Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications - Part 1: Generic specification

IEC 61156-1 is applicable to communication systems such as ISDN, local area networks and data communication systems and specifies the definitions, requirements and test methods of multicore, symmetrical pair and quad cables. It is also applicable to cables used for customer premises wiring. The contents of the corrigendum of August 2015 have been included in this copy.

Câbles multiconducteurs à paires symétriques et quartes pour transmissions numériques - Partie 1: Spécification générique

La CEI 61156-1 est applicable aux systèmes de transmission tels que le RNIS (ISDN), les réseaux locaux et les systèmes de transmissions de données, et spécifie les définitions, les exigences et les méthodes d'essai des câbles multiconducteurs, à paires symétriques et à quartes. Elle est aussi applicable aux câbles utilisés pour le câblage des locaux des clients. Le contenu du corrigendum d'août 2015 a été pris en considération dans cet exemplaire.

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IEC 61156-1:2007 - Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications - Part 1: Generic specification Released:6/6/2007 Isbn:2831891469
English language
46 pages
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IEC 61156-1:2007 - Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications - Part 1: Generic specification
English and French language
96 pages
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sale 15% off
IEC 61156-1:2007+AMD1:2009 CSV - Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications - Part 1: Generic specification Released:10/14/2009 Isbn:9782889104178
English and French language
98 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

STANDARD 61156-1
Third edition
Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad
cables for digital communications –
Part 1:
Generic specification
Reference number
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STANDARD 61156-1
Third edition
Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad
cables for digital communications –
Part 1:
Generic specification
Commission Electrotechnique Internationale X
International Electrotechnical Commission
For price, see current catalogue

– 2 – 61156-1 © IEC:2007(E)

1 Scope.7

2 Normative references .7

3 Terms and definitions .9

4 Installation considerations .12

5 Materials and cable construction .12

5.1 General remarks.12
5.2 Cable construction .12
5.2.1 Conductor.12
5.2.2 Insulation.13
5.2.3 Cable element .13
5.2.4 Cable make-up .14
5.2.5 Screening of the cable core .14
5.2.6 Sheath.14
5.2.7 Identification.14
5.2.8 Finished cable .15
6 Characteristics and requirements .15
6.1 General remarks – Test configurations .15
6.2 Electrical characteristics and tests .15
6.2.1 Conductor resistance.15
6.2.2 Resistance unbalance .16
6.2.3 Dielectric strength .16
6.2.4 Insulation resistance.16
6.2.5 Mutual capacitance.16
6.2.6 Capacitance unbalance to earth .16
6.2.7 Transfer impedance.17
6.2.8 Coupling attenuation.17
6.2.9 Current-carrying capacity .17
6.3 Transmission characteristics .17
6.3.1 Velocity of propagation (phase velocity) .17
6.3.2 Phase delay and differential delay (delay skew) .18

6.3.3 Attenuation .18
6.3.4 Unbalance attenuation.21
6.3.5 Near-end crosstalk .26
6.3.6 Far-end crosstalk.27
6.3.7 Alien (exogenous) near-end crosstalk.30
6.3.8 Alien (exogenous) far-end crosstalk.34
6.3.9 Alien (exogenous) crosstalk of bundled cables .34
6.3.10 Mean characteristic impedance and input impedance .35
6.3.11 Return loss .36
6.4 Mechanical and dimensional characteristics and requirements .37
6.4.1 Measurement of dimensions .37
6.4.2 Elongation at break of the conductor .37
6.4.3 Tensile strength of the insulation .37
6.4.4 Elongation at break of the insulation.37

61156-1 © IEC:2007(E) – 3 –
6.4.5 Adhesion of the insulation to the conductor .37

6.4.6 Elongation at break of the sheath .37

6.4.7 Tensile strength of the sheath .37

6.4.8 Crush test of the cable .37

6.4.9 Impact test of the cable .38

6.4.10 Bending under tension.38

6.4.11 Repeated bending of the cable .40

6.4.12 Tensile performance of the cable.42

6.4.13 Shock test of the cable .42

6.4.14 Bump test of the cable.42

6.4.15 Vibration test of the cable.42
6.5 Environmental characteristics.42
6.5.1 Shrinkage of the insulation .42
6.5.2 Wrapping test of the insulation after thermal ageing .42
6.5.3 Bending test of the insulation at low temperature.42
6.5.4 Elongation at break of the sheath after ageing.42
6.5.5 Tensile strength of the sheath after ageing .42
6.5.6 Sheath pressure test at high temperature .43
6.5.7 Cold bend test of the cable .43
6.5.8 Heat shock test.43
6.5.9 Damp heat steady state.43
6.5.10 Solar radiation .44
6.5.11 Solvents and contaminating fluids.44
6.5.12 Salt mist and sulphur dioxide.44
6.5.13 Water immersion .44
6.5.14 Hygroscopicity.44
6.5.15 Wicking .44
6.5.16 Flame propagation characteristics of a single cable.45
6.5.17 Flame propagation characteristics of bunched cables .45
6.5.18 Halogen gas evolution .45
6.5.19 Smoke generation .45
6.5.20 Toxic gas emission .45
6.5.21 Integrated fire test method for cables in environmental air handling


Figure 1 – Test set-up for the measurement of attenuation, velocity of propagation and
phase delay .19
Figure 2 – Test set-up for the measurement of the differential-mode loss of the baluns .22
Figure 3 – Test set-up for the measurement of the common-mode loss of the baluns.23
Figure 4 – Test set-up for unbalance attenuation at near end (TCL).24
Figure 5 – Test set-up for unbalance attenuation at far end (TCTL) .25
Figure 6 – Test set-up for near-end crosstalk.27
Figure 7 – Test set-up for far-end crosstalk.28
Figure 8 – Test set-up for alien (exogenous) near-end crosstalk .31
Figure 9 – Test assembly cross-section; six cables around one cable .33
Figure 10 – Test assembly layout; six cables around one cable .33

– 4 – 61156-1 © IEC:2007(E)
Figure 11 – Test assembly cross-section; four parallel cables.34

Figure 12 – Test assembly on drum; four parallel cables.34

Figure 13 – Test set-up for mean characteristic impedance, input impedance and

return loss .35

Figure 14 – U-bend test configuration .39

Figure 15 – S-bend test configuration .39

Figure 16 – Repeated bending test configuration .41

Figure 17 – Wicking test configuration .45

Table 1 – Test balun performance characteristics .21

61156-1 © IEC:2007(E) – 5 –


Part 1: Generic specification
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote
international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To
this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards,

IEC 61156-1
Edition 3.0 2007-06
Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications –
Part 1: Generic specification
Câbles multiconducteurs à paires symétriques et quartes pour transmissions
numériques –
Partie 1: Spécification générique

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IEC 61156-1
Edition 3.0 2007-06
Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications –
Part 1: Generic specification
Câbles multiconducteurs à paires symétriques et quartes pour transmissions
numériques –
Partie 1: Spécification générique

ICS 33.120.20 ISBN 2-8318-9638-X
– 2 – 61156-1 © IEC:2007

1 Scope.7
2 Normative references .7
3 Terms and definitions .9
4 Installation considerations .12
5 Materials and cable construction .12
5.1 General remarks.12
5.2 Cable construction .12
5.2.1 Conductor.13
5.2.2 Insulation.13
5.2.3 Cable element .13
5.2.4 Cable make-up .14
5.2.5 Screening of the cable core .14
5.2.6 Sheath.14
5.2.7 Identification.15
5.2.8 Finished cable .15
6 Characteristics and requirements .15
6.1 General remarks – Test configurations .15
6.2 Electrical characteristics and tests .16
6.2.1 Conductor resistance.16
6.2.2 Resistance unbalance .16
6.2.3 Dielectric strength .16
6.2.4 Insulation resistance.16
6.2.5 Mutual capacitance.17
6.2.6 Capacitance unbalance to earth .17
6.2.7 Transfer impedance.17
6.2.8 Coupling attenuation.17
6.2.9 Current-carrying capacity.17
6.3 Transmission characteristics .18
6.3.1 Velocity of propagation (phase velocity) .18
6.3.2 Phase delay and differential delay (delay skew) .18
6.3.3 Attenuation .19
6.3.4 Unbalance attenuation.21
6.3.5 Near-end crosstalk .26
6.3.6 Far-end crosstalk.28
6.3.7 Alien (exogenous) near-end crosstalk.31
6.3.8 Alien (exogenous) far-end crosstalk.35
6.3.9 Alien (exogenous) crosstalk of bundled cables .35
6.3.10 Mean characteristic impedance and input impedance .36
6.3.11 Return loss .37
6.4 Mechanical and dimensional characteristics and requirements .38
6.4.1 Measurement of dimensions .38
6.4.2 Elongation at break of the conductor .38
6.4.3 Tensile strength of the insulation .38
6.4.4 Elongation at break of the insulation.38

61156-1 © IEC:2007 – 3 –
6.4.5 Adhesion of the insulation to the conductor .38
6.4.6 Elongation at break of the sheath .38
6.4.7 Tensile strength of the sheath .38
6.4.8 Crush test of the cable .38
6.4.9 Impact test of the cable .39
6.4.10 Bending under tension.39
6.4.11 Repeated bending of the cable .41
6.4.12 Tensile performance of the cable.43
6.4.13 Shock test of the cable .43
6.4.14 Bump test of the cable.43
6.4.15 Vibration test of the cable.43
6.5 Environmental characteristics.43
6.5.1 Shrinkage of the insulation .43
6.5.2 Wrapping test of the insulation after thermal ageing .43
6.5.3 Bending test of the insulation at low temperature.43
6.5.4 Elongation at break of the sheath after ageing.43
6.5.5 Tensile strength of the sheath after ageing .43
6.5.6 Sheath pressure test at high temperature .44
6.5.7 Cold bend test of the cable .44
6.5.8 Heat shock test.44
6.5.9 Damp heat steady state.44
6.5.10 Solar radiation .45
6.5.11 Solvents and contaminating fluids.45
6.5.12 Salt mist and sulphur dioxide.45
6.5.13 Water immersion .45
6.5.14 Hygroscopicity.45
6.5.15 Wicking .45
6.5.16 Flame propagation characteristics of a single cable.46
6.5.17 Flame propagation characteristics of bunched cables .46
6.5.18 Halogen gas evolution .46
6.5.19 Smoke generation .46
6.5.20 Toxic gas emission .46
6.5.21 Integrated fire test method for cables in environmental air handling


Figure 1 – Test set-up for the measurement of attenuation, velocity of propagation and
phase delay .19
Figure 2 – Test set-up for the measurement of the differential-mode loss of the baluns .23
Figure 3 – Test set-up for the measurement of the common-mode l

IEC 61156-1 ®
Edition 3.1 2009-10
Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications –
Part 1: Generic specification
Câbles multiconducteurs à paires symétriques et quartes pour transmissions
numériques –
Partie 1: Spécification générique

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IEC 61156-1 ®
Edition 3.1 2009-10
Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications –

Part 1: Generic specification
Câbles multiconducteurs à paires symétriques et quartes pour transmissions

numériques –
Partie 1: Spécification générique

ICS 33.120.20 ISBN 978-2-8891-0417-8

– 2 – 61156-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2009


1 Scope.7

2 Normative references .7

3 Terms and definitions .9

4 Installation considerations .12

5 Materials and cable construction .13

5.1 General remarks.13

5.2 Cable construction .13
5.2.1 Conductor.13
5.2.2 Insulation.13
5.2.3 Cable element .14
5.2.4 Cable make-up .14
5.2.5 Screening of the cable core .14
5.2.6 Sheath.15
5.2.7 Identification.15
5.2.8 Finished cable .15
6 Characteristics and requirements .15
6.1 General remarks – Test configurations .15
6.2 Electrical characteristics and tests .16
6.2.1 Conductor resistance.16
6.2.2 Resistance unbalance .16
6.2.3 Dielectric strength .17
6.2.4 Insulation resistance.17
6.2.5 Mutual capacitance.17
6.2.6 Capacitance unbalance .17
6.2.7 Transfer impedance.18
6.2.8 Coupling attenuation.18
6.2.9 Current-carrying capacity.18
6.3 Transmission characteristics .18
6.3.1 Velocity of propagation (phase velocity) .18
6.3.2 Phase delay and differential delay (delay skew) .19
6.3.3 Attenuation .19

6.3.4 Unbalance attenuation.22
6.3.5 Near-end crosstalk .27
6.3.6 Far-end crosstalk.29
6.3.7 Alien (exogenous) near-end crosstalk.32
6.3.8 Alien (exogenous) far-end crosstalk.37
6.3.9 Alien (exogenous) crosstalk of bundled cables .37
6.3.10 Impedance.38
6.3.11 Return loss .39
6.4 Mechanical and dimensional characteristics and requirements .40
6.4.1 Measurement of dimensions .40
6.4.2 Elongation at break of the conductor .40
6.4.3 Tensile strength of the insulation .40
6.4.4 Elongation at break of the insulation.40
6.4.5 Adhesion of the insulation to the conductor .40

61156-1 © IEC:2007+A1:2009 – 3 –

6.4.6 Elongation at break of the sheath .40

6.4.7 Tensile strength of the sheath .40

6.4.8 Crush test of the cable .40

6.4.9 Impact test of the cable .40

6.4.10 Bending under tension.40

6.4.11 Repeated bending of the cable .43

6.4.12 Tensile performance of the cable.44

6.4.13 Shock test of the cable .44

6.4.14 Bump test of the cable.44

6.4.15 Vibration test of the cable.44

6.5 Environmental characteristics.44
6.5.1 Shrinkage of the insulation .44
6.5.2 Wrapping test of the insulation after thermal ageing .44
6.5.3 Bending test of the insulation at low temperature.45
6.5.4 Elongation at break of the sheath after ageing.45
6.5.5 Tensile strength of the sheath after ageing .45
6.5.6 Sheath pressure test at high temperature .45
6.5.7 Cold bend test of the cable .45
6.5.8 Heat shock test.46
6.5.9 Damp heat steady state.46
6.5.10 Solar radiation .46
6.5.11 Solvents and contaminating fluids.46
6.5.12 Salt mist and sulphur dioxide.46
6.5.13 Water immersion .

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