ISO 2632-3:1979
(Main)Roughness comparison specimens — Part 3: Cast surfaces
Roughness comparison specimens — Part 3: Cast surfaces
Échantillons de comparaison viso-tactile de rugosité — Partie 3: Surfaces moulées
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
26321 I I I
International Standard
L Roughness comparison specimens -
Part 111 : Cast surfaces
Échantillons de comparai& Viso-tactile de rugosité - Partie Ill : Surfaces moulées
First edition - 1979-07-01
UDC 620.179.118 Ref. No. IS0 2362/111-1979 (E)
Descriptors : products made with metal, castings, surface condition, roughness, Viso-tactile comparison specimens, test specimen conditioning.
4 pages
Price based on
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IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing Interna-
IS0 technical committees. Every member body
tional Standards is carried out through
interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to
be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-
governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards-adopted by the technical committees are circulated to
the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the IS0 Council.
International Standard IS0 2632/111 was developed by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 57, Metrology and properties of surfaces, and was circulated to the member
bodies in March 1978.
It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :
France Romania
Austria Germany, F. R. South Africa, Rep. of
Hungary Spain
Brazil Japan Switzerland
Bulgaria Mexico Turkey
Canada Netherlands USA
Chile New Zealand USSR
Czechoslovakia Poland
The member bodies of the following countries expressed disapproval of the document
on technical grounds
United Kingdom
cl International Organization for Standardization, 1979 0
Printed in Switzerland
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Roughness comparison specimens -
Part 111 : Cast surfaces
l Scope and field of application surfaces by tactile and visual comparison with the specimen
This International Standard specifies the characteristics of
Note - There is usually no predominant lay on the surfaces of cast
specimens of cast metallic surfaces which are intended for tac-
tile and visual comparison with workpiece surfaces produced
by similar casting methods and which have been cleaned by an
appropriate treatment, for example shot blasting, grit blasting,
Other terms used to describe surface characteristics or
or tumbling.
measurement are defined in ISO/R 468.
It is complementary to ISO2632/1, Roughness comparison
specimens - Part I : Turned, ground, bored, milied, shaped
4 Methods of manufacture
and plened, and to ISO2632/11, Roughness comparison
specimens - Part II : Spark-eroded, shot blasted and grit
The specimens shall be manufactured as follows :
blasted, and polished.
By electroforming positive replicas of master surfaces.
2 References
4.2 By making positive micas, in plastics, of master sur-
ISO/R 468, Surface roughness.
faces; the feel and appearance of the natural cast metallic sur-
face should be represented by a coating or by other meams.
IS0 1302, Technical drawings - Method of indicating surface
texture on drawings.
4.3 By making positive replicas of mester surfaobs in other
materials and by other methods ensuring that the feel and ap-
IS0 1880, Instruments for the llwMSurement of surface
roughness by the pm method pearance of the natural cast metallic surface are rspressnted.
- Contact htylus) in-
struments of progmssive profile transformation - Roftïe recor-
4.4 By direct application of the casting process which the
ding instruments.
specimen is intended to represent (inddually cast
IS0 3274, Instruments for the measurement of surface
roughness by the profile method
- Contact (stylus) in-
struments of consecutive profile transformation - Contact
profile meters, system M.
5 Surface characteristics
Master surfaces for reproduction, their resultant electro-formed
3 Definitions
and plastics replicas, and individually cast specimens (see 4.1,
4.2, 4.3 and 4.4) shall exhibit only the characteristics resulting
from the natural action of the casting process (including shot
3.1 roughness comparison specimen : A specimen sur-
blasting or grit blasting or other appropriate cleaning treatment)
face of known average roughness height (Ra) representing a
which they are intended to represent. They shall not contain
particular casting process. The specimen is used to give design
other surface irregularities, such as occasional defects,
personnel guidance on the feel and appearance representative
waviness or effects caused by abnormal conditions, which may
of the particular casting process and roughness grade, and to
be acceptable on actual workpieces.
enable workshop personnel to assess and control workpiece
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IS0 26321111-1979 (E)
6 Ranges of roughness grades The figures are to be based on readings obtained with an instru-
ment working
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