Information technology — Object Management Group — Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) — Part 1: Interfaces

ISO/IEC 19500-1:2012 specifies the CORBA Object Model and uses concepts from that model to define the operation of the Object Request Broker (ORB). The ORB is the basic mechanism by which objects transparently make requests to, and receive responses from, each other on the same machine or across a network. A client need not be aware of the mechanisms used to communicate with or activate an object, how the object is implemented, or where the object is located.

Technologies de l'information — OMG (Object Management Group) — CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) — Partie 1: Interfaces

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ISO/IEC 19500-1:2012 - Information technology -- Object Management Group -- Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
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ISO/IEC 19500-1:2012 - Information technology -- Object Management Group -- Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
English language
509 pages
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STANDARD 19500-1
First edition
Information technology — Object
Management Group — Common Object
Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) —
Part 1:
Technologies de l'information — OMG (Object Management Group) —
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) —
Partie 1: Interfaces
Reference number
ISO/IEC 2012
©  ISO/IEC 2012
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or
ISO's member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56  CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO/IEC 2012 – All rights reserved

Table of Contents
Foreword .xvii
Introduction .xix
1 Scope . 1
2 Conformance and Compliance . 1
3 Normative References . 1
4 Additional Information . 2
4.1 Outline of Contents. 2
4.2 Keywords for Requirement Statements. 3
5 The Object Model . 5
5.1 General. 5
5.2 Overview. 5
5.3 Object Semantics . 6
5.3.1 Objects .6
5.3.2 Requests .6
5.3.3 Object Creation and Destruction .7
5.3.4 Types .7
5.3.5 Interfaces .8
5.3.6 Value Types .9
5.3.7 Abstract Interfaces .9
5.3.8 Operations .9
5.3.9 Attributes .11
5.4 Object Implementation. 11
5.4.1 The Execution Model: Performing Services .11
5.4.2 The Construction Model .12
6 CORBA Overview . 13
6.1 General. 13
© ISO/IEC 2012 - All rights reserved    iii

6.2 Structure of an Object Request Broker. 13
6.2.1 Object Request Broker .17
6.2.2 Clients .18
6.2.3 Object Implementations .18
6.2.4 Object References .18
6.2.5 OMG Interface Definition Language .19
6.2.6 Mapping of IDL to Programming Languages .19
6.2.7 Client Stubs .19
6.2.8 Dynamic Invocation Interface .19
6.2.9 Implementation Skeleton .20
6.2.10 Dynamic Skeleton Interface .20
6.2.11 Object Adapters .20
6.2.12 ORB Interface .20
6.2.13 Interface Repository .21
6.2.14 Implementation Repository .21
6.3 Example ORBs . 21
6.3.1 Client- and Implementation-resident ORB .21
6.3.2 Server-based ORB .21
6.3.3 System-based ORB .22
6.3.4 Library-based ORB .22
6.4 Structure of a Client. 22
6.5 Structure of an Object Implementation . 23
6.6 Structure of an Object Adapter . 25
6.7 CORBA Required Object Adapter . 26
6.7.1 Portable Object Adapter .26
6.8 The Integration of Foreign Object Systems . 26
7 IDL Syntax and Semantics . 29
7.1 Overview. 29
7.2 Lexical Conventions. 30
7.2.1 Tokens .33
7.2.2 Comments .33
7.2.3 Identifiers .33
7.2.4 Keywords .35
7.2.5 Literals .36
7.3 Preprocessing. 38
7.4 IDL Grammar. 38
iv © ISO/IEC 2012 - All rights reserved

7.5 IDL Specification. 45
7.6 Import Declaration . 45
7.7 Module Declaration. 46
7.8 Interface Declaration . 47
7.8.1 Interface Header .47
7.8.2 Interface Inheritance Specification .47
7.8.3 Interface Body .48
7.8.4 Forward Declaration .48
7.8.5 Interface Inheritance .49
7.8.6 Abstract Interface .51
7.8.7 Local Interface .51
7.9 Value Declaration . 52
7.9.1 Regular Value Type .52
7.9.2 Boxed Value Type .54
7.9.3 Abstract Value Type .55
7.9.4 Value Forward Declaration .55
7.9.5 Valuetype Inheritance .55
7.10 Constant Declaration . 57
7.10.1 Syntax .57
7.10.2 Semantics .58
7.11 Type Declaration . 61
7.11.1 Basic Types .62
7.11.2 Constructed Types .64
7.11.3 Template Types .68
7.11.4 Complex Declarator .69
7.11.5 Native Types .69
7.11.6 Deprecated Anonymous Types .70
7.12 Exception Declaration. 73
7.13 Operation Declaration. 73
7.13.1 Operation Attribute .74
7.13.2 Parameter Declarations .74
7.13.3 Raises Expressions .74
7.13.4 Context Expressions .75
7.14 Attribute Declaration . 76
7.15 Repository Identity Related Declarations . 77
7.15.1 Repository Identity Declaration .77
7.15.2 Repository Identifier Prefix Declaration .78
7.15.3 Repository Id Conflict .79
© ISO/IEC 2012 - All rights reserved    v

7.16 Event Declaration . 79
7.16.1 Regular Event Type .79
7.16.2 Abstract Event Type .80
7.16.3 Event Forward Declaration .80
7.16.4 Eventtype Inheritance .80
7.17 Component Declaration. 80
7.17.1 Component .80
7.17.2 Component Header .81
7.17.3 Component Body .82
7.17.4 Event Sources—publishers and emitters .84
7.17.5 Event Sinks .84
7.17.6 Basic and Extended Components .85
7.18 Home Declaration. 85
7.18.1 Home .85
7.18.2 Home Header .86
7.18.3 Home Body .87
7.19 CORBA Module . 88
7.20 Names and Scoping . 89
7.20.1 Qualified Names .89
7.20.2 Scoping Rules and Name Resolution .90
7.20.3 Special Scoping Rules for Type Names .93
8 ORB Interface . 95
8.1 Overview. 95
8.2 The ORB Operations . 95
8.2.1 ORB Identity .101
8.2.2 Converting Object References to Strings .101
8.2.3 Getting Service Information .102
8.2.4 Creating a New Context .102
8.2.5 Thread-Rel

STANDARD 19500-1
First edition
Information technology — Object
Management Group — Common Object
Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) —
Part 1:
Technologies de l'information — OMG (Object Management Group) —
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) —
Partie 1: Interfaces
Reference number
ISO/IEC 2012
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