Hydraulic fluid power — Hose and hose assemblies — Method of collecting a fluid sample for analyzing the cleanliness of a hose or hose assembly

ISO/TS 18409:2018 specifies two methods for collecting a fluid sample to be used to analyse the cleanliness of hydraulic fluid power hoses or hose assemblies within a certain inside diameter and length range (this range includes the majority of hose assemblies of real fluid power applications). The two methods described in this document are intended for collecting only solid particulate contamination; they may not be appropriate for collecting contamination in liquid or grease form. ISO/TS 18409:2018 is a specific application of ISO 18413:2015, specifically Annexes A and B. The scope of ISO/TS 18409:2018 does not include providing efficient and effective cleaning methods for hose assemblies. These methods are recommended for statistical validation of other hose cleaning methods, which are more suitable for systematic processing of large production batches. Contamination analysis is excluded from the scope of this document.

Transmissions hydrauliques — Flexibles et flexibles de raccordement — Méthode de collecte d'échantillon de fluide pour l'évaluation de la propreté de flexibles ou flexibles de raccordement

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ISO/TS 18409:2018 - Hydraulic fluid power -- Hose and hose assemblies -- Method of collecting a fluid sample for analyzing the cleanliness of a hose or hose assembly
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Standards Content (Sample)

First edition
Hydraulic fluid power — Hose
and hose assemblies — Method of
collecting a fluid sample for analyzing
the cleanliness of a hose or hose
Transmissions hydrauliques — Flexibles et flexibles de raccordement
— Méthode de collecte d'échantillon de fluide pour l'évaluation de la
propreté de flexibles ou flexibles de raccordement
Reference number
ISO 2018
© ISO 2018
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Test equipment. 2
5 Contaminant collection methods . 3
5.1 General . 3
5.2 Procedure for collecting a sample using the agitation (“slosh”) method . 4
5.3 Procedure for collecting a sample using the quick rinse method . 5
6 Identification statement (reference to this document) . 6
Annex A (informative) Choice of the contaminant collection method . 7
Annex B (normative) Determination of the controlled volume and controlled surface.8
Annex C (normative) Agitation (slosh) method — Instructions on filling and rotating the
test item, and collecting the test liquid . 9
Annex D (normative) Requirements for the dispensing system for quick rinse method .11
Bibliography .13
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 131, Fluid power systems, Subcommittee
SC 4, Connectors and similar products and components.
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In hydraulic fluid power systems, power is transmitted and controlled through a pressurized liquid
within a circuit where piping allows the fluid to flow between components. Part of the piping may
consist of hose assemblies, usually manufactured by assembling a length of hose, cut out from a hose
coil, with specific connectors at its ends.
One of the functions of the hydraulic liquid in a system is to separate and lubricate the moving parts
of components. The presence of solid particles produces wear, resulting in loss of efficiency, reduced
component life and subsequent unreliability. Thus, hydraulic liquid cleanliness is very important for the
system’s uninterrupted operation and long life.
The amount of solid contamination present in a hydraulic system at start-up has a great influence on
reliability during initial operation and subsequent component life. Components should be cleaned to an
appropriate level after manufacturing and prior to use.
Hose assemblies are potential sources of contamination because of the bulk hose manufacturing
processes, which can be intrinsically dirty, and because of other contaminants coming from assembly
operations (hose cutting, dirty connectors, etc.) and/or storage.
It may be required to assess the actual built-in solid contamination of hose assemblies before installation
(e.g. ISO 4413: 2010,, in general requirements for piping).
Hydraulic fluid power — Hose and hose assemblies —
Method of collecting a fluid sample for analyzing the
cleanliness of a hose or hose assembly
1 Scope
This document specifies two methods for collecting a fluid sample to be used to analyse the cleanliness
of hydraulic fluid power hoses or hose assemblies within a certain inside diameter and length range
(this range includes the majority of hose assemblies of real fluid power applications).
The two methods described in this document are intended for collecting only solid particulate
contamination; they may not be appropriate for collecting contamination in liquid or grease form.
This document is a specific application of ISO 18413:2015, specifically Annexes A and B.
The scope of this document does not include providing efficient and effective cleaning methods for hose
assemblies. These methods are recommended for statistical validation of other hose cleaning methods,
which are more suitable for systematic processing of large production batches.
Contamination analysis is excluded from the scope of this document.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3722, Hydraulic fluid power — Fluid sample containers — Qualifying and controlling cleaning methods
ISO 4405, Hydraulic fluid power — Fluid contamination — Determination of particulate contamination by
the gravimetric method
ISO 4406, Hydraulic fluid power — Fluids — Method for coding the level of contamination by solid particles
ISO 4407, Hydraulic fluid power — Fluid contamination — Determination of particulate contamination by
the counting method using an optical microscope
ISO 4788, Laboratory glassware — Graduated measuring cylinders
ISO 5598, Fluid power systems and components — Vocabulary
ISO 11500, Hydraulic fluid power — Determination of the particulate contamination level of a liquid sample
by automatic particle counting using the light-extinction principle
ISO 18413, Hydraulic fluid power — Cleanliness of components — Inspection document and principles
related to contaminant extraction and analysis, and data reporting
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 5598 and ISO 18413 and the
following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
hose cleanliness level
hose assembly cleanliness level
cleanliness level of a hydraulic fluid power hose or hose assembly with regards to solid particulate
Note 1 to entry: This may consist of a set of numbers of contaminant particles per 100 ml in each particle size
class of interest or any other cleanliness level code agreed upon.
loose or detachable solid material present in a hose or hose assembly or on a wetted surface of a hose or
hose assembly
controlled surface
wetted surface of a part or component that is subject to a cleanliness requirement
Note 1 to entry: For the purposes of this document, A represents the nominal surface area of the test item that is
exposed to system liquid.
controlled volume
volume of a part or component that is subject to a cleanliness requirement
Note 1 to entry: For the purposes of this document, V represents the nominal internal volume of the test item
that the system liquid will occupy during normal end use.
external surfaces
those surfaces that will not be in contact with the system liquid during normal operation of the hose
nominal inside diameter
nominal inside diameter of the hose
Note 1 to entry: This is to be considered a dimensional quantity for calculation purposes in accordance with
Annex B.
nominal length of the test item
nominal length of the hose or hose assembly whose cleanliness shall be analysed
Note 1 to entry: This is to be considered a dimensional quantity for calculation purposes in accordance with
Annex B.
4 Test equipment
4.1 Sample containers, cleaned, qualified, and controlled as appropriate for purpose. ISO 3722
provides an acceptable method of qualification and control.
2 © ISO 2018 – All rights reserved

4.2 Graduated cylinders or beakers, as required, conforming to ISO 4788 and cleaned, qualified,
and controlled as appropriate for purpose. ISO 3722 provides an acceptable method of qualification and
4.3 Caps or plugs, as required to seal test items; these shall be leak-free and properly rinsed or flushed
and shall not increase the measured contamination of the test item.
4.4 Test liquid, with the following characteristics:
a) It shall be compatible with all materials used in the test item, as well as with the working liquid of
the final system. It should also be compatible with the test equipment, including seals and filters.
b) It shall have a viscosity of ≤5 mm /s at the test temperature.
c) It shall have a contamination level sufficiently low to minimize its contribution to the total
measured test item’s contamination. If different specifications are not agreed upon between the
involved parties, the test liquid contamination level is sufficiently low when the contaminant
present in a test liquid volume equal to V is less than 10 % of the SCL, in each size class. When the
SCL. is not specified, test liquid contamination shall not exceed in any size range the limit number
of particles per 100 ml given in Table 1 (limits are cumulative: all particles over the given size are
Table 1 — Default limits of cumulative numbers of particles of specific sizes
Particle size
[μm (c)]
> 6 > 14 > 21 > 38 > 70
number of
9 730 1 730 306 53 8
particles per
100 ml
WARNING — Test liquid might be a solvent (for example, petroleum ether) with a low flash
point. In this case, exercise care as there could be a risk of explosion. Appropriate precautions
should be taken to avoid inhalation of fumes from these solvents. Always use suitable protective
equipment and applicable health and safety recommendations.
4.5 Test liquid dispensing system, a simple, low-pressure hydraulic system for detaching
contaminants from the test item with the quick

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