EN IEC 61804-2:2018
(Main)Function blocks (FB) for process control and electronic device description language (EDDL) - Part 2: Specification of FB concept
Function blocks (FB) for process control and electronic device description language (EDDL) - Part 2: Specification of FB concept
IEC 61804-2:2018 specifies FB (function blocks) by using the result of a harmonization work as regards several elements. a) The device model which defines the components of an IEC 61804-2 conformant device. b) Conceptual specifications of FBs for measurement, actuation and processing. This includes general rules for the essential features to support control, whilst avoiding details which stop innovation as well as specialization for different industrial sectors. c) The electronic device description (EDD) technology, which enables the integration of real product details using the tools of the engineering life cycle. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2006 and integrates parts of IEC 61804-1 which was withdrawn in January 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) added command communication mapping in Clause 8; b) moved and reword compatibility level definition from IEC 62804-1 to new Annex B and terms and definitions; c) added proxy concept in new Annex C.
Funktionsbausteine für die Prozessautomation und elektronische Gerätebeschreibungssprache - Teil 2: Festlegung des Funktionsbausteinkonzepts
Blocs fonctionnels (FB) pour les procédés industriels et le langage de description électronique du produit (EDDL) - Partie 2: Spécification du concept de FB
L'IEC 61804-2:2018 spécifie les blocs fonctionnels sur la base des résultats d'un travail d'harmonisation concernant plusieurs éléments. a) Le modèle pour un appareil qui définit les composants d'un appareil conforme à l'IEC 61804-2. b) Les spécifications conceptuelles des blocs fonctionnels pour le mesurage, l'activation et le traitement. Ceci inclut des règles générales applicables aux caractéristiques essentielles à l'appui du processus de commande, tout en évitant les informations détaillées qui mettent un terme tant à l'innovation qu'à la spécialisation pour différents secteurs industriels. c) La technologie de description électronique de produit (EDD - electronic device description), qui permet, en utilisant les outils d’ingénierie, l’intégration de produits réels dans les systèmes tout au long du cycle de vie. Cette troisième édition annule et remplace la deuxième édition parue en 2006 et comprend des parties de l’IEC 61804-1, qui a été supprimée en janvier 2013. Cette édition constitue une révision technique. Cette édition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport à l'édition précédente: a) ajout de la commande mapping avec la communication à l'Article 8; b) déplacement et reformulation de la définition du niveau de compatibilité de l’IEC 62804-1 dans la nouvelle Annexe B et dans les termes et définitions; c) ajout du concept de mandataire dans la nouvelle Annexe C.
Funkcijski bloki (FB) za nadzor procesov in opisni jezik za elektronske naprave (EDDL) - 2. del: Specifikacija koncepta FB (IEC 61804-2:2018)
Ta del standarda IEC 61804 se uporablja za funkcijske bloke (FB) za nadzor procesov.
Ta dokument določa funkcijske bloke, pri čemer so uporabljeni rezultati usklajevalnega dela, ki obravnava več elementov.
a) Model naprave, ki opredeljuje komponente naprave, skladne s standardom IEC 61804-2.
b) Konceptualne specifikacije funkcijskih blokov za merjenje, proženje in obdelavo. To vključuje splošna pravila za osnovne značilnosti z namenom zagotavljanja podpore za nadzor in hkratnega izogibanja podrobnostim, ki preprečujejo inovacije in specializiranje za različne industrijske sektorje.
c) Tehnologija opisa za elektronske naprave (EDD), ki omogoča integracijo dejanskih podrobnosti izdelka z uporabo orodij življenjskega cikla inženiringa.
Standardizacijska dela za funkcijske bloke so bila izvedena z usklajevanjem opisov konceptov obstoječih tehnologij. Rezultat je abstraktna raven, ki je omogočila opredelitev skupnih značilnosti na edinstven način. Ta abstraktna vizija je v tem dokumentu označena kot »konceptualna specifikacija funkcijskih blokov« in je preslikana v specifične komunikacijske sisteme ter njihove opredelitve, ki so jih oblikovale industrijske skupine.
OPOMBA: Ta dokument je mogoče preslikati v EN ISO 15745-1.
Na trgu že obstajajo rešitve, ki izpolnjujejo zahteve tega dokumenta in prikazujejo, kako so konceptualne specifikacije implementirane v posamezni tehnologiji. Nove tehnologije bodo morale najti ustrezne rešitve (glej sliko 4).
General Information
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Standards Content (Sample)
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
SIST EN 61804-2:2007
Funkcijski bloki (FB) za nadzor procesov in opisni jezik za elektronske naprave
(EDDL) - 2. del: Specifikacija koncepta FB (IEC 61804-2:2018)
Function blocks (FB) for process control and electronic device description language
(EDDL) - Part 2: Specification of FB concept (IEC 61804-2:2018)
Funktionsbausteine für die Prozessautomation und elektronische
Gerätebeschreibungssprache - Teil 2: Festlegung des Funktionsbausteinkonzepts (IEC
Blocs fonctionnels (FB) pour les procédés industriels et le langage de description
électronique du produit (EDDL) - Partie 2: Spécification du concept de FB (IEC 61804-
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN IEC 61804-2:2018
25.040.40 Merjenje in krmiljenje Industrial process
industrijskih postopkov measurement and control
35.240.50 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in industry
SIST EN 61804-2:2018 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
March 2018
ICS 25.040.40; 35.240.50 Supersedes EN 61804-2:2007
English Version
Function blocks (FB) for process control and electronic device
description language (EDDL) - Part 2: Specification of FB
(IEC 61804-2:2018)
Blocs fonctionnels (FB) pour les procédés industriels et le Funktionsbausteine für die Prozessautomation und
langage de description électronique du produit (EDDL) - elektronische Gerätebeschreibungssprache - Teil 2:
Partie 2: Spécification du concept de FB Festlegung des Funktionsbausteinkonzepts
(IEC 61804-2:2018) (IEC 61804-2:2018)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2018-02-14. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2018 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN IEC 61804-2:2018 E
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
European foreword
The text of document 65E/567/FDIS, future edition 3 of IEC 61804-2, prepared by IEC/SC 65E
"Devices and integration in enterprise systems" of IEC/TC 65 "Industrial-process measurement,
control and automation" was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and approved by
CENELEC as EN IEC 61804-2:2018.
The following dates are fixed:
(dop) 2018-11-14
• latest date by which the document has to be
implemented at national level by
publication of an identical national
standard or by endorsement
• latest date by which the national (dow) 2021-02-14
standards conflicting with the
document have to be withdrawn
This document supersedes EN 61804-2:2007.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 61804-2:2018 was approved by CENELEC as a European
Standard without any modification.
In the official version, for Bibliography, the following notes have to be added for the standards indicated:
IEC 60854-1 NOTE Harmonized as EN 60854-1.
IEC 61131-3 NOTE Harmonized as EN 61131-3.
IEC 61804 series NOTE Harmonized as EN 61804 series.
IEC 61804-3 NOTE Harmonized as EN 61804-3.
IEC 61804-5 NOTE Harmonized as EN 61804-5.
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
Annex ZA
Normative references to international publications
with their corresponding European publications
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments)
NOTE 1 Where an International Publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant
EN/HD applies.
NOTE 2 Up-to-date information on the latest versions of the European Standards listed in this annex is available here:
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year
IEC 61158 series Industrial communication networks - EN 61158 series
Fieldbus specifications - Part 1: Overview
and guidance for the IEC 61158 and IEC
61784 series
IEC 61499-1 2012 Function blocks -- Part 1: Architecture EN 61499-1 2013
ISO/IEC 7498-1 - Information technology - Open Systems - -
Interconnection - Basic Reference Model:
The Basic Model
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
IEC 61804-2 ®
Edition 3.0 2018-01
Function blocks (FB) for process control and electronic device description
language (EDDL) –
Part 2: Specification of FB concept
Blocs fonctionnels (FB) pour les procédés industriels et langage de description
electronique de produit (EDDL) –
Partie 2: Spécification du concept de FB
ICS 25.040.40; 35.240.50 ISBN 978-2-8322-5128-7
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
– 2 – IEC 61804-2:2018 IEC 2018
1 Scope . 9
2 Normative references . 9
3 Terms, definitions, abbreviated terms and conventions . 9
3.1 Terms and definitions . 9
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 18
3.3 Conventions for lexical structures . 19
4 General function block (FB) definition and EDD model . 20
4.1 Device structure (device model) . 20
4.1.1 Device model description . 20
4.1.2 FB type . 23
4.1.3 FB execution . 25
4.1.4 Reference between IEC 61499 and IEC 61804 models . 26
4.1.5 UML specification of the device model . 26
4.1.6 Classification of the algorithms . 28
4.1.7 Algorithm description . 29
4.1.8 Input and output variables and parameter definition . 29
4.1.9 Choice of variables and parameters . 30
4.1.10 Mode, Status and Diagnosis . 30
4.2 Block combinations . 30
4.2.1 Measurement channel . 30
4.2.2 Actuation channel . 31
4.2.3 Application . 32
4.3 EDD and EDDL model. 32
4.3.1 Overview of EDD and EDDL . 32
4.3.2 EDD architecture . 33
4.3.3 Concepts of EDD . 33
4.3.4 Principles of the EDD development process . 33
4.3.5 Interrelations between the lexical structure and formal definitions . 34
4.3.6 Builtins . 35
4.3.7 Profiles . 35
5 Detailed block definition . 35
5.1 General . 35
5.2 Application FBs . 35
5.2.1 Analog Input FB . 35
5.2.2 Analog Output FB . 37
5.2.3 Discrete Input FB . 38
5.2.4 On/Off Actuation FB Discrete Output FB . 40
5.2.5 Calculation FB . 41
5.2.6 Control FB . 42
5.3 Component FBs . 44
5.4 Technology Block . 44
5.4.1 Temperature Technology Block . 44
5.4.2 Pressure Technology Block . 47
5.4.3 Modulating Actuation Technology Block . 49
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
IEC 61804-2:2018 © IEC 2018 – 3 –
5.4.4 On/Off Actuation Technology Block . 51
5.5 Device (Resource) Block . 54
5.5.1 Identification . 54
5.5.2 Device state . 54
5.5.3 Message . 56
5.5.4 Initialisation . 56
5.6 Algorithms common to all blocks . 56
5.6.1 Data Input/Data Output status . 56
5.6.2 Validity . 57
5.6.3 Restart Initialisation . 57
5.6.4 Fail-safe . 57
5.6.5 Remote Cascade Initialisation . 58
6 FB Environment . 58
7 Mapping to System Management . 58
8 Mapping to Communication . 59
Annex A (informative) Parameter description . 62
Annex B (informative) Compatibility levels .
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
SIST EN 61804-2:2007
Funkcijski bloki (FB) za nadzor procesov in opisni jezik za elektronske naprave
(EDDL) - 2. del: Specifikacija koncepta FB (IEC 61804-2:2018)
Function blocks (FB) for process control and electronic device description language
(EDDL) - Part 2: Specification of FB concept (IEC 61804-2:2018)
Funktionsbausteine für die Prozessautomation und elektronische
Gerätebeschreibungssprache - Teil 2: Festlegung des Funktionsbausteinkonzepts (IEC
Blocs fonctionnels (FB) pour les procédés industriels et le langage de description
électronique du produit (EDDL) - Partie 2: Spécification du concept de FB (IEC 61804-
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN IEC 61804-2:2018
25.040.40 Merjenje in krmiljenje Industrial process
industrijskih postopkov measurement and control
35.060 Jeziki, ki se uporabljajo v Languages used in
informacijski tehniki in information technology
35.240.50 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in industry
SIST EN 61804-2:2018 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
March 2018
ICS 25.040.40; 35.240.50 Supersedes EN 61804-2:2007
English Version
Function blocks (FB) for process control and electronic device
description language (EDDL) - Part 2: Specification of FB
(IEC 61804-2:2018)
Blocs fonctionnels (FB) pour les procédés industriels et le Funktionsbausteine für die Prozessautomation und
langage de description électronique du produit (EDDL) - elektronische Gerätebeschreibungssprache - Teil 2:
Partie 2: Spécification du concept de FB Festlegung des Funktionsbausteinkonzepts
(IEC 61804-2:2018) (IEC 61804-2:2018)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2018-02-14. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2018 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN IEC 61804-2:2018 E
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
European foreword
The text of document 65E/567/FDIS, future edition 3 of IEC 61804-2, prepared by IEC/SC 65E
"Devices and integration in enterprise systems" of IEC/TC 65 "Industrial-process measurement,
control and automation" was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and approved by
CENELEC as EN IEC 61804-2:2018.
The following dates are fixed:
(dop) 2018-11-14
• latest date by which the document has to be
implemented at national level by
publication of an identical national
standard or by endorsement
• latest date by which the national (dow) 2021-02-14
standards conflicting with the
document have to be withdrawn
This document supersedes EN 61804-2:2007.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 61804-2:2018 was approved by CENELEC as a European
Standard without any modification.
In the official version, for Bibliography, the following notes have to be added for the standards indicated:
IEC 60854-1 NOTE Harmonized as EN 60854-1.
IEC 61131-3 NOTE Harmonized as EN 61131-3.
IEC 61804 series NOTE Harmonized as EN 61804 series.
IEC 61804-3 NOTE Harmonized as EN 61804-3.
IEC 61804-5 NOTE Harmonized as EN 61804-5.
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
Annex ZA
Normative references to international publications
with their corresponding European publications
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments)
NOTE 1 Where an International Publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant
EN/HD applies.
NOTE 2 Up-to-date information on the latest versions of the European Standards listed in this annex is available here:
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year
IEC 61158 series Industrial communication networks - EN 61158 series
Fieldbus specifications - Part 1: Overview
and guidance for the IEC 61158 and IEC
61784 series
IEC 61499-1 2012 Function blocks -- Part 1: Architecture EN 61499-1 2013
ISO/IEC 7498-1 - Information technology - Open Systems - -
Interconnection - Basic Reference Model:
The Basic Model
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
IEC 61804-2 ®
Edition 3.0 2018-01
Function blocks (FB) for process control and electronic device description
language (EDDL) –
Part 2: Specification of FB concept
Blocs fonctionnels (FB) pour les procédés industriels et langage de description
electronique de produit (EDDL) –
Partie 2: Spécification du concept de FB
ICS 25.040.40; 35.240.50 ISBN 978-2-8322-5128-7
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
– 2 – IEC 61804-2:2018 IEC 2018
1 Scope . 9
2 Normative references . 9
3 Terms, definitions, abbreviated terms and conventions . 9
3.1 Terms and definitions . 9
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 18
3.3 Conventions for lexical structures . 19
4 General function block (FB) definition and EDD model . 20
4.1 Device structure (device model) . 20
4.1.1 Device model description . 20
4.1.2 FB type . 23
4.1.3 FB execution . 25
4.1.4 Reference between IEC 61499 and IEC 61804 models . 26
4.1.5 UML specification of the device model . 26
4.1.6 Classification of the algorithms . 28
4.1.7 Algorithm description . 29
4.1.8 Input and output variables and parameter definition . 29
4.1.9 Choice of variables and parameters . 30
4.1.10 Mode, Status and Diagnosis . 30
4.2 Block combinations . 30
4.2.1 Measurement channel . 30
4.2.2 Actuation channel . 31
4.2.3 Application . 32
4.3 EDD and EDDL model. 32
4.3.1 Overview of EDD and EDDL . 32
4.3.2 EDD architecture . 33
4.3.3 Concepts of EDD . 33
4.3.4 Principles of the EDD development process . 33
4.3.5 Interrelations between the lexical structure and formal definitions . 34
4.3.6 Builtins . 35
4.3.7 Profiles . 35
5 Detailed block definition . 35
5.1 General . 35
5.2 Application FBs . 35
5.2.1 Analog Input FB . 35
5.2.2 Analog Output FB . 37
5.2.3 Discrete Input FB . 38
5.2.4 On/Off Actuation FB Discrete Output FB . 40
5.2.5 Calculation FB . 41
5.2.6 Control FB . 42
5.3 Component FBs . 44
5.4 Technology Block . 44
5.4.1 Temperature Technology Block . 44
5.4.2 Pressure Technology Block . 47
5.4.3 Modulating Actuation Technology Block . 49
SIST EN 61804-2:2018
IEC 61804-2:2018 © IEC 2018 – 3 –
5.4.4 On/Off Actuation Technology Block . 51
5.5 Device (Resource) Block . 54
5.5.1 Identification . 54
5.5.2 Device state . 54
5.5.3 Message . 56
5.5.4 Initialisation . 56
5.6 Algorithms common to all blocks . 56
5.6.1 Data Input/Data Output status . 56
5.6.2 Validity . 57
5.6.3 Restart Initialisation . 57
5.6.4 Fail-safe . 57
5.6.5 Remote Cascade Initialisation . 58
6 FB Environment . 58
7 Mapping to System Management . 58
8 Mapping to Communication . 59
Annex A (informative) Parameter description .
SIST EN 61804-2:2007
Funkcijski bloki (FB) za nadzor procesov in opisni jezik za elektronske naprave
(EDDL) - 2. del: Specifikacija koncepta FB (IEC 61804-2:2018)
Function blocks (FB) for process control and electronic device description language
(EDDL) - Part 2: Specification of FB concept (IEC 61804-2:2018)
Funktionsbausteine für die Prozessautomation und elektronische
Gerätebeschreibungssprache - Teil 2: Festlegung des Funktionsbausteinkonzepts (IEC
Blocs fonctionnels (FB) pour les procédés industriels et le langage de description
électronique du produit (EDDL) - Partie 2: Spécification du concept de FB (IEC 61804-
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN IEC 61804-2:2018
25.040.40 Merjenje in krmiljenje Industrial process
industrijskih postopkov measurement and control
35.060 Jeziki, ki se uporabljajo v Languages used in
informacijski tehniki in information technology
35.240.50 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in industry
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
March 2018
ICS 25.040.40; 35.240.50 Supersedes EN 61804-2:2007
English Version
Function blocks (FB) for process control and electronic device
description language (EDDL) - Part 2: Specification of FB
(IEC 61804-2:2018)
Blocs fonctionnels (FB) pour les procédés industriels et le Funktionsbausteine für die Prozessautomation und
langage de description électronique du produit (EDDL) - elektronische Gerätebeschreibungssprache - Teil 2:
Partie 2: Spécification du concept de FB Festlegung des Funktionsbausteinkonzepts
(IEC 61804-2:2018) (IEC 61804-2:2018)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2018-02-14. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2018 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN IEC 61804-2:2018 E
European foreword
The text of document 65E/567/FDIS, future edition 3 of IEC 61804-2, prepared by IEC/SC 65E
"Devices and integration in enterprise systems" of IEC/TC 65 "Industrial-process measurement,
control and automation" was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and approved by
CENELEC as EN IEC 61804-2:2018.
The following dates are fixed:
(dop) 2018-11-14
• latest date by which the document has to be
implemented at national level by
publication of an identical national
standard or by endorsement
• latest date by which the national (dow) 2021-02-14
standards conflicting with the
document have to be withdrawn
This document supersedes EN 61804-2:2007.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 61804-2:2018 was approved by CENELEC as a European
Standard without any modification.
In the official version, for Bibliography, the following notes have to be added for the standards indicated:
IEC 60854-1 NOTE Harmonized as EN 60854-1.
IEC 61131-3 NOTE Harmonized as EN 61131-3.
IEC 61804 series NOTE Harmonized as EN 61804 series.
IEC 61804-3 NOTE Harmonized as EN 61804-3.
IEC 61804-5 NOTE Harmonized as EN 61804-5.
Annex ZA
Normative references to international publications
with their corresponding European publications
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments)
NOTE 1 Where an International Publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant
EN/HD applies.
NOTE 2 Up-to-date information on the latest versions of the European Standards listed in this annex is available here:
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year
IEC 61158 series Industrial communication networks - EN 61158 series
Fieldbus specifications - Part 1: Overview
and guidance for the IEC 61158 and IEC
61784 series
IEC 61499-1 2012 Function blocks -- Part 1: Architecture EN 61499-1 2013
ISO/IEC 7498-1 - Information technology - Open Systems - -
Interconnection - Basic Reference Model:
The Basic Model
IEC 61804-2 ®
Edition 3.0 2018-01
Function blocks (FB) for process control and electronic device description
language (EDDL) –
Part 2: Specification of FB concept
Blocs fonctionnels (FB) pour les procédés industriels et langage de description
electronique de produit (EDDL) –
Partie 2: Spécification du concept de FB
ICS 25.040.40; 35.240.50 ISBN 978-2-8322-5128-7
– 2 – IEC 61804-2:2018 IEC 2018
1 Scope . 9
2 Normative references . 9
3 Terms, definitions, abbreviated terms and conventions . 9
3.1 Terms and definitions . 9
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 18
3.3 Conventions for lexical structures . 19
4 General function block (FB) definition and EDD model . 20
4.1 Device structure (device model) . 20
4.1.1 Device model description . 20
4.1.2 FB type . 23
4.1.3 FB execution . 25
4.1.4 Reference between IEC 61499 and IEC 61804 models . 26
4.1.5 UML specification of the device model . 26
4.1.6 Classification of the algorithms . 28
4.1.7 Algorithm description . 29
4.1.8 Input and output variables and parameter definition . 29
4.1.9 Choice of variables and parameters . 30
4.1.10 Mode, Status and Diagnosis . 30
4.2 Block combinations . 30
4.2.1 Measurement channel . 30
4.2.2 Actuation channel . 31
4.2.3 Application . 32
4.3 EDD and EDDL model. 32
4.3.1 Overview of EDD and EDDL . 32
4.3.2 EDD architecture . 33
4.3.3 Concepts of EDD . 33
4.3.4 Principles of the EDD development process . 33
4.3.5 Interrelations between the lexical structure and formal definitions . 34
4.3.6 Builtins . 35
4.3.7 Profiles . 35
5 Detailed block definition . 35
5.1 General . 35
5.2 Application FBs . 35
5.2.1 Analog Input FB . 35
5.2.2 Analog Output FB . 37
5.2.3 Discrete Input FB . 38
5.2.4 On/Off Actuation FB Discrete Output FB . 40
5.2.5 Calculation FB . 41
5.2.6 Control FB . 42
5.3 Component FBs . 44
5.4 Technology Block . 44
5.4.1 Temperature Technology Block . 44
5.4.2 Pressure Technology Block . 47
5.4.3 Modulating Actuation Technology Block . 49
IEC 61804-2:2018 © IEC 2018 – 3 –
5.4.4 On/Off Actuation Technology Block . 51
5.5 Device (Resource) Block . 54
5.5.1 Identification . 54
5.5.2 Device state . 54
5.5.3 Message . 56
5.5.4 Initialisation . 56
5.6 Algorithms common to all blocks . 56
5.6.1 Data Input/Data Output status . 56
5.6.2 Validity . 57
5.6.3 Restart Initialisation . 57
5.6.4 Fail-safe . 57
5.6.5 Remote Cascade Initialisation . 58
6 FB Environment . 58
7 Mapping to System Management . 58
8 Mapping to Communication . 59
Annex A (informative) Parameter description .
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