ISO 5667-17:2008
(Main)Water quality — Sampling — Part 17: Guidance on sampling of bulk suspended solids
Water quality — Sampling — Part 17: Guidance on sampling of bulk suspended solids
ISO 5667-17:2008 is applicable to the sampling of suspended solids for the purpose of monitoring and investigating freshwater quality, and more particularly to flowing freshwater systems such as rivers and streams. Certain elements of ISO 5667-17:2008 can be applied to freshwater lakes, reservoirs, and impoundments; however, field sampling programmes can differ and are not necessarily covered here.
Qualité de l'eau — Échantillonnage — Partie 17: Lignes directrices pour l'échantillonnage des matières solides en suspension
Kakovost vode - Vzorčenje - 17. del: Navodilo za vzorčenje suspendiranih usedlin
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
SIST ISO 5667-17:2001
Water quality - Sampling - Part 17: Guidance on sampling of bulk suspended solids
Qualité de l'eau - Échantillonnage - Partie 17: Lignes directrices pour l'échantillonnage
des matières solides en suspension
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 5667-17:2008
13.060.45 Preiskava vode na splošno Examination of water in
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
STANDARD 5667-17
Second edition
Water quality — Sampling —
Part 17:
Guidance on sampling of bulk suspended
Qualité de l'eau — Échantillonnage —
Partie 17: Lignes directrices pour l'échantillonnage des matières solides
en suspension
Reference number
ISO 2008
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© ISO 2008
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or
ISO's member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 1
4 Strategies and goals of sampling suspended solids. 2
4.1 Sampling programme and sampling plan . 2
4.2 The dependency of the content of suspended solids on discharge . 2
4.3 Sampling frequency, duration, and timing. 3
4.4 Sampling points . 3
5 Sampling equipment. 4
5.1 General. 4
5.2 Passive samplers. 4
5.3 Bag sampler . 4
5.4 Bulk samplers . 4
6 Methods for sampling suspended solids.5
6.1 General. 5
6.2 Centrifuging methods. 5
6.3 Settling methods. 8
6.4 Filtration methods. 11
6.5 Tangential-flow filtration . 12
6.6 Pumping requirements. 13
7 On site measurements . 14
8 Post collection sample handling and analysis . 15
8.1 General. 15
8.2 Identification of samples. 15
8.3 Sampling record. 15
8.4 Preservation . 15
8.5 Transport of samples . 16
9 Quality assurance of field samples. 16
9.1 General. 16
9.2 Quality assurance specific to centrifuges .16
9.3 Suspended solids characterisation . 17
10 Interpretation of data. 17
10.1 General. 17
10.2 Variability in time . 17
10.3 Variability in space . 18
10.4 Implications for data interpretation . 18
10.5 Field methods for reducing uncertainty. 18
11 Safety precautions. 19
Annex A (informative) Information on suspended solids and their sampling . 20
Annex B (informative) Description of sampling devices. 22
Bibliography . 27
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 5667-17 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 147, Water quality, Subcommittee SC 6,
Sampling (general methods).
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 5667-17:2000), which has been technically
ISO 5667 consists of the following parts, under the general title Water quality — Sampling:
⎯ Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes and sampling techniques
⎯ Part 3: Guidance on the preservation and handling of water samples
⎯ Part 4: Guidance on sampling from lakes, natural and man-made
⎯ Part 5: Guidance on sampling of drinking water from treatment works and piped distribution systems
⎯ Part 6: Guidance on sampling of rivers and streams
⎯ Part 7: Guidance on sampling of water and steam in boiler plants
⎯ Part 8: Guidance on the sampling of wet deposition
⎯ Part 9: Guidance on sampling from marine waters
⎯ Part 10: Guidance on sampling of waste waters
⎯ Part 11: Guidance on sampling of groundwaters
⎯ Part 12: Guidance on sampling of bottom sediments
⎯ Part 13: Guidance on sampling of sludges from sewage and water treatment works
⎯ Part 14: Guidance on quality assurance of environmental water sampling and handling
⎯ Part 15: Guidance on preservation and handling of sludge and sediment samples
iv © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved
⎯ Part 16: Guidance on biotesting of samples
⎯ Part 17: Guidance on sampling of bulk suspended solids
⎯ Part 18: Guidance on sampling of groundwater at contaminated sites
⎯ Part 19: Guidance on sampling of marine sediments
⎯ Part 20: Guidance on the use of sampling data for decision making — Compliance with thresholds and
classification systems
The following parts are under preparation:
⎯ Part 21: Guidance on sampling of drinking water distributed by tankers or means other than distribution
⎯ Part 22: Guidance on design and installation of groundwater sample points
⎯ Part 23: Determination of significant pollutants in surface waters using passive sampling
This part of ISO 5667 reflects the important role of suspended solids in flowing water, especially of the silt plus
clay (< 63 µm) component and associated carbon, as a transport medium for nutrients (especially
phosphorus), trace metals, and certain classes of organic compounds (see Clause A.1).
Although analysis of suspended solids has been carried out for many years, there are no standard methods
for field sampling of suspended solids for water quality purposes (i.e. for physical, chemical, biological and/or
toxicological characterisation). While standard methods exist for sampling of water for sedimentological
[1] [2] [3]
purposes (see ISO 5667-1 , ISO 5667-4 and ISO 5667-6 ), these are often not appropriate for the
chemical analysis of suspended solids due to contamination from the sampler itself and to a lack of sufficient
sample volume for reliable chemical analysis. Often, indirect methods of assessing the chemical contribution
of the solid fraction (e.g. method of differences, see Clause A.3) provide erroneous results (see Clause A.2)
due to problems caused during the filtration process and through the manipulation of analytical results to
determine the concentrations of chemical analytes in the particulate phase (see Clauses A.2 and A.3).
Because of the lack of standards for sampling of suspended solids for water quality purposes and the
improbability of achieving complete standardisation because of differences in the objectives of water quality
programmes and the lack of standard apparatus, this part of ISO 5667 provides guidance to the various
sampling procedures, their biases, and alternatives. This part of ISO 5667 excludes sampling protocols that
apply to conventional water sampling. Field and laboratory filtration procedures that are conventionally used to
measure the quantity of suspended solids are also excluded. Any reference to these methods is solely for the
purpose of demonstrating their profound limitations for suspended solids quality purposes.
The objectives of a water
STANDARD 5667-17
Second edition
Water quality — Sampling —
Part 17:
Guidance on sampling of bulk suspended
Qualité de l'eau — Échantillonnage —
Partie 17: Lignes directrices pour l'échantillonnage des matières solides
en suspension
Reference number
ISO 2008
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Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation
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© ISO 2008
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or
ISO's member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 1
4 Strategies and goals of sampling suspended solids. 2
4.1 Sampling programme and sampling plan . 2
4.2 The dependency of the content of suspended solids on discharge . 2
4.3 Sampling frequency, duration, and timing. 3
4.4 Sampling points . 3
5 Sampling equipment. 4
5.1 General. 4
5.2 Passive samplers. 4
5.3 Bag sampler . 4
5.4 Bulk samplers . 4
6 Methods for sampling suspended solids.5
6.1 General. 5
6.2 Centrifuging methods. 5
6.3 Settling methods. 8
6.4 Filtration methods. 11
6.5 Tangential-flow filtration . 12
6.6 Pumping requirements. 13
7 On site measurements . 14
8 Post collection sample handling and analysis . 15
8.1 General. 15
8.2 Identification of samples. 15
8.3 Sampling record. 15
8.4 Preservation . 15
8.5 Transport of samples . 16
9 Quality assurance of field samples. 16
9.1 General. 16
9.2 Quality assurance specific to centrifuges .16
9.3 Suspended solids characterisation . 17
10 Interpretation of data. 17
10.1 General. 17
10.2 Variability in time . 17
10.3 Variability in space . 18
10.4 Implications for data interpretation . 18
10.5 Field methods for reducing uncertainty. 18
11 Safety precautions. 19
Annex A (informative) Information on suspended solids and their sampling . 20
Annex B (informative) Description of sampling devices. 22
Bibliography . 27
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 5667-17 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 147, Water quality, Subcommittee SC 6,
Sampling (general methods).
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 5667-17:2000), which has been technically
ISO 5667 consists of the following parts, under the general title Water quality — Sampling:
⎯ Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes and sampling techniques
⎯ Part 3: Guidance on the preservation and handling of water samples
⎯ Part 4: Guidance on sampling from lakes, natural and man-made
⎯ Part 5: Guidance on sampling of drinking water from treatment works and piped distribution systems
⎯ Part 6: Guidance on sampling of rivers and streams
⎯ Part 7: Guidance on sampling of water and steam in boiler plants
⎯ Part 8: Guidance on the sampling of wet deposition
⎯ Part 9: Guidance on sampling from marine waters
⎯ Part 10: Guidance on sampling of waste waters
⎯ Part 11: Guidance on sampling of groundwaters
⎯ Part 12: Guidance on sampling of bottom sediments
⎯ Part 13: Guidance on sampling of sludges from sewage and water treatment works
⎯ Part 14: Guidance on quality assurance of environmental water sampling and handling
⎯ Part 15: Guidance on preservation and handling of sludge and sediment samples
iv © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved
⎯ Part 16: Guidance on biotesting of samples
⎯ Part 17: Guidance on sampling of bulk suspended solids
⎯ Part 18: Guidance on sampling of groundwater at contaminated sites
⎯ Part 19: Guidance on sampling of marine sediments
⎯ Part 20: Guidance on the use of sampling data for decision making — Compliance with thresholds and
classification systems
The following parts are under preparation:
⎯ Part 21: Guidance on sampling of drinking water distributed by tankers or means other than distribution
⎯ Part 22: Guidance on design and installation of groundwater sample points
⎯ Part 23: Determination of significant pollutants in surface waters using passive sampling
This part of ISO 5667 reflects the important role of suspended solids in flowing water, especially of the silt plus
clay (< 63 µm) component and associated carbon, as a transport medium for nutrients (especially
phosphorus), trace metals, and certain classes of organic compounds (see Clause A.1).
Although analysis of suspended solids has been carried out for many years, there are no standard methods
for field sampling of suspended solids for water quality purposes (i.e. for physical, chemical, biological and/or
toxicological characterisation). While standard methods exist for sampling of water for sedimentological
[1] [2] [3]
purposes (see ISO 5667-1 , ISO 5667-4 and ISO 5667-6 ), these are often not appropriate for the
chemical analysis of suspended solids due to contamination from the sampler itself and to a lack of sufficient
sample volume for reliable chemical analysis. Often, indirect methods of assessing the chemical contribution
of the solid fraction (e.g. method of differences, see Clause A.3) provide erroneous results (see Clause A.2)
due to problems caused during the filtration process and through the manipulation of analytical results to
determine the concentrations of chemical analytes in the particulate phase (see Clauses A.2 and A.3).
Because of the lack of standards for sampling of suspended solids for water quality purposes and the
improbability of achieving complete standardisation because of differences in the objectives of water quality
programmes and the lack of standard apparatus, this part of ISO 5667 provides guidance to the various
sampling procedures, their biases, and alternatives. This part of ISO 5667 excludes sampling protocols that
apply to conventional water sampling. Field and laboratory filtration procedures that are conventionally used to
measure the quantity of suspended solids are also excluded. Any reference to these methods is solely for the
purpose of demonstrating their profound limitations for suspended solids quality purposes.
The objectives of a water quality programme will dictate the size of sample required and therefore the type of
apparatus to be used. Generally, however, the analysis of physical, chemical, biological, and toxicological
properties can require samples of mass measurable in grams to hundreds of grams to be collected,
depending on the analysis to be undertaken. Examples of programme objectives that require bulk collection of
suspended solids include:
⎯ ambient monitoring for water quality assessment, control or regulation;
⎯ in-river monitoring of effluents for regulatory or control purposes, especially for chemical and toxicological
⎯ research into water quality, including physico-chemical processes that affect the pathways, fate, and
effects of suspended solids, and their associated nutrient and contaminant chemistry;
⎯ recovery of suspended solids for purposes of physical analysis, including particle size, organic conte
СТАНДАРТ 5667-17
Второе издание
Качество воды. Отбор проб.
Часть 17.
Руководство по отбору валовых проб
взвешенных твердых частиц
Water quality — Sampling —
Part 17: Guidance on sampling of bulk suspended solids
Ответственность за подготовку русской версии несёт GOST R
(Российская Федерация) в соответствии со статьёй 18.1 Устава ISO
Ссылочный номер
ISO 2008
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ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Опубликовано в Швейцарии
ii © ISO 2008 – Все права сохраняются
Содержание Страница
Предисловие .iv
Введение .vi
1 Область применения .1
2 Нормативные ссылки .1
3 Термины и определения .1
4 Стратегии и цели отбора проб взвешенных твердых частиц .2
4.1 Программа и план отбора проб .2
4.2 Зависимость содержания взвешенных твердых частиц от расхода .2
4.3 Частота, продолжительность и расчет времени для отбора проб .3
4.4 Места отбора проб .3
5 Оборудование для отбора проб.4
5.1 Общие положения .4
5.2 Пассивные пробоотборники .4
5.3 Мешочные пробоотборники.4
5.4 Валовые пробоотборники .4
6 Методы отбора проб взвешенных твердых частиц .5
6.1 Общие положения .5
6.2 Методы центрифугирования.5
6.3 Методы осаждения.9
6.4 Методы фильтрования .11
6.5 Фильтрование посредством тангенциального потока .13
6.6. Требования к накачиванию .14
7 Измерения на месте .15
8 Обработка и анализ проб после сбора .16
8.1 Общие положения .16
8.2 Идентификация проб .16
8.3 Протокол отбора проб.16
8.4 Консервация .17
8.5 Транспортировка проб .17
9 Гарантия качества полевых проб .18
9.1 Общие положения .18
9.2 Гарантия качества, специфическая для центрифуг .18
9.3 Характеристика взвешенных твердых частиц .19
10 Интерпретация данных .19
10.1 Общие положения .19
10.2 Изменчивость во времени.19
10.2 Изменчивость в пространстве.19
10.4 Выводы для интерпретации данных .20
10.5 Полевые методы для уменьшения неопределенности.20
11 Меры предосторожности .20
Приложение А (информативное) Информация о взвешенных твердых частицах и отборе их
Приложение В (информативное) Описание пробоотборников.24
Международная организация по стандартизации (ISO) является всемирной федерацией национальных
организаций по стандартизации (комитетов-членов ISO). Разработка международных стандартов
обычно осуществляется техническими комитетами ISO. Каждый комитет-член, заинтересованный в
деятельности, для которой был создан технический комитет, имеет право быть представленным в этом
комитете. Международные правительственные и неправительственные организации, имеющие связи с
ISO, также принимают участие в работах. ISO осуществляет тесное сотрудничество с международной
электротехнической комиссией (IEC) по всем вопросам стандартизации в области электротехники.
Проекты международных стандартов разрабатываются по правилам, указанным в Директивах ISO/IEC,
Часть 2.
Главная задача технических комитетов состоит в разработке международных стандартов. Проекты
международных стандартов, принятые техническими комитетами, рассылаются комитетам-членам на
голосование. Их опубликование в качестве международных стандартов требует одобрения, по
меньшей мере, 75 % комитетов-членов, принимающих участие в голосовании.
Обращается внимание на возможность патентования некоторых элементов данного международного
стандарта. ISO не несет ответственности за идентификацию какого-либо или всех таких патентных
ISO 5667-17 был подготовлен Техническим комитетом ISO/TC 147, Качество воды, Подкомитетом SC 6,
Отбор проб (общие методы).
Это второе издание отменяет и заменяет первое издание (ISO 5667-17:2000), которое технически
ISO 5667 состоит из следующих частей под общим заглавием Качество воды. Отбор проб:
⎯ Часть 1. Качество воды. Отбор проб. Часть 1. Руководство по составлению программ и
методикам отбора проб
⎯ Часть 3. Руководство по хранению и обращению с пробами воды
⎯ Часть 4. Руководство по отбору проб из естественных и искусственных озер
⎯ Часть 5. Руководство по отбору проб питьевой воды из очистных сооружений и
трубопроводных распределительных систем
⎯ Часть 6. Руководство по отбору проб из рек и потоков
⎯ Часть 7. Руководство по отбору проб воды и пара из котельных установок
⎯ Часть 8. Руководство по отбору проб влажных осаждений
⎯ Часть 9. Руководство по отбору проб морской воды
⎯ Часть 10. Руководство по отбору проб из сточных вод
⎯ Часть 11. Руководство по отбору проб грунтовых вод
⎯ Часть 12. Руководство по отбору проб из донных отложений
iv © ISO 2008 – Все права сохраняются
⎯ Часть 13. Рекомендации по отбору проб шлама сточных вод и на сооружениях водоочистки
⎯ Часть 14. Руководство по обеспечению качества при отборе проб природных вод и обращении
с ними
⎯ Часть 15. Руководство по консервированию и обработке проб осадка и отложений
⎯ Часть 16. Руководство по биотестированию проб
⎯ Часть 17. Руководство по отбору валовых проб взвешенных твердых частиц
⎯ Часть 18. Руководство по отбору проб подземных вод на загрязненных участках
⎯ Часть 19. Руководство по отбору проб в морских отложениях
⎯ Часть 20. Руководство по использованию данных об образцах для принятия решения.
Соответствие с пороговыми и классификационными системами
Следующие части находятся в стадии разработки:
⎯ Часть 21. Руководство по отбору проб питьевой воды, распределяемой цистернами или
другими средствами, кроме водопроводных труб
⎯ Часть 22. Руководство по проектированию и размещению мест для отбор проб подземных вод
⎯ Часть 23. Определение значительных загрязнений в поверхностных водах методом пассивного
отбора проб
В этой части ISO 5667 показана важная роль взвешенных твердых частиц в проточной воде, особенно
совокупного компонента из ила с глиной (< 63 мкм), связанного углерода в качестве транспортной
среды для нутриентов (особенно фосфора), следов металлов и некоторых классов органических
веществ (см. Раздел A.1).
Хотя анализ взвешенных твердых частиц проводится уже в течение многих лет, нет стандартных
методов отбора проб взвешенных твердых частиц в полевых условиях для исследования качества
воды (т.е. для физического, химического, биологического и/или токсикологического описания). Хотя
существуют стандартные методы отбора проб воды для седиментологических целей (см. ISO 5667-1 ,
[2] [3]
ISO 5667-4 и ISO 5667-6 ), они часто не годятся для химического анализа взвешенных твердых
частиц из-за загрязнения самого пробоотборника и из-за отсутствия достаточного объема пробы для
достоверного химического анализа. Часто косвенные методы оценки химического вклада твердых
частиц (например, метод разностей, см. Раздел A.3) дают ошибочные результаты (см. Раздел A.2) из-
за проблем, возникающих во время процесса фильтрования и при обработке аналитических
результатов для определения концентраций химических веществ в дисперсной фазе (см. Разделы A.2
и A.3). Из-за отсутствия стандартов на отбор проб взвешенных твердых частиц для исследования
качества воды, из-за невозможности достижения полной стандартизации в связи с различием в целях
программ качества воды и из-за отсутствия стандартного оборудования эта часть ISO 5667 дает
руководство для разных процедур отбора проб, представляет их систематические ошибки и
альтернативы. В этой части ISO 5667 исключаются протоколы отбора проб, которые относятся к
общепринятому отбору проб воды. Полевые и лабораторные процедуры фильтрования, которые
обычно используются для измерения количества взвешенных твердых частиц, также исключаются.
Любая ссылка на эти методы дается только в целях демонстрации их абсолютной ограниченности для
исследования качества взвешенных твердых частиц.
Цели программы качества воды определяют размер требуемой пробы и, следовательно, тип
применяемого оборудования. Обычно, однако, для анализа физических, химических, биологических и
токсикологических свойств могут потребоваться пробы, масса которых измеряется от нескольких
граммов до сотен граммов, в зависимости от предпринимаемого анализа. Примеры целей программы,
которые требуют валовой сбор взвешенных твердых частиц, включают:
⎯ мониторинг окружающей среды для оценки, контроля или регулирования качества воды;
⎯ мониторинг речных вод для регулирования или контроля, особенно в отношении химических и
токсикологических свойс
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