Tourism and related services — Traditional restaurants — Visual aspects, decoration and services

This document establishes requirements and recommendations related to the environment and the service provision of traditional restaurants, which belong to a specific cuisine and custom of a specific country or area. This document specifies physical features of traditional restaurants (visual specifications for buildings, furniture and decoration), elements related to the specific cuisine and customs of serving food as well as staff requirements (clothing, behaviour, language) that affect the traditional style and quality of the service. Requirements related to the technical characteristics of the buildings and general requirements of preparation and cooking in the kitchen and other back office spaces are not included in this document.

Tourisme et services connexes — Restaurants traditionnels — Aspects visuels, décoration et services

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ISO/FDIS 21621:Version 21-avg-2021 - Tourism and related services -- Traditional restaurants -- Visual aspects, decoration and services
English language
18 pages
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First edition
Tourism and related services —
Traditional restaurants — Visual
aspects, decoration and services
Tourisme et services connexes — Restaurants traditionnels — Aspects
visuels, décoration et services
Reference number
ISO 21621:2021(E)
© ISO 2021

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ISO 21621:2021(E)
© ISO 2021
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
  © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

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ISO 21621:2021(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Features of the traditional restaurant . 2
4.1 General . 2
4.2 General features . 3
4.3 Entrance . 3
4.4 Main hall . 3
4.5 Annex spaces . 4
4.6 Station and parking lots . 5
4.7 Indoor and outdoor areas . 5
5 Mise en place — table setting . 5
6 Staff . 6
6.1 General requirements of the staff . 6
6.2 Staff qualifications . 6
7 Features of service . 7
7.1 Service requirements and recommendations . 7
7.2 Menu requirements . 7
8 Safety and security .8
9 Management . 8
10 Training . 9
Annex A (informative) Examples of cuisines from different countries .10
Bibliography .18
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ISO 21621:2021(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to
the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 228, Tourism and related services.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at
  © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

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ISO 21621:2021(E)
Nowadays, national and ethnic restaurants providing both traditional and regional cuisines are located
everywhere, especially in tourist destinations.
Guests of these restaurants include tourists and local citizens taking advantage of the opportunity to
taste and experience other nationalities’ cuisines, even in their own country.
Feedback from guests of traditional restaurants indicates that the most important elements in
satisfying guests’ expectations are physical appearance, the harmonic combination of cultural factors
and the provision of services.
Hence, in order to ensure guest satisfaction, these restaurants can provide an ambience or desired
atmosphere, suitable space, equipment, table settings, menu design and other service characteristics.
Regardless of variations based on differences of nationality and culture, this document emphasizes
the cultural elements while rendering services and prioritizes a favourable environment and
authentic experience of customs and lifestyle related to the eating habits of other populations. Thus,
it will determine criteria regarding cuisines (e.g. food, beverages and supplements), living cultural
elements (e.g. dialects, costume) and catering arrangements (e.g. equipment, fixtures and accessories
all in synchronization with a given historical period), which can help promote the quality of services.
Therefore, visitors, both domestic and international, can choose their favourite place to eat and pay for
the service that they expect.
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Tourism and related services — Traditional restaurants —
Visual aspects, decoration and services
1 Scope
This document establishes requirements and recommendations related to the environment and the
service provision of traditional restaurants, which belong to a specific cuisine and custom of a specific
country or area.
This document specifies physical features of traditional restaurants (visual specifications for buildings,
furniture and decoration), elements related to the specific cuisine and customs of serving food as well
as staff requirements (clothing, behaviour, language) that affect the traditional style and quality of the
Requirements related to the technical characteristics of the buildings and general requirements of
preparation and cooking in the kitchen and other back office spaces are not included in this document.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
traditional restaurant
public restaurant providing traditional food (3.2) and traditional beverages (3.3) in a specific style
specially aimed at ethnic cuisine
traditional food
foods and dishes passed through generations (or which have been consumed locally, regionally or both
for an extended time period) that play a major role in the traditions, identity and heritage of different
Note 1 to entry: Traditional food is generally prepared using traditional ingredients (raw material of primary
products), traditional composition or traditional types of production and/or processing methods.
traditional beverage
common beverage belonging to the local population of a city, area or country, or prepared by the
population’s ancestors
corrective action
action to eliminate the cause of a non-conformity (3.5) and to prevent recurrence
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.12.2, modified — Notes to entry removed.]
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ISO 21621:2021(E)
non-fulfilment of a requirement (3.6)
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.6.9, modified — Notes to entry removed.]
need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.6.4, modified — Notes to entry removed.]
sustainability policy
intentions and direction of an organization, related to sustainability, as formally expressed by its top
[SOURCE: ISO 21401:2018, 3.41]
guest satisfaction
guest’s perception of the degree to which the guest’s requirements have been fulfilled
Note 1 to entry: Guest complaints are a common indicator of low guest satisfaction but their absence does not
necessarily imply high guest satisfaction.
Note 2 to entry: Even when the guest's requirements have been agreed with the guest and fulfilled, this does not
necessarily ensure high guest satisfaction.
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.9.2, modified — Note 3 to entry removed]
converted building
building with considerable artistic heritage value, used as a traditional restaurant (3.1) after having
implemented the necessary changes
Note 1 to entry: There are some procedures and instructions for these changes in each country in order to
maximize the conservation of the heritage value of such buildings.
carrying capacity
measure that addresses the question of how many visitors can be permitted into an area at any specific
time, taking into account at least the risk of degrading the site, its physical capacity and the visitors’
experience, safety and security
Note 1 to entry: These desirable limits measure the types and levels of sustainable use.
[SOURCE: ISO 18065:2015, 3.1, modified — "safety and security" added to definition.]
4 Features of the traditional restaurant
4.1 General
Regarding physical features and operation, traditional restaurants work under the disciplines of
catering establishments. The following subclauses detail the features of static appearance (e.g.
gardening, building, entrances, furniture, decoration, table setting) which contain the theatrical
aspects and cultural factors.
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ISO 21621:2021(E)
4.2 General features
4.2.1 Buildings used for traditional restaurants shall have architectural and decoration
characteristics based on a defined style.
NOTE The defined style can be related to a historical area or era (e.g. the Safavid era).
4.2.2 During the conversion process, the historical and spiritual value and integrity of the converted
buildings, as well as their style and character, should be protected.
4.2.3 The carrying capacity of a building shall be taken into consideration while converting it.
4.2.4 The name of the traditional restaurant should not be confusing.
NOTE The name of the traditional restaurant is usually the first item attracting guests and can ultimately
affect their decision to eat there. For example, a traditional restaurant named Seoul is supposed to provide
Korean cuisine in Korean style.
4.2.5 A maintenance plan for all areas shall be developed. The maintenance plan shall include a record
of any faults, measures regarding conservation issues or both. A responsible person shall be appointed
to observe the maintenance plan.
4.2.6 Buildings and furniture should be built, reconstructed or redesigned with natural or local
materials such as wood or stone, if applicable.
4.2.7 Accessibility aspects should be considered during the conversion process and operation of the
restaurant, when applicable.
NOTE ISO 21542, ISO 21902 and ISO 23599 can be useful in this respect.
4.2.8 Ventilation shall be considered in all spaces.
4.3 Entrance
4.3.1 The design of the façade of the traditional restaurant should be harmonized with the calligraphy
and the motifs of the target culture.
4.3.2 Inscription indicating the name of the traditional restaurant should be located on the facade.
4.3.3 The entrance should facilitate accessibility for people with disabilities, such as people using
wheelchairs or walking aids, and people with pushchairs (e.g. a level entrance, a properly designed
4.3.4 Separate doors for entry and exit of staff, supplies and food waste should be used.
4.4 Main hall
4.4.1 Integrated design for hall space should be done professionally, particularly in view of old
collections such as containers, fat-burning lamps, candlesticks, pots and statues, to decorate in the
appropriate design.
1) One of the ruling dynasties of Iran from 1501 to 1736, with a specific style of architecture and customs.
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ISO 21621:2021(E)
4.4.2 Wall coverings with consideration of table decor and other decorations should be considered
in the conceptual design. Rooms next to the interior open spaces should have windows for light and
ventilation. Curtains for covering the windows shall be harmonized with the hall decorations.
4.4.3 Coverings of the hall floor and corridors should be harmonized with the traditional ambiance;
also, the floor covering should be made of materials which are easy to clean and harmonized with the
hall decorations as much as possible.
NOTE Complementary design can be used.
4.4.4 Kitchens can be designed for cooking shows. In order to have proper ventilation, there should
be some kind of separation between the work area and the dining area.
4.4.5 Part of the hall should be allocated for welcoming guests with traditional hot or cold drinks and
light snacks at times other than breakfast, lunch and dinner.
4.4.6 The hall shall be equipped with proper ventilation according to the concept of the traditional
4.4.7 There shall be a collection system for smoke in the kitchen and a filter area.
4.4.8 Bioclimatic design and elements of vernacular and landscape architecture should be considered
in the facilities.
4.5 Annex spaces
4.5.1 There should be separate bathrooms for women and men with clear signage that includes tactile
characters and braille.
4.5.2 At least one toilet with a toilet seat in each bathroom (for men and women) shall be available for
4.5.3 Bathrooms for both women and men shall be equipped with baby-changing facilities.
4.5.4 There shall be at least one accessible bathroom facility that includes an accessible toilet with
clear turning space, an accessible toilet and accessories (e.g. soap, paper towels) allocated to people
with disabilities, that is clearly signed, including tactile and braille characters.
4.5.5 The walls of the sanitary facilities shall be covered to the ceiling with materials that are easy to
clean and disinfect.
4.5.6 Sufficient water, paper tissues and handwashing liquid shall be supplied in sanitary facilities.
4.5.7 For saving energy, the use of smart technologies should be taken into consideration.
4.5.8 Places allocated to the staff, such as dining rooms, shall be separate and out of sight of the
4.5.9 There should be a waiting area, including seats, for peak hours.
4.5.10 Dustbins should be available in all annex spaces.
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ISO 21621:2021(E)
4.6 Station and parking lots
The traditional restaurant should have facilities for parking, including accessible parking spaces.
NOTE Public parking close to the traditional restaurant can be used.
4.7 Indoor and outdoor areas
4.7.1 The indoor area shall display clear signage to the emergency exits and bathrooms.
4.7.2 Design of the indoor area should be harmonized with the main hall.
4.7.3 The traditional restaurant premises should be clean and scenic.
4.7.4 Handicrafts, musical instruments and/or other traditional elements harmonized with the style
of the traditional restaurant should be used in the decoration of both indoor and outdoor areas.
NOTE Some countries or regions have a specific example of traditional decoration; for example, in Iran small
pools with fountains are used as a decorative traditional element in buildings.
4.7.5 Decorative lampshades and lighting should be used in outdoor areas.
4.7.6 Outdoor areas should not be occupied with raw material, rubbish or any other objects that can
affect the aesthetics of the area.
4.7.7 If temporary collection points for waste exist, necessary measures should be taken to remove
smells and visual filtering of waste in the area. Safety and hygiene aspects should be respected.
5 Mise en place — table setting
5.1 As traditional seats can be uncomfortable for some people, there can be different types of seats.
5.2 Reception style and seating of guests should conform to the style of the traditional restaurant.
Other types of chairs and tables harmonized with traditional seats should be available to guests who
cannot use traditional seats.
5.3 Table linens, napkins and other decorative elements, if applicable, should be harmonized with the
style of the traditional restaurant.
5.4 There should be side tables to assist service.
5.5 If the culinary offer is displayed on a buffet table, it shall be kept at the right temperature.
5.6 There should be quiet trolleys for easy transportation of food containers. If there are specific
traditional ways of carrying food, such as big trays in some traditional restaurants, these are preferable.
5.7 There should be signs for reserved tables. Also, each table should have a defined number.
5.8 There should be a table with the necessary equipment for serving hot and cold beverages between
meals with respect to the target cuisine and the number of seats.
5.9 Miniature versions of monuments, handicrafts and homemade products should be offered as
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ISO 21621:2021(E)
5.10 A wheelchair and a few special seats for children should be available.
5.11 Tableware, cutlery and cruets used in traditional restaurants, along with the style of service,
should be harmonized to the kind of cuisine, if applicable.
5.12 According to both hygienic considerations and the style of the reception, using disposable
products made from, for example, melamine or plastic shall be avoided.
6 Staff
6.1 General requirements of the staff
6.1.1 All staff of the traditional restaurant, especially those in direct contact with the guests, shall
wear uniforms with a design harmonized with the style of the traditional restaurant.
6.1.2 All staff shall be clean and tidy.
6.1.3 All staff, especially those in direct contact with food and beverages, shall have health certificates
for contagious diseases.
6.1.4 Periodic health tests should be carried out on staff.
6.1.5 There shall be clear instructions related to the duties and responsibilities of staff. These
instructions shall be communicated to the staff.
6.1.6 Clear safety instructions and related training for staff shall be foreseen, especially for situations
such as epidemics and pandemics.
EXAMPLE With regards to the COVID-19 pandemic there are specific WHO recommendations and certain
documents published by ISO, such as ISO/PAS 5643, that can be followed.
6.2 Staff qualifications
6.2.1 According to their responsibilities, the staff shall have the following qualifications (see also
Clause 10):
— Waiters and waitresses shall have adequate information about the ingredients and preparation of
food and drinks included on the menu, as well as their general associated benefits and risks. They
shall be able to explain this information to the guests upon request.
— Managers, cashiers, door staff, waiters, waitresses and all staff who are in direct contact with foreign
guests should have knowledge of the foreign language spoken by the majority of their guests.
— For door staff and some waiters and waitresses, knowledge of this foreign language may be limited
to simple sentences such as greetings and basic conversations.
6.2.2 All staff in direct contact with guests, especially foreign guests, should be informed about
a variety of cultures and how to communicate with people from cultural differences in a polite and
respectful way.
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ISO 21621:2021(E)
7 Features of service
7.1 Service requirements and recommendations
7.1.1 Guests should be welcomed in the traditional style.
EXAMPLE Burning incense is a custom of welcome in some countries.
7.1.2 The traditional restaurant should have a system for reservations.
7.1.3 For foreign guests, a clear bill should be issued in English or, if possible, in the spoken language
of that guest.
7.1.4 Different ways of payment, such as cash, card and electronic payment, should be accepted.
7.1.5 Any question regarding the bill shall be clearly answered, so there is no ambiguity.
7.1.6 The traditional restaurant’s policy on gratuities shall be communicated to the guests.
7.1.7 Working hours, menu items and the schedule of live music performances shall be displayed in
the local language and English at the entrance of the traditional restaurant.
7.1.8 Traditional music should be played during the opening hours. As this can be boring for guests
over a longer time period, there is no need to limit the music to traditional music.
7.1.9 Live cooking should be planned and carried out in the hall continuously or according to a
7.1.10 A live music performance programme shall be displayed, if applicable. The exact time of
performances as well as any changes in the programme shall be clearly communicated to guests.
7.1.11 Live music shall not be too loud but shall be able to be heard from all parts of the main hall.
7.1.12 While live music is being performed, any background music shall be stopped.
7.1.13 As some guests, such as elderly people, can suffer due to loud sounds, it is recommended that
guests are asked if they would like to be seated near the live music or not before they choose their place.
7.1.14 Free Wi-Fi should be provided in the restaurant.
7.2 Menu requirements
7.2.1 There shall be a printed menu with an accurate description of the ingredients. Photos may be
used in the printed menu.
7.2.2 There shall be a list of food and beverages and their prices in the local language and at least one
foreign language, preferably English.
7.2.3 Menus should be legible and in good condition.
7.2.4 If preparation time is more than 30 min, this shall be communicated to the guests.
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ISO 21621:2021(E)
7.2.5 Traditional dishes accompanied by a description of the preparation process shall be included.
The menu shall also include at least one or two traditional starters and desserts.
NOTE Annex A gives examples of cuisines from different countries, including traditional foods (starters,
main dishes, side dishes, desserts) and traditional beverages.
7.2.6 Guests shall be asked in advance for any contraindicated foods, allergies or special dietary
7.2.7 There shall also be at least one option for vegetarians.
7.2.8 Traditional beverages should be included on the menu. If the traditional beverage contains
alcohol, this should be indicated. The ingredients of the beverages should also be mentioned.
7.2.9 Bottled drinking water shall be included on the menu.
8 Safety and security
8.1 Restaurants shall be equipped with appropriate fire safety facilities.
8.2 Illumination shall not alter the colour of the food.
8.3 Food safety and hygiene principles shall be followed.
NOTE These can include ISO 22000, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and CODEX Alimentarius
Commission standards, principles and guidelines.
8.4 All staff in direct contact with food should have knowledge of the standards that ensure food
8.5 When two or more people are seated at the same table, public tableware (e.g. knives, forks,
spoons, chopsticks) should be provided.
8.6 There shall be preventive actions for the safety and security of guests.
EXAMPLE Considering safe distancing and safe services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
9 Management
9.1 The manager or their representative should always be present at the traditional restaurant
during working hours.
9.2 If the manager has an office, this shall be made accessible to the guests under special
9.3 The manager or their representative should always monitor the dining hall. Equipment such as
closed-circuit television (CCTV) can be used for monitoring.
9.4 Guests should have access to a telephone if needed.
NOTE This can be achieved by assigning a telephone for guests in the main hall.
9.5 A first-aid kit shall be available in the traditional restaurant for emergencies.
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ISO 21621:2021(E)
9.6 The traditional restaurant shall have a guest satisfaction policy in place and establish a complaints
and suggestions procedure to ensure that corrective action is taken.
NOTE ISO 10002 can be useful in this respect.
9.7 A sustainability policy, including social, environmental and economic aspects, should be
considered by the management of the traditional restaurant. Objectives and goals for the sustainabili

ISO/TC 228
Tourism and related services —
Secretariat: UNE
Traditional restaurants — Visual
Voting begins on:
2021­08­23 aspects, decoration and services
Voting terminates on:
Reference number
ISO/FDIS 21621:2021(E)

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ISO/FDIS 21621:2021(E)

© ISO 2021
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH­1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

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ISO/FDIS 21621:2021(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Features of the traditional restaurant . 2
4.1 General . 2
4.2 General features . 3
4.3 Entrance . 3
4.4 Main hall . 3
4.5 Annex spaces . 4
4.6 Station and parking lots . 5
4.7 Indoor and outdoor areas . 5
5 Mise en place — table setting . 5
6 Staff . 6
6.1 General requirements of the staff . 6
6.2 Staff qualifications . 6
7 Features of service . 7
7.1 Service requirements and recommendations . 7
7.2 Menu requirements . 7
8 Safety and security . 8
9 Management . 8
10 Training . 9
Annex A (informative) Examples of cuisines from different countries .10
Bibliography .18
© ISO 2021 – All rights reserved iii

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ISO/FDIS 21621:2021(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non­governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see www .iso .org/
iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 228, Tourism and related services.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html.
iv © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

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ISO/FDIS 21621:2021(E)

Nowadays, national and ethnic restaurants providing both traditional and regional cuisines are located
everywhere, especially in tourist destinations.
Guests of these restaurants include tourists and local citizens taking advantage of the opportunity to
taste and experience other nationalities’ cuisines, even in their own country.
Feedback from guests of traditional restaurants indicates that the most important elements in
satisfying guests’ expectations are physical appearance, the harmonic combination of cultural factors
and the provision of services.
Hence, in order to ensure guest satisfaction, these restaurants can provide an ambience or desired
atmosphere, suitable space, equipment, table settings, menu design and other service characteristics.
Regardless of variations based on differences of nationality and culture, this document emphasizes
the cultural elements while rendering services and prioritizes a favourable environment and
authentic experience of customs and lifestyle related to the eating habits of other populations. Thus,
it will determine criteria regarding cuisines (e.g. food, beverages and supplements), living cultural
elements (e.g. dialects, costume) and catering arrangements (e.g. equipment, fixtures and accessories
all in synchronization with a given historical period), which can help promote the quality of services.
Therefore, visitors, both domestic and international, can choose their favourite place to eat and pay for
the service that they expect.
© ISO 2021 – All rights reserved v

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Tourism and related services — Traditional restaurants —
Visual aspects, decoration and services
1 Scope
This document establishes requirements and recommendations related to the environment and the
service provision of traditional restaurants, which belong to a specific cuisine and custom of a specific
country or area.
This document specifies physical features of traditional restaurants (visual specifications for buildings,
furniture and decoration), elements related to the specific cuisine and customs of serving food as well
as staff requirements (clothing, behaviour, language) that affect the traditional style and quality of the
Requirements related to the technical characteristics of the buildings and general requirements of
preparation and cooking in the kitchen and other back office spaces are not included in this document.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
traditional restaurant
public restaurant providing traditional food (3.2) and local beverages in a specific style specially aimed
at ethnic cuisine
traditional food
foods and dishes passed through generations (or which have been consumed locally, regionally or both
for an extended time period) that play a major role in the traditions, identity and heritage of different
Note 1 to entry: Traditional food is generally prepared using traditional ingredients (raw material of primary
products), traditional composition or traditional types of production and/or processing methods.
traditional beverage
common beverage belonging to the local population of a city, area or country, or prepared by the
population’s ancestors
corrective action
action to eliminate the cause of a non-conformity (3.5) and to prevent recurrence
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.12.2, modified — Notes to entry removed.]
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ISO/FDIS 21621:2021(E)

non-fulfilment of a requirement (3.6)
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.6.9, modified — Notes to entry removed.]
need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.6.4, modified — Notes to entry removed.]
sustainability policy
intentions and direction of an organization, related to sustainability, as formally expressed by its top
[SOURCE: ISO 21401:2018, 3.41]
guest satisfaction
guest’s perception of the degree to which the guest’s requirements have been fulfilled
Note 1 to entry: Guest complaints are a common indicator of low guest satisfaction but their absence does not
necessarily imply high guest satisfaction.
Note 2 to entry: Even when the guest's requirements have been agreed with the guest and fulfilled, this does not
necessarily ensure high guest satisfaction.
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.9.2, modified — Note 3 to entry removed]
converted building
building with considerable artistic heritage value, used as a traditional restaurant after having
implemented the necessary changes
Note 1 to entry: There are some procedures and instructions for these changes in each country in order to
maximize the conservation of the heritage value of such buildings.
carrying capacity
measure that addresses the question of how many visitors can be permitted into an area at any specific
time, taking into account at least the risk of degrading the site, its physical capacity and the visitors’
experience, safety and security
Note 1 to entry: These desirable limits measure the types and levels of sustainable use.
[SOURCE: ISO 18065:2015, 3.1, modified — "safety and security" added to definition.]
4 Features of the traditional restaurant
4.1 General
Regarding physical features and operation, traditional restaurants work under the disciplines of
catering establishments. The following subclauses detail the features of static appearance (e.g.
gardening, building, entrances, furniture, decoration, table setting) which contain the theatrical
aspects and cultural factors.
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4.2 General features
4.2.1 Buildings used for traditional restaurants shall have architectural and decoration characteristics
based on a defined style.
NOTE The defined style can be related to a historical area or era (e.g. the Safavid era).
4.2.2 During the conversion process, the historical and spiritual value and integrity of the converted
buildings, as well as their style and character, should be protected.
4.2.3 The carrying capacity of a building shall be taken into consideration while converting it.
4.2.4 The name of the traditional restaurant should not be confusing.
NOTE The name of the traditional restaurant is usually the first item attracting guests and can ultimately
affect their decision to eat there. For example, a traditional restaurant named Seoul is supposed to provide
Korean cuisine in Korean style.
4.2.5 A maintenance plan for all areas shall be developed. The maintenance plan shall include a record
of any faults, measures regarding conservation issues or both. A responsible person shall be appointed to
observe the maintenance plan.
4.2.6 Buildings and furniture should be built, reconstructed or redesigned with natural or local
materials such as wood or stone, if applicable.
4.2.7 Accessibility aspects should be considered during the conversion process and operation of the
restaurant, when applicable.
NOTE ISO 21542, ISO 21902 and ISO 23599 can be useful in this respect.
4.2.8 Ventilation shall be considered in all spaces.
4.3 Entrance
4.3.1 The design of the façade of the traditional restaurant should be harmonized with the calligraphy
and the motifs of the target culture.
4.3.2 Inscription indicating the name of the traditional restaurant should be located on the facade.
4.3.3 The entrance should facilitate accessibility for people with disabilities, such as people using
wheelchairs or walking aids, and people with pushchairs (e.g. a level entrance, a properly designed
4.3.4 Separate doors for entry and exit of staff, supplies and food waste should be used.
4.4 Main hall
4.4.1 Integrated design for hall space should be done professionally, particularly in view of old
collections such as containers, fat­burning lamps, candlesticks, pots and statues, to decorate in the
appropriate design.
1) One of the ruling dynasties of Iran from 1501 to 1736, with a specific style of architecture and customs.
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4.4.2 Wall coverings with consideration of table decor and other decorations should be considered
in the conceptual design. Rooms next to the interior open spaces should have windows for light and
ventilation. Curtains for covering the windows shall be harmonized with the hall decorations.
4.4.3 Coverings of the hall floor and corridors should be harmonized with the traditional ambiance;
also, the floor covering should be made of materials which are easy to clean and harmonized with the
hall decorations as much as possible.
NOTE Complementary design can be used.
4.4.4 Kitchens can be designed for cooking shows. In order to have proper ventilation, there should be
some kind of separation between the work area and the dining area.
4.4.5 Part of the hall should be allocated for welcoming guests with traditional hot or cold drinks and
light snacks at times other than breakfast, lunch and dinner.
4.4.6 The hall shall be equipped with proper ventilation according to the concept of the traditional
4.4.7 There shall be a collection system for smoke in the kitchen and a filter area.
4.4.8 Bioclimatic design and elements of vernacular and landscape architecture should be considered
in the facilities.
4.5 Annex spaces
4.5.1 There should be separate bathrooms for women and men with clear signage that includes tactile
characters and braille.
4.5.2 At least one toilet with a toilet seat in each bathroom (for men and women) shall be available for
4.5.3 Bathrooms for both women and men shall be equipped with baby-changing facilities.
4.5.4 There shall be at least one accessible bathroom facility that includes an accessible toilet with
clear turning space, an accessible toilet and accessories (e.g. soap, paper towels) allocated to people with
disabilities, that is clearly signed, including tactile and braille characters.
4.5.5 The walls of the sanitary facilities shall be covered to the ceiling with materials that are easy to
clean and disinfect.
4.5.6 Sufficient water, paper tissues and handwashing liquid shall be supplied in sanitary facilities.
4.5.7 For saving energy, the use of smart technologies should be taken into consideration.
4.5.8 Places allocated to the staff, such as dining rooms, shall be separate and out of sight of the guests.
4.5.9 There should be a waiting area, including seats, for peak hours.
4.5.10 Dustbins should be available in all annex spaces.
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4.6 Station and parking lots
The traditional restaurant should have facilities for parking, including accessible parking spaces.
NOTE Public parking close to the traditional restaurant can be used.
4.7 Indoor and outdoor areas
4.7.1 The indoor area shall display clear signage to the emergency exits and bathrooms.
4.7.2 Design of the indoor area should be harmonized with the main hall.
4.7.3 The traditional restaurant premises should be clean and scenic.
4.7.4 Handicrafts, musical instruments and/or other traditional elements harmonized with the style of
the traditional restaurant should be used in the decoration of both indoor and outdoor areas.
NOTE Some countries or regions have a specific example of traditional decoration; for example, in Iran small
pools with fountains are used as a decorative traditional element in buildings.
4.7.5 Decorative lampshades and lighting should be used in outdoor areas.
4.7.6 Outdoor areas should not be occupied with raw material, rubbish or any other objects that can
affect the aesthetics of the area.
4.7.7 If temporary collection points for waste exist, necessary measures should be taken to remove
smells and visual filtering of waste in the area. Safety and hygiene aspects should be respected.
5 Mise en place — table setting
5.1 As traditional seats can be uncomfortable for some people, there can be different types of seats.
5.2 Reception style and seating of guests should conform to the style of the traditional restaurant.
Other types of chairs and tables harmonized with traditional seats should be available to guests who
cannot use traditional seats.
5.3 Table linens, napkins and other decorative elements, if applicable, should be harmonized with the
style of the traditional restaurant.
5.4 There should be side tables to assist service.
5.5 If the culinary offer is displayed on a buffet table, it shall be kept at the right temperature.
5.6 There should be quiet trolleys for easy transportation of food containers. If there are specific
traditional ways of carrying food, such as big trays in some traditional restaurants, these are preferable.
5.7 There should be signs for reserved tables. Also, each table should have a defined number.
5.8 There should be a table with the necessary equipment for serving hot and cold beverages between
meals with respect to the target cuisine and the number of seats.
5.9 Miniature versions of monuments, handicrafts and homemade products should be offered as
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5.10 A wheelchair and a few special seats for children should be available.
5.11 Tableware, cutlery and cruets used in traditional restaurants, along with the style of service, should
be harmonized to the kind of cuisine, if applicable.
5.12 According to both hygienic considerations and the style of the reception, using disposable products
made from, for example, melamine or plastic shall be avoided.
6 Staff
6.1 General requirements of the staff
6.1.1 All staff of the traditional restaurant, especially those in direct contact with the guests, shall wear
uniforms with a design harmonized with the style of the traditional restaurant.
6.1.2 All staff shall be clean and tidy.
6.1.3 All staff, especially those in direct contact with food and beverages, shall have health certificates
for contagious diseases.
6.1.4 Periodic health tests should be carried out on staff.
6.1.5 There shall be clear instructions related to the duties and responsibilities of staff. These
instructions shall be communicated to the staff.
6.1.6 Clear safety instructions and related training for staff shall be foreseen, especially for situations
such as epidemics and pandemics.
EXAMPLE With regards to the COVID-19 pandemic there are specific WHO recommendations and certain
documents published by ISO, such as ISO/PAS 5643, that can be followed.
6.2 Staff qualifications
6.2.1 According to their responsibilities, the staff shall have the following qualifications (see also
Clause 10):
— Waiters and waitresses shall have adequate information about the ingredients and preparation of
food and drinks included on the menu, as well as their general associated benefits and risks. They
shall be able to explain this information to the guests upon request.
— Managers, cashiers, door staff, waiters, waitresses and all staff who are in direct contact with foreign
guests should have knowledge of the foreign language spoken by the majority of their guests.
— For door staff and some waiters and waitresses, knowledge of this foreign language may be limited
to simple sentences such as greetings and basic conversations.
6.2.2 All staff in direct contact with guests, especially foreign guests, should be informed about a variety
of cultures and how to communicate with people from cultural differences in a polite and respectful way.
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7 Features of service
7.1 Service requirements and recommendations
7.1.1 Guests should be welcomed in the traditional style.
EXAMPLE Burning incense is a custom of welcome in some countries.
7.1.2 The traditional restaurant should have a system for reservations.
7.1.3 For foreign guests, a clear bill should be issued in English or, if possible, in the spoken language of
that guest.
7.1.4 Different ways of payment, such as cash, card and electronic payment, should be accepted.
7.1.5 Any question regarding the bill shall be clearly answered, so there is no ambiguity.
7.1.6 The traditional restaurant’s policy on gratuities shall be communicated to the guests.
7.1.7 Working hours, menu items and the schedule of live music performances shall be displayed in
the local language and English at the entrance of the traditional restaurant.
7.1.8 Traditional music should be played during the opening hours. As this can be boring for guests
over a longer time period, there is no need to limit the music to traditional music.
7.1.9 Live cooking should be planned and carried out in the hall continuously or according to a
7.1.10 A live music performance programme shall be displayed, if applicable. The exact time of
performances as well as any changes in the programme shall be clearly communicated to guests.
7.1.11 Live music shall not be too loud but shall be able to be heard from all parts of the main hall.
7.1.12 While live music is being performed, any background music shall be stopped.
7.1.13 As some guests, such as elderly people, can suffer due to loud sounds, it is recommended that
guests are asked if they would like to be seated near the live music or not before they choose their place.
7.1.14 Free Wi­Fi should be provided in the restaurant.
7.2 Menu requirements
7.2.1 There shall be a printed menu with an accurate description of the ingredients. Photos may be
used in the printed menu.
7.2.2 There shall be a list of food and beverages and their prices in the local language and at least one
foreign language, preferably English.
7.2.3 Menus should be legible and in good condition.
7.2.4 If preparation time is more than 30 min, this shall be communicated to the guests.
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7.2.5 Traditional dishes accompanied by a description of the preparation process shall be included.
The menu shall also include at least one or two traditional starters and desserts.
NOTE Annex A gives examples of cuisines from different countries, including traditional foods (starters,
main dishes, side dishes, desserts) and traditional beverages.
7.2.6 Guests shall be asked in advance for any contraindicated foods, allergies or special dietary needs.
7.2.7 There shall also be at least one option for vegetarians.
7.2.8 Traditional beverages should be included on the menu. If the traditional beverage contains
alcohol, this should be indicated. The ingredients of the beverages should also be mentioned.
7.2.9 Bottled drinking water shall be included on the menu.
8 Safety and security
8.1 Restaurants shall be equipped with appropriate fire safety facilities.
8.2 Illumination shall not alter the colour of the food.
8.3 Food safety and hygiene principles shall be followed.
NOTE These can include ISO 22000, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and CODEX Alimentarius
Commission standards, principles and guidelines.
8.4 All staff in direct contact with food should have knowledge of the standards that ensure food safety.
8.5 When two or more people are seated at the same table, public tableware (e.g. knives, forks, spoons,
chopsticks) should be provided.
8.6 There shall be preventive actions for the safety and security of guests.
EXAMPLE Considering safe distancing and safe services during the COVID­19 pandemic.
9 Management
9.1 The manager or their representative should always be present at the traditional restaurant during
working hours.
9.2 If the manager has an office, this shall be made accessible to the guests under special circumstances.
9.3 The manager or their representative should always monitor the dining hall. Equipment such as
closed­circuit television (CCTV) can be used for monitoring.
9.4 Guests should have access to a telephone if needed.
NOTE This can be achieved by assigning a telephone for guests in the main hall.
9.5 A first-aid kit shall be available in

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