Industrial networks - Profiles - Part 5-8: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for CPF 8

IEC 61784-5-8:2024 is available as IEC 61784-5-8:2024 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 61784-5-8:2024 specifies the installation profiles for CPF 8 (CC-LinkTM[1]). The installation profiles are specified in the annexes. These annexes are read in conjunction with IEC 61918:2018, IEC 61918:2018/AMD1:2022 and IEC 61918:2018/AMD2:2024.
[1] CC-Link™, CC-Link/LT™ and CC‑Link IE™ are trade names of Mitsubishi Electric Co., control of trade name use is given to CCLink Partner Association. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of the trademark holder or any of its products. Compliance to this profile does not require use of the trade name. Use of the trade name requires permission of the trade name holder.

Réseaux industriels - Profils - Partie 5-8: Installation des bus de terrain - Profils d'installation pour la CPF 8

IEC 61784-5-8:2024 est disponible sous forme de IEC 61784-5-8:2024 RLV qui contient la Norme internationale et sa version Redline, illustrant les modifications du contenu technique depuis l'édition précédente.L’IEC 61784-5-8:2024 spécifie les profils d’installation pour la CPF 8 (CC‑Link™[1]). Les profils d’installation sont spécifiés dans les annexes. Ces annexes sont à lire conjointement avec l’IEC 61918:2018, l’IEC 61918:2018/AMD1:2022 et l’IEC 61918:2018/AMD2:2024.
[1] CC-Link™, CC-Link/LT™ et CC‑Link IE™ sont des appellations commerciales de Mitsubishi Electric Co., dont le contrôle d’utilisation est donné à CC-Link Partner Association. Cette information est donnée à l’intention des utilisateurs du présent document et ne signifie nullement que l’IEC approuve l’emploi du produit ainsi désigné. La conformité à ce profil n’exige pas l’utilisation de l’appellation commerciale. L’utilisation de l’appellation commerciale exige l’autorisation du détenteur de celle-ci.

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IEC 61784-5-8:2024 RLV - Industrial networks - Profiles - Part 5-8: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for CPF 8 Released:4/3/2024 Isbn:9782832286951
English language
259 pages
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IEC 61784-5-8:2024 - Industrial networks - Profiles - Part 5-8: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for CPF 8 Released:4/3/2024 Isbn:9782832283493
English and French language
173 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

IEC 61784-5-8 ®
Edition 3.0 2024-04
Industrial communication networks – Profiles –
Part 5-8: Installation of fieldbuses – Installation profiles for CPF 8

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IEC 61784-5-8 ®
Edition 3.0 2024-04
Industrial communication networks – Profiles –
Part 5-8: Installation of fieldbuses – Installation profiles for CPF 8
ICS 25.040.40; 35.100.40 ISBN 978-2-8322-8695-1
– 2 – IEC 61784-5-8:2024 RLV © IEC 2024
1 Scope . 11
2 Normative references . 11
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 11
4 CPF 8: Overview of installation profiles . 12
5 Installation profile conventions. 12
6 Conformance to installation profiles . 13
Annex A (normative) CP 8/1 and CP 8/2 (CC-Link™/V1 and CC-Link™/V2) specific
installation profile . 14
A.1 Installation profile scope . 14
A.2 Normative references . 14
A.3 Installation profile terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms . 14
A.3.1 Terms and definitions . 14
A.3.2 Abbreviated terms . 14
A.3.3 Conventions for installation profiles . 14
A.4 Installation planning . 14
A.4.1 General . 14
A.4.2 Planning requirements . 15
A.4.3 Network capabilities . 15
A.4.4 Selection and use of cabling components . 17
A.4.5 Cabling planning documentation . 22
A.4.6 Verification of cabling planning specification . 22
A.5 Installation implementation. 22
A.5.1 General requirements . 22
A.5.2 Cable installation . 23
A.5.3 Connector installation . 24
A.5.4 Terminator installation . 24
A.5.5 Device installation . 25
A.5.6 Coding and labelling . 25
A.5.7 Earthing and bonding of equipment and devices and shield cabling . 25
A.5.8 As-implemented cabling documentation . 25
A.6 Installation verification and installation acceptance test . 26
A.6.1 General . 26
A.6.2 Installation verification . 26
A.6.3 Installation acceptance test . 27
A.7 Installation administration . 27
A.8 Installation maintenance and installation troubleshooting . 27
Annex B (normative) CP 8/3 (CC-Link/LT™) specific installation profile . 28
B.1 Installation profile scope . 28
B.2 Normative references . 28
B.3 Installation profile terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms . 28
B.3.1 Terms and definitions . 28
B.3.2 Abbreviated terms . 28
B.3.3 Conventions for installation profiles . 28
B.4 Installation planning . 28

B.4.1 General . 28
B.4.2 Planning requirements . 29
B.4.3 Network capabilities . 29
B.4.4 Selection and use of cabling components . 32
B.4.5 Cabling planning documentation . 39
B.4.6 Verification of cabling planning specification . 39
B.5 Installation implementation. 39
B.5.1 General requirements . 39
B.5.2 Cable installation . 39
B.5.3 Connector installation . 40
B.5.4 Terminator installation . 41
B.5.5 Device installation . 41
B.5.6 Coding and labelling . 41
B.5.7 Earthing and bonding of equipment and devices and shield cabling . 41
B.5.8 As-implemented cabling documentation . 41
B.6 Installation verification and installation acceptance test . 42
B.6.1 General . 42
B.6.2 Installation verification . 42
B.6.3 Installation acceptance test . 43
B.7 Installation administration . 43
B.8 Installation maintenance and installation troubleshooting . 43
Annex C (normative) CP 8/4 (CC-Link IE™ Controller Network) specific installation
profile . 44
C.1 Installation profile scope . 44
C.2 Normative references . 44
C.3 Installation profile terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms . 44
C.3.1 Terms and definitions . 44
C.3.2 Abbreviated terms . 44
C.3.3 Conventions for installation profiles . 44
C.4 Installation planning . 44
C.4.1 General . 44
C.4.2 Planning requirements . 44
C.4.3 Network capabilities . 45
C.4.4 Selection and use of cabling components . 46
C.4.5 Cabling planning documentation . 52
C.4.6 Verification of cabling planning specification . 52
C.5 Installation implementation. 52
C.5.1 General requirements . 52
C.5.2 Cable installation . 53
C.5.3 Connector installation . 54
C.5.4 Terminator installation . 54
C.5.5 Device installation . 55
C.5.6 Coding and labelling . 55
C.5.7 Earthing and bonding of equipment and devices and shield cabling . 55
C.5.8 As-implemented cabling documentation . 56
C.6 Installation verification and installation acceptance test . 56
C.6.1 General . 56
C.6.2 Installation verification . 56
C.6.3 Installation acceptance test . 57

– 4 – IEC 61784-5-8:2024 RLV © IEC 2024
C.7 Installation administration . 57
C.8 Installation maintenance and installation troubleshooting . 57
Annex D (normative) CP 8/5 (CC-Link IE™ Field Network) specific installation profile . 58
D.1 Installation profile scope .

IEC 61784-5-8 ®
Edition 3.0 2024-04
Industrial networks – Profiles –
Part 5-8: Installation of fieldbuses – Installation profiles for CPF 8

Réseaux industriels – Profils –
Partie 5-8: Installation des bus de terrain – Profils d'installation pour la CPF 8
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IEC 61784-5-8 ®
Edition 3.0 2024-04
Industrial networks – Profiles –

Part 5-8: Installation of fieldbuses – Installation profiles for CPF 8

Réseaux industriels – Profils –

Partie 5-8: Installation des bus de terrain – Profils d'installation pour la CPF 8

ICS 25.040.40, 35.100.40 ISBN 978-2-8322-8349-3

– 2 – IEC 61784-5-8:2024 © IEC 2024
1 Scope . 10
2 Normative references . 10
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 10
4 CPF 8: Overview of installation profiles . 11
5 Installation profile conventions. 11
6 Conformance to installation profiles . 12
Annex A (normative) CP 8/1 and CP 8/2 (CC-Link™/V1 and CC-Link™/V2) specific
installation profile . 13
A.1 Installation profile scope . 13
A.2 Normative references . 13
A.3 Installation profile terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms . 13
A.3.1 Terms and definitions . 13
A.3.2 Abbreviated terms . 13
A.3.3 Conventions for installation profiles . 13
A.4 Installation planning . 13
A.4.1 General . 13
A.4.2 Planning requirements . 14
A.4.3 Network capabilities . 14
A.4.4 Selection and use of cabling components . 16
A.4.5 Cabling planning documentation . 21
A.4.6 Verification of cabling planning specification . 21
A.5 Installation implementation. 21
A.5.1 General requirements . 21
A.5.2 Cable installation . 22
A.5.3 Connector installation . 23
A.5.4 Terminator installation . 23
A.5.5 Device installation . 24
A.5.6 Coding and labelling . 24
A.5.7 Earthing and bonding of equipment and devices and shield cabling . 24
A.5.8 As-implemented cabling documentation . 24
A.6 Installation verification and installation acceptance test . 25
A.6.1 General . 25
A.6.2 Installation verification . 25
A.6.3 Installation acceptance test . 26
A.7 Installation administration . 26
A.8 Installation maintenance and installation troubleshooting . 26
Annex B (normative) CP 8/3 (CC-Link/LT™) specific installation profile . 27
B.1 Installation profile scope . 27
B.2 Normative references . 27
B.3 Installation profile terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms . 27
B.3.1 Terms and definitions . 27
B.3.2 Abbreviated terms . 27
B.3.3 Conventions for installation profiles . 27
B.4 Installation planning . 27

B.4.1 General . 27
B.4.2 Planning requirements . 28
B.4.3 Network capabilities . 28
B.4.4 Selection and use of cabling components . 31
B.4.5 Cabling planning documentation . 38
B.4.6 Verification of cabling planning specification . 38
B.5 Installation implementation. 38
B.5.1 General requirements . 38
B.5.2 Cable installation . 38
B.5.3 Connector installation . 39
B.5.4 Terminator installation . 40
B.5.5 Device installation . 40
B.5.6 Coding and labelling . 40
B.5.7 Earthing and bonding of equipment and devices and shield cabling . 40
B.5.8 As-implemented cabling documentation . 40
B.6 Installation verification and installation acceptance test . 41
B.6.1 General . 41
B.6.2 Installation verification . 41
B.6.3 Installation acceptance test . 42
B.7 Installation administration . 42
B.8 Installation maintenance and installation troubleshooting . 42
Annex C (normative) CP 8/4 (CC-Link IE™ Controller Network) specific installation
profile . 43
C.1 Installation profile scope . 43
C.2 Normative references . 43
C.3 Installation profile terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms . 43
C.3.1 Terms and definitions . 43
C.3.2 Abbreviated terms . 43
C.3.3 Conventions for installation profi

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