Household electric cooking appliances - Part 2: Hobs - Methods for measuring performance

IEC 60350-2:2017 defines methods for measuring the performance of electric hobs for household use.
Appliances covered by this document can be built-in or designed to be placed on a work surface. The hob can also be a part of a cooking range.
This document does not apply to portable appliances for cooking, grilling and similar functions (see IEC 61817).
This document defines the main performance characteristics of hobs which are of interest to the user and specifies methods for measuring these characteristics.
This document does not specify a classification or ranking for performance.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) terms and definitions revised and new definitions added (see 3);
b) following the new market trend, requirements related to so-called flexible and free induction zones - in this document named as cooking areas - are added;
c) specification for standardized and alternative cookware is introduced (see 5.6);
d) measurement procedure reflecting a household-like cooking process for measuring the energy consumption is introduced (see Clause 7 and Annex A);
e) revision of measurement procedure for determining the accuracy of control (see Clause 8);
f) new reproducible measurement procedure for assessing the heat distribution (see Clause 9);
g) additional requirements (according to IEC 62301:2011) on how to measure low-power modes.

Appareils de cuisson électrodomestiques - Partie 2: Tables de cuisson - Méthodes de mesure de l'aptitude à la fonction

L'IEC 60350-2:2017 définit les méthodes de mesure de l'aptitude à la fonction des tables de cuisson électriques à usage domestique.
Les appareils couverts par le présent document peuvent être encastrés, ou prévus pour être placés sur un plan de travail. La table de cuisson peut également faire partie d'une cuisinière.
Le présent document ne s'applique pas aux appareils de cuisson mobiles, aux grils et fonctions analogues (voir IEC 61817).
Le présent document a pour objet de définir les principales caractéristiques d'aptitude à la fonction des tables de cuisson qui intéressent l'utilisateur, et de spécifier des méthodes pour la mesure de ces caractéristiques.
Le présent document ne spécifie pas de classification pour l'aptitude à la fonction.
Cette deuxième édition annule et remplace la première édition parue en 2011. Cette édition constitue une révision technique.
Cette édition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport à l'édition précédente:
a) termes et définitions révisés et nouvelles définitions ajoutées (voir 3);
b) compte tenu des nouvelles tendances du marché, des exigences relatives aux zones à induction dites libres et flexibles (appelées surfaces de cuisson dans le présent document) ont été ajoutées;
c) une spécification relative aux ustensiles de cuisine normalisés et alternatifs a été introduite (voir 5.6);
d) une procédure de mesure propre à un mode de cuisson domestique pour mesurer la consommation d'énergie a été introduite (voir Article 7 et Annexe A);
e) révision de la procédure de mesure permettant de déterminer l'exactitude de la commande (voir Article 8);
f) nouvelle procédure de mesure reproductible pour évaluer la répartition de la chaleur (voir Article 9);
g) exigences supplémentaires (conformes à l'IEC 62301:2011) relatives à la manière de mesurer les modes de faible puissance.

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iec60350-2{ed2.0}en - IEC 60350-2:2017 - Household electric cooking appliances - Part 2: Hobs - Methods for measuring performance Released:8/30/2017 Isbn:9782832247679
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71 pages
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iec60350-2{ed2.1}b - IEC 60350-2:2017+AMD1:2021 CSV - Household electric cooking appliances - Part 2: Hobs - Methods for measuring performance Released:5/18/2021
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Standards Content (Sample)

IEC 60350-2 ®
Edition 2.0 2017-08
Household electric cooking appliances –
Part 2: Hobs – Methods for measuring performance

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IEC 60350-2 ®
Edition 2.0 2017-08
Household electric cooking appliances –

Part 2: Hobs – Methods for measuring performance

ICS 97.040.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-4767-9

– 2 – IEC 60350-2:2017 © IEC 2017
1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references . 8
3 Terms and definitions . 8
4 List of measurements . 11
4.1 Dimensions and mass . 11
4.2 Cooking zones and cooking areas . 11
4.3 Cleaning . 12
5 General conditions for the measurements . 12
5.1 Test room . 12
5.2 Electricity supply . 12
5.3 Instrumentation and measurements . 12
5.4 Positioning the appliance . 13
5.5 Initial conditions . 14
5.6 Cookware . 14
5.6.1 Standardized cookware . 14
5.6.2 Alternative cookware . 18
6 Dimensions and mass . 19
6.1 Overall dimensions . 19
6.2 Mass of the appliance . 21
6.3 Cooking zones and cooking areas . 21
6.3.1 Number of cooking zones per hob . 21
6.3.2 Dimensions of cooking zones . 21
6.3.3 Dimensions of cooking areas . 22
6.4 Level of solid hotplates . 22
6.5 Distance between cooking zones . 23
7 Energy consumption and heating up time . 23
7.1 General . 23
7.2 Purpose . 23
7.3 Determine a cookware set to assess a hob with cooking zones . 23
7.4 Positioning the cookware on a cooking zone . 24
7.5 Procedure for measuring the energy consumption of a cooking process . 25
7.5.1 Preparation . 25
7.5.2 Preliminary measurements . 25
7.5.3 Measuring the energy consumption . 27
7.5.4 Evaluation and calculation . 28
7.6 Procedure for measuring the heating up time . 29
8 Ability to control the temperature of a load . 29
8.1 Lower control position . 29
8.1.1 Purpose . 29
8.1.2 Cookware, positioning and ingredients. 30
8.1.3 Procedure . 30
8.1.4 Assessment . 31
8.2 Temperature overshoot of hotplates . 31
8.2.1 Purpose . 31
8.2.2 Ingredients and cookware . 31

8.2.3 Procedure . 31
8.2.4 Assessment . 31
9 Heat distribution and heat supply . 32
9.1 Measuring the heat distribution . 32
9.1.1 Test purpose . 32
9.1.2 Discs . 32
9.1.3 Pre-test for determining the setting . 33
9.1.4 Preparation of the disc for the main test . 34
9.1.5 Main test . 35
9.1.6 Assessment . 35
9.2 Measuring the continuous frying. 39
9.2.1 Purpose . 39
9.2.2 Specification of the frying pan . 40
9.2.3 Recipe for pancakes . 40
9.2.4 Procedure . 41
9.2.5 Assessment . 41
10 Heat performance of cooking zones . 41
10.1 Purpose . 41
10.2 Procedure . 41
11 Smallest detected diameter for induction cooking zones . 43
11.1 Purpose . 43
11.2 Procedure . 43
12 Power measurement of low power modes . 44
13 Spillage capacity of hobs . 44
Annex A (normative) Further requirements for measuring the energy consumption and
heating up time for cooking areas . 46
A.1 General . 46
A.2 Hob with cooking area . 46
A.2.1 General . 46
A.2.2 Cooking area without limitative marking . 46
A.2.3 Hob with cooking area with limitative marking . 47
A.2.4 Hob with cooking zones and cooking areas . 48
A.3 Positioning on a cooking area . 48
A.3.1 General . 48
A.3.2 Positioning on a cooking area without limitative markings . 48
A.3.3 Positioning on a cooking area with limitative markings . 49
Annex B (informative) Aids for measuring the energy consumption according to Clause 7 . 53
B.1 Fixing the temperature measurement instrument to the lid – Example . 53
B.2 Marking the lowest possible simmering power setting . 53
Annex C (informative) Examples how to select and position the cookware for
measurements according to Clause 7 and Annex A . 55
C.1 Example 1 – Cooking zones . 55
C.2 Example 2 – cooking zones combined with cooking area with limitative
markings . 56
C.3 Example 3 – cooking area with limitative markings > 3 controls with the area
of control in front . 59
C.4 Example 4 – cooking area with limitative markings > 3 controls with the area
of control at the side . 62
Annex D (normative) Shade chart . 65

– 4 – IEC 60350-2:2017 © IEC 2017
Annex E (informative) Data and calcula

IEC 60350-2 ®
Edition 2.1 2021-05
Household electric cooking appliances –
Part 2: Hobs – Methods for measuring performance

Appareils de cuisson électrodomestiques –
Partie 2: Tables de cuisson – Méthodes de mesure de l'aptitude à la fonction

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IEC 60350-2 ®
Edition 2.1 2021-05
Household electric cooking appliances –

Part 2: Hobs – Methods for measuring performance

Appareils de cuisson électrodomestiques –

Partie 2: Tables de cuisson – Méthodes de mesure de l'aptitude à la fonction

ICS 97.040.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-9826-8

IEC 60350-2 ®
Edition 2.1 2021-05
Household electric cooking appliances –
Part 2: Hobs – Methods for measuring performance

Appareils de cuisson électrodomestiques –
Partie 2: Tables de cuisson – Méthodes de mesure de l'aptitude à la fonction

– 2 – IEC 60350-2:2017+AMD1:2021 CSV
© IEC 2021
1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references . 8
3 Terms and definitions . 8
4 List of measurements . 12
4.1 Dimensions and mass . 12
4.2 Cooking zones and cooking areas . 12
4.3 Cleaning . 12
5 General conditions for the measurements . 12
5.1 Test room . 12
5.2 Electricity supply . 12
5.3 Instrumentation and measurements . 13
5.4 Positioning the appliance . 14
5.5 Initial conditions . 14
5.6 Cookware . 14
5.6.1 Standardized cookware . 14
5.6.2 Alternative cookware . 19
6 Dimensions and mass . 20
6.1 Overall dimensions . 20
6.2 Mass of the appliance . 22
6.3 Cooking zones and cooking areas . 22
6.3.1 Number of cooking zones per hob . 22
6.3.2 Dimensions of cooking zones . 22
6.3.3 Dimensions of cooking areas . 23
6.4 Level of solid hotplates . 23
6.5 Distance between cooking zones . 24
7 Energy consumption and heating up time . 24
7.1 General . 24
7.2 Purpose . 24
7.3 Determine a cookware set to assess a hob with cooking zones . 24
7.4 Positioning the cookware on a cooking zone . 25
7.5 Procedure for measuring the energy consumption of a cooking process . 26
7.5.1 Preparation . 26
7.5.2 Preliminary measurements . 26
7.5.3 Measuring the energy consumption . 28
7.5.4 Evaluation and calculation . 29
7.6 Procedure for measuring the heating up time . 30
8 Ability to control the temperature of a load . 31
8.1 Lower control position . 31
8.1.1 Purpose . 31
8.1.2 Cookware, positioning and ingredients. 31
8.1.3 Procedure . 31
8.1.4 Assessment . 32
8.2 Temperature overshoot of hotplates . 32
8.2.1 Purpose . 32

© IEC 2021
8.2.2 Ingredients and cookware . 32
8.2.3 Procedure . 32
8.2.4 Assessment . 33
9 Heat distribution and heat supply . 33
9.1 Measuring the heat distribution . 33
9.1.1 Test purpose . 33
9.1.2 Discs . 33
9.1.3 Pre-test for determining the setting . 34
9.1.4 Preparation of the disc for the main test . 35
9.1.5 Main test . 36
9.1.6 Assessment . 36
9.2 Measuring the Continuous frying . 40
9.2.1 Purpose .
9.2.2 Specification of the frying pan .
9.2.3 Recipe for pancakes .
9.2.4 Procedure .
9.2.5 Assessment .
9.2.1 Purpose . 42
9.2.2 Specification of the frying pan . 42
9.2.3 Recipe and amounts . 43
9.2.4 Pre-test . 44
9.2.5 Main test . 44
9.2.6 Assessment . 45
10 Heat performance of cooking zones .

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