the scope of EN 50131-1:2006. The examples given in the note are simply
guidance. Subclauses 7.1 and 7.2 of CLC/TS 50131-7:2008 describe aspects of risk assessment.
NOTE CEN Technical Committee TC 325 has drafted standards in the CEN/TS 14383 series that guide readers in the subject
of risk assessment and grade selection.
7 Environmental classification
EN 50131-1:2006 uses the classification of environmental class given in EN 50130-5:1998. The latter
describes how to test components and is for use

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