Optics and photonics — Effective numerical aperture of laser lenses — Definition and verification procedure

This document covers terms, definitions, and a verification procedure to characterize the ability of laser lenses to collimate divergent laser beams and to focus collimated laser to small spot sizes. The aim of this document is to give users reliable information on the applicability of laser lenses in the field of beam forming.

Optique et photonique — Ouverture numérique efficace des lentilles laser — Définition et procédure de vérification

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ISO/TS 22247:2022 - Optics and photonics — Effective numerical aperture of laser lenses — Definition and verification procedure Released:4/27/2022
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First edition
Optics and photonics — Effective
numerical aperture of laser lenses —
Definition and verification procedure
Optique et photonique — Ouverture numérique efficace des lentilles
laser — Définition et procédure de vérification
Reference number
© ISO 2022
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Coordinate systems.4
5 Short description of the verification procedure . 4
6 Permitted beam sources. 5
7 Measurement of the beam propagation ratio of the initial probe laser beam (before
collimation) .5
8 Measurement of the divergence angle of the initial laser beam (before collimation) .5
9 Verification of the effective numerical aperture of rotational symmetric laser
lenses based on the beam propagation ratio . 6
10 Verification of the effective numerical aperture of rotational symmetric laser
lenses based on the residual divergence. 9
11 Verification of the effective numerical aperture of cylindrical laser lenses .11
12 Long cylindrical laser lenses.13
12.1 General .13
12.2 Sequential procedure .13
12.3 Parallel procedure . 14
13 Test report .16
13.1 General information. 16
13.2 Test lens . 16
13.3 Probe laser . 16
13.4 Measurement . 16
13.5 Measurement results . 16
13.5.1 “Beam propagation ratio” method. 16
13.5.2 “Residual divergence” method . 17
13.6 Lower limit for effective numerical aperture . 17
Bibliography .18
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Lenses are used in the field of laser beam forming, typically for collimation of divergent radiation or
for focusing collimated radiation to obtain very small spots. A distinction is made between rotational
symmetric lenses on one hand and cylindrical lenses, which provide optical power only in one direction,
on the other hand.
Two crucial quality characteristics can be defined for such lenses: the trivial demand that the lenses
should not clip the laser beam during propagation and the more sophisticated requirement, that they
should not significantly increase the beam propagation factor of a traversing beam.
If the divergence angle of the beam before or after the lens is large, the geometric form of the surfaces
of the lens needs to be carefully designed to an aspherical or acylindrical form to fulfill the second
requirement. The desired form of the surfaces depends on the intended use of the lens and the
wavelength of the laser radiation.
In fabrication and application of such lenses the following problems may arise, even in combination:
— in fabrication of the lens the optimum surface form has not been reproduced;
— the lens is applied to a laser beam with a different wavelength than the design wavelength.
Non-well designed or non-well produced lenses or lenses applied to beams with wavelength for which
the lens has not been designed may still be useful as long as the involved divergence angles are small
To account for this, an effective numerical aperture is defined here as the sine of half of the maximum
divergence angle a laser beam may have before the lens, when it collimates the beam, or after the lens,
when it focuses the beam, to ensure that the aberrations introduced by the lens to the beam at the given
wavelength is acceptable.
This definition is in close relationship to ISO 11146-1, which is important in the field of laser beam
characterization. It provides the decisive parameter in the field of laser beam forming. Furthermore,
it is related to a fairly simple verification procedure, which can be applied by manufacturers of laser
lenses as well as users with acceptable effort.
Optics and photonics — Effective numerical aperture of
laser lenses — Definition and verification procedure
1 Scope
This document covers terms, definitions, and a verification procedure to characterize the ability of
laser lenses to collimate divergent laser beams and to focus collimated laser to small spot sizes. The
aim of this document is to give users reliable information on the applicability of laser lenses in the field
of beam forming.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 11146-1, Lasers and laser-related equipment — Test methods for laser beam widths, divergence angles
and beam propagation ratios — Part 1: Stigmatic and simple astigmatic beams
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
NOTE Within this document, the terms power density and energy density are used in units of areal densities.
According to the common understanding in the fields of optics, photonics and laser technology, the term power
density is generally perceived in unit of areal density. In this document, the term energy density also follows this
specification. In text books, this power density is also denoted as irradiance and this energy density as fluence.
beam diameter
d (z)
diameter of a circular aperture in a plane perpendicular to the beam axis
that contains u % of the total beam power (energy)
Note 1 to entry: For clarity, the term “beam diameter” is always used in combination with the symbol and its
appropriate subscript: d or d .
u σ
[SOURCE: ISO 11145:2018, 3.3.1]
beam diameter
d (z)
diameter defined by using the second
moment of the power (energy) density distribution function
dz()= 22σ ()z
where the second moment of the power density distribution function E(x, y, z) of the beam z is given by
xx− ()zy+− yz() ⋅Ex(),,yz ⋅ddxy
() ()
σ ()z =
Ex(),,yz ⋅ddxy
where the first moments give the coordinates of the beam centroid xz() , yz()
Note 1 to entry: For clarity, the term “beam diameter” is always used in combination with the symbol and its
appropriate subscript: d or d
u σ.
[SOURCE: ISO 11145:2018, 3.3.2]
beam widths
d (z), d (z)
x,u y,u
width of the smallest slit aligned with the x or y transverse axes of
the power (energy) density distribution function, transmitting u % of the total beam power (energy)
along x or y
Note 1 to entry: For circular Gaussian beams, d and d both equal d .
x,95,4 y,95,4 86,5
Note 2 to entry: For clarity, the term “beam width” is always used in combination with the symbol and its
appropriate subscripts: d , d or d , d .
σx σy x,u y,u
[SOURCE: ISO 11145:2018, 3.5.1]
beam widths
d (z), d (z)
σx σy
width defined by using the second
moment of the power (energy)

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