IEC TR 61850-7-6:2024
(Main)Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-6: Guideline for definition of Basic Application Profiles (BAPs) using IEC 61850
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-6: Guideline for definition of Basic Application Profiles (BAPs) using IEC 61850
IEC TR 61850-7-6:2024, which is a Technical Report, is focused on building application / function profiles and specifies a methodology to define Basic Application Profiles (BAPs), in textual documents (edition 1, 2019) or in a machine processable SCL format (current edition). These Basic Application Profiles provide a framework for interoperable interaction within or between typical substation automation functions. BAPs are intended to define a subset of features of IEC 61850 in order to facilitate interoperability in a modular way in practical applications.
It is the intention of this document to provide a common and generic way to describe the functional behavior of a specific application function in the domain of power utility automation systems as a common denominator of various possible interpretations/implementations of using IEC 61850.
The guidelines in this document are based on the functional definitions of:
• IEC 61850-5, Communication requirements for functions and device models, which gives a comprehensive overview of all application functions needed in a state-of-the-art substation automation implementation.
• IEC TR 61850-7-500, Basic information and communication structure – Use of logical nodes for modelling application functions and related concepts and guidelines for substations, which illustrates and explains application functions for the substation/protection domain of Logical Nodes in modelling simple and complex functions, to improve common understanding in modelling and data exchange, and finally to lead to interoperable implementations.
• IEC TR 61850-90-3, Using IEC 61850 for condition monitoring diagnosis and analysis, which gives use cases and data modelling for condition monitoring diagnosis and analysis functions for substation and power grid facilities.
• IEC TR 61850-90-30, IEC 61850 Function Modelling in SCL, which describes extensions of the SCL Substation/Process Section allowing to create a comprehensive, IED and hardware independent specification of an IEC 61850 based power system.
This document does not describe the applications and respective implementation requirements; the focus is on their typical information exchange including data and communication services and engineering conventions.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2019. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) New Clause 5 added to describe the way to express Basic Application Profile in SCL files;
b) New Annex F and Annex G added to list specific use cases and roles of the Concept Definition Tool.
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IEC TR 61850-7-6 ®
Edition 2.0 2024-12
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 7-6: Guideline for definition of Basic Application Profiles (BAPs) using
IEC 61850
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IEC TR 61850-7-6 ®
Edition 2.0 2024-12
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 7-6: Guideline for definition of Basic Application Profiles (BAPs) using
IEC 61850
ICS 33.200 ISBN 978-2-8327-0059-4
– 2 – IEC TR 61850-7-6:2024 © IEC 2024
1 Scope . 13
1.1 General . 13
1.2 Published versions of the standard and related namespace names . 13
1.3 Identification of the code components . 14
1.3.1 General . 14
1.3.2 IEC 61850-6-100 XML namespace . 14
1.3.3 IEC 61850-7-6 ASD example . 14
1.4 Code Component distribution . 15
1.4.1 General . 15
1.4.2 SCL extension namespace code component . 15
1.4.3 ASD example code component . 15
2 Normative references . 16
3 Terms and definitions . 16
4 Methodology for profiling . 18
4.1 General . 18
4.2 IEC 61850 profiling concept . 19
4.2.1 General . 19
4.2.2 IEC 61850 profile definition . 20
4.3 Basic Application Profiles (BAPs) . 21
4.4 Basic Application Interoperability Profiles (BAIOPs) . 23
4.5 Process from a use case to interoperability on SGAM function layer . 25
4.6 Managing profiles . 26
4.7 Implementation of BAPs in real projects . 26
5 Requirements to describe machine-processable BAP . 27
5.1 General purpose . 27
5.2 High-level needs to address . 28
5.2.1 Elements to be described in a SCL BAP . 28
5.2.2 Use cases illustration. 30
5.2.3 Requirements for the engineering process using BAP . 31
5.2.4 Requirements regarding conformance of files . 31
6 Methodology to describe BAP in SCL . 31
6.1 SCL extensions . 31
6.1.1 General . 31
6.1.2 Cardinality . 31
6.1.3 Application . 33
6.1.4 AllocationRoleRef . 34
6.1.5 Functional variants . 35
6.1.6 Function Roles . 38
6.1.7 Function Reference . 40
6.1.8 Variable reference . 43
6.1.9 Behavior description reference . 44
6.1.10 Process resource reference . 46
6.1.11 Power system relation reference . 46
6.1.12 Function category reference . 47
6.1.13 Interaction between the different elements of a BAP template. 48
6.2 Engineering process . 48
6.2.1 Introducing the .ASD file extension . 48
6.2.2 Structure of an ASD . 48
6.2.3 BAP templates: process and tools . 49
6.2.4 Instantiating a BAP application template . 52
6.2.5 Actions to perform during the instantiation process . 52
6.2.6 Validation of a machine processable BAP . 55
6.2.7 Requirements for CDT to deal with namespace conflicts between
templates and instances . 56
6.2.8 Use of SCL UUID elements for traceability. 56
6.2.9 Editing an existing system with new or modified applications . 57
Annex A (informative) Example for BAP of distributed automation function "reverse
blocking" using BAP template . 59
A.1 Functional description . 59
A.2 Description of use case and associated roles/actors . 61
A.2.1 List of roles / actors . 61
A.2.2 Use case . 61
A.2.3 Sequence diagram of typical interactions . 62
A.3 Logical architecture . 63
A.4 Example of SCL BAP representation . 63
A.5 Allocation variants (conditional) . 65
A.6 Functional variants . 65
A.6.1 Core functional variants . 65
A.6.2 Noncore functional variants . 65
A.7 Performance requirements . 65
A.7.1 Functional related . 65
A.7.2 Service related . 66
A.8 Description of data model per actor . 66
A.8.1 General . 66
A.8.2 PTOC for blocked function (infeed bay) . 66
A.8.3 PTOC for blocking function 1 to n (outflow bay(s)) . 68
A.8.4 Monitoring . 69
A.9 Communication services . 69
A.10 Device related requirements (conditional) – Test behavior . 70
A.11 Naming rules . 70
A.12 Capabilities for testing . 70
Annex B (informative) Example for BAP of "condition monitoring diagnosis functions of
on-load tap changer" using BAP template . 71
B.1 Functional description . 71
B.2 Description of use case and associated roles/actors . 73
B.2.1 List of roles / actors . 73
B.2.2 Use case . 74
B.2.3 Sequence diagram of typical interactions . 75
B.3 Logical Architecture . 78
B.3.1 Overview . 78
B.3.2 Monitoring operation property . 79
B.3.3 Monitoring operation counts . 79
B.3.4 Monitoring contact abrasion . 80
– 4 – IEC TR 61850-7-6:2024 © IEC 2024
B.3.5 Monitoring LTC oil temperature and flow . 80
B.3.6 Monitoring operation of oil filter unit . 81
B.4 Allocation variants (conditional) .
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