Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical substations related to IEDs

IEC 61850-6:2009 specifies a file format for describing communication-related IED (Intelligent Electronic Device) configurations and IED parameters, communication system configurations, switch yard (function) structures, and the relations between them. The main purpose of this format is to exchange IED capability descriptions, and SA system descriptions between IED engineering tools and the system engineering tool(s) of different manufacturers in a compatible way. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are as follows:
- functional extensions added based on changes in other Parts of IEC 61850, especially in IEC 61850-7-2 and IEC 61850-7-3;
- functional extensions concerning the engineering process, especially for configuration data exchange between system configuration tools, added;
- clarifications and corrections.
This publication is of core relevance for Smart Grid.

Réseaux et systèmes de communication pour l'automatisation des systèmes électriques - Partie 6: Langage pour la description de configuration pour la communication dans les postes électriques, entre les dispositifs électroniques intelligents (IED)

IEC 61850-6:2009 spécifie un format de fichier destiné à décrire les configurations de dispositifs électroniques intelligents (IED) liées à la communication, les paramètres de ces IED, les configurations de systèmes de communication, les structures du poste extérieur (aspect fonctionnel), ainsi que des relations entre tous ces éléments. Ce format a pour objectif principal d'assurer l'échange de descriptions de capacités d'IED et de descriptions de systèmes SA entre des outils d'ingénierie d'IED et le ou les outils d'ingénierie système de différents fabricants sans problème de compatibilité. Par rapport à l'édition précédente, les principales modifications sont les suivantes:
• ajout d'extensions fonctionnelles sur la base des modifications apportées à d'autres parties (Parties 7-2 et 7-3, notamment);
• ajout d'extensions fonctionnelles concernant le processus d'ingénierie, notamment pour l'échange de données de configuration entre les différents outils de configuration système;
• apport de clarifications et de corrections. Les points nécessitant des clarifications sont publiés dans une base de données disponible à l'adresse suivante: Les incompatibilités émergentes sont énumérées en 8.2.3

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IEC 61850-6:2009+AMD1:2018+AMD2:2024 CSV - Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical substations related to IEDs Released:27. 11. 2024 Isbn:9782832700716
English language
291 pages
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iec61850-6{ed2.0}en - IEC 61850-6:2009 - Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical substations related to IEDs Released:12/17/2009 Isbn:9782889105762
English language
215 pages
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IEC 61850-6:2009+AMD1:2018 CSV - Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in power utility automation systems related to IEDs Released:6/7/2018 Isbn:9782832258026
English language
269 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

IEC 61850-6 ®
Edition 2.2 2024-11
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in power utility
automation systems related to IEDs

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IEC 61850-6 ®
Edition 2.2 2024-11
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in power utility
automation systems related to IEDs
ICS 33.200 ISBN 978-2-8327-0071-6
– 2 – IEC 61850-6:2009+AMD1:2018
+AMD2:2024 CSV © IEC 2024
1 Scope . 13
1.1 General . 13
1.2 Published versions of the standard and related namespace names . 13
1.3 Identification of the namespace . 13
1.4 Code Component distribution . 14
2 Normative references . 14
3 Terms and definitions . 16
4 Abbreviations . 17
5 Intended engineering process with SCL . 18
5.1 General . 18
5.2 Scope of SCL . 18
5.3 Use of SCL in the engineering process . 19
5.4 IED modifications . 22
5.5 Data exchange between projects . 23
6 The SCL object model . 26
6.1 General . 26
6.2 The process model . 29
6.3 The product (IED) model . 30
6.4 The communication system model . 31
6.5 Modelling of redundancy . 32
6.6 Data flow modelling . 33
7 SCL description file types . 33
8 SCL language . 35
8.1 Specification method . 35
8.2 Language versions and compatibility . 38
8.2.1 MustUnderstand rules . 39
8.2.2 SCL name space and versions. 40
8.2.3 Incompatibilities to earlier versions . 41
8.3 SCL language extensions . 42
8.3.1 General . 42
8.3.2 Data model extensions . 42
8.3.3 Additional semantics to existing syntax elements . 42
8.3.4 Data type constraints . 42
8.3.5 XML name spaces . 42
8.3.6 Private data . 43
8.3.7 Another XML syntax . 44
8.3.8 Summary: Standard conformance for extension handling . 44
8.3.9 Extension example . 44
8.4 General structure . 45
8.5 Object and signal designation . 46
8.5.1 General . 46
8.5.2 Object designations in an object hierarchy . 46
8.5.3 Signal identifications to be used in the communication system. 47
8.5.4 Signal identifications usable by applications . 50

+AMD2:2024 CSV © IEC 2024
8.5.5 Naming example . 50
8.5.6 Universal Unique Identifier . 51
9 The SCL syntax elements . 52
9.1 Header . 52
9.2 Process description . 58
9.2.1 General . 58
9.2.2 Voltage level . 65
9.2.3 Bay level . 67
9.2.4 Power equipment . 68
9.2.5 SubEquipment level . 78
9.2.6 Process function logical nodes . 79
9.2.7 Non power equipment . 81
9.2.8 Substation section example . 83
9.3 IED description . 86
9.3.1 General . 86
9.3.2 The IED, Services and Access Point . 90
9.3.3 The IED server . 107
9.3.4 The logical device . 109
9.3.5 LN0 and other Logical Nodes . 110
9.3.6 Data object (DOI) definition . 113
9.3.7 Data set definition . 118
9.3.8 Report control block . 120
9.3.9 Log control block . 126
9.3.10 GSE control block . 128
9.3.11 Sampled value control block . 131
9.3.12 Setting control block . 134
9.3.13 Binding to external signals . 135
9.3.15 Binding to external controls . 140
9.3.14 Associations . 141
9.4 Communication system description . 143
9.4.1 General . 143
9.4.2 Subnetwork definition . 144
9.4.3 Address definition . 146
9.4.4 GSE address definition . 147
9.4.5 SMV address definition . 149
9.4.6 Physical connection parameters . 149
9.4.7 Communication section example . 151
9.5 Data type templates . 152
9.5.1 General . 152
9.5.2 LNodeType definitions . 156
9.5.3 DO type definition . 158
9.5.4 Data attribute (DA) definition . 160
9.5.5 Data attribute structure type . 167
9.5.6 Enumeration types . 169
9.5.7 Data type template examples . 171
10 Tool and project engineering rights . 171
10.1 IED configurator . 171
10.2 System configurator . 172
10.3 Right transfer between projects . 172

– 4 – IEC 61850-

IEC 61850-6 ®
Edition 2.0 2009-12
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical
substations related to IEDs
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IEC 61850-6 ®
Edition 2.0 2009-12
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical
substations related to IEDs
ICS 33.200 ISBN 978-2-88910-576-2
– 2 – 61850-6 © IEC:2009(E)
1 Scope.8
2 Normative references.8
3 Terms and definitions .9
4 Abbreviations.10
5 Intended engineering process with SCL.11
5.1 General .11
5.2 Scope of SCL .11
5.3 Use of SCL in the Engineering process .12
5.4 IED modifications .15
5.5 Data exchange between projects .16
6 The SCL object model .18
6.1 General .18
6.2 The substation model .22
6.3 The product (IED) model.23
6.4 The communication system model .24
6.5 Modelling of redundancy .25
6.6 Data flow modelling .25
7 SCL description file types.26
8 SCL language.28
8.1 Specification method .28
8.2 Language versions and compatibility.30
8.3 SCL language extensions .33
8.4 General structure.36
8.5 Object and signal designation .37
9 The SCL syntax elements .41
9.1 Header .41
9.2 Substation description .43
9.3 IED description .56
9.4 Communication system description .87
9.5 Data type templates.94
10 Tool and project engineering rights .106
10.1 IED configurator .106
10.2 System configurator. 107
10.3 Right transfer between projects. 107
Annex A (normative) SCL syntax: XML schema definition . 109
Annex B (informative) SCL enumerations according to IEC 61850-7-3 and IEC 61850-7-4 . 147
Annex C (informative) Syntax extension examples. 153
Annex D (informative) Example . 166
Annex E (informative) SCL syntax: General XML schema definition . 180
Annex F (informative)  XML schema definition of SCL variants . 204
Annex G (normative)  SCL Implementation Conformance Statement (SICS). 210
Bibliography . 215

61850-6 © IEC:2009(E) – 3 –
Figure 1 – Reference model for information flow in the configuration process.13
Figure 2 – IED type description to System Configurator .14
Figure 3 – IED instance description to System Configurator .15
Figure 4 – Modification process.16
Figure 5 – Engineering right handling in projects.18
Figure 6 – SCL object model .20
Figure 7 – SA System Configuration example .22
Figure 8 – ICD files describing implementable IED types of a general IED class.28
Figure 9 – UML diagram overview of SCL schema .30
Figure 10 – Elements of the signal identification as defined in IEC 61850-7-2 .38
Figure 11 – Elements of the signal name using product naming .38
Figure 12 – Possible elements of the signal name using functional naming .39
Figure 13 – Names within different structures of the object model.40
Figure 14 – UML diagram of Header section .41
Figure 15 – UML diagram of Substation section.44
Figure 16 – UML diagram for equipment type inheritance and relations .48
Figure 17 – Substation section example .55
Figure 18 – IED structure and access points.57
Figure 19 – UML description of IED-related schema part – Base.58
Figure 20 – UML description of IED-related schema part for Control blocks .59
Figure 21 – UML description of IED-related schema part – LN definition .60
Figure 22 – UML diagram overview of the Communication section .88
Figure 23 – UML overview of DataTypeTemplate section .95
Figure C.1 – Coordinate example . 153
Figure C.2 – Schema overview . 156
Figure D.1 – T1-1 Substation configuration. 166
Figure D.2 – T1-1 Communication configuration . 167
Figure D.3 – T1-1 Transformer bay. 168

Table 1 – The files composing the XML schema definition for SCL.29
Table 2 – Attributes of the Private element .35
Table 3 – Attributes of the Header element.42
Table 4 – Attributes of the History item (Hitem) element .43
Table 5 – Primary apparatus device type codes .50
Table 6 – Attributes of the Terminal element.51
Table 7 – Attributes of the SubEquipment element.52
Table 8 – Attributes of the LNode element .53
Table 9 – General Equipment codes from IEC 61850-7-4.54
Table 10 – Attributes of the IED element .61
Table 11 – List of service capabilities and setting elements and attributes .63
Table 12 – Attributes of the Access point element.66
Table 13 – Attributes of the IED server element.68
Table 14 – Attributes of the Authentication element .69

– 4 – 61850-6 © IEC:2009(E)
Table 15 – Attributes of the LDevice element.69
Table 16 – Attributes of the LN0 element.70
Table 17 – Attributes of the LN element.71
Table 18 – Attributes of the DOI element .72
Table 19 – Attributes of the DAI element .73
Table 20 – Attributes of the SDI element .73
Table 21 – Attributes of the DataSet element.74
Table 22 – Attributes of the FCDA element.75
Table 23 – Attributes of the report control block element.76
Table 24 – Attributes of the RptEnabled element .77
Table 25 – Attributes of the ClientLN element .78
Table 26 – Attributes of the log control block element .80

IEC 61850-6 ®
Edition 2.1 2018-06
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in power utility
automation systems related to IEDs

All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form
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IEC 61850-6 ®
Edition 2.1 2018-06
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –

Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in power utility

automation systems related to IEDs

ICS 33.200 ISBN 978-2-8322-5802-6

– 2 – IEC 61850-6:2009+AMD1:2018 CSV
 IEC 2018
1 Scope . 13
1.1 General . 13
1.2 Namespace name and version . 13
1.3 Code Component distribution . 14
2 Normative references . 15
3 Terms and definitions . 16
4 Abbreviations . 17
5 Intended engineering process with SCL . 18
5.1 General . 18
5.2 Scope of SCL . 18
5.3 Use of SCL in the engineering process . 19
5.4 IED modifications . 22
5.5 Data exchange between projects . 23
6 The SCL object model . 26
6.1 General . 26
6.2 The process model . 29
6.3 The product (IED) model . 30
6.4 The communication system model . 31
6.5 Modelling of redundancy . 32
6.6 Data flow modelling . 33
7 SCL description file types . 33
8 SCL language . 35
8.1 Specification method . 35
8.2 Language versions and compatibility . 38
8.2.1 MustUnderstand rules . 39
8.2.2 SCL name space and versions. 40
8.2.3 Incompatibilities to earlier versions . 41
8.3 SCL language extensions . 41
8.3.1 General . 41
8.3.2 Data model extensions . 42
8.3.3 Additional semantics to existing syntax elements . 42
8.3.4 Data type constraints . 42
8.3.5 XML name spaces . 42
8.3.6 Private data . 43
8.3.7 Another XML syntax . 44
8.3.8 Summary: Standard conformance for extension handling . 44
8.3.9 Extension example . 44
8.4 General structure . 44
8.5 Object and signal designation . 45
8.5.1 General . 45
8.5.2 Object designations in an object hierarchy . 45
8.5.3 Signal identifications to be used in the communication system. 46
8.5.4 Signal identifications usable by applications . 48

 IEC 2018
8.5.5 Naming example . 49
9 The SCL syntax elements . 49
9.1 Header . 49
9.2 Process description . 52
9.2.1 General . 52
9.2.2 Voltage level . 57
9.2.3 Bay level . 58
9.2.4 Power equipment . 59
9.2.5 SubEquipment level . 66
9.2.6 Process function logical nodes . 67
9.2.7 Non power equipment . 68
9.2.8 Substation section example . 69
9.3 IED description . 71
9.3.1 General . 71
9.3.2 The IED, Services and Access Point . 75
9.3.3 The IED server . 87
9.3.4 The logical device . 88
9.3.5 LN0 and other Logical Nodes . 89
9.3.6 Data object (DOI) definition . 91
9.3.7 Data set definition . 94
9.3.8 Report control block . 96
9.3.9 Log control block . 99
9.3.10 GSE control block . 100
9.3.11 Sampled value control block . 102
9.3.12 Setting control block . 104
9.3.13 Binding to external signals . 105
9.3.14 Associations . 109
9.4 Communication system description . 110
9.4.1 General . 110
9.4.2 Subnetwork definition . 111
9.4.3 Address definition . 113
9.4.4 GSE address definition . 114
9.4.5 SMV address definition . 115
9.4.6 Physical connection parameters . 115
9.4.7 Communication section example . 116
9.5 Data type templates . 117
9.5.1 General . 117
9.5.2 LNodeType definitions . 119
9.5.3 DO type definition . 120
9.5.4 Data attribute (DA) definition . 122
9.5.5 Data attribute structure type . 126
9.5.6 Enumeration types . 128
9.5.7 Data type template examples . 129
10 Tool and project engineering rights . 129
10.1 IED configurator . 129
10.2 System configurator . 130
10.3 Right transfer between projects .

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