Ceramic tiles — Grouts and adhesives — Part 4: Test methods for grouts

ISO 13007-4:2013 describes methods for determining characteristics for grouts used in the installation of ceramic tiles. The following test methods are described: -determination of flexural and compressive strength; -determination of water absorption; -determination of shrinkage; -determination of resistance to abrasion; -determination of transverse deformation; -determination of chemical resistance.

Carreaux céramiques — Mortiers de joints et colles — Partie 4: Méthodes d'essai pour les mortiers de joints

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ISO 13007-4:2013 - Ceramic tiles -- Grouts and adhesives
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STANDARD 13007-4
Third edition
Ceramic tiles — Grouts and adhesives —
Part 4:
Test methods for grouts
Carreaux céramiques — Mortiers de joints et colles —
Partie 4: Méthodes d’essai pour les mortiers de joints
Reference number
ISO 2013
© ISO 2013
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Published in Switzerland
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 General test conditions and procedures . 1
3.1 Sampling . 1
3.2 Test conditions . 1
3.3 Test materials . 2
3.4 Mixing procedures . 2
3.5 Test report . 2
4 Test methods . 3
4.1 Determination of flexural and compressive strength . 3
4.2 Determination of water absorption . 5
4.3 Determination of shrinkage . 6
4.4 Determination of resistance to abrasion . 7
4.5 Determination of transverse deformation . 8
4.6 Determination of chemical resistance . 8
Annex A (informative) Test apparatus . 9
Bibliography .22
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 13007-4:2010), of which it constitutes a
minor revision.
ISO 13007 consists of the following parts, under the general title Ceramic tiles — Grouts and adhesives:
— Part 1: Terms, definitions and specifications for adhesives
— Part 2: Test methods for adhesives
— Part 3: Terms, definitions and specifications for grouts
— Part 4: Test methods for grouts
iv © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved

Ceramic tiles — Grouts and adhesives —
Part 4:
Test methods for grouts
1 Scope
This part of ISO 13007 describes methods for determining characteristics for grouts used in the
installation of ceramic tiles. The following test methods are described:
— determination of flexural and compressive strength (4.1);
— determination of water absorption (4.2);
— determination of shrinkage (4.3);
— determination of resistance to abrasion (4.4);
— determination of transverse deformation (4.5);
— determination of chemical resistance (4.6).
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 10545-6, Ceramic tiles — Part 6: Determination of resistance to deep abrasion for unglazed tiles
ISO 13007-2, Ceramic tiles — Grouts and adhesives — Part 2: Test methods for adhesives
3 General test conditions and procedures
3.1 Sampling
A representative sample of at least 2 kg shall be used.
3.2 Test conditions
Standard conditions shall be (23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 5) % relative humidity (RH) and a circulation of air
in the testing area less than 0,2 m/s. Other test conditions may be specified in Clause 4. The tolerance in
the time of conditioning for all test specimens shall be as follows in Table 1.
Table 1 — Allowed tolerance window for testing time for all samples after conditioning
Sample conditioning time Allowed tolerance for testing
24 h ±0,5 h
7 d ±3 h
14 d ±6 h
21 d ±9 h
28 d ±12 h
3.3 Test materials
Condition all test materials including water for at least 24 h under standard conditions. The grout to be
tested shall be within its shelf life, where this is specified.
3.4 Mixing procedures
3.4.1 Cementitious grouts (CG)
The amount of water and/or liquid admix required for preparing the grout shall be as stated by the
manufacturer in parts by weight, i.e. liquid to dry powder (in the case where a range of values is given,
the average shall be used). Prepare a minimum quantity of 2 kg of the powder and the necessary liquid
using a mixer of the planetary type (see ISO 13007-2, Figure 1 and Figure 2) running at the slow speed
settings (140 ± 5) rotation per min and (62 ± 5) rotation per min planetary movement.
Carry out the following procedure.
1) Pour the liquid into the pan.
2) Scatter the dry powder over the liquid.
3) Mix for 30 s.
4) Take out the mixing paddle.
5) Scrape down the paddle and pan within 1 min.
6) replace the paddle and mix for 1 min
If required by the grout manufacturer’s instructions, let the grout mature as specified and then mix for
an additional 15 s.
3.4.2 Reaction resin grouts (RG)
Where reaction resin grouts are to be used, the manufacturer’s instructions shall be followed.
3.5 Test report
3.5.1 General
The information listed below shall be provided:
a) a reference to this part of ISO 13007 (ISO 13007-4:2013);
b) the date of test;
c) the type of grout, commercial designation and manufacturer’s name;
d) the source, date obtained, and complete identification of test sample;
2 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved

e) the handling and storage of samples before testing;
f) the test conditions;
g) the amount of water or liquid used for preparing grout;
h) any other factor that could have affected the result.
3.5.2 Test results
The information listed below shall be provided:
a) Flexural and compressive strength
b) Water absorption
c) Shrinkage
d) Abrasion
4 Test methods
4.1 Determination of flexural and compressive strength
Flexural and compressive strength shall be tested following the general test conditions and procedures
given in Clause 3 and the specific instructions which follow.
4.1.1 Apparatus Gang mould, three gang moulds used to prepare prismatic specimens (40 ± 0,1) mm × (40 ± 0,1)
mm × (160 ± 0,4) mm, with ground surfaces, made of steel. [See Figure A.1 a)] Jolting apparatus, or jolting table used for the settlement of 10 mm × 40 mm × 160 mm grout
specimen in accordance with Figure A.2. Testing machine, flexural strength testing machine shall be capable of applying the load with
suitable capacity and sensitivity for the test. The machine shall be provided with a flexure device in
accordance with Figure A.3. Testing jig, the test requires the use of a jig in accordance with Figure A.4 to be incorporated
in the lower platen; the upper platen receives the load from the compressive strength testing machine
through an intermediate spherical seating.
4.1.2 Preparation of test units
Mould the specimens immediately after the mixing of the grout, with the mould firmly clamped
to the jolting table. Introduce, using a suitable scoop, the first of two layers of grout into each of the
compartments, directly from the mixing bowl. Spread the layer uniformly, then compact using 60 jolts.
Introduce the second layer of grout, level, and compact with a further 60 jolts. Lift the mould gently from
the jolting table, strike off excess of material, and smooth the surface with a flat trowel. Wipe off the
grout left on the perimeter of the mould. Place a 210 mm × 185 mm plate glass sheet of 6 mm thickness
on the mould. A plate of steel or other impermeable material of similar size can be used. Place the mould,
suitably identified, on a horizontal base in standard conditions, (23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 5) % RH. After 24 h,
carefully remove the specimen from the mould. Prepare three specimens for each grout. For fast-setting
grout, demould the specimen immediately before the test.
4.1.3 Flexural strength under standard conditions
Keep the demoulded prism in standard conditions for 27 d leaving a clearance between prisms of at least
25 mm. After conditioning has been completed, place the prism in the testing machine ( with one side
face on the supporting rollers and with the longitudinal axis normal to the support. Apply the load vertically
by means of the loading roller to the opposite side face of the prism and increase it smoothly at the rate of
(50 ± 10) N/s until fracture. Keep the prism halves in standard conditions until tested in compression.
4.1.4 Compressive strength under standard conditions
Test the prism halves broken in flexion, by means of the equipment specified in Center the prism
halves laterally to the platens of the machine within ±0,5 mm, and longitudinally such that the end face
of the prism overhangs the platens or auxiliary plates by about 10 mm. Increase the load smoothly at the
rate of (2400 ± 200) N/s over the entire load application until fracture.
4.1.5 Flexural and compressive strength after freeze-thaw cycles
Prepare the test units in accordance with 4.1.2. Condition the test units for 6 d in standard conditions
and then immerse in water for 21 d before carrying out 25 freeze-thaw cycles following the procedure
given in ISO 13007-2, Condition the test units for 3 d in standard conditions after the last cycle
and prior to test, examine them and record a brief description of surface appearance of the specimen.
Determine the flexural strength in accordance with 4.1.3 and the compressive strength in accordance
with 4.1.4.
4.1.6  Evaluation of results Flexural strength

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