ISO/IEC 19510:2013
(Main)Information technology — Object Management Group Business Process Model and Notation
Information technology — Object Management Group Business Process Model and Notation
The primary goal of ISO/IEC 19510:2013 is to provide a notation that is readily understandable by all business users, from the business analysts that create the initial drafts of the processes, to the technical developers responsible for implementing the technology that will perform those processes, and finally, to the business people who will manage and monitor those processes. Thus, ISO/IEC 19510:2013 creates a standardized bridge for the gap between the business process design and process implementation. ISO/IEC 19510:2013 represents the amalgamation of best practices within the business modelling community to define the notation and semantics of Collaboration diagrams, Process diagrams, and Choreography diagrams. The intent of ISO/IEC 19510:2013 is to standardize a business process model and notation in the face of many different modelling notations and viewpoints. In doing so, ISO/IEC 19510:2013 will provide a simple means of communicating process information to other business users, process implementers, customers, and suppliers. ISO/IEC 19510:2013 is identical to OMG BPMN 2.0.1.
Technologies de l'information — Modèle de procédé d'affaire et notation de l'OMG
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First edition
Information technology — Object
Management Group Business Process
Model and Notation
Technologies de l'information — Modèle de procédé d'affaire et notation
de l'OMG
Reference number
ISO/IEC 19510:2013(E)
ISO/IEC 2013
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ISO/IEC 19510:2013(E)
© ISO/IEC 2013
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means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission.
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Published in Switzerland
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ISO/IEC 19510:2013(E)
Table of Contents
Foreword . xxvii
Introduction .xxviii
1 Scope . 1
1.1 General .1
2 Conformance . 1
2.1 General .1
2.2 Process Modeling Conformance .2
2.2.1 BPMN Process Types . 2
2.2.2 BPMN Process Elements . 3
2.2.3 Visual Appearance . 8
2.2.4 Structural Conformance . 8
2.2.5 Process Semantics . 9
2.2.6 Attributes and Model Associations . 9
2.2.7 Extended and Optional Elements . 9
2.2.8 Visual Interchange . 10
2.3 Process Execution Conformance .10
2.3.1 Execution Semantics . 10
2.3.2 Import of Process Diagrams . 10
2.4 BPEL Process Execution Conformance .10
2.5 Choreography Modeling Conformance .10
2.5.1 BPMN Choreography Types . 10
2.5.2 BPMN Choreography Elements . 11
2.5.3 Visual Appearance . 11
2.5.4 Choreography Semantics . 11
2.5.5 Visual Interchange . 11
2.6 Summary of BPMN Conformance Types .12
3 Normative References . 12
3.1 General .12
3.2 Normative .13
3.3 Non-Normative .13
4 Terms and Definitions . 16
5 Symbols . 16
6 Additional Information . 16
6.1 Conventions .16
6.1.1 Typographical and Linguistic Conventions and Style . 16
6.1.2 Abbreviations . 17
6.2 Structure of this Document .17
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ISO/IEC 19510:2013(E)
6.3 Acknowledgments .17
7 Overview . 19
7.1 General .19
7.2 BPMN Scope .20
7.2.1 Uses of BPMN . 21
7.3 BPMN Elements .25
7.3.1 Basic BPMN Modeling Elements . 26
7.3.2 Extended BPMN Modeling Elements . 29
7.4 BPMN Diagram Types .39
7.5 Use of Text, Color, Size, and Lines in a Diagram .39
7.6 Flow Object Connection Rules .40
7.6.1 Sequence Flow Connections Rules . 40
7.6.2 Message Flow Connection Rules . 41
7.7 BPMN Extensibility .42
7.8 BPMN Example .43
8 BPMN Core Structure . 47
8.1 General .47
8.2 Infrastructure .49
8.2.1 Definitions .49
8.2.2 Import . 51
8.2.3 Infrastructure Package XML Schemas. 52
8.3 Foundation .53
8.3.1 Base Element . 54
8.3.2 Documentation . 54
8.3.3 Extensibility .55
8.3.4 External Relationships . 59
8.3.5 Root Element . 62
8.3.6 Foundation Package XML Schemas . 62
8.4 Common Elements .64
8.4.1 Artifacts . 64
8.4.2 Correlation .72
8.4.3 Error . 79
8.4.4 Escalation .80
8.4.5 Events . 81
8.4.6 Expressions . 82
8.4.7 Flow Element . 84
8.4.8 Flow Elements Container . 86
8.4.9 Gateways . 88
8.4.10 Item Definition . 89
8.4.11 Message . 91
8.4.12 Resources . 93
8.4.13 Sequence Flow . 95
8.4.14 Common Package XML Schemas . 98
8.5 Services .101
8.5.1 Interface . 102
8.5.2 EndPoint . 103
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ISO/IEC 19510:2013(E)
8.5.3 Operation . 103
8.5.4 Service Package XML Schemas . 104
9 Collaboration . 107
9.1 General .107
9.2 Basic Collaboration Concepts .110
9.2.1 Use of BPMN Common Elements . 110
9.3 Pool and Participant .111
9.3.1 Participants . 113
9.3.2 Lanes . 119
9.4 Message Flow .119
9.4.1 Interaction Node . 122
9.4.2 Message Flow Associations . 122
9.5 Conversations .123
9.5.1 Conversation Node . 127
9.5.2 Conversation . 129
9.5.3 Sub-Conversation . 129
9.5.4 Call Conversation . 130
9.5.5 Global Conversation . 131
9.5.6 Conversation Link . 131
9.5.7 Conversation Association . 134
9.5.8 Correlations . 135
9.6 Process within Collaboration .136
9.7 Choreography within Collaboration .136
9.8 Collaboration Package XML Schemas .138
10 Process . 143
10.1 General .143
10.2 Basic Process Concepts .147
10.2.1 Types of BPMN Processes . 147
10.2.2 Use of BPMN Common Elements . 148
10.3 Activities .149
10.3.1 Resource Assignment . 152
10.3.2 Performer . 154
10.3.3 Tasks . 154
10.3.4 Human Interactions . 163
10.3.5 Sub-Processes . 171
10.3.6 Call Activity . 182
10.3.7 Global Task . 186
10.3.8 Loop Characteristics . 188
10.3.9 XML Schema for Activities . 194
10.4 Items and Data .202
10.4.1 Data Modeling . 202
10.4.2 Execution Semantics for Data . 224
10.4.3 Usage of Data in XPath Expressions . 225
10.4.4 XML Schema for Data . 228
10.5 Events .232
10.5.1 Concepts . 233
10.5.2 Start Event . 237
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ISO/IEC 19510:2013(E)
10.5.3 End Event . 245
10.5.4 Intermediate Event . 248
10.5.5 Event Definitions . 259
10.5.6 Handling Events . 274
10.5.7 Scopes . 280
10.5.8 Events Package XML Schemas . 281
10.6 Gateways .286
10.6.1 Sequence Flow Considerations . 288
10.6.2 Exclusive Gateway . 289
10.6.3 Inclusive Gateway . 291
10.6.4 Parallel Gateway . 292
10.6.5 Complex Gateway . 294
10.6.6 Event-Based Gateway . 296
10.6.7 Gateway Package XML Schemas . 300
10.7 Compensation .301
10.7.1 Compensation Handler . 302
10.7.2 Compensation Triggering . 303
10.7.3 Relationship between Error Handling and Compensation . 304
10.8 Lanes .304
10.9 Process Instances, Unmodeled Activities, and Public Processes .308
10.10 Auditing . 310
10.11 Monitoring .310
10.12 Process Package XML Schemas .311
11 Choreography . 315
11.1 General .315
11.2 Basic Choreography Concepts .317
11.3 Data .319
11.4 Use of BPMN Common Elements .319
11.4.1 Sequence Flow . 320
11.4.2 Artifacts . 321
11.5 Choreography Activities .321
11.5.1 Choreography Task . 323
11.5.2 Sub-Choreography . 328
11.5.3 Call Choreography . 333
11.5.4 Global Choreography Task . 335
11.5.5 Looping Activities . 335
11.5.6 The Sequencing of Activities . 335
11.6 Events .339
11.6.1 Start Events . 339
11.6.2 Intermediate Events . 340
11.6.3 End Events . 343
11.7 Gateways .344
11.7.1 Exclusive Gateway . 344
11.7.2 Event-Based Gateway . 349
11.7.3 Inclusive Gateway . 351
11.7.4 Parallel Gateway . 358
11.7.5 Complex Gateway . 360
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ISO/IEC 19510:2013(E)
11.7.6 Chaining Gateways . 361
11.8 Choreography within Collaboration .361
11.8.1 Participants . 361
11.8.2 Swimlanes . 362
11.9 XML Schema for Choreography .363
12 BPMN Notation and Diagrams . 367
12.1 BPMN Diagram Interchange (BPMN DI) .367
12.1.1 Scope . 367
12.1.2 Diagram Definition and Interchange . 367
12.1.3 How to Read this Clause . 368
12.2 BPMN Diagram Interchange (DI) Meta-model .368
12.2.1 Overview . 368
12.2.2 Abstract Syntax . 368
12.2.3 Classifier Descriptions . 370
12.2.4 Complete BPMN DI XML Schema . 378
12.3 Notational Depiction Library and Abstract Element Resolutions .380
12.3.1 Labels . 381
12.3.2 BPMNShape . 381
12.3.3 BPMNEdge . 410
12.4 Example(s) .412
12.4.1 Depicting Content in a Sub-Process . 412
12.4.2 Multiple Lanes and Nested Lanes . 417
12.4.3 Vertical Collaboration . 418
12.4.4 Conversation . 419
12.4.5 Choreography . 421
13 BPMN Execution Semantics . 425
13.1 General .425
13.2 Process Instantiation and Termination .426
13.3 Activities .426
13.3.1 Sequence Flow Considerations . 427
13.3.2 Activity .428
13.3.3 Task . 430
13.3.4 Sub-Process/Call Activity . 430
13.3.5 Ad-Hoc Sub-Process . 431
13.3.6 Loop Activity . 432
13.3.7 Multiple Instances Activity . 432
13.4 Gateways .434
13.4.1 Parallel Gateway (Fork and Join) . 434
13.4.2 Exclusive Gateway (Exclusive Decision (data-based) and Exclusive Merge) . 434
13.4.3 Inclusive Gateway (Inclusive Decision and Inclusive Merge) . 435
13.4.4 Event-based Gateway (Exclusive Decision (event-based)) . 437
13.4.5 Complex Gateway (related to Complex Condition and Complex Merge) . 437
13.5 Events .439
13.5.1 Start Events . 439
13.5.2 Intermediate Events . 440
13.5.3 Intermediate Boundary Events . 440
13.5.4 Event Sub-Processes . 440
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ISO/IEC 19510:2013(E)
13.5.5 Compensation . 441
13.5.6 End Events . 443
14 Mapping BPMN Models to WS-BPEL . 445
14.1 General .445
14.2 Basic BPMN-BPEL Mapping .446
14.2.1 Process . 447
14.2.2 Activities . 448
14.2.3 Events . 455
14.2.4 Gateways and Sequence Flows . 461
14.2.5 Handling Data . 465
14.3 Extended BPMN-BPEL Mapping .469
14.3.1 End Events . 469
14.3.2 Loop/Switch Combinations From a Gateway . 469
14.3.3 Interleaved Loops . 470
14.3.4 Infinite Loops . 473
14.3.5 BPMN Elements that Span Multiple WSBPEL Sub-Elements . 473
15 Exchange Formats . 475
15.1 Interchanging Incomplete Models .475
15.2 Machine Readable Files .475
15.3 XSD .475
15.3.1 Document Structure .
First edition
Information technology — Object
Management Group Business Process
Model and Notation
Technologies de l'information — Modèle de procédé d'affaire et notation
de l'OMG
Reference number
ISO/IEC 19510:2013(E)
ISO/IEC 2013
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