Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector - Part 1: Framework, definitions, system, hardware and software requirements

Gives requirements for the specification, design, installation, operation and maintenance of a safety instrumented system, so that it can be confidently entrusted to place and/or maintain the process in a safe state. This standard has been developed as a process sector implementation of EN 61508.

Funktionale Sicherheit - Sicherheitstechnische Systeme für die Prozessindustrie - Teil 1: Allgemeines, Begriffe, Anforderungen an Systeme, Software und Hardware

Sécurité fonctionnelle - Systèmes instrumentés de sécurité pour le secteur des industries de transformation - Partie 1: Cadre, définitions, exigences pour le système, le matériel et le logiciel

permet de définir des prescriptions relatives aux spécifications, à la conception, à l'installation, à l'exploitation et à l'entretien d'un système instrumenté de sécurité, de telle manière qu'il puisse être mis en oeuvre en toute confiance, et ainsi établir et/ou maintenir les processus dans un état de sécurité convenable. La présente norme a été conçue pour être une mise en uvre de la norme internationale CEI 61508 "Sécurité fonctionnelle des systèmes électriques/électroniques/ électroniques programmables relatifs à la sécurité" dans le domaine de l'industrie des processus. Le contenu du corrigendum de novembre 2004 a été pris en considération dans cet exemplaire. Elle a le statut d'une norme horizontale conformément au Guide 108 de la CEI.

Funkcijska varnost - Sistemi z varnostnimi instrumenti za sektor procesne industrije - 1. del: Okvirno, definicije, sistem, zahteve za strojno in programsko opremo (IEC 61511-1:2003 + popravek 2004)

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ICS 13.110; 25.040.01
English version
Functional safety –
Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector
Part 1: Framework, definitions, system,
hardware and software requirements
(IEC 61511-1:2003 + corrigendum 2004)

Sécurité fonctionnelle –  Funktionale Sicherheit -
Systèmes instrumentés de sécurité Sicherheitstechnische Systeme
pour le secteur des industries für die Prozessindustrie
de transformation Teil 1: Allgemeines, Begriffe,
Partie 1: Cadre, définitions, exigences Anforderungen an Systeme,
pour le système, le matériel et le logiciel Software und Hardware
(CEI 61511-1:2003 + corrigendum 2004) (IEC 61511-1:2003 + Corrigendum 2004)

This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2004-10-01. CENELEC members are bound to
comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and
notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland and United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels

© 2004 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.

Ref. No. EN 61511-1:2004 E
The text of the International Standard IEC 61511-1:2003, prepared by SC 65A, System aspects, of
IEC TC 65, Industrial-process measurement and control, was submitted to the Unique Acceptance
Procedure and was approved by CENELEC as EN 61511-1 on 2004-10-01 without any modification.
The following dates were fixed:
– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented
at national level by publication of an identical
national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2005-10-01
– latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 2007-10-01
Annex ZA has been added by CENELEC.
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 61511-1:2003 + corrigendum November 2004 was
approved by CENELEC as a European Standard without any modification.
- 3 - EN 61511-1:2004
Annex ZA
Normative references to international publications
with their corresponding European publications
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE Where an international publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant
EN/HD applies.
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year
IEC 60654-1 1993 Industrial-process measurement and EN 60654-1 1993
control equipment - Operating conditions
Part 1: Climatic conditions
IEC 60654-3 1983 Part 3: Mechanical influences EN 60654-3 1997

1) 2)
IEC 61326 - Electrical equipment for measurement, EN 61326 1997
control and laboratory use - EMC
1) 2)
IEC 61508-2 - Functional safety of EN 61508-2 2001
electronic safety-related systems
Part 2: Requirements for
electronic safety-related systems

- 1) 2)
IEC 61508-3 Part 3: Software requirements EN 61508-3 2001

- 1) 2)
IEC 61511-2 Functional safety - Safety instrumented EN 61511-2 2004
systems for the process industry sector
Part 2: Guidelines for the application of
IEC 61511-1
Undated reference.
Valid edition at date of issue.

Première édition
First edition
Sécurité fonctionnelle –
Systèmes instrumentés de sécurité pour
le secteur des industries de transformation –
Partie 1:
Cadre, définitions, exigences pour le système,
le matériel et le logiciel
Functional safety –
Safety instrumented systems
for the process industry sector –
Part 1:
Framework, definitions, system,
hardware and software requirements

 IEC 2003 Droits de reproduction réservés  Copyright - all rights reserved
Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any
utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et les photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from
microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de l'éditeur. the publisher.
International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varembé, PO Box 131, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 22 919 02 11 Telefax: +41 22 919 03 00 E-mail: Web:
Commission Electrotechnique Internationale
International Electrotechnical Commission
Pour prix, voir catalogue en vigueur
For price, see current catalogue

61511-1  IEC:2003 – 3 –

1 Scope.19
2 Normative references.31
3 Abbreviations and definitions.31
3.1 Abbreviations.31
3.2 Definitions.33
4 Conformance to this International Standard .65
5 Management of functional safety .65
5.1 Objective.65
5.2 Requirements.65
6 Safety life-cycle requirements.75
6.1 Objective.75
6.2 Requirements.75
7 Verification.81
7.1 Objective.81
8 Process hazard and risk analysis .81
8.1 Objectives.81
8.2 Requirements.83
9 Allocation of safety functions to protection layers .85
9.1 Objective.85
9.2 Requirements of the allocation process .85
9.3 Additional requirements for safety integrity level 4.87
9.4 Requirements on the basic process control system as a protection layer.89
9.5 Requirements for preventing common cause, common mode and dependent
failures .91
10 SIS safety requirements specification .91
10.1 Objective.91
10.2 General requirements.91
10.3 SIS safety requirements .91
11 SIS design and engineering.95
11.1 Objective.95
11.2 General requirements.95
11.3 Requirements for system behaviour on detection of a fault .97
11.4 Requirements for hardware fault tolerance .101
11.5 Requirements for selection of components and subsystems .103
11.6 Field devices.111
11.7 Interfaces.111
11.8 Maintenance or testing design requirements.115
11.9 SIF probability of failure .117

61511-1  IEC:2003 – 5 –
12 Requirements for application software, including selection criteria for utility software .119
12.1 Application software safety life-cycle requirements.119
12.2 Application software safety requirements specification .131
12.3 Application software safety validation planning.135
12.4 Application software design and development .135
12.5 Integration of the application software with the SIS subsystem .147
12.6 FPL and LVL software modification procedures .149
12.7 Application software verification.149
13 Factory acceptance testing (FAT) .151
13.1 Objectives.151
13.2 Recommendations.153
14 SIS installation and commissioning.155
14.1 Objectives.155
14.2 Requirements.155
15 SIS safety validation.157
15.1 Objective.157
15.2 Requirements.157
16 SIS operation and maintenance.163
16.1 Objectives.163
16.2 Requirements.163
16.3 Proof testing and inspection .167
17 SIS modification.169
17.1 Objective.169
17.2 Requirements.169
18 SIS decommissioning.171
18.1 Objectives.171
18.2 Requirements.

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