Information technology — Object Management Group — Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) — Part 3: Components

ISO/IEC 19500-3:2012 defines the syntax and semantics of a component model, based on CORBA IDL, and a corresponding meta-model, a language to describe the structure and state of component implementations, and a corresponding meta-model, a programming model for constructing component implementations, a runtime environment for component implementations, interaction between components and Enterprise Java Beans, meta-data for describing component-based applications, and interfaces for their deployment, and a lightweight subset of the component model, programming model and runtime environment.

Technologies de l'information — OMG (Object Management Group) — CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) — Partie 3: Composants

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ISO/IEC 19500-3:2012 - Information technology -- Object Management Group -- Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
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STANDARD 19500-3
First edition
Information technology — Object
Management Group — Common Object
Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) —
Part 3:
Technologies de l'information — OMG (Object Management Group) —
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) —
Partie 3: Composants
Reference number
ISO/IEC 2012
©  ISO/IEC 2012
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or
ISO's member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
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Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
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Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO/IEC 2012 – All rights reserved

Table of Contents
Foreword .xi
Introduction .xiii
1 Scope . 1
2 Conformance and Compliance . 1
3 References . 3
3.1 Normative References . 3
3.2 Non-normative References . 4
4 Terms and definitions . 4
4.1 Terms Defined in this International Standard . 4
4.2 Keywords for Requirment statements . 7
5 Symbols (and abbreviated terms) . 7
6 Component Model . 9
6.1 Component Model . 9
6.1.1 Component Levels .9
6.1.2 Ports .9
6.1.3 Components and Facets .10
6.1.4 Component Identity .11
6.1.5 Component Homes .11
6.2 Component Definition . 11
6.3 Component Declaration . 11
6.3.1 Basic Components .11
6.3.2 Equivalent IDL .12
6.3.3 Component Body .13
6.4 Facets and Navigation . 13
6.4.1 Equivalent IDL .13
6.4.2 Semantics of Facet References 14
© ISO/IEC 2012 - All rights reserved    iii

6.4.3 Navigation .14
6.4.4 Provided References and Component Identity .17
6.4.5 Supported interfaces .18
6.5 Receptacles .20
6.5.1 Equivalent IDL .20
6.5.2 Behavior .21
6.5.3 Receptacles Interface .22
6.6 Events .25
6.6.1 Event types .25
6.6.2 EventConsumer Interface .26
6.6.3 Event Service Provided by Container .27
6.6.4 Event Sources—Publishers and Emitters .27
6.6.5 Publisher .28
6.6.6 Emitters .29
6.6.7 Event Sinks .30
6.6.8 Events interface .30
6.7 Homes .34
6.7.1 Equivalent Interfaces .34
6.7.2 Primary Key Declarations .36
6.7.3 Explicit Operations in Home Definitions .37
6.7.4 Home inheritance .38
6.7.5 Semantics of Home Operations .39
6.7.6 CCMHome Interface .41
6.7.7 KeylessCCMHome Interface .42
6.8 Home Finders .42
6.9 Component Configuration .44
6.9.1 Exclusive Configuration and Operational Life Cycle Phases .45
6.10 Configuration with Attributes .46
6.10.1 Attribute Configurators .46
6.10.2 Factory-based Configuration .47
6.11 Component Inheritance .49
6.11.1 CCMObject Interface .50
6.12 Conformance Requirements .51
6.12.1 A Note on Tools .53
6.12.2 Changes to Object Services .53
7 OMG CIDL Syntax and Semantics . 55
7.1 General .55
iv © ISO/IEC 2012 - All rights reserved

7.2 Lexical Conventions . 55
7.2.1 Keywords .56
7.3 OMG CIDL Grammar . 56
7.4 OMG CIDL Specification . 58
7.5 Composition Definition . 58
7.5.1 Life Cycle Category and Constraints .59
7.6 Home Executor Definition . 59
7.7 Home Implementation Declaration . 60
7.8 Storage Home Binding . 61
7.9 Home Persistence Declaration . 61
7.10 Executor Definition . 61
7.11 Segment Definition . 62
7.12 Segment Persistence Declaration . 62
7.13 Facet Declaration . 63
7.14 Feature Delegation Specification . 63
7.15 Abstract Storage Home Delegation Specification .64
7.16 Executor Delegation Specification . 65
7.17 Abstract Spec Declaration . 66
7.18 Proxy Home Declaration . 66
8 CCM Implementation Framework . 67
8.1 Introduction . 67
8.2 Component Implementation Framework (CIF) Architecture . 67
8.2.1 Component Implementation Definition Language (CIDL) .67
8.2.2 Component persistence and behavior .67
8.2.3 Implementing a CORBA Component .67
8.2.4 Behavioral elements: Executors .68
8.2.5 Unit of implementation : Composition .68
8.2.6 Composition structure .69
8.2.7 Compositions with Managed Storage .75
8.2.8 Relationship between Home Executor and Abstract Storage Home .77
8.2.9 Executor Definition .89
8.2.10 Proxy Homes .96
8.2.11 Component Object References .97
© ISO/IEC 2012 - All rights reserved    v

8.3 Language Mapping .99
8.3.1 Overview .99
8.3.2 Common Interfaces .100
8.3.3 Mapping Rules .101
9 The Container Programming Model . 109
9.1 General .109
9.2 Introduction .109
9.2.1 External API Types .110
9.2.2 Container API Type .111
9.2.3 CORBA Usage Model .111
9.2.4 Component Categories .111
9.3 The Server Programming Environment .112
9.3.1 Component Containers .112
9.3.2 CORBA Usage Model .113
9.3.3 Component Factories .114
9.3.4 Component Activation .114
9.3.5 Servant Lifetime Management .114
9.3.6 Transactions .115
9.3.7 Security .117
9.3.8 Events .117
9.3.9 Persistence .118
9.3.10 Application Operation Invocation .119
9.3.11 Component Implementations .120
9.3.12 Component Levels .120
9.3.13 Component Categories .120
9.4 Server Programming Interfaces - Basic Components .124
9.4.1 Component Interfaces .124
9.4.2 Interfaces Common to both Container API Types .125
9.4.3 Interfaces Supported by the Session Container API Type .130
9.4.4 Interfaces Supported by the Entity Container API Type .132
9.5 Server Programming Interfaces - Extended Components .134
9.5.1 Interfaces Common to both Container API Types .134
9.5.2 Interfaces Supported by the Session Container API Type .136
9.5.3 Interfaces Supported by the Entity Container API Type .138
9.6 The Client Programming Model .144
9.6.1 Component-aware Clients .144
9.6.2 Component-unaware Clients .148
vi © ISO/IEC 2012 - All rights reserved

10 Integrati

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